I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 194: homesick person

Chapter 194 Homesick People

The loudest sounds of fighting were indeed those two idiots. He seemed to hear the sound of hammers breaking through the air, followed by screams one after another.

 There seemed to be more and more people shouting below.

There were two bangs, the windows were hit by torches, the windows and doors were opened wide, and torches were lit in the house.

Ye Qiu stood up, took the flower branch in the vase, trembled in his hand, and the torch was extinguished, leaving smoke.

Looking up, he saw the torch flying in, another branch of flowers, and the torch fell back into the crowd of people fighting outside the window in mid-air.

He stood at the window and looked at the crowd of people below, holding torches and swords and attacking the two idiots. At the same time, he did not forget to throw the torch upstairs.

 He swept them all down one by one.

Seeing Ye Qiu standing at the window, five or six people jumped towards him with swords raised.

Ye Qiu used a branch as a sword and slashed directly at several people. They all fell to the ground before they even had time to scream.

Liu Ruyan was shocked to see it.

Those people just now are all third- and fourth-grade, and they are all good players among the secret guards. Unexpectedly, they did not make a single move in the hands of this person!

Moreover, he used soft and feeble flower branches!

 This person's skill can be said to be unfathomable.


 “Officials are handling the case, and other people are waiting to get out of the way!”

 Not far away, a long dragon gathered with torches, approaching from far away.

 The Sanhe police are coming.

 The assassination was quickly and overwhelmingly put down.

“More than fifty people, not a single person alive?”

Chen Xinluo's face was ashen.


Wang Xu said helplessly, "These people are really cruel to me. When they see something happening, they either wipe their necks or bite their teeth to crush the poison hidden in their teeth, causing them to die directly.

There is no chance to stop it. "

 “This is the secret guard,”

Liu Ruyan seemed to be used to it, her face was normal, "If the mission fails, you will not be taken as a prisoner."

 “I’m really willing to take action,”

Wang Xu shrank his neck and said, "I don't have the guts to use that knife on myself. Does it hurt?"

 Chen Xinluo asked, "Did anyone escape?"

 “Top, don’t worry about this,”

Wang Xu continued, "Everyone who comes in and out here, even a mosquito, must carefully identify the male and female, and make sure no one escapes."

“We cannot relax and continue the investigation. The secret guards’ influence in Sanhe will be uprooted.”

Chen Xinluo gritted his teeth and said, "Sanhe, they shouldn't have come."

After Detective Sanhe collected the bodies, it was the sanitation workers of Baiyun City who worked hard next.

 At midnight, more than 20 people carried water to clean up the garbage and blood stains on the road. They were busy until dawn.

Sun Yi’s mother is also a sanitation worker. After all, the family of five needs food and drink in Sanhe, so they cannot rely solely on their son.

Working as a sanitation worker, although I am a little tired, I still have dozens of copper coins a month, which can subsidize my family a little.

When she got home, her old man, Zi Sundu, had already prepared breakfast. He had a full pot of porridge and asked her to eat. She covered her mouth and waved her hands and said, "I can't eat it."

  When I was cleaning the house, I had long been disgusted by the smell of blood. Now I feel nauseated when I eat anything, and I really can’t eat any more.

Sun Du said, “Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?

If it doesn't work, we'll stop doing it and go cleaning in the middle of the night. This intention is not good for people. "

He is an experienced driver and can make a living anywhere. Now he helps Baiyun City merchants transport goods, and he can earn one tael of silver a month.

 So I feel quite confident in speaking.

 “Yeah, if it doesn’t work, don’t do it,”

Sun Yi yawned and came out of the back room and said, "We won't miss your few copper coins."

 He regretted becoming a teacher of Laozi!

 The commander-in-chief of officers and soldiers, the scenery may make people look grand, but in fact they are useless!

 The monthly payment is not as much as that of the royal guards.

 Let alone compared with being a disciple before.

 There is a lot of extra money as a doorman, otherwise he wouldn't be able to build such a big house.

Mrs. Sun said, "It's easy for you to say. Where are the expenses at home?

 Is your monthly money enough for you to socialize with others outside? "

Sun Yi laughed sarcastically.

 I’m right, it’s simply not enough!

The more people you know, the wider your social circle will be. Others must follow the etiquette when marrying a wife, holding a funeral, giving birth to a child, or celebrating a birthday.

 How else would it look like if you don’t go alone when everyone else has gone?

 He is the chief instructor of officers and soldiers!

 You want to lose face?

 This is the trouble of big people.

He finally understood why those officials were so greedy for money. Can they do it without money?

Shangguan is not allowed to wear small shoes for you?

Will you be able to survive in the future?

Both Wang Ye and I lamented: Life is not easy, but you have to do it and cherish it!

Sun Du waved his hands and said, "Okay, stop talking.

 According to me, this place is much better than Ankang City. The houses are big and spacious. You can grow vegetables in the back yard and raise livestock. There is no need to buy additional vegetables.

 There is no need to deal with relatives anymore, which saves a lot of money.

Here, there are rules for everything you do, so you don’t have to suffer much from being arrogant.

 What do you want to do in your life, other than to be comfortable? "

“Why didn’t you say it was hot and you even saved money on fabrics?”

Old Mrs. Sun rolled her eyes at him and went into the house to catch up on her sleep.

Sun Cheng walked to the yard with his head hanging down. Sun Yi glared at him and said angrily, "Hurry up, wash up, have breakfast, and then go take the boat. If you are late, there will be no boat.

  Do your best when you get to Bird Birding Island and don’t lose my people. That’s what I begged to you, Brother Han Deqing, on my face.

If you don’t take it seriously anymore, I won’t care about you anymore. "

Since his younger brother has been in Sanhe for so long, he has given up hope that his younger brother will continue the imperial examination.

What's more, he is also aware of the situation in the court. What will happen if he becomes an official?

He simply begged Han Deqing and helped his younger brother find a job as a book clerk in Shibo Division. At least he would have monthly money and he would not starve to death. It was better than staying at home.


Sun Cheng sighed and said, "I thought I was full of knowledge, but now I am reduced to a small official. It's so sad."

Sun Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Don't fart, do your best when you go, and listen to your brother Han when something happens. If I hear you being stubborn, I will go over and beat you to death."


Sun Du warned, "Your elder brother is right. You are young and have no experience. Don't be impulsive. You should ask more people for advice."

 “Oh, I am so forgetful. I forgot that you are leaving today.”

 Original Mrs. Sun, who was about to catch up on her sleep, came out of the house again.

He started to help Sun Cheng pack the big and small bags, and tears started to flow out while he was doing so. "You said you were going to a place where birds don't **** alone, but what should you do?"

Sun Du said angrily, "How old are the children?

 If you can, tie it on your belt. "

 “You old man is so cruel, that’s your son too.”

Orange Mrs. Sun shed more and more tears.

The three of them looked helpless.

Sun Cheng excused himself to take a shower and fled.

By the time he had finished his breakfast and was dressed neatly, his father and brother had already hitched up the carriage and helped him put his luggage on it.

As soon as he stepped out of the house, he was grabbed by his old lady. The old lady looked outside and secretly put a piece of silver wrapped in a handkerchief into his hand.

“Outside is no different than at home. Everything requires money. Bring a little more. It’s always a good idea for a poor family to become rich.”

 “I have it, it’s enough.”

Sun Cheng saw that the old lady was about to cry, so he had no choice but to accept it.

Fang Pi was lying on the wall, watching all this. Suddenly his eyes were sore and he got down from the wall.

I was holding a breath in my heart and couldn't let it out.

The Sun family's father and son drove to the edge of the Xijiang River. There was already a passenger ship parked on the shore.

As the exchanges between Fangniao Island and Baiyun City became more and more frequent, some smart people bought passenger ships to do business between them.

 There are only three trips per month, and they all wait for customers at fixed times.

At this moment, dozens of people were lined up on the shore.

Fangniao Island is now a free port. There are many large ships coming and going. Loading and unloading goods requires a lot of people. There is no need to worry about finding work there.

At this time, the usefulness of Sun Yi as the instructor was highlighted. He only told the boatman, and he and his father helped his younger brother carry the luggage on board. In order to prevent fare evasion, ordinary people were not allowed to board the boat easily.

Sun Yi waited for his father to explain to Sun Cheng before getting off the ship.

 After watching the big ship go away, the two of them turned back home.

The sun is high in the sky, and Baiyun City has entered barbecue mode again.

 Square-skinned eyes are red and swollen and listless.

Hong An sat with him on the river bank. After a long time, he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

 “I miss my grandma.”

 Fang Pi’s tears came out again.

Hong An remained silent.

 She didn't know whether she should think about it or not.

Looking at Fang Pi who was crying loudly, she handed over the handkerchief and said, "Will your mother-in-law hit you?"


Fang Pi sobbed and nodded.

 “Then don’t think about it,”

Hong An said, "She beat you, why do you still miss her?"

Fang Pi said loudly, "My mother-in-law is the best in the world!"

 “I miss home too,”

Hong An hugged his knees with his arms and rested his head on his arms, "But I don't want to go back."

  Since I was a child, my father beat me and my mother also beat me. They beat me very hard.

 My mother asked me to die, but I didn’t die. She sold me to the master.

 My name is Hong An, and my surname is no longer Sun. "

Fang Pi wiped away his tears and said with red and swollen eyes, "Then do you hate your mother?"

He has known Hong An for three years, and it was the first time he heard Hong An talk about his family.


Hong An answered without hesitation this time.

Tears fell down her delicate face.

While the two were talking, they heard crying.

 Looking back, Yu Shih and Ah Dai had already burst into tears.

Fang Pi asked, "What's wrong with you?"

 Ah-Dai said, “I miss Grandma too.”

Yu Xiao wiped his tears with his arm and said, "My mother's oyster omelette is delicious."

 “Then we don’t even want to think about it anymore,”

Fang Piqiang smiled and said, "Let's chase the monkeys away."

 Be the first to stand up.

Since He Wangye ordered the monkeys to be driven away, the people of Baiyun City have burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm, beating monkeys whenever they see them!

 Baiyun City has been suffering from "monkey" for a long time!

 Now I have nothing to do but eat, sleep, and fight monkeys.

 In just a few days, not a single monkey could be found within a few miles of Baiyun City.

 Most of them went deeper into the old forest.

 (End of this chapter)

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