I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 21: Difficult to travel

Chapter 21 Difficulties in Traveling

Lin Yi got off the carriage, wearing cloth boots and stepping on the muddy road, with a frown on his face.

 The further away from Ankang City, the more difficult this road becomes.

The official road simply doesn't even have the pitiful strip of stone or gravel in the middle, it's all yellow mud.

Even the private roads leading to the rich landlords and local powerful families are a hundred times better than this. Look at the rows of straight stone slabs and tall door arches.

He angrily threw off his boots and stepped on the soft mud with his bare feet.

Looking at the people, horses and animals who were soaked and exhausted, he sighed and said, "Find a place to rest. Walking like this is exhausting and not very efficient. Just wait until the rain stops before walking."

Song Cheng said, “How about we find a local family to stay?”


 Go to the houses of these old rich men?

These people bully men and women and do all kinds of evil. Lin Yi is afraid that he can't help but chop them down.

  Waving his hands, he said, "Forget it, let's see if there is a market town ahead."

Song Chengdao said, "Your Majesty, if we walk two miles further, there is a City God's Temple in front of us. We can rest there."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Go there, this rain is deliberately trying to get through us. It will follow us wherever we go. It is really evil."

Song Cheng said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the fifty miles ahead are all roads dug along the mountain roads. The roads are narrow enough for pedestrians and carriages to avoid getting stuck."

 “Okay, let’s take it slow first.”

Lin Yi didn’t even bother to show contempt for these country bumpkins who had never seen modern highways or village-to-village connections.

Hong Ying came over and said, "Your Majesty, please get in the car. Just go to the front."

"Need not."

Lin Yi threw the boots on the ground into the newly prepared carriage, "It will be more painful to sit on it and get stuck in the wheels. It is better to walk by yourself."

 Speaking, he wrinkled up the hem of his wide robe and tied it around his waist, exposing his bare thighs, and walked forward swaggeringly.


Song Cheng and Hong Ying, one on the left and one on the right, hurriedly followed.

Even Mingyue and Zixia jumped out of the carriage, holding up their skirts and following behind regardless of appearance.

“The soil is really soft and comfortable to walk on.”

 Lin Yi said it sincerely.

 After all, there is no modern industrial glass or plastic waste. You don’t have to worry about scratching your feet when walking on the road. Just walk forward with confidence and boldness.

The carriage got stuck in the mud, and he would occasionally help others push it. They stopped and rested along the way until they reached a dilapidated City God's Temple.

There were three fires burning in the large City God's Temple, and there were three or five people surrounding each side, including businessmen and beggars, probably taking shelter from the rain.

The palace guards were about to go over and drive away, but were stopped by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The place is very big, and it's not easy for everyone to go out. Let's be tolerant of each other."

He took another look at the beggars, old and young, who were looking in his direction.

 This is a world of martial arts with Iron Tou Kung, Golden Bell Gong, Qing Kung and other martial arts. Isn't it normal to accidentally encounter a few bosses who are obviously powerful but look harmless on the surface?

 For a while, portraits of characters from ancient and modern times, including Hong Qigong, Lao Bai, Lao Gu, Spider-Man, etc. came to mind.

When you meet a real martial arts master, not to mention a prince like him, even the emperor will kill him without fail.

 Otherwise, why would the palace have so many guards?

 It is not a harmonious world.

 As a person, it is better to be low-key, luxurious and connotative.

Why do you have to act like a fool and compete with others for a short time?

 Besides, it’s very derogatory for a dignified prince to be so preoccupied with commoners and beggars!


Shen Chu, the head guard, bowed his hands respectfully.

In the City God's Temple, the eyes and eyebrows of the City God in the center have long since fallen out, revealing the soil sandwiched with straw.

Lin Yi walked up to the clay sculpture city god, curiously picked up a piece of clay that had fallen off, and said with a smile, "It's pretty good, but it can't withstand the wind and rain."

Mingyue took the wooden basin from the carriage and went to the river behind the City God's Temple to fetch water for Lin Yi to clean the mud on his body. Lin Yi went directly to the river behind.

At this time, the horses and livestock have been unharnessed and are drinking water in the river to repair themselves.

Lin Yi walked upstream, simply took off his robe, and plunged into the river while the people around him were not paying attention.


Hong Ying, Song Cheng and others were frightened.

 “To make a fuss.”

Lin Yi stepped on the water with his feet and exposed his head. From time to time, he wiped off the water droplets covering his eyes with his hands, "When fishing, did I go down to the river less?"

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Hong Ying said this, but still asked the four guards to take off their clothes and swim around Lin Yi in the water.

Lin Yi said helplessly, "Don't be too tight around me. Let me have a good swim. You guys should also have a good time. It will be difficult to have opportunities like this in the future."

 The hot and humid areas in the south should be the areas with high incidence of schistosomiasis according to common sense. If you encounter infected water, even a little bit of it will be very troublesome.

I want him to be graceful and graceful, but I don’t want him to live a life of being as skinny as a stick but with a big belly, and then die young.

If you don’t have some medical knowledge these days, it’s really not easy to live older!

 After swimming twice, I stepped ashore on the green grass, wiped off the water on my body, and felt refreshed.

 At night, I laid a soft floor in the temple and slept happily until midnight, when I was woken up by the cry of a child.

Through the dimming fire, he saw the gourd coaxing the child at the temple gate.

Yawning, he walked to the temple door and asked, "Is the child okay?"

Hulu smiled and said, "I'm disturbing the prince's rest. This kid is clamoring for some candied haws in the middle of the night. Where can I buy it for him?"

Lin Yi said, "This is an injustice to my children. If you can't do it, it's still too late to go back now. There's no need to go through all the trouble with me."

Hulu handed the child to Jin, who was hanging his hands and bowing his head. He cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have no choice but to go back now. The house has been rented to someone else."

“Don’t worry, I will give you a house when you get there, and I will open a medical clinic for you when the time comes.”

 When Hulu followed, Lin Yi was indifferent.

 However, along the way, he finally realized the importance of this doctor.

He repeatedly issued orders that everyone was strictly prohibited from drinking raw water. No matter how hot the weather was, the water had to be boiled for drinking. However, there were always those who were lucky and secretly took two handfuls of water from the river to quench their thirst.

 However, since Hulu took over the burden of educating people about hygiene, this kind of thing has never happened again.

 You are a doctor, so of course you are right to listen to the doctor!

Besides, if you offend this bad guy, who eats whole grains and has a headache and fever, will he be happy to go to him?

 As long as he is not a fool, he will settle this account.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for cultivating me.”

 Hulu is naturally full of joy.

ps: We are in urgent need of trolls. If you know how to speak, please tell us more in the comment area. Can you please trick more people into coming over and accompanying you?

 Continue to ask for votes!

 (End of this chapter)

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