I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 214: Graduation

Chapter 214 Completion of studies

 “You’re so **** crying, I didn’t really hit you!”

Ma Gui felt helpless as he watched the fat man in front of him, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, burst into tears.

 Obviously it was you who got beaten!

  Is there any more reason to say?

“Then hit it lightly, don’t hit it too hard,”

Ah-Dai said while sobbing, "I'm really afraid of pain."

 “I won’t fight anymore!”

Ma Gui said angrily, "Run quickly. Did you see that Xiao Xizi is here? You can't run away."

Ah-Dai looked behind him, and when he saw the figure getting closer and closer to him, he was so frightened that he ran away.

“You are really not stupid!”

Ma Gui became even more angry.

He stopped in front of himself because he was never his opponent. He didn't stop in front of Xiao Xizi because he was no match for Xiao Xizi, and there was no point in pretending to be pitiful and innocent in front of Xiao Xizi.

 Those who don’t run are fools!

After Xiao Xizi passed by him in a flash, Ma Gui squatted on the side of the road and waited for Yu Shi, who had a bruised nose and face. He joked, "There is so much blood on your face. Go back and wash it quickly. Don't let it flow on your clothes. Put your clothes away." Soiled."

After Yu Xiao muttered twice, he walked away along a fork in the road as if he was flying.


Magui is overjoyed.

He has really hated these two little **** for a long time, but it's a pity that he can't beat them. If he gets beaten today, his wish has come true, so he can't help but be unhappy.

When Lin Yi came over on his donkey, he hurried up to meet him, pulled on the reins, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this beating will last three days at most. These two little **** never have long memories."

 He never misses the opportunity to apply eye drops.

Lin Yi sighed, "I feel sorry for my golden nanmu."

In Sanhe, golden nanmu is not difficult to find, nor is it precious, but thousand-year-old golden nanmu is relatively rare!

That piece of wood was sent by Tian Shiyou. It was the best among golden nanmu. He placed it in the corridor. Before he could think of what kind of ornament it would be made into, the two little **** Yu Shi and Dui made it. Clogs!

 It’s really irritating.

Ma Gui comforted him and said, "Your Majesty, I heard Tian Shiyou say that this kind of wood is abundant in Nanyang. I guess what he said is true. I see that many natives have pendants made of golden nanmu around their necks."

 “Nanyang is a good place,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "When we have the opportunity, we will also go to Nanyang to see the different customs and customs."


Ma Gui smiled and said, "Your Majesty, there have been more and more of these natives recently. It seems that not all of them are Ayu people. They are not as honest as the natives and have committed many crimes recently."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Let me tell you, Lord Shan. Whether they are natives or Ayu people, they will be given a house when they get married, and their children must also be sent to school. Without education, it will be trouble after all."

Ma Gui said, "Yes, I will talk to Master Shanqi when I turn around."

  Sanhe prohibits the sale of human beings, but does not prohibit the sale of Ayu people and native people.

 After all, it is because in the eyes of the Sanhe people, the natives and the Ayu people are not considered human beings.

Lin Yi heard the cry of otters when he was far away. Not just one or two, but five or six carriages came towards him. There were large cages on the carriages, and there were more than ten or twenty people in each large cage. Several otters.

Lin Yi stood on his horse and asked in confusion, "Grandma, you are a bear. Why are you catching this thing? Are you going crazy with hunger and have nothing to eat? Are you going to eat otter meat?"

Haven’t he heard of the food shortage in Sanhe?

 After all, the autumn harvest has just been completed!

 Besides, even if Sanhe is short of food, Sanhe’s fleet will still go to the port of Ayugu to buy it.

 So, not only was the food abundant, but truck after truck was also sent to Yuezhou and Hongzhou for disaster relief.

Ma Gui said, "Your Majesty, they are catching otters to open up wasteland. The swamps are full of crocodiles, hiding in the water bubbles and biting people without paying attention."

So everyone wants to catch little mice and put them into the water bubbles. Although these little mice are not big, if they are surrounded by seven or eight, they can tear the crocodile apart. "

Lin Yi did not correct the difference between "otters" and "rats", but asked curiously, "Can these things eat crocodiles?"

 This touches on his intellectual blind spot.

He only knew that crocodiles were the overlords of the water, but he never thought that little otters could be the crocodile’s rival!

 “Your Majesty, you can’t tell lies,”

Ma Gui said with certainty, "These little things are very fierce against crocodiles. The crocodile skin is so thick that they can bite right through it."

 “It doesn’t seem impossible.”

Lin Yi thought about it carefully, and the otter seemed really powerful.

 He had seen with his own eyes two otters eating a turtle alive.

Turtles have a solid shell. No matter what kind of animal they are, they are usually unable to eat them. But otters can, and can directly peel off the turtle's shell!

An otter cannot be judged by its appearance, and the sea water cannot be measured by a measure!

 Watching the motorcade pass in front of him, Lin Yi ignored it and returned to the house.

The craftsmen were repairing the damaged pavilion. Lin Yi took a look at it and felt relieved. The new pillars looked okay and wouldn't look so abrupt.

Zhou Jiuling and Yuan Busheng finally completed their studies. They were so happy that their eyes filled with tears. Finally, they no longer had to be crowded in the same classroom with those children.

 In the Chief Envoy's Yamen, Shanqi specially prepared a farewell dinner for the two of them.

 “Thank you, sir!”

Zhou Jiuling stood up and drank the wine in the glass, then sat down again, glancing at the woman sitting opposite - Cao Xiaohuan from time to time.

According to Shanqi's arrangement, this woman will bring two hundred government servants with her to Yuezhou tomorrow to help maintain public security in Yuezhou.

 He has concerns.

 Is there no one left in Sanhe?

 Send a woman to be the chief catcher?

However, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only suppress it in his heart and did not dare to speak it out.

 After all, he couldn't change the established fact. Instead of doing this, it would be better not to say anything, so as not to annoy this woman.

From now on, I will have to rely on this woman and Na Baokui to protect my life in Yuezhou.

 “Lord Zhou, don’t underestimate Cao Baotou,”

Xie Zan seemed to understand Zhou Jiuling's thoughts and pointed at Cao Xiaohuan and said, "Although Cao Baotou is a woman, she is a woman, and she is truly a hero among women. When we, the Sanhe army, fight against the Ayu people, we always take the lead.

 Later, when we Sanhe went through restructuring, Cao Baotou had to come out of the army.

 Being the head catcher actually wronged her.

If it weren't for Mr. Zhou, we would still be reluctant to let her go. "

"I see!"

Zhou Jiuling stood up again and raised his glass and said, "I'll be more troublesome to Mr. Cao from now on."

 “Don’t dare!”

 Cao Xiaohuan also stood up and raised his cup, "Please take care of me, Mr. Zhou in the future."

Xie Zan pointed at Wang Xu again and said, "Wang Baotou is also a dragon and a phoenix among people. If you can work with Master Yuan, Master Yuan will be able to sleep peacefully!"

 He said this without conscience.

 After all, Wang Xu really doesn’t have much ability. His only advantage is that he is loyal to Prince He.

Yuan Busheng toasted to Wang Xu and said, "I will rely on Wang Captou more in the future."

 “Master Yuan, you’re welcome!”

Wang Xu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Shanqi smiled and stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "Han Jin, Liang Yuanzhi."

"grown ups!"

Han Jin and Liang Yuanzhi stood up at the same time and cupped their hands.

Shanqi smiled and said, "Master Zhou, Master Yuan.

Han Jin and Liang Yuanzhi are rare heroes in our Sanhe, and are the proud disciples of Lord Xie Zan.

 You two adults should be kind to each other. "

 “Don’t worry, good sir,”

Zhou Jiuling said with a smile, "The prince personally told Xiaguan that education is the basis of the century-old plan. Xiaguan will definitely live up to the prince's instructions."

“I am a few years older than Mr. Han. Anyone who can achieve it is a teacher. I admire Mr. Han’s knowledge.”

Yuan Busheng smiled and said, "When Teacher Han arrives in Hongzhou, I will teach you the etiquette."

Shan Qi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Han Jin and Liang Yuanzhi, after you go out, you must not be complacent. Master Yuan and Master Zhou are both world-famous bachelors. They are full of knowledge. You two must ask for more advice in the future. You may not be sure." I can still get the top prize in the future.”


 The two of them said in unison, "I sincerely respect your teachings."

 “Good, very good.”

Shanqi laughed and raised a glass, and the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves for a while.

On the second day, before dawn, the mighty convoy set off. After arriving at Xinguan Town, the two convoys separated, one heading west to Yuezhou, and the other heading north to Hongzhou.

 What does it mean for merchants that Sanhe quickly entered Hongzhou and Yuezhou?

 “All fools understand!”

Liu Duo stood at the door of the silk and satin shop, pacing back and forth, and said excitedly, "Stable!

 It’s still **** stable! "

His father, Liu Jianzi, said angrily, "Besides business, can you think about Kan Tsai?

 How old are you? It’s time to get a wife! "


Let’s talk about this later,” Liu Duo finished perfunctorily talking to his father, and then said to the boy next to him, Chen Xiangdong, “What are you doing standing around, go and get that piece of Wei Yishan back for me!

Let’s go to Hongzhou to open a branch tomorrow! "

When Chen Xiangdong heard about the opening of a branch, his eyes lit up and he quickly patted his chest and said, "Shopkeeper, I can do it too!"

 What are you looking for him for? "

 “You know nothing!”

 Liu Duo kicked him angrily.

 Chen Xiangdong hurriedly got out of the way, but when he saw the shopkeeper insisting, he ran out helplessly.

 “Are you done?”

Liu Jianzi said angrily, "I think the butcher's daughter is fine. Whether you agree or not, I will find someone to talk to you tomorrow."


Liu Duo said helplessly, "It's not like you don't know what kind of person Jiang Butcher is!

There are so many good girls out there. If you have anything to do with them, don’t worry about it. I already know it in my heart. "


Liu Jianzi asked hurriedly, "Besides the general's girl, who else is suitable in this area?"

Liu Duo looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered, "Zhou Xun."

 “Yo, this girl,”

Liu Jianzi lit up the cigarette pole, smashed it in his mouth twice, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "No, it's too unfair for Kan Zai to come from a small family.

 It is really inappropriate for our family to find something like this. "

Liu Duo smiled and said, "Cao Xiaohuan is gone, and Zhou Xun is now the chief female superintendent. You don't know this yet, do you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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