I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 223: Get married

Chapter 223: Marriage

Ji Haidao said, "It is his blessing that the girl sends him back to the west and that the Buddha can save him."

“You, a monk, can also joke,”

Xie Jiuyun chuckled and said, "I thought you were really a lump of wood."

“What the young monk said is true and he is not joking.”

Ji Hai said with a serious face.

 “You’re such a boring monk,”

Xie Jiuyun stamped his feet and said, "Wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

"Thank you, girl, no need. The young monk will say goodbye to the girl."

Ji Hai disappeared into the dense forest without waiting for her reply.

There is no way to leave the city. We can only trek through the mountains and continue to the north.

 The fifth junior high school building of Sanhe was finally completed. Because it was built in Xinguan Town, it was named Xinguan Middle School.

Lin Yi happily wrote an inscription: Study hard and make progress every day.

 Then he asked Shi Quan to help write the name of the school.

School textbooks are said to be for junior high schools, but they are actually content for high schools.

 Sanhe had no summer vacation or winter vacation. He spent three years learning the contents of Lin Yi's nine-year compulsory period in his previous life, which made him very satisfied.

 The current teaching materials have been revised many times by him, and in his opinion, they are very perfect.

“You should also pay more attention to Han Jin and Liang Yuanzhi,”

Lin Yi said to Xie Zan, "The two children are not very old. They may suffer in the hands of old foxes like Zhou Jiuling and Yuan Busheng."

Xie Zan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. There is Bao Kui in Yuezhou and Ji Zhuo in Hongzhou. These two will protect you, so you don't need to worry, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi flipped through the textbook in his hand and continued, "Which bookstore printed this? It's very good."

"Your Majesty, this is printed by the Song family from Yuezhou. It is newly opened this year. Through public bidding, only their fonts are the most beautiful and neatest, without any ink blur, and can also meet the requirements of the prince for horizontal layout."

Xie Zan smiled and said, "The good Lord also gave them a second prize for invention and creation, one hundred taels of silver."

 “Song Yin?” Lin Yi asked.

“It’s their house, it turns out to be the largest bookstore in Yuezhou.”

Xie Zan said with a smile.

"It seems that the old man is not too confused,"

Lin Yi stood up and stretched, and then asked, "Is there no news yet about Wu Lin and Jiang Kan?"

"Not only Zhang Mian and Du Sanhe's boats, Master Shan also mobilized many merchant ships to search the Yuanhai Sea of ​​Nanzhou, but found nothing," Xie Zan said cautiously, "I doubt that Jiang Kan went to Yong'an. Or Wuzhou?”


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Jiang Kan is the boss. He is very smart. He will not do such things as going to Wuzhou and Yong'an.

What's more, he arrested Wu Lin because of personal grudges on the one hand, and because of Nanzhou on the other.

 The boss wants to take Nanzhou into his own hands.

So, Jiang Kan has not run far and must still be near Nanzhou. Try to find a way to find him. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Xie Zan should be handed over.

 “Where are my father-in-law and future wife?”

Lin Yi looked at Qi Peng.

Qi Peng said, "Your Majesty, the Prince of Heshun County has entered Yong'an with his family."


Lin Yi was pacing in the yard and asked, "How is King Yongan doing now?"

Qi Peng said, "King Yong'an is still in the capital, serving the Supreme Emperor day and night, and his filial piety is sung by the world."

 “This unlucky boy,”

Lin Yi shook his head, "It's really unfortunate that such a smart person didn't run out with Lao Si and the others."

He neither likes nor dislikes King Yong'an. After all, he is just a naughty kid with a little self-righteous cleverness.

If he worked harder and more seriously, he could sell the child and help him count the money.

Qi Peng continued, "Mei Jingzhi defeated Wu Baishun's general Hu Liangping in Jinzhou and killed 30,000 enemies. The emperor decreed that he be named the general who protects the country."

 “It’s now like this, and the boss is still playing this shameless trick,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I think that by possessing the so-called morality and gaining fame, I can control the world, but I don't know that in the face of absolute strength, everything is a delusion.

At this time, the first thing he has to do is to gather military power, take control of financial power, and unite all the forces that can be united. "

Xie Zan said, "The prince said it is true."

Lin Yi said, "If there is anything else, let's talk about it together. Your hesitation problem will be cured by me sooner or later."

Qi Peng said with a smile, "Someone in the court proposed to make peace with Wadan."

 “Marriage?” Lin Yi frowned and said, “Which **** started it?”

Qi Peng said, "Qin Tong, the Minister of Hubu, is from King Yong."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Does the boss know that he is from King Yong?

 Or is this a secret that only you know? "

 Qi Peng shook his head and said, "The emperor doesn't know."

 “Then who is the proposed candidate for your family?”

Lin Yi’s brows were all knitted together.

 Qi Peng lowered his head and still didn't say a word.

 “Speak quickly!”

Lin Yi finally got impatient, "If you keep stalling, I'll really beat you up!"

 “Your Majesty!”

 Qi Peng raised his head and looked at Lin Yi, "It's the princess!"


Lin Yi cursed, "There are so many princesses, which one is it?"

 “Princess Huaiyang!”

Qi Peng hesitated again and again, and finally said these four words, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

 “What is the reaction of North Korea and China?”

 What surprised everyone was that Lin Yi was uncharacteristically calm and not angry at all.

Qi Peng said, "Many ministers in the court seconded the proposal, including Qi Yong."

Lin Yi said calmly, "Then what does the boss say?"

Qi Peng said, "The emperor said it would be discussed later, but his attitude is unclear."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Wang Qingbang."

 “Your Majesty!”

Wang Qingbang knelt down. Although the prince was smiling, his tone made him shiver.

 “Shan Qi!”

 “Your Majesty!”

Shanqi also knelt down.

 “What auspiciousness!”

 “I’m here!

Your Majesty, just ask! "

He Jixiang trembled slightly and knelt beside Shan Qi.

Lin Yi called everyone in the room one after another.

 Everyone knelt in a row.

 “Ma Dan,”

Lin Yi took the tea brought by Xiao Xizi, took a sip, and sat on the chair, "Are you sure you want to follow this king all the way to the dark side?"

 “The prince has an order, and he will not hesitate even to the death!”

Everyone said almost in unison.


Lin Yi sighed, "Shan Qi."

 “The official is here!”

Shanqi said loudly.

 “Send a message to the capital for my king Feige,”

Lin Yi put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "Tell the boss clearly that if he dares to marry me, I will be the first to lead troops to clear your side!"

 “My lord, think twice!”

Shanqi admonished, "I think this matter needs long-term consideration!"

 Sanhe does not yet have the strength to challenge the imperial court!

Wang Qingbang said hurriedly, "My lord, you have said before that building high walls and hoarding grains is why there is no need to act on your own initiative!"

 “This time, that time,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "You just need to say whether you agree or disagree."

The kneeling people looked at each other and shouted, "Your Majesty is wise!

 Your Majesty, a thousand years old, a thousand years old! "

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, stood up, and looked north.

 (End of this chapter)

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