I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 233: old and new grudges

Chapter 233 New and old grudges

The butcher thought to himself and said, "Hey, it's true that women are not allowed to stay. She won't listen to anything I say now.

 Do you think this child will always be like this when he grows up? "

 “How could I know?”

Pork Rong finally had enough of his chattering and couldn't help but cursed angrily, "Why are you acting like a **** now, grinding your teeth and chirping."

The butcher said very generously, "Look at your temper now, you are getting more and more irritable."

 He expressed his understanding.

 After all, not everyone is like me, and there is such a promising girl.

Li Sanniang smiled and said, "Veteran, have you been a little distracted lately?

 It floats very strongly.

I'm going to tell you something serious. It's time for your girl to take on responsibilities. You can't make unreasonable demands and embarrass her.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. If she really obeys your words and becomes a filial child, you will harm her. Our law of Sanhe is not a joke. "

The butcher blushed and said, "I still want you to tell me?"

 He couldn't help but shuddered.

 Why didn’t he think of it?

Forcing the girl to help him. If the girl really breaks the law, she will lose her official position at the least, or be imprisoned at the worst.

 He must not harm the girl!

Li Sanniang said, "As long as you understand, I'm afraid you will do something stupid."

The butcher asked, "That is my daughter, how can I harm her?"

Li Sanniang said, "That's impossible to say."

The butcher said, "Please mind your own business!"

 Sounding a stiff mouth, at this moment, he had given up the idea of ​​using the girl to make a fortune in Qingyuan City.

 You can make more money, but you only have one daughter.

 If you are not greedy, you will not die.

 In the evening, the originally beautiful sun was blocked by dark clouds, followed by heavy rain.

Ji Hai and the blind man lived in Qilin Temple in Qingyuan City.

 Due to the war, the temple was empty, and there were only two of them in the huge temple.

 “Monk, you are unhappy.”

 “I’m not unhappy,”

The monk glanced at the blind man, then shook his head and said, "I just don't like rain."

 The blind man smiled and said, "I don't like it either."

 Both their parents died in the storm.

 For them, wind and rain mean disaster.

The monk added, "I will return to Baiyun City in a few days."

 The blind man asked, “Where is that girl?”


"You know."

 “I am a monk!”

 The monk said angrily.

 “You have never gotten angry before, your concentration is getting worse and worse.”

 The blind man said with a smile.


 The monk was speechless for a moment.

 The blind man continued, "Seek all dharma from your heart, don't ask outside."

The monk pondered for a moment, and then said, "I have been taught."

 The blind man shook his head and said, "You still don't understand."

What the monk wanted to say, the blind man had already drifted away.

 After Nanzhou was officially owned by Sanhe, Sanhe's money suddenly became abundant, but the pressure became even greater.

Yong'an and Wuzhou are both at the junction with Nanzhou, and both have heavy troops stationed there.

 “Has the boss started to take action?”

Lin Yi was not too surprised, "But I don't understand at all. The commanders of the Wuzhou and Yong'an guard posts have all surrendered to the boss?

 Otherwise, why would you be so obedient? "

Shan Qi said, "Your Majesty, the two places have deployed heavy troops, but they are not necessarily targeting us, nor are they necessarily helping the emperor."


Xie Zan continued, "Huang Sifang and Zhao Lichun led the rebels into Yong'an, and they were in danger."

Lin Yi still shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. We made such a big noise in Nanzhou, Yuezhou, and Hongzhou. The boss is not a fool and will not ignore it.

What's more, with my letter, he was probably half angry to death.

He never takes revenge overnight, which is quite similar to our brothers. "

 This is the only thing they have in common.

Shan Qi asked carefully, "What does the prince mean?"

 “How is Ulin’s ideological work going?”

Lin Yi asked.

Shanqi sighed and said, "Wulin has been on hunger strike for two days."

 “Where is Jiang Kan?”

Lin Yi never gave up.

He Jixiang smiled bitterly and said, "He agreed so readily, and I and others had to suspect that he was pretending to surrender."

Lin Yi didn’t take it seriously and said, “They are all thorns.

But it doesn’t matter, can we still eat pigs with hair without Zhang Butcher?

  First lock them up, and cook them with clear water and cabbage soup every day for several months to sharpen their spirits, so that they don't think they can survive without the king.

Of course, you still have to be careful and don’t really get burned to death.

Na Wulin is still very famous among scholars all over the world.

 So, this scholar is really troublesome. "

 What he values ​​​​is not the talent of these two people, but their "name".

 After all, their official positions were granted by the imperial court, and it was justifiable to use their hands to manage Nanzhou.

Shanqi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this Wulin just couldn't turn a corner for a while. If a loyal minister doesn't serve the two masters, he may be despised by the scholars in the world."


Lin Yi said unceremoniously, “The third child’s **** was almost licked clean by him.

 Are you a great scholar?

Isn’t that what they say: ‘A good bird chooses a tree to roost in, and a wise minister chooses his master to do his work’?

 The reason why you don’t serve me is because you look down on me.

 I think back when I entered Qingyuan City, the old **** Wulin didn't even show his head. "

 He is quite self-aware!

 This is also one of his few advantages.

Shanqi and others laughed at him.

 Just understand it yourself!

If someone really joins the legendary "ignorant and ignorant" prince like you, all the scholars in the world will laugh at him to death!

 The most important thing for a scholar is his face!

Qi Peng interjected, "Your Majesty, General Yuan Qing has come out of prison."

Lin Yi asked, "Is the boss so generous?"

 He was a little unconvinced.

He Jixiang said, "My lord, I don't know. Zhu Guo and General Yuan have great prestige in the army, so they will not give up. They can respond to a hundred calls."

If General Yuan continues to be detained, there may be changes in the army sooner or later. "

Lin Yidao, "My maternal family still has military power?"

Shanqi smiled and said, "General Yuan's original team has been integrated into the capital camp, led by Bo Xu.

Yu Boxu was also a good general in the army. Now that the emperor is showing favor to the Yuan family, it must be a matter of time before he takes control of General Yuan's old department. "

Lin Yi then asked, "Is there any movement on King Yong's side?

Didn’t you say that you were holding the flag with the King of Jin?

 Why is there no news yet? "

 Qi Peng shook his head and said, "There is no big movement. On the contrary, the sixth prince, Prince Dai, has mobilized 50,000 troops in Daizhou, with high fighting spirit.

The seventh prince, King Nanling, raised thirty thousand troops and was eyeing Chuzhou. "

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Chuzhou is Lao Ba's territory. Lao Qi has always been at odds with Lao Ba. It seems that all these old and new grudges have to be settled."

Shan Qi said, "Your Majesty, I have something that I don't understand. Is there any gap between the King of Nanling and the King of Chu?"

 According to normal circumstances, the Nanling King should have picked the weakest persimmons and entered Jingzhou directly, not to mention that Jingzhou is a fertile land and a strategic location.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's normal that you don't know these things, but I don't intend to tell you either."

 After Lao Ba had close contact with Concubine Zhan, Lao Qi’s biological mother, he was discovered by the Emperor Laozi.

The emperor had the attitude that family scandals should not be made public, so he did not punish Lao Ba and directly threw Lao Qi's biological mother into the well.

This hatred has gone to heaven!

ps: This is today’s update. I have other things to do during the day and need to continue to be busy. Please bear with me.

 (End of this chapter)

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