I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 235: eyes and ears

Chapter 235 Eyes and ears

 Qi Peng said, "You want to know?"

Fang Pi nodded and said, "Of course I want to know. Trees have shadows and people have shadows. So how can shadows and porters come together?"

Qi Peng smiled and said, "If I tell you, it means that you will have no way out from now on. The day you quit will be the day you die."

Fang Pi frowned and said, "The prince asked me to come."

 We have come, is there any way out?

Qi Peng said seriously, "Shadows are the prince's eyes and ears. As long as there is something the prince wants to know, he will definitely try his best to let him know."

Fang Pi asked carefully, "Secret agent?"

He had vaguely guessed Qi Peng's identity, but he never thought that one day he would be like Qi Peng.

“Yes,” Qi Peng rolled his wheel and got closer and closer to Fang Pi. “The only difficulty is that from now on, Brother Fang, you can no longer speak freely. The first thing you have to learn is to keep your mouth shut.

 Even death cannot reveal me.

  If I were revealed, the prince’s eyes and ears would be gone. "


 Fang Pi was suddenly a little nervous. He had never considered the issues of life and death.

 I have never discussed such a serious topic with others.

Qi Peng whispered, "Brother Fang should know that talking too much will lead to mistakes.

There is a wing next door to me. Brother Fang will move in from tomorrow and live there for a month, just like the steward and Wen Zhaoyi are in seclusion. Don’t go out or talk to anyone for a month. "

Fang Pi said in confusion, “Why?

 What is the difference between this and a prisoner? "

Qi Peng said, "I just said that the most important thing for people in the shadow is to learn to keep their mouths shut. Brother Fang is young, so naturally he is a little more cautious. Staying in the room for a month is a good way to temper his temper.

 Furthermore, I just said something. Brother Fang, unless you are dead, you have no chance to regret it now. You'd better listen to me.

 From now on, you can call me the shopkeeper. "


Fang Pi shook his head.


 Qi Peng looked at him with a smile.

Fang Pi said loudly, "Your Majesty and I have taught me that a man must be dignified. I don't like you, so it's useless for you to threaten me. Even if it means death, I won't be threatened by anyone."

 Qi Peng suddenly laughed, and he smiled happily.

"why are you laughing?"

 Fang Pi was very angry.


Qi Peng smiled and said, "You have backbone, and Prince He is indeed a wise man. A man with backbone is the most suitable person for Shadow."

Fang Pi said angrily, "I have decided to quit now, are you going to kill me?"

"I won't kill you, and I don't have the right to kill you, because you and the people in the palace,"

Qi Peng shook his head and said, "But since the prince asked you to come, do you want to let him down?"

 “Okay, then I’ll move the things tomorrow,”

Fang Pi then added, "But remember, it's because of our prince!"

"Remember, call me shopkeeper," Qi Peng said, then continued, "Guan En, he will follow you from now on."

 The servant behind him leaned over and said, "I understand, shopkeeper."

Fang Pi called out to the shopkeeper unconvinced, then turned around and left.

As soon as Fang Pi walked out of the gate, he saw Jiang Chou, the scarred face, standing there with his sword in his arms. Ma Gui talked to him, but he didn't speak much.

 “Will he be the concierge in the future?”

Fang Pi pointed at Jiang Qiu and asked.

Ma Gui smiled and said, "Can't he?"


Fang Pi sighed.

Ma Gui smiled and said, "Fang Pi, please tell him the rules of the house. Jiang Qiu, remember it. It's the prince's kindness that you can come to the house."


Jiang Qiu nodded expressionlessly.

 General Zhen, who has just been promoted to the chief catcher of Nanzhou, has been very busy these days. The first thing is the manpower problem, and the people who signed up are enthusiastic.

Although the third class of yamen servants appears to be a "low position" and has no chance to participate in the imperial examination, in fact it is a good place to make money. Many people will never have the opportunity to be a yamen servant for several lifetimes!

 It only took one day to recruit 500 people, most of whom were strong young men.

 What makes Jiang Zhen dissatisfied is that there are not many people who have learned Kung Fu!

Even if you have learned kung fu, no one can transform it!

 This disappointed her.

Secondly, Qingyuan City is very large. With the 200 officers and soldiers borrowed from Ji Zhuo, they patrolled it all day and night.

  When I first arrived, I had no clue about everything, so I could only rely on the help of Jiang Yi, the former gatekeeper of Qingyuan City.

In desperation, she thought of selecting people from the people's government in Baiyun City to supplement the three squads of yamen servants. She had all the good words among the people, but no one agreed!

The reasons why the peasants are unwilling are very simple. First, they have left their hometown and they have to go back after delivering the goods. Second, they don’t like the monthly salary of being a catcher.

Ji Zhuo brought her a cup of tea and comforted her, "You don't have to be in such a hurry, you can take your time.

This is not our Baiyun City, just get used to it. "

Jiang Zhen held the tea cup and said with a smile, "General Ji, how about you lend me another five hundred people?"

 Today's night patrol, I am going to arrange for two teams of people. "

Ji Zhuo smiled and said, "Don't worry about arresting the head. You just need to find a way to replenish the manpower and train it well. You don't need to worry about other things."

 I will arrange for officers and soldiers to do the night patrol. "

Jiang Zhen said, "General Ji, night patrol is originally the duty of our police officers."

Of course she won't listen to Ji Zhuo.

Ji Zhuo said, "I didn't say I wouldn't let you patrol the streets, I just said I would give you some time off."

 “I don’t dare to be careless when it comes to my responsibilities.”

 After Jiang Zhen drank the water in the cup, he picked up the knife and turned around and left the government office.

As soon as I arrived at the gate, I saw the butcher who was peeping at the door.


“Hey, my dear, have you lost weight again?”

The butcher glanced into the courtyard of the Yamen and said, "Is that man named Ji making you angry?

I have long since thought that he does not look like a good person, but girl, we are not afraid of him. I will go back and file a complaint against him with the prince! "

“Of course not, he has been helping me. Without him, I don’t know what I would do right now,”

Jiang Zhen waved his hand impatiently towards his father and said, "Dad, don't worry about my affairs. If you finish delivering this batch of goods, just go back. My mother and brother are at home, don't you worry?"

 “What are you worried about?”

The butcher shouted loudly, "The public security in Baiyun City is good, who else dares to cause trouble for the two of them?

I just can't worry about you. Qingyuan City is in chaos. I heard that a group of people killed a family in Nancheng last night. It was really cruel.

Although you are a laborer and a catcher, you still have to be careful. If anything happens, just let the people below come up. Don't do everything yourself. "

 “I know, you can go back.”

Jiang Zhen got on his horse, waved his hand towards the butcher, and rode off on the empty street.

 (End of this chapter)

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