I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 243: The method of attracting stars

Chapter 243: Star-Absorbing Technique

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, the prince is a fool, so I'm not afraid.

 But Qi Yong and my aunt are not stupid people, they are each and every one of them smarter than monkeys.

There must be a backup plan. Let’s not be in a hurry and wait slowly. There will always be a day when the clouds clear and the moon shines. "

At this time, he became calmer.

He has already occupied the five places of Sanhe, Hongzhou, Nanzhou, Jingzhou, and Yuezhou. He has no financial resources, but he has a large number of people and is no worse than anyone else. There is really nothing to worry about!

 The weather is getting cooler.

The monk is still wearing a thin piece of clothing and carries an iron bucket up and down the mountain every day.

With a pop, two iron buckets were filled with water from the mountain stream. When lunch time came, he took out the pancakes from his arms and ate them while drinking water from the stream.

Xie Xiaoqing jumped down from the branch of a red maple tree and said with a smile, "Monk, don't you get tired of eating this every day?

How about we go to Jinfu Restaurant for a nice meal?

 Sister, I’m treating you to a treat! "

 The monk was minding his own business and ignored her.

She follows him every day, which really bothers him. After all, there are a lot of gossips in the temple.

 He is a monk and cannot break the precepts.


Xie Xiaoqing held up the hem of her skirt and spun it around on the ground. She said with a smile, "Do you think my clothes look good?

I just bought it and came here to show it to you. Why don't you say a few words? "


The monk put the pancake in his arms, picked up the iron bucket again and left directly.

Xie Xiaoqing slowly followed behind him with his hands behind his back.

The blind man stood on the top of a mountain with a bamboo stick and said to the little tiger at his feet, "My predictions are getting more and more accurate. He is really lucky."

 Little Tiger barked twice after me, as if he really understood.

“The manager asked me to learn the magic of attracting stars, but I only felt frightened after listening to the instructions.”

The blind man continued, "Although I'm not a good Taoist priest, I still don't want to learn this kind of technique that harms the harmony of heaven and earth. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

The little tiger looked up to the sky and whimpered, then pounced on a bird that jumped out of the forest.

The bird flew directly down the cliff. The little tiger jumped into the air and was about to fall down the cliff. A bamboo joint was suddenly inserted into the hard stone and stopped it. It was so frightened that it used all four limbs and climbed to the top of the mountain.

  He shouted twice more at the bottom of the cliff.

The blind man spread his fingers, the bamboo knot returned to his hand, kicked the little tiger, and said with a smile, "You are getting more and more naughty, please let others worry less."

 If you fall, you will really fall to death.

 If he fell to death, I wouldn’t have any dog ​​meat to eat. "

 After the little tiger screamed, his head arched towards his legs, as if he was coquettishly acting coquettishly.

 The blind man heard the footsteps coming from behind him, turned around and said, "Ye Qiu."

“Hey, your ears are getting better and better,”

 Ye Qiu sighed, "In front of you, I always feel like I'm naked, but I feel like a blind man."

 The blind man said calmly, "You are almost done, you can go to retreat."

 “The manager also asked me to go into seclusion.”

 Ye Qiu was very happy that, besides Hong Ying, finally someone could feel the progress of his skills.

 The blind man said, "Either life or death."

 Ye Qiu said in confusion, "Please ask God to clear up the confusion."

 The blind man said, “Didn’t the manager tell you?

Huiyuan meritorious to Dacheng is both a way of life and a dead way. "

 Ye Qiu still smiled and said, "This manager has never told me."

The blind man said, "Otherwise, you think there have only been these few great masters since ancient times?"

Ye Qiu said proudly, "I, Ye Qiu, have lived a prosperous life, my ancestral property is in my dreams, and I only have martial arts in my heart.

 If you don’t follow the Tao, you will become a demon.

 There is no life that lasts a hundred years, so what if you live a hundred years?

 Hands of heroes from ancient times have all entered the mountains and rivers.

 I am not afraid of life or death! "

 The blind man smiled and said, "Changsheng is aware of the way and has a strong heart, tolerates his mistakes and corrects his own mistakes.

 There is no one who cares about me, but I recognize my origin in my leisure time.

  But the confusion and falsehood come together to climb up.

 Eternally sinking in the sea of ​​troubles, it is difficult to achieve the Great Luotian. "

 Ye Qiu opened his eyes suddenly, then leaned over and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you God for the advice!

I see. "

"What do you unserstand?"

 The blind man asked back.

Ye Qiudao said, "The heart of the wonderful path of emptiness is firm, the emptiness is thrown in, the dense clouds are formed, and the dense clouds of ten thousand tribulations are opened."

 “It seems you have really realized it,”

 The blind man nodded and said, "Why did you come to me?"

Ye Qiu said, "Master Shan said that there are too many people coming to Baiyun City these days. If some people don't leave, there is no need to leave."

The blind man said, "Those who stay in Spring Mountain City, you can do whatever you want with the rest."

Ye Qiudao said, "There are also people coming to Tuigu Temple."

The blind man said, "I don't know what Tuigu Temple is and what does it have to do with me."

Ye Qiudao said, "Tuigu Temple is on Tuigu Mountain, the sacred mountain of Nangu. The Barbarian King of Nangu came from Tuigu Temple. It is the royal temple of Nangu. There are many masters in it, so we should not underestimate it."

 The blind man said, "Kill those who deserve to be killed, and leave them alone to cause trouble."

"I see."

 Ye Qiu drifted down the mountain.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, Baiyun City’s fireworks were brilliant.

Singers, storytellers, and monkey charmers took turns taking the stage in the square, and there were cheers one after another, all night long.

Lin Yi did not squeeze into the crowd to join in the fun, but just watched from a distance, sighing that Baiyun City finally had a little bit of Ankang City's atmosphere.

As Hong Ying said, the women who sang drums in Jingzhou were very outstanding, and they were really distracted.

As an old artist, he really wanted to go up and find out their physical condition, whether they were tired, thirsty, and whether they wanted to find a place to rest.

 After all, they are all his people!

 How could he not care!

Unfortunately, in the end, the shame trained in higher education in my previous life defeated everything.

 The night is long and uneventful.

He actually took Mingyue and Zixia to play backgammon all night. After dawn, he still couldn't sleep, so he added an extra chapter to "The God of War".

  The main content of the extra chapter is to discuss what a protracted war is and what it means to eliminate the enemy's effective strength.

Until Shanqi took the manuscript in his hand, he called the prince wise!

 On the third day of the lunar month, spring plowing has not yet begun.

 However, the Sanhe people actually started plowing the land in the mountains to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Can you live?

Do not know at all.

Just because the Sanhe people had no experience in storing sweet potatoes, they sprouted when they were kept in the house. They were left to grow mold without being buried in the ground. It was really a waste.

  In any case, bury it first, cut it off when there are vines, and then insert them into the ground first.

 A-Dai is getting married.

When Lin Yi heard the news, he spit out the tea in his mouth.

 “Whose family does it belong to?”

 He asked hurriedly.

Ma Gui said, "Your Majesty, she is the sister of Tian Sixi's concubine. His father-in-law is also a climber and a low one. Seeing that Ah-Dai is the person next to you, he asked Tian Sixi to act as a matchmaker and gave the little girl to Ah-Dai.

Ah-Dai didn't have the foresight to do so, so he just agreed. This month's monthly payment was all given to his father-in-law. "

 “I don’t mind if you want to take advantage of me,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "What matters is how the girl is doing. Don't make fun of Dumb."

Ma Gui said, "I went to see it myself. That girl is really a good girl. She is a good hand at home and abroad. Marrying her is also a blessing for Ah-Dai."

It’s just that this guy is not a good guy. He is into eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. I’m afraid that Dumb won’t be able to cope with it in the future. If he gets entangled with him, he will be in trouble after all. "

Lin Yidao, "Can't you think of a way?"

Ma Gui said hurriedly, "Don't worry, my lord, if this old guy dares to make trouble unreasonably, I will send him to a labor camp directly so that he can experience the suffering of the people."

 “That’s pretty much it,”

Lin Yi continued, "I remember that Tian Sixi is Ye Qiu's apprentice, right?"

"Exactly," Ma Gui put the tea cup into Lin Yi's hand and said, "Originally, he was doing a good job in the Shibo Department, but Han Deqing discovered it because of his greed for ink, so he decided to do it for Ye Qiu's sake. He was not killed, but was driven out with twenty batons.

I didn’t expect that this guy had some talent. He hired a group of craftsmen who specialized in building bridges, roads, and houses. It can be said that he made a lot of money every day. There is no one in Sanhe who can do anything bigger than him.

I have long thought about making this guy suffer sooner or later. "

Lin Yidao, "Three hundred and sixty years old, he is a top scholar. As long as he abides by the law and does not evade taxes, there is no need to torment him."


Ma Gui quickly calmed down and said, "I understand, little one."

 “Where is Ye Qiu?”

Lin Yi asked.

Ma Guidao said, "The manager asked him to retreat. Based on my little thoughts, I'm afraid he can really break through the Grand Master in one fell swoop."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Hong Ying, Blind Man, Ye Qiu, and Wen Zhaoyi, the four great masters, I'm afraid they still can't do anything to Jingyi. Since we can't win with wisdom, let's win with quantity.

Oh, by the way, there’s that old guy Bian Jing, he’s been avoiding me lately, what’s going on? "

Ma Gui said with a smile, "Bian Jing has been asking those people to help him make artillery since last year, and blow up the barrel once a month. Just a few days ago, a person was killed. I guess he is I don’t have the nerve to come see the prince.”

Lin Yi sighed and said no more.

 The sun is neither hot nor cold.

Xie Zan sat on the millstone in the courtyard of the Capital Commander's Office, holding a bowl of sweet potato porridge in his hand. While eating, he kicked the two dogs that came close to him, and then said, "According to the calculation of days, Du Sanhe's big ship is fast." Are you back?"

Xing Keshou nodded and said, "Hurry, if we don't come back, we Sanhe may not be able to sustain the food supply."

Shan Qi, who was squatting on the stone next to him, said, "Du Sanhe doesn't dare to go against the prince's wishes."

Then he looked at Xie Zan and said, "Master Xie, you asked Pan Duo to search for your family in Baocheng, Yuzhou. Is there any whereabouts?"

Xie Zan said, "My old wife is still missing. I really don't know where she is."

 As he spoke, tears slid down his cheeks.

Wang Qingbang hurriedly said, "Thank you, sir, why is it necessary?"

Everyone sighed deeply.

Who doesn’t have his family broken up?

Chen Desheng said, "I just wait for the prince to enter Ankang City, catch He Jin, and let You Mazi skin him, and I will eat his flesh."

He Jixiang smiled sadly and said, "You think I don't want to do it."

 For a time, the clouds were gloomy and gloomy.

 (End of this chapter)

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