Chapter 246 Bronze

 His room was filled with coughs that were getting heavier and heavier all day and night.

Whoever heard it felt sorry for him, I was really afraid that his lungs would escape from his throat.

Lin Yi sighed, "I thought I was a king, but turned out to be a bronze. This is not good either.

  I don’t know what my level is, so I have to look for blind people. If I get beaten, I can’t blame others. "

Standing outside Ye Qiu's door, he did not lower his voice. The louder his voice became, the louder the coughing in the room became.

 The people around him had great sympathy for Ye Qiu. Meeting such a prince could only be regarded as bad luck for him.

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the blind man's attack was too harsh, but fortunately he had some strength left, otherwise it would be bad if he lost his arms and legs."

He thought it must be Ye Qiu who said something the blind man didn't like to hear. Otherwise, how could he have dealt with such a heavy blow?

It's really a fight to death!

Lin Yi said, "When Tianyu entrusts a person with a great responsibility, he must first endure hardships on his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and he should suffer a little."

Jiang Qiu ran in and said, "Your Majesty, Ah-Dai has brought his new wife to give you a present."

Lin Yi said in surprise, "What kind of rule is this?"

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, the rules are correct. He is the one close to the Prince, and the life and death of the whole family depends on the Prince's thoughts."

Lin Yi said, "Humph, someone must have given him an idea and organized him, otherwise he wouldn't have the brains."

 As a vassal king, he could not understand these rules. How could a fool understand them?

Xiao Xizi said, "It's just his younger brother Cui Gengren or Ma Gui."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Then let him come in."

After saying that, he walked to the front yard and lay down under the leafy grapevine. As soon as he took Xiao Xizi's tea cup, Ah-Dai led a petite woman to kneel down in front of Lin Yi.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 One has a loud voice, and the other is timid, which is a bit uneven.

 “Get up, we are not outsiders, there is no need for so many false courtesy,”

Lin Yi waved his hands towards Ah-Dai and said, "Hel your wife up. You have to cherish your wife more."

 He took another look at Dumb's wife, who had a slim figure, an oval face, and handsome eyes with slender eyebrows.

 It is no longer a matter of whether we are worthy of each other or not.

 But it really fell into Dumb’s hands.

Ah-Dai grinned and said, "I understand, Your Majesty."

Before his wife could react, she was dragged up by him with one hand and almost lost her balance.

 My arm hurts from being pinched, and I want to rub it but dare not.

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed. This idiot is still so reckless and doesn't know how to show mercy.

 “Go down and listen to your wife more from now on,”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "From now on, you are a family. If your brother makes a noise, you don't have to pay any attention to it."

 A'Dai said, "Your Majesty, my mother asked me to listen to my brother."

Lin Yi said angrily, "Since your mother is gone, you will listen to your wife from now on. Your wife will also be the mother of your child from now on."

Ah-Dai thought about it for a long time, and finally patted his head and said, "Yes, she will also be the child's mother in the future."

Lin Yi said, "Give you more time off, stay at home more days, the two of you can get along well, remember the law of Sanhe, beating your wife is against the law, you are the same, if you make a mistake, you will still be sent to a labor camp.

 Ah-Dai said angrily, "I won't beat my wife."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's good."

After the couple left, he took a sip of tea and sighed, "As the saying goes, fools are blessed, and it's true.

Although I don’t know what the bride’s character is like, judging from her appearance, she is indeed not bad. "

The only thing I’m worried about is that in the future, Dumb’s children won’t be similarly dull.

But after thinking about it, I realized that there is no need to be so pessimistic. The way Ah-Dai is now is acquired, not inherited.

 So, there is still a chance of giving birth to a normal baby.

Of course, if you are really unlucky, you can only admit defeat.

 Otherwise, what else can be done?

 Should this guy be single for the rest of his life?

I'm afraid he can't do it either!

 Let him do whatever he wants.

 Du Sanhe came suddenly.

 This was unexpected by Lin Yi, and he also donated 500,000 taels of silver.

Lin Yi specially invited him to have a meal. After a while, the guests and the host had a great time, and then they knelt in front of Hong Ying's door and got up.

 It has been like this for three days.

Lin Yi looked at it from a distance and asked curiously, "Without eating or drinking for three days and three nights?"

 He somewhat admired Du Sanhe.

In order to learn kung fu, a generation of heroes could actually show such shame and kneel at the door of a eunuch.

 It’s really inspiring!

It is true that he is capable of bending and stretching.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, Xiao Xizi arranges for people to send food and drinks to him every day. Although he doesn't eat much, he still manages to eat."


Lin Yi is a little disappointed. The martial arts masters in martial arts novels and movies seem to be lying about not eating or drinking for three days and three nights.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, why don't you drive him away?"

Lin Yidao, “If you want to become a disciple, why should you be a bad person?

It's a pity. If he came to ask for help from me, I might just accept it if my heart softens. "

 Go to Hong Ying directly. Even if Hong Ying agrees, you still have to ask him for instructions. If he doesn’t agree, it’s useless.

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Xiao Xizi said this on her lips, but she actually didn’t think so in her heart.

This Du Sanhe is a smart man.

If he dares to go directly to the prince's door and embarrass the prince, the manager will definitely embarrass him!

 As for becoming a disciple, there is no need to think about it.

After Lin Yi left with Xiao Xizi behind his back, Ye Qiu appeared from behind a pillar and walked slowly to the back of Du Sanhe.

Du Sanhe said without looking back, "It seems that the rumors outside are indeed true. You have become a great master."

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "Isn't it because I became the Grand Master that you came here?"

Du Sanhe nodded, "Exactly, but I wasn't so sure before, but now I am.

 It was an accident that Mr. Hong became a master, it was a coincidence that Wang Dong became a master, but you, Ye Qiu, also became a master.

This is neither an accident nor a coincidence. It shows that the manager has the skills to become a master. "

 Ye Qiu said proudly, "I, Ye Qiu, am a genius. Six years ago, you were already defeated by me!"

Du Sanhe sneered and said, "There are some things that I don't need to say. You also understand in your heart that defeating me does not mean that you can easily become a master at this age.

 You are less than thirty!

If there is no manager, you may not be able to break the shackles at the age of fifty, sixty, or even throughout your life!

You, Ye Qiu, are just an ant in the end. How can you be better than me? "

 Ye Qiu’s face was expressionless.

Du Sanhe’s words sounded ugly, but they were indeed true.

 If you don’t become a master, you will eventually become an ant.

However, he said, "Do you think that because you have become a master, you are no longer an ant?

 In front of the steward and the blind man, you still can't survive three moves. "

After he became a master, he thought that I could conquer the world, but he only struggled ten times in the hands of a blind man!

 As for the steward?

 He just wants to be able to run!

 Taking the move is a no-brainer.

 (End of this chapter)

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