I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 249: When it breaks, it breaks

Chapter 249: Break it off

Wei Yishan smiled and said, "It's just a ragtag group of people. They don't have any fighting power. Just because they have the inheritance of skills, they are a little stronger than ordinary people's guardians. On the real battlefield, they can be defeated in one strike. It's really nothing to worry about."

Bian Jing picked up a piece of silver, weighed it twice in his hand, and sighed, "The current silver here is only 200,000 taels. King Qing has accumulated more than this for generations."

  It seems that the excitement when I first saw the cash is gone.

Liu Baixian said hurriedly, "Teacher, the student thought that he could go to King Qing for advice late at night!"

As Bian Jing said, King Qing’s accumulation from generation to generation made him one of the most wealthy families in Daliang!

 In terms of money, it is definitely more than the national treasury that can run away mice.

How could it be that it was only two hundred thousand taels of silver?

 So, Prince Qing’s family must have placed their gold, silver and jewelry elsewhere.

 He decided to visit King Qing again, but he did not believe that no banknotes could be found from King Qing!

“A cunning rabbit still has three burrows, let alone someone like King Qing,”

Bian Jing nodded and said, "However, we should not act too hastily. We still have to listen to Prince He on this matter. Prince Qing is still a prince no matter what, and the royal dignity must still be given."

 “That’s what the teacher said.”

 Liu Baixian was very sorry.

He served as the prefect of Qingyuan City for ten years. There were two big mountains on it, one was Wulin, the chief envoy, and the other was naturally King Qing!

 He has been pinned down by these two people, so be careful everywhere!

 However, what he hated most was King Qing.

Ulin is a scholar after all. Although it is inevitable to be opposed, we should still leave him a little dignity so as not to embarrass him too much.

Prince Qing was different. Whenever he offended him, he would slap him directly with a big ear-scratcher. Occasionally, he would do so in full view of the public, which would make him extremely embarrassed.

  After ten years of studying hard in a cold window, you still have to be beaten when you become an official?

Isn’t this official job for nothing?

Even the prince Lin Chun was like this. He would take it out on him if he didn't get his way, and he would punch and kick him at every turn.

 He is the fourth official member of the imperial court!

 What do you think of him?

 Under the power of these two men, they are no different from dogs.

Looking back on it now, the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

 He really hoped that Bian Jing would make up his mind and kill King Qing directly.

While resolving his hatred, he can also prevent King Qing from turning over and having the opportunity to retaliate against him in the future.

 “Where has King Qing gone now?”

Bian Jing waved his hands to the officers and soldiers on both sides, motioning them to move the boxes out.

Wei Yishan said, "Someone just reported that King Qing had booked Chuntai Tower. It is not yet known whether he will stay or go elsewhere."

Bian Jing asked, "What do you think?"

Wei Yishan cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Bian, it would be best if you could stay.

Yong'an is in turmoil before his eyes. According to Prince Qing's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to go back.

The only places he could go to were Sanhe and Hongzhou. Prince He was in Sanhe. It was said that he was extremely afraid of Prince He and could not go.

The last step is to go to Hongzhou. Although Hongzhou is our place, there are Jin Bo and Wang Xu. These two people only care about money, but they are not as thoughtful as we are. Wherever King Qing goes, I'm afraid I can't do it without paying. .

The prince and the prince are kind and would probably agree with them to keep the money and use it in Hongzhou.

 But it’s none of our business. "

Jiang Zhen frowned, then looked at Bian Jing and said, "Mr. Bian, you can't be partial when the time comes. It's better to keep the money in Nanzhou. I, the yamen agent, haven't even received my monthly salary yet."

Bian Jing held the teacup, took a sip and said, "What if we go to sea?"

Wei Yishan said, "Jiang Kan is one of ours. He is guarding the sea, so naturally there is nothing wrong with him."

The most important thing is that Jiang Kan has a rift with Prince Qing. No need to give orders, Jiang Kan will definitely cause trouble for Prince Qing!

Liu Baixian continued, "I'm just afraid that the sea will be very rough, so Prince Qing won't make any mistakes."

He still hoped that Bian Jing would be so cruel that if King Qing and his family died in the sea, wouldn't the world be in good health?

 The province will become a disaster in the future!

Bian Jing said calmly, "Master Liu, you are too impatient."

 “The student is aware of his crime.”

Liu Baixian knelt down again and hit his head on the ground with a thud.

Bian Jing smiled and said, "I am so white and so polite that I don't know how to deal with myself."

Liu Baixian said respectfully, "What students do is the etiquette of teachers."

 “Mr. Liu,”

Wei Yishan personally helped him up and said with a smile, "If you keep knocking like this, you can bear it, but this floor can't. Since you and I are colleagues from now on, we will naturally treat each other with sincerity, so why should we care about these etiquettes?"

Hearing Wei Yishan's words, Jiang Zhen felt amused. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "That's right. I haven't said a few serious words. I'm just doing these false courtesy. Everyone is so busy, so it's better to be more pragmatic."

  “That’s what you two said.”

 Liu Baixian stood up and cupped his hands.

Bian Jing said, "Mr. Liu, I still have to trouble you to keep an eye on King Qing. This is a big fat pig. It would be a pity to let it run away casually."

They are all his own people, so he has no scruples about what he says.

Liu Baixian said, "Teacher, don't worry, the students have already been guarded by someone to ensure that nothing will go wrong."

Ma Jie walked in and handed a piece of paper. Wei Yishan took it and handed it into Bian Jing's hand.

Bian Jing unfolded it, took a serious look, and then sighed, "King Yong and King Jin have launched an army. I didn't expect them to be in such a hurry."

 Liu Baixian and Ma Jie looked horrified.

 Jiang Zhen’s face was expressionless.

Wei Yishan knelt directly on the ground and said to Bian Jing, "Sir, please make a decision!

Indecisiveness leads to disaster! "

 Liu Baixian, Ma Jie and others also hurriedly knelt down.

 As for why you kneel down?

 How do they know?

 It’s just a matter of habit.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Bian Jing stroked his beard and said, "The prince must have received it by now. In your opinion, how should the prince and Lord Shanqi decide?"

Wei Yishan said without hesitation, "Of course we will send troops to Yong'an and enter the capital to serve the king!"

 Liu Baixian, Ma Jie, Jiang Yi and others looked at each other in shock, completely speechless in shock.

 “Why do you say this?”

Bian Jing asked with a smile.

Wei Yishan said without hesitation, "Sanhe and King Yong are at odds with each other, and it is said that the prince's biological mother, the noble concubine, is still in the palace. For the sake of the queen's safety, I should enter the capital!"


Bian Jing nodded with satisfaction, "When you were in school, you were extremely smart, but now you are even smarter.

The prince is compassionate and naturally does not want to cause casualties. However, I believe that for the sake of the people of the world, the prince will eventually enter the capital. "

Even though this Prince He is a little indecisive, he believes that with the advice of Shanqi and others, the Prince will make the final decision.

Wei Yishan said excitedly, "In this case, we might as well make preparations first, so as not to be too hasty when the prince's order comes."

Bian Jing said in a deep voice, "Send a letter to Shen Chu and organize the army and horses. Once the prince's order comes, you can directly pass through Chuzhou and enter Yong'an.

 Write another letter to Ji Zhuo. When you see King Nanling’s troops, you don’t have to give in to each other anymore. We are bound to win the land south of the Yangtze River! "


Liu Baixian finally lost his composure, "Mei Jingzhi is leading the army in Yuzhou!"

 Ever since he chose to join Prince He's side, he had been ready for rebellion, but he did not expect it to come so soon.

 And if you really want to rebel, you have to act within your capabilities, right?

Mei Jingzhi is a veteran of hundreds of battles. The shadow of a famous tree can be imagined.

Ji Zhuo only has 2,000 soldiers and horses at the border of Yong'an and Nanzhou. How to resist?

  It's a complete case of trying one's eggs against a rock, not overestimating one's abilities.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Yishan snorted coldly, "So what?

 Can our Sanhe army still be afraid of him? "

In his heart, there is no city that the Sanhe people cannot conquer.

ˆ “.”

 Liu Bai was choked to the point of being speechless. He is indeed an ignorant man who is fearless!

How could an ignorant person know about a person like Mei Jingzhi!

Ma Jie couldn't help but said, "Mei Jingzhi is both wise and brave, has great military exploits, dominates the world, and has few opponents!"

 “Okay, stop talking, I’ve made up my mind,”

Bian Jing waved his hand and said, "Wei Yishan, send a message to Jiang Kan now, prepare supplies, and choose a day to enter Yong'an Yuanhai to wait for orders."

 Wei Yishan cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Just when Liu Baixian was shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he saw Bian Jing looking at him and said quickly, "Teacher, please give me your instructions. I will do my best to live up to the teacher's entrustment."

 He was afraid that the few words he just said might offend Bian Jing, so he was even more cautious now.

Bian Jing said in a deep voice, "Master Liu, arrange for someone to send Prince Qing and his family back to Baiyun City."

He really didn’t know what to do with Prince Qing, so he could only send him back to Baiyun City and hand him over to Prince He. Whether he would give Prince Qing the so-called royal dignity was his own business.

It is true that they are close to the prince, but they are still outsiders and foreign ministers.

 Royal matters are not something they can decide.

 Otherwise it is transgression.

 The consequences of not following the rules will be disastrous.

 This is the lesson he learned after decades of wandering around.

 Don't think that if you are "kind" to Prince He in front of you, nothing will happen in the future!

Who can tell what will happen next?

I recall that when Emperor Delong was in the army, he was not only kind, but also extremely benevolent and righteous, and was loved by all the sergeants and soldiers in the army.

He Jixiang scolded him as if scolding his grandson.

 What is the final result?

 The reason why he did not kill his whole family was because he was concerned about his influence in the army.

 Not because of Emperor Delong’s benevolence and righteousness!


Liu Baixian said happily, "Students, go down and make arrangements now!"

He was thinking, what will happen if Prince Qing falls into the hands of Prince He?

Even if you don’t die, you won’t be able to leave Baiyun City in this life!

 After all, Prince He wants Prince Qing’s money, and Prince Qing definitely wants Prince He’s life. Prince He will definitely not let Prince Qing become a threat to him. This is a natural move for a normal person.

Qingyuan City, which recovered from the war, gradually returned to its former prosperity.

However, there is no longer the hustle and bustle of the past day and night, and the lights are always on.

 There is a curfew in Qingyuan City, and you are not allowed to walk on the streets after midnight.

 The only exception is officers and soldiers.

King Qing looked at the very cramped guest room in front of him and slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground. The concubines on both sides were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they shrunk their necks and did not dare to speak.

 (End of this chapter)

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