I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 25: Prince Qing

Chapter 25 Prince Qing

 “Old bastard!

How dare you tell me to get out! "

Lin Yi was stunned for a long time and stood up angrily.

Wen Zhaoyi turned around and glanced at Lin Yi distressedly, "This kid is just a good guy if he can't do anything in martial arts. He didn't expect his brain to be so slow."

 It took you so long to react?

Song Chengdao said, "Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Lin Yi said, "Old bastard, you don't even give me such a small amount of face!

Let's go into the city now. If we don't get into the city, I'll just hang on and see what he can do! "

 He is now a poor man, and he is not afraid of those who wear shoes when he is barefooted!

Song Cheng naturally obeyed the order and asked everyone to pack their bags and rush to the gate of Qingyuan City.

Nearly two thousand ragged people suddenly appeared outside the city gate, which frightened the soldiers guarding the city gate.

Without waiting for the order from the gate lord, the experienced soldiers had already driven away the pedestrians who were wandering by the city gate. Their hands had already touched the gate, so they could only give the order from the gate lord and immediately push the door open.

Jiang Yi, the Marquis of the Gate, is a middle-aged man in his thirties. Although he does not understand the situation at the moment, he still sends a detective horse to investigate as soon as possible.

The three detectives rode around Lin Yi's team without saying anything or asking anything. Lin Yi was annoyed and said to Song Cheng, "Ask me, what do you want to do?" !

 The tiger doesn’t show off its power, so treat me like a sick cat! "

Although he usually doesn't care about face, whether others will give it to him or not is another matter!

In front of so many people, treating yourself like a monkey is not a slap in the face!

Which one is tolerable?

Song Cheng took the order and galloped towards the nearest detective.

When Tan Ma saw that Song Cheng was already walking alongside him, he hurriedly waved his whip, turned around and fled towards the city gate.

Song Cheng soared from the horse's seat and jumped onto the opponent's mount. Tan Ma was so frightened that he hit him with his elbow.

Song Cheng ignored his back elbow, grabbed his back, and slid directly to Lin Yi regardless of how the other person's limbs were thrashing.

Song Cheng threw the opponent to the ground, raised his hands to Lin Yi and said, "Your Majesty, I brought him back."

As he spoke, the guard commander Shen Chu also led people to capture the other two Tanma.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Tie them all up, how dare you try to assassinate me!"


 The people under his hands didn’t know what was going on, but they still handed him over.

 The long queue continued to slowly approach the city gate.

Jiang Yi hurriedly shouted, "Close the city gate!

 Hurry and close the city gate! "

After the large city gate closed with a bang, he stood on the city gate, looking down from a high position. He could almost see the faces of the refugees clearly, and shouted loudly, "Stop the people coming and tell them their names!"

 The soldiers on the city wall were already leaning on the city wall to draw their bows.

Lin Yi walked out of the carriage with the help of Hong Ying, stood on the carriage frame, pointed at the three detective horses, and shouted towards the tower, "Who sent you to murder this king?"

Jiang Yi on the tower was stunned for a moment, then looked at the soldiers around him.


 What is this and what?

 It’s simply confusing!

  I don’t know how to answer!

Lin Yi pointed at the three detectives and said, "You actually dare to assassinate me. Fortunately, I have my own destiny!"

The assassin has been caught by me, why do you still want to deny it? "

 “Excuse me, who are you?”

Jiang Yi finally caught the key word "this king".

Who dares to call himself "my king"?

  I feel vaguely that something is not good.

 And why did his three scouts become assassins?

Lin Yi ignored Jiang Yi on the tower, turned his head and applauded the three explorers, "Okay, you are indeed good men, you would rather die than surrender, I admire you very much!

Since you are unwilling to answer, I will not force you. Forcing someone is not sweet.

 Come here, take care of it, I must find someone to confront you!

 I am the current prince, how can I inflict such a vicious attack! "

His self-concerned performance gradually made him believe what he said.

 “Your Majesty, you are worth a thousand pieces of gold.”

Hong Ying knelt down and said, "Even if I risk my life, I still want to keep the prince safe."

Lin Yi looked at the tears welling up in Hong Ying's eyes and felt very relieved!

He Wangfu Artist Training Class finally has a student who passed the exam and graduated today!

 “Prince? Prince?”

Jiang Yi is getting more and more confused!

 There is only one Prince Qing in Qingyuan City who can be called a prince!

  “The ninth son and king of the Holy Spirit today!

 Passing through Qingyuan, I met Fan Sanhe! "

Song Cheng looked at Hong Ying's performance and his eyes were red with envy. He couldn't help but jump out and said angrily to Jiang Yi on the city wall, "You are so audacious that you actually intend to assassinate King He!

 You are planning to rebel! "

Lin Yi was even more pleased. It seemed that he had many talents under his command!

 “Conspiracy with the king”

 Jiang Yi was like a bolt from the blue when he heard this!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the king are so famous!

Song Cheng said coldly, "You still want to quibble!"

"My lord, you must have misunderstood. These three are city gate guards, not assassins!"

Jiang Yi said hurriedly, "Please listen to the sophistry of the humble job. No, please listen to the humble job. How can the humble job dare to murder the prince!"

Song Cheng pointed at the three detectives and said, "The evidence is here, what else do you have to say!"

 I will report it to the Commander-in-Chief immediately! "


 It’s all a misunderstanding! "

Jiang Yi was sweating profusely. Although he was a small nobleman, he was not afraid of offending anyone and the king!

 But this big label of assassinating the prince and intending to rebel has been slapped down!

Who can withstand it?

Lin Yi said calmly, "Can this misunderstanding be explained by one sentence?"

Jiang Yi gritted his teeth and said, "He Wang, please wait a moment, I will report back to the magistrate immediately!"

 He has figured it out, this He Wang is clearly looking for trouble on purpose!

 Liu Baixian, the prefect of Qingyuan, was fifty-seven. At this moment, he slowly opened the lid of the tea.

 After listening to Jiang Yi's report, he yawned and said with a smile, "This has nothing to do with me."


Jiang Yi couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of the prefect!

 You are the highest official in the local area. If not you, who should I look for?

After Liu Bai finished speaking, he turned around and entered the inner room.

 “Master Liu”

Jiang Yi hurriedly wanted to chase after him but was stopped by Master Ma Jie.

“Master Ma, what should we do?”

Jiang Yi jumped anxiously.

Ma Jie smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, you are a fan of the authorities. Think about it, are you plotting rebellion?

Our Lord is just a prefect, and there are only some constables and servants in the government. Who would believe that he assassinated the prince and committed rebellion?

 Who do you think is the most anxious about this? "

 “Lord Commander-in-Chief”

Jiang Yi suddenly realized it!

 The Commander-in-Chief has military power in his hands!

 “What is the purpose of assassinating the prince, Lord Commander?”

Ma Jie finally showed an impatient look on his face, and said angrily, "What are you still doing? Go to Prince Qing's Mansion to find Prince Qing!"

 “Looking for Prince Qing?”

Jiang Yi clapped his hands, cupped his hands towards the master and said, "Thank you, master, for your advice!"

 After saying that, Feiya seemed to run out of the magistrate's office and rode his horse straight to Prince Qing's Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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