Chapter 253: Hasty

 After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chen Desheng behind him who had been silent.

Chen Desheng hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, please give me your orders if you have anything to do. I will do my best to live up to Your Majesty's trust."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "You guys should clean up the Commander-in-Chief these days. He is so slovenly and looks really disgraceful.

Don't keep those chickens and ducks in the yard anymore. Improve the living standard of Prince Qing's family. Give him a vegetarian diet every day. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have enough to eat. Don't really make it worse. "

 Sometimes I think that life is really unfair. At his age, he should have wives and concubines and have children, but at this age King Qing should die. As a result, he, a poor man, has to think about him at all times.

 It’s really not easy for him.

Chen Desheng said, "Yes, the prince is in such a difficult situation and yet he still takes great care of him. I must make him feel grateful to the prince."


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "He is not really a fool. A real fool would have been chopped off by me a long time ago. He would not be alive and kicking today."

 Sometimes, he just pretends to be confused. "

 Chen Desheng said, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi continued, "You have to give him regular lessons to make him understand his situation.

This king is raising his troops to march north. As the saying goes, the rich will contribute money and the powerful will contribute efforts. He cannot do nothing.

 He is my king’s uncle, so he has to support me and there is no need for him to uphold justice. "

Chen Desheng said, "Your Majesty, if you don't force me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Prince Qing to take the initiative to pay."

Lin Yi said, "Then tell him, let him contribute, sign the proclamation, stamp the letter, and then declare to the world that King Qing, my uncle, will participate in this grand event with me.

  King Yong and King Jin will be our common enemies. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Chen Desheng was immediately stunned.

 He Wang Ye’s move is too cruel!

 Let King Qing sign the memorandum, which is equivalent to putting King Qing on the fire.

As long as King Qing is not an old fool, he will definitely not agree.

This is a battle for heir apparent. Where does he, a vassal king, get the courage to get involved?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "So, do you think Prince Qing is willing to contribute money or effort?"

 As long as he has no morals, he will not be kidnapped.

 “Of course it’s money!”

 Chen Desheng said without hesitation.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's alright, let's do it this way, let him make money in Nanzhou and spend it, there's nothing wrong with it.

 Remember, I don’t know anything. He is my dear uncle. I will definitely not cheat him. It’s all for his own good. "

Shanqi and the others played the bad part, so he had to play the red face.


 Chen Desheng couldn't hold back his laughter in the end.

In the afternoon of that day, the capital commanded the envoys to start cleaning, and the animals were driven to the nearby orphanage. There was no more animal excrement in the front and back yards. King Qing finally dared to go out, and then he breathed in and out.

 At night, there was actually chicken drumsticks!

And when I drank the wine, it actually didn’t taste rancid anymore. Although it wasn’t considered a good wine, it wasn’t that hard to swallow.

 He was in a good mood and drank several glasses of wine.

 “Your Majesty, I and I would like to propose a toast to you.”

Xing Keshou and Chen Desheng, who were sitting opposite King Qing, raised their glasses at the same time.

King Qing held the cup high and said, "Excuse me, you two."

Chen Desheng said, "The prince knows that Sanhe is poor. Even the prince can't eat meat a few times a year. It's true."

Before he finished speaking, tears started to fall down his cheeks.

Xing Keshou continued, "In order to let Prince He eat more meat, we raised some chickens and ducks in the yard, and we were about to slaughter them. However, Prince He was reluctant to eat them. He only thought about Prince Qing and said that he could not feel wronged. "Uncle Huang."

 “And the prince is benevolent and righteous!”

  King Qing was doubtful.

 Who would believe a prince who cannot afford meat?

He remembered that he and the prince had stolen a lot of money and livestock from him!

Chen Desheng sighed and said, "Prince He is in such a difficult situation, and Prince Yong and others are so aggressive. Prince He is now raising troops to go north. There is nothing he can do. Otherwise, if Prince Yong succeeds by luck, the world is so big that there is no place for Prince He!"

Xing Keshou said, "Prince He also often said that Prince Qing was generous and sincere, even close to him.

He and the prince always advocated that those with money should give money and those with power should give their own efforts. They suffered all the difficulties themselves, but they did not want to trouble King Qing.

 However, we are thinking that everyone is busy adding firewood and making the decision without authorization, so we would like to ask King Qing to help us! "

 “How can we help?”

 Prince Qing’s heart was pounding.

Chen Desheng handed over a piece of paper and said with a smile, "Prince Qing only needs to sign his name on it."

 Prince Qing carefully took it and unfolded it. What was printed on his eyelids were the three characters "Northern Expedition".

“Saints throughout the ages have supported famous religions and upheld human relations: monarch and minister, father and son, superior and inferior, superior and inferior, the order is as high as the crown and the shoes, and cannot be turned upside down.”

“Daliang has the clothes and hats of Daliang, but now King Yong wears them on his head.

 Disobeying the ancestral teachings will destroy the rules and regulations.

 The beautiful and beautiful coat is mixed with fishy smell."

 The more I read, the more intimidated I become.

If he signed such a memorandum, King Yong wouldn't kill himself?

 Who does he stand between King Yong and King He?

you still need to ask?

Of course it is King Yong who is brave and good at fighting, and rarely loses in battles with Wadan!

He has no confidence at all in the Sanhe officers and soldiers put together by the unlearned Prince He!

 Even the prince, in his view, is just a wine bag and a meal bag.

If King Yong and King Jin win in the end, will all the people in Prince Taqing’s palace live?

 Hence, he would not sign this memorandum under any circumstances, let alone add a seal.

 “I, the king, speak softly, but it is really beyond my ability.”

   You won’t even do it if you beat him to death!

It is better for him to die than for the whole family to die.

Although he often scolded his sons and grandsons for not living up to expectations, he still protected them. Even if he died, he would not let his children and grandchildren suffer any harm.

Chen Desheng waved, and Sun Chongde sent pen and ink.

Chen Desheng took the folder, held the pen in his right hand, and said with a smile, "There is no need to bother the prince, I am willing to write for the prince!"


 He was very helpless. Even if he didn't sign it, they could sign it for him!

   It is really hard to describe.

He has no way to prove to the world that he did not sign this letter, and he is still in Sanhe, and the yellow mud fell into his crotch.

 To be careless!

“Only five hundred thousand taels?”

Lin Yi threw the banknotes in his hand on the table and said with a smile, "You promised too hastily. You can't agree without a million taels."

He would feel sorry for himself unless he took a million taels from the old man's hand.

Chen Desheng said with a smile, "Your Highness, don't worry, if there is a first time, there will be a second time. I will definitely keep up the good work."

Lin Yi then smiled and nodded.

 (End of this chapter)

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