I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 259: The boat of friendship can capsize at any time

 Chapter 259 Friendship The boat of friendship can capsize at the drop of a hat

 Finally, he had to bite the bullet and said, "It's Emperor Delong. The emperor has gone to court early!"

 “I’m going to court?”

Lin Yi jumped down from the stone roller where he was squatting. Xiao Xizi was so frightened that he quickly gave him a hand. Lin Yi shook off his hand and hurriedly asked Wang Tuozi, "Why is it so sudden?

What about the prince, the prime minister Qi Yong, the minister Gong Xiang, and the scholar Ma Jin?

Especially where did the dead **** He Jin go? "

Even though he had expected it, he still couldn't believe it when it actually happened. Isn't he really good at playing?

 Why does it feel like a dream?

Wang Tuozi said, "Your Majesty, even a small city can't get in. How could we know so much news? It was Pando's porters who tried their best to spread the little news.

  No matter how many more, I really don’t know. "

Lin Yi asked, "Where is Pan Duo?"

Wang Tuozi shook his head and said, "I haven't seen him since yesterday."

He Jixiang raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, if this matter is true, we still have to consider it in the long term."

 He is a veteran of two dynasties, and he knows Emperor Delong's methods better than anyone else.

 The most important thing is that Emperor Delong is different from Emperor Zhengchang who just ascended the throne. He is the real "Nine-Five Supreme", and no one dares to disobey the orders of the world.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "It's already what it is, but we don't need to be afraid. After all, I came to the capital to serve the king, and I uphold the general ethics of 'ordering the young and the old', so there's nothing to worry about."

As for King Yong, it seems that grandma is a bear, and it seems to be okay. If you really care about it, it seems that the emperor can't do anything to him? "

King Yong led his troops south, essentially fighting for the throne, but on the surface it was under the banner of "Qingjun side".

 Emperor Delong's life and death are unknown, and the crown prince's accession to the throne is not correct.

What King Yong practiced was "filial piety".

 When you get in front of the emperor, I might even be praised.

What a filial son!

 “What the prince said is,”

He Jixiang said worriedly, "It's just that since ancient times, it has been a taboo for vassal kings to lead troops into the capital!"

“I have occupied so much territory. It is not just a big taboo. I should have beheaded a long time ago.”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "What do you care about breaking the rules now? The emperor will definitely hate us to death, but what we have to do is to live up to our expectations, and he can justifiably give us a step down."

 At present, I still don’t know what trump cards I have.

At the same time, he did not want to risk the disapproval of the world and rush to put the label of "great unfilial piety" on his head.

 So, let’s deal with it first and then talk about it.

 “Your Majesty,”

Wang Dahai came on horseback. Without waiting until he got close, he dismounted, knelt down and said, "King Yong and King Jin retreated ten miles."

Before Lin Yi could speak, Pan Duo suddenly jumped down from a tree and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the 150,000 troops from Qizhou and Jizhou have arrived at the north gate of Ankang City.

The north gate is wide open!

The leading soldiers of Jizhou, Kuang Daxiang, and Qizhou, Shen Zhanao, rode into the city on horseback! "

“It’s not that I don’t understand, but the world is changing too fast. The old man is indeed an old man. Everything is unnoticed. I don’t know what trouble will happen in the future.”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "Besides, the Dawadan people have no money or food. When they compete with their own sons, they just keep playing tricks. Sooner or later, they will kill themselves."

 In his opinion, the Liang Kingdom is not far away from falling apart.

 He Jixiang lowered his head and said nothing.

 Shen Chu, Ji Zhuo and others also became frustrated.

 They originally fantasized about the power of the dragon!

 It seems a bit uncertain now

 Their generals frowned, and even the officers and soldiers below were also cautious.

 But the people of Sanhe were completely unaware of this.

 They are all busy making money, who has time to care about other things?

In order not to destroy the crops, Sanhe's army set up tents along the official roads and barren mountains. They spread out their tents, covering a radius of more than 20 miles, and they were all occupied by Sanhe people.

But the civilians didn’t do that. They were there to make money, not to keep military discipline?

They will definitely not trample the crop fields, after all, military law is ruthless, but they must do business, and if they want to do business, they can only run in front of the officers and soldiers.

Amid the dumbfounded looks of King Yong's army, their stalls were placed directly at the entrance of King Yong's tent, and they were doing business openly.

They sincerely felt sorry for these northern soldiers. They all had hungry looks on their faces, their armors were damaged, and their feet were wearing straw sandals. Every one of them was so poor that few of them could take out any money. They were basically hanging money and covered in dirt.

Although they muttered about being poor in their hearts, they still greeted the guests with smiles.

 If you don’t have money, you can exchange things for things!

Sanhe was not short of grain and rice, so they exchanged grain and rice for daggers, old clothes, armor, and even some so-called "ancestral" jades with the Yongzhou people who were hungry.

Yongzhou and Sanhe were originally hostile, and killing the people of Sanhe was the right thing to do, but when they saw the grain coming one after another, the eyes of both King Yong and the generals below him shone brightly.

Yongzhou is suffering from bitter cold and there have been natural and man-made disasters over the years. During this expedition, food and grass were simply not available.

 When Sanhe people send food over, it’s like pie in the sky!

In the end, the **** officer of the Yongzhou Army came forward and took 30,000 taels of silver to buy grain from the Sanhe civilian husband.

 Looking at the "nanman" with a philistine look on his face, they actually found it a bit cute!

 The common people are happy doing business, after all, this is what Shen Chu and He Jixiang agreed to!

 In the evening, King Yong and King Jin united their armies and gradually moved back.

The civilians naturally followed closely, but what greeted them was a rain of arrows from King Yong's army.

The people were panicking and running around, shouting people and neighing horses, making it a chaotic mess.

 Many people hid behind livestock and vehicles, and many livestock were killed or injured.

 “What’s going on!”

 The butcher who was hit by an arrow in the shoulder jumped to his feet and yelled, "You don't recognize anyone when you put on trousers?"


As soon as the butcher finished speaking, he heard roars one after another, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Two elephants of the Guizhou people were shot into hedgehogs, and many elephants were injured, making them moan one after another.

More than 3,000 Guizhou people are angry!

 The elephant soldiers are in front, and the Guizhou warriors are behind!

Hold up the knife and roar, he rushed towards the Yongzhou officers and soldiers.

  The fellow tribesmen, the Honest, the Li, and the Rich, were also irritated and followed without hesitation.

The citizens of Sanhe did not hesitate at all, and followed closely, tens of thousands of people gathered into a torrent with great momentum.

 “I’ll kill you!”

  The butcher cut off the arrow on his shoulder with a knife, and shouted, "Either you die today or I die!"

 “You’re **** hurt!”

Pork Rong stamped his foot and followed him into the Yongzhou officers and soldiers.

The boat of friendship between Yongzhou officers and soldiers and Sanhe civilian husbands just capsized.

  ps: Some bosses said that Lao Mao's kneeling posture is not good-looking.

 Woo ow

 Let’s go back and change it.

 (End of this chapter)

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