I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 27: I really don't love money

Chapter 27 I really don’t love money

Lin Yi stood up and personally helped Prince Qing to his seat and sat down.

Then he stood in the middle and said with a smile, "I still remember Uncle Huang's song "Broken Array".

Especially the last sentence, "On the day of farewell to the temple in a hurry, the temple still plays a farewell song and sheds tears to the palace maid."

 Wonderful, wonderful!

  It can be said to be an eternal song”

 “He Wang, I have never written it!”

 Prince Qing was trembling all over and interrupted quickly before Lin Yi could finish speaking!

 What is Cimiao Day?

 Isn’t it just the day of the feudal lordship?

This poem completely expresses the feudal king’s dissatisfaction and unwillingness to surrender to the feudal lord!

 He admitted that he wrote a lot of poetry!

 But he never wrote this song!

 “Isn’t it written by the emperor’s uncle?”

Lin Yi scratched his head and said, "Did I remember it wrong?

Otherwise it would be this song, "The heart is in good health and the body is in celebration, and the floating rivers and seas are sighing."

 If he was so ambitious at that time, he would dare to laugh at Lin Shan for not being her husband.’”

Lin Shan is the name of King Qing.

 “This is not what I did!”

  King Qing shivered even more.

Lin Yi was even more confused. Without looking at Prince Qing's face, after pondering for a while, he suddenly realized, "I remember!

  It is this poem: "When autumn comes on September 8th, my flowers will bloom and hundreds of flowers will die."

The incense formation soaring into the sky reveals health, and the city is filled with golden armor'! "

 “He Wang!”

King Qing's voice was almost hoarse, and his face was dripping with blood as he said, "I have never written this before!"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Uncle, please don't be humble.

The king was extremely surprised when he heard someone singing these poems along the way. When he inquired about it, he found out that it was actually written by the emperor's uncle! "

“You mean you heard these poems from outside?”

 Prince Qing's face gradually became cloudy and uncertain.

Lin Yi said in surprise, "Can the emperor still think that these poems were written by me?"

Prince Qing looked straight at Lin Yi's expression and eyes, trying to read something from his face.

Whether Lin Yi was telling the truth or a lie, he really couldn't figure it out!

 This is done by Lin Yi?

 Prince Qing shook his head unconsciously, it was impossible.

 Being an idle prince does not mean that he does not care about the situation in the court and palace.

Each vassal king basically has public or semi-public businesses in the capital, such as trading houses, brothels, and restaurants. On the surface, they are for making money, but in fact, the main purpose is to obtain court information as soon as possible.

If the imperial court has any policy towards the vassal king, they don't know it, and they still want to be hereditary and ignore the throne, be an idle prince, and have big dreams in the Spring and Autumn Period!

If you can't die, the sky is full of gods and Buddhas to protect you!

 So, he knew all the sons of the current emperor very well, and the one he despised most was the Ninth Prince in front of him!

 To say he is uneducated and unskilled is to praise him!

He didn’t believe it at all that he could write such a poem!

 Did you really hear it from outside?

 Has someone framed him by writing these poems in his name?

 In these years in the fiefdom, although he has become a little more arrogant, he has not offended any powerful people?


  King Qing took the wine glass from the maid’s hand, then raised it high and said, “I’d like to give you a drink!”

 After speaking, drink it all in one gulp.

 What’s strange is that my chest, which usually hurts when I drink alcohol, doesn’t feel anything at all now.

 “Thank you, uncle!”

After Lin Yi finished drinking, he emptied the bottom of the cup proudly.

After putting down the wine glass, he said loudly, "Uncle Emperor, can you imagine how excited I would be after reading these poems?

I have thought about it and will present it to my father in a few days, which will make him happy!

 The imperial uncle is still the pride of the royal family. "

 “No, no, and the prince, it is better not to present it to the Holy One”

 King Qing turned pale with fright.

Just the sentence "The array of incense towering into the sky reveals health, and the whole city is covered with golden armor." With the emperor's suspicious and vicious character, not only did he not have to live anymore.

His entire family will be wiped out.

From the founding of the country to the present day, the bloodline between his generation and the royal family has been so thin that it can be ignored!

The current Emperor Delong is a ruthless character who will kill even his own brothers without hesitation.

 As long as he is suspicious, it will not take him a minute to cure him.

 What evidence you need, an excuse is enough!

The emperor must know better than anyone else that these vassal kings are already a burden to the clan and the Liang State!

The reason why I keep it is because when it is extinguished, if the name is not correct, the words will not be correct, and the face will not look good.

Now that I can find an excuse, I am extremely happy!

 Hence, he has been really cautious in these years. When he heard about Wang He's "assassination", he hurriedly invited him over.

 The emperor must not be allowed to find excuses!

Now adding these poems, he even has the heart to die!


Lin Yi asked puzzledly, "Although I am only a little familiar with writing, I know the quality of these poems!

Uncle Emperor, please don’t belittle yourself! "

 Looking at Lin Yi's sincere face.

 The King of Qing finally believed that this King He was not a literate man, but was clearly ignorant!

  I don’t understand the profound meaning of these poems at all!

He felt contempt in his heart, but he still kindly pulled Lin Yi to his side, with a smile on his face and said, "His Majesty, your Majesty has so many things to do, how can you think so highly of these trivial tricks?"

"That won't work," Lin Yi flatly refused. "Wouldn't it be a pity that such a good poem cannot be sung all over the world?"

“Your Majesty,” Prince Qing wanted to slap him, but he had to admire his self-restraint and said patiently, “At my age, I don’t care about these false reputations at all.

I just want to not be trapped by worldly fame and fortune. Can't you and the prince even satisfy me? "


Lin Yi looked troubled.

King Qing saw him beating his chest and stamping his feet, and asked hurriedly, "How is it?"

“Hey,” Lin Yi sighed heavily, “To be honest with the emperor, I will not be happy to leave Ankang this time.

 You said how wonderful this capital city and the colorful world are, but going to that scorching summer place is really not what I want. "

 “It’s natural.”

 Prince Qing nodded.

 He was sure of this, this idiot was not telling lies.

Lin Yi said disappointedly, "When I got here, I regretted it even more. I almost lost my life during the previous Songyang hurricane!"

 At this point, he finally squeezed out tears.

 “He Wangye, you have suffered.”

 Wang Qing seemed to feel the same, sighed and handed over the handkerchief.

“This whole journey, I have been thinking about how to please my father so that he can change his mind.”

 While Hong Ying and Song Cheng behind him were stunned, Lin Yi shed more and more tears.

 “With your lord, don’t cry, don’t cry”

 Prince Qing was actually a little at a loss.

If you are not really wronged, why are you crying like this?

 It can never be faked!

“Uncle, do you think it’s easy for me to be the king?”

Lin Yi burst into tears and said, "It is well known that my father doesn't like me.

 I just want to give him some gifts to make him happy.

As long as I can return to the capital, no matter what the cost, I will not hesitate!

However, this king’s little talent has been used to prepare for the vassal this time. He is really short of money.

This time when I saw the poems written by the emperor's uncle, I was naturally overjoyed and showed it to my father. If my father was happy, wouldn't I have a chance? "

"I see!"

King Qing suddenly realized it and laughed loudly and said,

“My lord, you should have told me about such a trivial matter earlier.

Although I am not rich in financial resources, I can still contribute a little bit.

This king has given me 20,000 taels, which is considered a thoughtful gesture! "

 He actually began to sympathize with the king.

 He is still a child!

Lin Yi said angrily, "Uncle, is this the reason why I say so much to ask you for money?

Uncle Emperor, don’t look down on others!

Although I am in such a desperate situation, I can still afford not to mention 20,000 taels, but even 50,000 taels. "

  She has the temperament of a middle-aged boy.

Prince Qing laughed and said, "I misunderstood Mr. He, but I was really deeply moved after hearing Mr. He's heartfelt words.

Since we want to please His Majesty, the bigger the better, so I will give you eighty thousand taels! "

Lin Yi stamped his feet and said, "Uncle Emperor!

If you really look down on me, then use these stupid things to abuse me!

Haven't I been able to collect the 80,000 taels by selling off my property? "

After speaking, he snorted coldly and turned his head away from looking at King Qing.

 He ​​just picked up the cup and drank the wine in one gulp with grief and anger.

 “Don’t be angry with the prince, it will hurt your body.”

 Prince Qing is even happier. Naturally, he has everything under control when dealing with such a young boy.

“After hearing what the prince said, I feel deeply guilty.

 To be honest with you, I have some selfish motives for doing this.

 I think that I have been in Qingyuan City for all these years, and I have not been able to be loyal to the Holy One.

Give it directly to the Holy One. The Holy One will inevitably sympathize with the old minister and give him one share, and he will definitely return two copies.



Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

 “Nature is true.”

 Prince Qing said simply.


Lin Yi refused without hesitation, "I still think the emperor's poems are better and more valuable than these one hundred thousand taels."

 Finally, he said in an inaudible voice, "How can you ask for the emperor's uncle's money? It's so shameless."

But Prince Qing heard it clearly and said sincerely, "Your Majesty He, please don't refuse any more. It's 150,000 taels, and I hope that Your Majesty He will fulfill the old minister's heart for the Holy Emperor!"


While Lin Yi hesitated, a large pile of banknotes was forced into his palm.

 Prince Qing said to Hong Ying, "Come quickly and help your prince."

Hong Ying walked over and the money naturally fell into his arms.

Lin Yi was left sitting there sighing and feeling unhappy.

 Prince Qing was extremely happy. Having money not only allowed the devil to push the mill, but also blocked the prince's mouth.

“My lord, I still have one thing that I don’t understand. What’s going on with this assassin?”

“Hey, the hurricane in Songyang was very powerful, causing countless deaths and injuries.

 This king escaped from death and was still in shock.

The gatekeepers not only refused to let me in, they also kept me in the dark and sent some spies to come.

 In the excitement of the moment, it was natural to let them see the majesty of my king. "

Lin Yi managed to avoid it and said, "Hey, the emperor is just kidding me.

 Uncle Huang, it’s better not to spread the news outside.

 If the emperor finds out, he will definitely be unhappy and blame me for disturbing the emperor's uncle. "

Prince Qing clapped his chest happily and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, you know what happened today, I know, God knows and Earth knows!"

 The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves for a while.

ˆps: Please vote!

 (End of this chapter)

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