I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 276: humiliation

Chapter 276 Humiliation

After the palace maid packed up the boxes and cages, Hong Ying and Xiao Xizi personally helped to load them into the carriage. These things cannot be left to the outsiders.

However, Concubine Yuan Guifei came from a family of military generals. From the Taijun to her mother and aunt, they were all heroines in the army. She had been playing in the military camp since she was a child, so she had a broad-minded nature and did not stick to trivial matters. She did not even wear a veil. She left the camp directly and jumped Got on the carriage.

 Looking at her son who was riding a donkey in front of her and giggling at her, the more she looked at her, the more angry she became.

Even though she was her biological mother, she was confused like many people, how could such a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, who was incompetent in literature and military skills, occupy the land of seven states and lead the army to the north!

 Then "talking and laughing" with the emperor in Qinzheng Hall!

 “Mother concubine, I want to ride a horse!”

Lin Ning grabbed the reins from Xiao Xizi's hand, jumped onto the horse, and said with a smile, "The carriage is not breathable, so I won't sit in it."

  She grew up next to Concubine Yuan, and she followed Concubine Yuan's temperament, but she was more influenced by Lin Yi and did not have a deep-rooted "male-female defense".

 “What kind of style is it.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei rolled her eyes and got into the carriage, saying no more.

As the sun slowly rose, a thousand cavalrymen from the Pioneer Battalion led the way, and Lin Yi followed slowly and leisurely on a donkey.

 Walking to Rishan Sangan, everyone finally walked out of the "fire" area.

Entering the prosperous rural area, the people here have interacted with the Sanhe people once before. They like these Nanman people who "do everything with money" very much!

As long as they dare to say "no", these Nanman armed with big swords will throw money at their faces!

Humiliate them with money!

Are they people who can bend their backs for this little money?

Of course not!

They want to kneel down directly, these uncles are so cute.

And these southern barbarians also have some funny sayings: "As long as everyone talks about money, the world will become a beautiful world" and "Wrath and killing are not environmentally friendly."

It does sound tacky, but when you touch it, it seems to make sense.

As long as everyone only talks about money and does not speak with swords, won't the world be peaceful?

 In some towns, Sanhe's army or civilians pass by almost every day, but usually it does not exceed ten days.

 Eventually everything will return to peace, but some people are unwilling to do so!

Some food vendors and women doing starch and sewing simply pushed wheelbarrows and followed the Sanhe people. They would go wherever the Sanhe people went.

Even some towns, after receiving the news that the "Nanbarbarians" were about to arrive, set up points on the only roads they must pass through in advance, and placed their old hens, fat pigs, goats and other livestock and poultry at the intersections for sale.

 Wherever the Sanhe people passed, there was a scene of joy, as if they were going to the New Year's market.

 For officers, soldiers and civilians, they don’t have to wait for the stove to start cooking every day. They can eat whenever they want. Especially when they are camping in the wilderness, in the middle of the night, in the dead of night, they are very happy to have a bowl of hot dumplings.

 However, what followed was that many people’s wallets became increasingly dry.

“Do you understand how a poor family can get rich? It’s normal to spend more money. Why do you look so sad?”

Zhu Rong comforted the butcher next to him and said, "You have been injured for a hundred days. It is the time when you need to replenish your body. Is it too much to eat an old hen a day?"


The butcher said angrily, "I only drank a little soup, where did the chicken go?"

Pork Rong chuckled and said, "The soup is nourishing, and the meat can't be wasted, so I reluctantly ate it for you."

“Hey, tell me, what kind of chicken is it that costs one tael of silver?

After these days, I have lost ten taels of silver! "

If it weren’t for the fact that he was injured and unable to move, Jiang Butcher would really want to fall out with Pork Rong.

“Brother, ginseng, angelica root, and deer antlers are added to it.”

Zhu Rong smiled and said, "I was afraid of getting hurt, so I specially prepared it for myself. It's just because you were hurt that I was willing to give it to you. I'm not happy to let others go."

 “Mom, you have the nerve to say ginseng, it’s all fibrous roots!”

 The butcher's face was directly darkened.

“Brother, you still don’t believe me if you haven’t seen the world.”

Pork Rong said carelessly, "Ask Shopkeeper Liang if that bit of ginseng is worth a tael of silver!"

Liang Qingshu was leaning under a big tree and had not participated in the quarrel between the two. At this moment, when he saw Pork Rong pointing at him, he smiled and said, "Brother, ginseng grows in extremely cold and dark places. It is as long as a thumb." I'm afraid it will take decades to grow ginseng, and I'm afraid it won't work if you don't have a hundred taels of silver. Even that little ginseng is estimated to cost about one tael of silver."

 “Look, someone finally said something fair,”

Pork Rong Tan said with his hands, "Besides, ginseng lasts for a long time. I have already thought about it. I must save two of them in the future for emergencies."

The butcher sighed and said, "I will eat the big stove tomorrow. You should keep the old hen, ginseng and other things for yourself. I really can't afford it."

 “Don’t you feel any changes these days?”

Zhu Rong grinned and said, "That thing can really replenish the kidneys and strengthen the yang. It has endless uses."

The butcher’s eyes lit up and he said, “Really?

  No wonder I always feel like there’s heat in my lower abdomen lately. "

 Pork Rong said proudly, "Hey, do you think one tael of silver is expensive?"

 “Not expensive, not expensive,”

Handed the butcher over and said politely, "Brother Lao, let me cook the soup for a few more days. I feel that the injury needs to be consolidated."

Li Sanniang next to her burst into laughter.

 Sanhe's army has been marching for more than 20 days and has officially entered Wuzhou.

 “Where’s that old **** Mei Jingzhi?”

The question that Lin Yi has been most concerned about in the past few days is, "If you neither enter the capital nor return to Nanling, will you just stay in Jizhou? Damn it, do so many people want to eat for free?"

Shen Chu said, "Your Majesty, Mei Jingzhi's army still hasn't moved."

“Huh,” Lin Yi turned around and looked at King Yong’an who was riding a horse listlessly next to him. “Old Twelve, I’ll give you a chance, do you want it?”

 “Brother, please speak!”

 King Yong'an was frightened by Lin Yi and didn't believe that anything good could happen to him.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't you want to become a feudal lord?"

 King Yong'an hurriedly said, "Brother Huang is joking."

 “Don’t joke,”

Lin Yi spat out the dogtail grass in his mouth, "I am in charge of Fan Yong'an, but I have to do something for my brother, take the lead and capture Wuzhou together with him."

 “Emperor brother.”

 King Yong'an looked confused and didn't understand what Lin Yi meant.

Lin Yi said loudly, "Pass this order, if anyone dares to assassinate King Yong'an in Jinling City, enter the city to arrest the assassin. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy."

 “Follow the order!”

 The generals will gladly accept the order.

Lin Yi patted King Yong'an on the shoulder and said, "Go with them. If nothing else happens, tomorrow you can swim with me and my brother on the Fengshui River. The sound of oars and lights will last for ten miles, and the singing girls will play with the boat on the turbid waves. Think about it. I think it’s a little exciting.”

ps: Thank you "Woshi2b" for being the sixth leader. It's such a compliment!

If you despise the big boss with your body, you will definitely get more updates in the end!

 (End of this chapter)

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