Chapter 290 Relatives

 “Thank you, Your Majesty for your grace!”

Li Sanniang, who was kneeling on the ground, kowtowed three times.

Lin Yi sighed, "Let's go all the way from south to north. If we eat one more bite, others will eat less, which affects the interests of many people.

They may not dare to fight us with real swords and spears, and come directly to stroke my beard, but they will inevitably stumble secretly.

Be careful when doing things in the future. Use shallow water as deep water and cross the river by feeling for the stones. "

Li Sanniang said, "The little girl must obey the prince's teachings."

Even if the prince doesn’t say it, she will learn this lesson.

I wo n’t be alone, at least to recruit more men in the team.

  She had to admit that what Sun Laizi said was right: when it comes to real problems, men can take charge.

Seeing Lin Yi turn his back, he stood up carefully and followed the new commander He Hong out carefully.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Is there a rumor among the people that 'Tianluo Palace is three hundred miles away, and there is not enough room for one person in Jinling to live there?' Is that what they say?"

 Tianluo Palace was a large palace in the former dynasty. It covered more than 300 miles and was isolated from the sky, but it still could not accommodate the historians of Jinling City.

 This is used to describe the size and wealth of the Shi family.

He Jixiang said, "That's why each generation of historians has become worse than the previous generation."

Lin Yi said curiously, "That doesn't mean I just copied hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, right?"

This is what saddens him the most. It is a bit outrageous that such a big family only has so little money!

He Jixiang sighed and said, "The historian's life is corrupt, greedy for vanity, and unwilling to make progress. No matter how much money he has, he can't afford to squander it. There are still many shortcomings outside."

Shen Chu, who was next to him, smiled and said, "I still have something to tell the prince about in the future. Everyone in the Shi family is in prison. The chief manager of the Shi family actually stuffed 50,000 taels of silver notes into me.

The strange thing is that he is not interceding for his master, but for himself. "

 “Big rat,”

Lin Yili was happy and said unceremoniously, "Copy! Don't miss any one!"

These **** might be richer than their masters. "

 “Humble your duties and obey orders,”

After Shen Chu responded loudly, he continued, "I have found out that the people who attacked Li Sanniang's convoy this time were the nephews and nephews of these families who discussed it together.

 How to deal with it, please let me know. "

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "The main criminals have all been wiped out, leaving no further trouble. As for the remaining men, they are all cannibals who eat people without spitting out their bones. They are not considered good people. Regardless of old or young, they are all sent to the labor camp first." , and then based on performance, the best ones will be released.”

 There are individuals who betray their own class, such as himself.

 But there has never been a class that betrayed its own interests.

This kind of decadent class that attaches itself to the people and **** their blood will not take the initiative to be kind and give benefits to the people.

 It requires him to personally act as a villain.

Shen Chu said, "I know how to do it."

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang looked like he was hesitating to speak, "There is something I don't know whether to say or not."

“Hey, you asked me, do you think I should say it or not?”

Lin Yi is most annoyed by other people's hesitant speech.

Especially Qi Peng!

 Unexpectedly, He Jixiang and others have learned this mistake now.

He Jixiang raised his head and glanced at Lin Yi, then lowered his head again and whispered, "As far as I know, the old lady of Yuan Mansion is from the Xue family of Jinling City.

The head of the Xue family, Xue Yiduo, is the nephew of the old lady. "

Shen Chu followed, "A few days ago, I went to visit Xue's house."

“Your Majesty has been there, why didn’t this king know about it?”

Lin Yi said in surprise.

Shen Chu said bravely, "As my subordinate said a few days ago, the prince said at that time that it would be good for the queen to be happy."

 He never had any hope in He Wangye's memory.

“What’s the use of saying all this now, you’ve all raided other people’s homes,”

Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "This is also God's will."

 When the money is in his pocket, do he still have to pay it back to them?

That is impossible.

 “What the prince said is,”

Shen Chu smiled apologetically and said, "It's just that this Xue family member really doesn't know how to deal with his humble position."

 In fact, he also asked about it yesterday.

But the prince was too busy thinking about it at the time to reply at all. Now he couldn't help but ask again.

In case the mother -in -law asked, it was him!

The empress asked him for a stick. Can the prince protect him?

 So, you must ask clearly again and again.

Lin Yi wanted to say something else. Xiao Xizi came over and whispered beside him, "Your Majesty, your Majesty has invited me."

Lin Yi waved his hands to everyone in the lobby and went directly to the back office.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard, with Lin Ning standing behind her. When she saw Lin Yi coming over, she blinked her eyes hard.

Lin Yi smiled, this was a code indicating that his mother was in a bad mood now.

“Old lady, who provoked you?

You don't need to be sulky, just say that your son will avenge you. "

Lin Yi walked forward with a smile.

 “Did you arrest someone from the Xue family?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "To tell you the truth, when I heard that the Xue family is our relative, my son became even more angry. He actually didn't give any face to him and teamed up with outsiders to deceive your son. Are you telling me that this is fair or not?"

The son thought about it and cut Xue Yiduo into five pieces at noon tomorrow. "

 “You don’t have to be so anxious to shut me up,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei rolled her eyes at him and said, "As for the matter, I actually know it. He is just an incompetent boy who was taken advantage of. No one else in the Xue family knows."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Old lady, you are the wisest. Think about it carefully, how can you mobilize two seventh-grade guys if they are really incompetent?"

 Seventh grade in Sanhe is really a cabbage, worthless and not worth showing off.

 However, it is not the case in Wuzhou, Yongan and other places!

Even if you are unlucky and cannot be a general or guerrilla general, you can still earn some money by serving as a worshiper in a wealthy family. Your status is quite transcendent and cannot be easily manipulated by some cats and dogs.

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "Your great-grandmother is a nephew like Xue Yiduo. She is very old and will be buried sooner or later. If you wait two years, you will not need to use the knife. Why do you have to hurt your great-grandmother now?" face.

Besides, Xue Yiduo's eldest son, Xue Tonghui, is the head of the Ministry of Industry. He is a minister in the same court as your grandfather and uncle. The two families have always moved around frequently, sharing the same spirit and taking care of each other. "

Lin Yi said helplessly, "It snows heavily in good years, and pearls are like earth and gold is like iron. You should be more familiar with this sentence than my son, right?"

 How did the Xue family get so much money?

I guess you don’t know, they are all obtained by exploiting the people.

This Xue Yiduo has done all kinds of evil. If he lives for two more years, he will harm many more people. "

Concubine Yuan Guifei rubbed her brows and said, "How could I not know this?

 It’s just that they are relatives after all, so it hurts their face and doesn’t look good. "

Lin Yi said, "Old lady, you have put your son in a difficult position. How will your son convince the public in the future by acting like this?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei smiled and said, "Hey, even if you don't care about your great-grandmother's face, you still have to give me some face, right?"

“Hey, since you said so, my son can’t do anything.”

Lin Yi sighed deeply, "I will keep this Xue Yiduo. It was not his idea anyway. If I don't kill him, my son will be fine with it.

 But his son Xue Tongji cannot be kept.

Moreover, he was also responsible for the oversight, and it was certain that his house was ransacked.

 Otherwise, there will be people outside who will laugh at your son’s kindness as a woman. Cats and dogs will even dare to jump on your son to **** and pee. "

Concubine Yuan Guifei said, "Then let's do it."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Thank you, old lady, for your understanding."

 Actually, he had no intention of killing Xue Yiduo.

 But, he couldn't say that to my mother.

 After all, Mr. Da said: Human nature always likes to compromise.

For example, if you say: This room is too dark and you need to open a window here, no one will allow it. But if you say you're going to take the roof off, they're willing to open the windows.

 Psychologically, this is called the concession effect.

These tricks were learned from readers when he was a writer of online articles.

He originally had frequent interruptions and asked for leave. He was obviously an orphan, but he would make things out of nothing. He would have a lot of seven aunts and eight aunts. Today, his cousin will have a baby, tomorrow his cousin will get married, the day after tomorrow he will catch a cold, and the day after tomorrow, the computer will show up. It's broken, there's a power outage.

 There is never a lack of reasons.

 The reader said, you can earn ten thousand a day.

 The handicapped party will definitely not be able to do it.

 The reader said helplessly, then just four thousand words.

 He agreed readily and seemed not too embarrassed.

 It was only later that I discovered that I had been tricked by the Japanese.

 (End of this chapter)

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