I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 293: Prince Wu's Mansion

Chapter 293 Prince Wu’s Mansion

 More importantly, he made Pork Rong feel less confident in what he said.

 Because what Pork Rong said is indeed reasonable!

 The reason why Jinling City can be called a prosperous place is because the people are wealthy and there are many rich people!

Whether it is the Liang family or the Wang family of Sanhe, they are not enough to be seen in Jinling City.

Even Hu Banquan himself admitted that his wealth was not as good as that of a medium-sized tea merchant in Jinling City!

 Let alone being compared with those cloth merchants, grain merchants, and salt merchants!

 After all, Jiangnan has been stable for generations, with few wars, and any business can make money quickly.

 Although the Sanhe Tu wealthy people have sea trade and salt profits, they are not stable!

You may make a hundred thousand today, but you may lose it all tomorrow.

Most of the money is saved through hard work.

There are more and more people in the teahouse. The seats on the left and right of Pork Rong and Jiang Butcher are full of people. Most of them are talking about Xue Tongji being beheaded at noon.

“I never imagined that the Xue family would be where we are today.”

“That’s right, that’s right, I don’t know how happy I am today when I see that bastard’s head fall off.”

“The world is full of reincarnation, and evil will be rewarded with evil.”

“There is also Gu Zhuo, who is usually very arrogant. We have been really **** off over the years.

I heard that the Xue family and the Gu family were all ransacked? "

“What about the Gu family and the Xue family?

 The king of Wu’s house was confiscated!

You didn't see it a few days ago. There were thousands of officers and soldiers surrounding them, and not a single ant escaped. They copied everything cleanly. It is said that King Wu has been escorted into the capital. "

 “Don’t tell me, this and the prince are really ruthless”

“These days, you can have no ability, but you can’t have no vision!”

“No matter what, it has nothing to do with us, we can live our lives however we should.

The prefect also said that he and the prince have four requirements for the people of Jinling City: no killing, no beating, no stealing, and no lying.

I am safe and sound. If others don’t harm me, I will burn incense. How can I harm others? "

Everyone in the teahouse expressed their opinions, and for a while the discussion was lively and enjoyable.

Hearing someone talking about the prince, the butcher and the porker listened attentively. Whenever there was a disrespectful word to the prince, the two of them were ready to draw their swords.

 Fortunately, these people are quite sensible and didn't say anything disrespectful.

After listening for a while, the two paid for the tea and left directly.

 The rain continued to fall until late in the evening, and then slowly stopped.

Lin Yi stood at the door of the former Prince Wu's Mansion, looking at the plaque that had turned into the three characters "He Prince's Mansion", and said with emotion, "The King of Wu deliberately made himself uncomfortable. Why bother if he had to get into my hands?" "

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty spared everyone in Prince Wu's mansion and only punished Prince Wu. This is already a great kindness."

 “Of course I am merciful, there is no doubt about it.”

 Lin Yi clasped his hands behind his back, took one last look at the white marble stone lion at the door, then stepped on the high steps and entered Prince Wu's Mansion through the main entrance.

Wu Wang's Mansion was built along the central axis. Each door you enter is a courtyard, and ten entrances and ten exits are magnificent.

Lin Yi walked to the backyard and saw the unique pavilions. He knocked on the pillar next to it and gritted his teeth and said, "Golden nanmu, you are so **** rich. Mr. Shen, this is over the limit. You really care about it." , none of you local officials are innocent."

 After seeing this house, he no longer thought about the Hewang Mansion in Sanhe. Compared with this place, it was a house slightly larger than an ordinary house, and had nothing to do with wealth or luxury.

 “It’s a sin to hold a humble position! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!”

After Shen Junru knelt down, he said boldly, "But the official thought that King Wu had no intention of planting willows, so he did a good deed.

With Wang Ye's arrogance, such a house is just worthy of the next prince! "

 “Master Shen said yes!”

 Xiao Xizi quickly agreed.

 Shen Junru breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Xiao Xizi's voice.

 I finally made the right bet.

“If I’m not mistaken, the nearby houses are all made of golden nanmu, which is too luxurious.”

Lin Yi walked and knocked all the way, "Master Shen, tell Master Peng, remember to report to the emperor. If you exceed the rules, you must be severely punished."

Since Peng Guishou is still alive, Lin Yi sees his use as a bridge of communication between him and the emperor.

Shen Junru hurriedly said, "I humbly obey my orders."

I feel helpless. Is this because I am afraid that King Wu will die badly enough after entering the capital?

Lin Yi saw goldfish in the lotus pond and said with a smile, "King Wu, like me, likes to raise goldfish, which is very good."

After the goldfish in the lotus pond heard the human movement, not only were they not frightened, but they swam over in groups and cheered in the water.

 “It’s just in bad taste, there aren’t many good ones,”

Lin Yi got closer and took a look, then shook his head and said, "It seems that he is also an arty person."

Xiao Xizi also glanced at the lotus pond, but she couldn't see any difference between the goldfish here and those in Baiyun City and the Royal Palace!

 But he still smiled and said, "There are naturally very few people in the world who have the taste of raising goldfish like the prince.

Don't worry, Your Majesty, the little one will be caught later, and we can look for the best goldfish later. "

Lin Yi said, "No, the pond is big, just keep it all.

 Go back and ask people to arrange it properly and let the empress and princess move in. "

Although the Chief Secretary's Yamen is large enough to accommodate people, it is obviously not as comfortable as living in Prince Wu's Mansion.

 So, he planned to bring his mother and sister to live here.

 Xiao Xizi said, "Yes."

Lin Yi continued, "Is there any news coming out of the capital recently?"

Xiao Xizi said, "Song Cheng and Arhat came out of the capital, and they brought Yu Xiaochun with his broken arm."

Lin Yi said, "That's good, being alive is better than anything else."

Xiao Xizi continued, "Mr. Xing Keshou fell ill on the road and was delayed for some days."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Who took care of him along the way?"

Xiao Xizi said, "It's my junior sister Hong An. Lord Shanqi ordered her to be the chief arrest officer of Wuzhou Chief Secretary Yamen."


Lin Yi suddenly sighed, "Time flies so fast. This little girl is already sixteen or seventeen years old."

 “It’s only because of the prince’s blessing that this girl is what she is today,”

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "However, this girl also strives for herself and did not disappoint the prince."

“It’s you, the master, who worries so much,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I don't care about anything, I have no expectations, and there is no need to be disappointed."

Shen Junru on the side lowered his head and listened carefully to every word.

 I always feel that the amount of information is a bit large.

 However, he was certain of one thing.

The upcoming chief arrester is the apprentice of Hong Ying, the dead eunuch, and he is very popular with Hong Ying.

He knew how powerful the dead eunuch's authority was.

 This means that Hong An cannot afford to offend him.

  As for the strict abide by the punishment, not to mention, everyone and the prince respect it.

 (End of this chapter)

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