Chapter 303 Orphan

 The water on the stove is boiling, and the lid of the pot is pushed up by the heat, making a beeping sound.

He filled the kettle, threw a handful of tea leaves in, drank it without waiting for it to cool down completely, and then lay on the bed and fell asleep soundly.

 After waking up, he opened his eyes and found a face in front of him, with a bald head and big eyes. It was Tao Yingyi.

Rohan said angrily, "Do you know you can easily scare people to death like this?"

Tao Yingyi smiled and said, "Let's go."


Arhat said curiously.

Tao Yingyi said, "You are now a watchman. Naturally, you will go patrolling the streets with me after dark."

Arhat looked at the gray sky outside and said, "It's not dark yet. Why are you so anxious?"

Tao Yingyi said, "Let's go have a meal now. Once the meal is ready, we can leave.

In addition, there are those people from your previous **** agency. Feel free to contact them. The most important thing the police are lacking right now is manpower. No one can do it. "

Arhat stood up and stretched his body and said, "That's what I say, but the monthly salary of you policemen is too low. You officers and soldiers are not willing to do it. Do you think that if old brothers like me come over, we can stay here?" Are you staying?”

 The income of bodyguards is much higher than that of officers, soldiers and agents.

Tao Yingyi said with a smile, "Come here to deal with it first. We agents are also recruiting people ourselves. Once the three-month training period is over, we will have enough people. After that, your old brothers can do whatever they like, come and go. free."

 The main reason for the new recruits is that most of them don’t know Kung Fu, and they are completely helpless when facing young people.

The people in the Luohan Escort Bureau are different. They have great skills and have traveled all over the country. They are experienced and experienced. Although they do not understand the rules of the police, they are just like the officers and soldiers for the time being. There should be no problem in using them, as long as they can understand human speech. That’s it.

 “Okay, let’s settle it.”

Arhat changed into the black clothes of the police officers that Tao Yingyi brought over, and then followed him to the dining room where the police officers and officers and soldiers were specially used to eat. He squeezed into the messy team, gave himself a full bowl of rice, sat on the long table, and held Holding a piece of spareribs with not much meat between his chopsticks, he said, "Are you living in too much panic these days?

 Just no vegetables at all? "

 “Do you think this is Sanhe?”

 Dumazi next to him couldn't help but said, "There is no green at all in the winter here, and weeds can't survive, let alone vegetables.

It was hard to find anything for sale, and it was much more expensive than meat. The cost of cooking was only a few dollars a month. If you ate vegetables every day, it would not be enough. "

 “Hey, this is just like Ankang City.”

Arhat sighed.

In order to eat vegetables in winter, people in Ankang City usually store them in cellars before winter, or pickle and dry them in the sun.

 However, even so, the vegetables on the market are so expensive that even the most wealthy people cannot afford them.

As Tao Yingyi said, after eating the meal, it became completely dark, and the lanterns hanging on both sides of the Chief Secretary's Yamen were glowing in the night.

 “Hey, old brother, I still can’t let you go after all.”

Arhat touched the gong in his hand and sighed.

This gong is not big and can even be stuffed directly into his chest. He carries it wherever he goes because he once blocked a knife for him and saved his life. He cherishes it very much and takes it out from time to time. Wipe it down.

 “Everyone cheers up!”

Tao Yingyi was riding on his horse, looking at the hundreds of officers and soldiers behind him, and said loudly, "There are many people on the streets these days. You must keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions. You must not be careless, otherwise you will be dealt with according to military law!"


 Everyone responded with a loud voice.

Three days before and after New Year's Eve, the Chief Secretary's Yamen specifically canceled the curfew according to Lin Yi's wishes. At this moment, the shops on both sides of the street were hung with red lanterns, and the lights were bright.

The streets are full of people, performing miraculous magic, singing and dancing, hundreds of operas, scales and scales, and the sound of music is noisy for more than ten miles.

 The common people were probably used to the police officers passing by and had already turned a blind eye.

 In their eyes, these policemen are the most well-behaved, provided they abide by the rules themselves.

Domazi sighed with emotion, "This is indeed a big **** city. When we celebrate the Sanhe New Year, at most we only have some monkeys singing songs and then setting off fireworks."

Arhat said disdainfully, "Where are you? Wait until you have the opportunity to see Ankang City. That will be the real scene."

 He still had a sense of superiority in his heart as a subject under the emperor's feet, and he looked down on bumpkins like Du Mazi who came from the countryside and had never seen the world.

Tao Yingyi snorted coldly, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

Arhat saw Tao Yingyi's stern expression and finally did not dare to say another word. He angrily beat the gong and drum hanging on his chest, and the crisp sound echoed on the street for a long time.

The people patrolled around the city and gradually came to an open area. It was dark everywhere, and they could only use the torches in their hands to explore the way.

 In the darkness, Tao Yingyi saw a shining bald head.


Tao Yingyi stepped forward and saw an old woman curled up next to the monk. He sighed, "I'm out of breath."


The monk gently put down the old woman's withered hand and said, "I wish I had come earlier, little monk."

Tao Yingyi jumped off his horse, held a torch and looked at the old woman in ragged clothes lying on the ground, and sighed, "The oil is already exhausted. If you come here one day earlier, she will only live for one more day at most. It's not of much use." , you don’t need to blame yourself.”

With a wave of his hand, the officers and soldiers behind him came forward to lift the old woman and throw her into the corpse cart. The monk hurriedly said, "Wait a minute."

  While speaking, he picked up a baggage from the ground.

Tao Yingyi took a closer look and saw that he was an infant child with a red face and a pair of black eyes that rolled around under the light of the torch.


He has seen a lot and is no longer surprised. "Leave the child to me. I will arrange for someone to send it back to Sanhe in a few days."

 There is only one health care hall in the huge Jinling City, and it is still overcrowded. There is no way to take care of so many people.

 The Chief Secretary’s Yamen was short of manpower and unable to build a new orphanage, so it had no choice but to send all these children back to the Qidian Orphanage in Sanhe.

 “Thank you very much.”

The monk carefully handed the child in his arms to an officer and soldier next to him. He only looked back when he saw the officer and soldier put the child into the carriage of the carriage.

 “Are you Han Nian?”

Arhat looked at the monk's face, and for a moment he didn't dare to recognize him.

“It turned out to be the benefactor. The young monk has not yet thanked the benefactor for his life-saving grace.”

The monk clasped his hands together, bowed towards the Arhat and said, "The young monk has now escaped into the empty door, and his Dharma name is Ji Hai."

 “Hey, good boy, why are you a monk?”

Arhat smiled and said, "Damn, I can't even recognize her."

 At the beginning, when he went south with the prince, Han Nian was pulled out of the ruins by the hurricane in Songyang, so he left a deep impression on him.

 (End of this chapter)

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