I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 305: no fly zone

Chapter 305 No-Fly Zone

 Blurted out without thinking at all.

“Humph, if you want to change the family, my master may not accept you yet,”

Xie Xiaoqing snorted coldly, "Your kung fu is so bad."

The monk asked in confusion, "What does that girl mean?"

“Hey, no wonder you practice such stupid kung fu, because you are really stupid.”

After Xie Xiaoqing finished speaking, he was about to drift away when he was suddenly stopped by the monk.


 The monk shouted softly.


Xie Xiaoqing turned his head and said with a smile, "Monk, have you figured it out and changed your mind?"

The monk clasped his hands together and said worriedly, "Although there is no curfew tonight, the interrogation is stricter than usual. Girls, it is better not to use Qing Kung at will in Jinling City. If others find out, it will not be a good thing."

Xie Xiaoqing said proudly, "I am a ninth-grade master with strong martial arts skills. You should worry more about yourself."

The monk said seriously, "If it were normal, it would be fine. The person patrolling today is a blind man. His skills are very high, and the girl knows it."


 Xie Xiaoqing's chest heaved with anger.

She stared hard at the monk's face and couldn't understand why such an honest monk spoke so irritatingly.

The monk said in embarrassment, "The young monk speaks from his heart, and the law is ruthless. It's better for the girl not to fly around. If he finds out, it's hard for the young monk to ask for favors."

 He was a little uneasy.

If Xie Xiaoqing is caught by the blind man again, he really doesn't know how he can have the face to beg the blind man to let Xie Xiaoqing go.

After all, the blind man also acted under orders. He repeatedly bent the law for personal gain, and the manager would not be able to explain it to him.

 “Stop being so sentimental and don’t ask for favors.”

 Xie Xiaoqing stamped her feet and turned around.


She obviously has good intentions, so why should she be angry?

 The monk looked confused.

 However, he was relieved to see that the other party did not use Qing Kung Fu.

 Spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

 Wave after wave of civilians escorted goods from Sanhe into Jinling City, but in fact they began to regret it from the moment they stepped into the boundary of Wuzhou.

They only thought that Sanhe was already so hot, so they took off their coats and robes one after another, but they didn't expect that Jinling City was still so cold.

 It’s so hot that I can’t sleep in Sanhe. I can’t sleep without a quilt here at night.

 They finally realized what a cold spring means.

 The civilian husband who originally planned to show off his skills here left in a hurry after delivering the goods.

They cannot freeze to death at Windward Station, but it is completely impossible to expect them to spend money to rent a house, buy quilts, and coats.

Their money did not come from the strong wind.

 After all, we haven’t fought a war for a long time, and we haven’t made any war fortune.

 The ones who really stay are very few.

 Along with the civilian husband, there were also officers and soldiers who were on leave.

 Among the officers and soldiers of Sanhe, there are native Sanhe people and Xin Sanhe people composed of immigrants. However, whether they are Lao Sanhe people or Xin Sanhe people, they all have their families in Sanhe.

When they came out, they thought they would go home after the battle as usual, but they never expected that they would be stationed here directly.

 And it’s been such a long time.

They were not mentally prepared at all. Many of them were worried about the orphans and widowers at home and were homesick. There were even incidents of officers and soldiers running away.

He Jixiang was very embarrassed about the deserters.

There are many fifth- and sixth-grade soldiers in the army, and all of them are extremely arrogant. If they develop a rebellious mentality and stick together, it will be very troublesome.

 Must not be treated like ordinary soldiers.

So beheading someone in accordance with the law would be too merciless and would make it difficult for the military to stabilize their morale.

If you let him off lightly, it will be difficult to maintain military discipline.

Finally, after careful consideration, he and Shen Chu apologized on their own in front of the three armies, with runny noses and tears, blaming all the blame on themselves.

It’s all my fault that I didn’t explain it clearly to everyone before leaving Sanhe, which is why everyone complained so much and couldn’t return home.

 Two people each hold twenty large boards with sticks.

He Jixiang’s executioner was Wang Tuozi.

Wang Tuozi’s kung fu was average, but what impressed everyone in the army most was his lightness kung fu.

  However, only a few people in the palace knew that he was a gentleman in Liang Shang before.

And what he is best at is ventriloquism. He can learn how to sing the songs of birds and beasts, and he can only hear the sounds but not the people.

 When I entered someone's house, the flower pot was broken, and the owner just thought it was a wild cat.

 The purpose of Qinggong is to make it easier to climb over the wall and break into the house, and to pick the door and lock.

He never said this kind of thing to anyone, nor did he show it off to anyone, because it was really embarrassing.

Furthermore, a thief who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. He is also ambitious. He is afraid that speaking out will affect his future official career.

 He never imagined that he would be useful one day.

 He ​​held the board high and slapped He Jixiang's **** with a loud sound. In fact, to He Jixiang, it was no different from scratching.

Shen Chu was really suffering. It was Liu Kan who executed him. Although he repeatedly withdrew his strength, every board was really hit on the flesh.

And it’s not easy for him to use his internal strength to resist in full view of the public.

 After twenty boards, his **** was not rotten, but swollen.

After the two men moved the officers and soldiers into an uproar, they ordered seventeen deserters to be pressed onto the stage. They also used twenty heavy sticks and finally drove them out of the army and never used them again.

 After such a small disturbance, He Jixiang started a rotation system, allowing some soldiers to return to their hometowns in order to repair without affecting the defense of Wuzhou, Nanzhou, Yuezhou, Hongzhou and other places.

Lin Yi was completely unaware of everything.

 I always feel like I am living a repetitive life every day.

The stability and iron rice bowl that I sought in my previous life can now be obtained, smoothly and without any ups and downs.

It’s actually pretty good if things go on like this.

The only thing that makes me dissatisfied is this guy Arhat, who always approaches him when he sees the sky.

 You can smell bad breath from a long distance away, I really don’t want to see it.

He had to issue an order prohibiting Arhats from entering and exiting the palace at will.

Arhat sat cross-legged at the gate of Prince He's Mansion with a grimace, looked at Jiang Chou standing beside him with his arms folded, and sighed, "Brother, are you new here?

 You don’t even know me? "

 “Tell the prince that you can’t come in,”

When Jiang Qiu laughed, the scars on his face were twisted together, making him look particularly ferocious. "If you want to enter, you can try my fist."

 “If I hadn’t been unable to defeat you, how could I still be sitting here?”

Arhat can’t figure out how he ended up in this situation!

 I think back then, there was no difference between entering the prince's palace and entering your own home.

When he was secretly feeling sad, he saw a round figure coming out of the small door. He stood up quickly and shouted in a low voice, "Su Yin."

It was this fat man who stole the position of the head of the palace from himself and the prince.

 Originally he hated him.

 But since he became the head of the **** agency, he doesn't hate it at all.

 Even a little pitiful for Su Yin, who can only be a cook for the rest of his life.

Now that he saw Su Yin holding his hands behind his back and holding his head high, he actually started to hate him again.

 Without himself, how could this **** fat man be where he is today?

How dare you look askance at yourself!

 There is no way for the king to do anything!

 (End of this chapter)

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