Chapter 310: The Disciple

Lin Yi blurted out without hesitation, "It just so happens that others say that I am a rich man. If the girl doesn't give up, you can take me away. I eat less than a horse and do more than a horse. I am diligent, thrifty, and work hard without complaining. The girl is sure Can’t pay for it.”

His majestic prince can’t compare to a horse!

 Furthermore, I am losing weight now and I really eat less.

 In short, everything he said was true, not a single lie.


 No nonsense allowed,”

The woman blushed and took out the sword from her waist as she spoke, "Otherwise I'd be really rude to you!"

 “Girl, I am an honest person,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I like to tell the truth. I wonder if the girl is married?"

 If the girl is not married yet, she can consider me. "

 He ​​has been summarizing that the reason why he is single is because he is not thick-skinned enough and lacks the energy to stalk.

If you were thicker-skinned, the concubine would definitely have a reinforced company!

 So, he made up his mind to change his past thin-skinned habits and take the initiative. He must not expect girls to chase him.

 The wrinkles on his face that were in his twenties can only be smoothed by a woman.


The woman stabbed Lin Yi with the sword in her hand unceremoniously. Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to Lin Yi's shoulder, Lin Yi did not dodge at all.

Xiao Xizi quietly took a step forward, put her fingers together, and directly clamped the tip of the woman's sword. The whole sword buzzed and trembled.

The woman was shocked. She only knew that this young man with a drake voice was very good at martial arts, but she didn't expect that he was so high!

  Can actually clamp her sword directly.

No matter she was pulling or pushing, not only did the opponent's feet not move an inch, but the fingers holding the sword were as if they were made of bronze and could not move at all.

"Why is the girl so angry?"

Lin Yi boldly walked closer and closer to the woman, "I don't mean any harm, I hope the girl knows it."

Xiao Xizi rotated her fingers, and the woman felt a huge force coming from her. After all, she couldn't bear it anymore and let go of the hilt of the sword.

Just as he was about to stagger, two maids hurriedly supported him and said with concern, "Miss."


By the time she came to her senses, her sword had fallen into Xiao Xizi's hand, and she had no power to fight back.

“Girl, you’re not hurt, are you?”

Lin Yi saw that the woman's face was pale, and he was worried that Xiao Xizi had not done it lightly, so he was very concerned about the woman.

 “I want to report to the official!”

The woman rubbed her wrists and looked at Lin Yi with wide eyes.

  Compared with that drake voice, she was more angry with the playful and smiling disciple in front of her.

 “Why bother, I really mean well.”

 He must be worried when he goes to see the official.

After all, he opened the yamen, and it would have a bad influence on his subordinates if they saw him like this.

As the king of the eight states, he should still have some face.

The woman said angrily, "Do you think the laws of Jinling City are just for show?

 Xiaohuan, report it to the official right now!

 Let’s see if this scoundrel still dares to be so arrogant! "

 “Yes, Miss.”

After taking a look at Lin Yi and Xiao Xizi, the little girl with freckles picked up her skirt and ran away in a hurry.

“It’s really not necessary, girl, do you think I look like a bad person?”

Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead, feeling very melancholy.

 Why doesn’t he get the treatment a handsome guy deserves?

 He is not a domineering president, at least he is better than a domineering president!

 After all, in addition to having money, he also has power!

 “Let’s wait and talk to the official. It’s not worth talking to this girl so much.”

 The woman said in disgust.

 “It seems you trust them very much.”

 This is the only comfort Lin Yi has.

 He established a social order worthy of trust.

 Everyone trusts the officials and the law.

 It’s really a good thing.

“Anyone who commits crimes in Jinling City will not escape the law!”

The woman snorted coldly, "You are the same."

 “Yes, yes, everything you said is right,”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Girl, just wait for the official dispatch slowly, I will go ahead."

  Will you survive if your subordinates are captured and exposed?

 “You are not allowed to leave!”

The woman and the little maid hurriedly chased after him, but she didn't have the courage to block the way. After all, the martial arts of the male duck voice was too high.

 She was afraid that she had really angered the other person.

She trusted the officials to get justice for her, but when the time came, she would become a corpse. What was the point of delayed justice?

 She is not really stupid.

 “Girl, do you want to follow me all the time?”

Lin Yi was riding on the donkey, looking back at the woman chasing him from time to time.

 “You scoundrels like you must be brought to justice!”

 The woman's angry way.

 “Girl, a man and a woman who do not have close contact with each other,”

Lin Yi joked, "Girl, you should keep your distance from me to avoid other people misunderstanding. It is really outrageous for a woman to run after a man."

 “I won’t let you go!”

 After hearing this, the woman became even more angry.

Not only did he not retreat, he even got closer to Lin Yi's donkey.

Lin Yi smiled and patted the donkey's belly with his legs. The donkey threw its hooves and ran quickly.

Unknowingly, we arrived at the south gate of Jinling City.

There is an endless stream of merchants and pedestrians coming and going at the city gate, and the animals are snoring incessantly. In accordance with the latest health laws and epidemic orders issued by Jinling City, each animal has a dung bag behind its buttocks.

If an animal urinates or defecates on the street, it will be fined fifty copper coins.

The road was dusty and there were constant shouts of animals being driven.

Lin Yi followed behind, even if he covered his mouth and nose, he kept eating dirt.

 When you have money, you must give priority to building roads.

It is a pity that Bian Jing has not even completed Nanzhou, let alone Yongan and Wuzhou.

 In fact, it is understandable. After all, the south is full of high mountains. Let alone building roads, even walking is difficult.

 He really doesn’t know how he has been doing this for the past thirty years since he ascended the throne!

There are not many decent official channels!

 Every time the army sets off, almost half of the time is wasted on the road.

 Before the battle started at the destination, the soldiers began to fall ill, and there were countless casualties.

In the end, you have an army of 100,000, and I have an army of 200,000. When it comes to bragging, who is afraid of whom?

 Come on, hurt each other!

Suddenly, pedestrians on both sides of the road avoided each other, and a group of officers and soldiers drove out of the middle.

Xiao Xizi saw Tao Yingyi riding his horse in front at a glance.

There were people everywhere at the door, and Tao Yingyi did not dare to run too fast. At this moment, he also saw Xiao Xizi, followed by He Wangye.

 Seeing the two people's outfits, he understood instantly.

The prince of their family is playing the trick of paying private visits incognito again.

 He must not get off his horse and kneel down, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Who knows if their prince has any tricks behind his back?

Unconsciously, he had slowed down. When he was hesitating how to face the prince, a woman suddenly rushed forward and blocked the way.

 (End of this chapter)

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