I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 312: Never should

Chapter 312 Never should

 He really has a headache now!

 The blame is on Mr. He. His horse was frightened and ran away. It was just a matter of chasing him back. It’s not like you don’t have the ability.

Not to mention a horse as big as that, even an ant can be found by digging three feet into the ground of Jinling City.

 There is no difficulty at all.

 Besides, you always say that you want to compensate others, so just compensate.

Although the iron rooster can pluck its feathers, it is not easy.

But you shouldn't do it at all, that is, you shouldn't say that you have to work to pay off your debts.

You, the noble prince, go and work for others. Not only is it unseemly, but it is also a waste of money.

After all, in a strange environment, everyone has to revolve around you, and the money will be wasted.

 It’s not a problem!

Xiao Xizi turned pale after hearing this.

  What if when the manager comes back and finds that the prince is working in someone else’s house and living in a “doghouse”, and gives an order, he will not be able to skin and dismember them?

This is not a pain they can admit at all.

His eyes were spinning in his sockets, and he had to find a way to make their prince stop this idea quickly.

However, after thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of any solution. I could only look longingly at Xing Keshou sitting at the head of the desk.

Xing Keshou simply pretended not to see it.

 I'm not more anxious than you?

 If he had a way, he wouldn't have a headache.

 “Who wants you to work?

 There is no shortage of handymen in my family.”

The woman said bitterly, "I want you to pay for my horse. Mr. Xing, please make the decision for me!"

“Girl, you’re being unreasonable when you say that, I mean it sincerely,”

Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "Do you think I am a person who can hold out a copper coin?"

 He never carries money when he goes out.

 If one day he has money in his pocket, it may be because he was defeated and the world ended, so he took the money and fled.

 “That’s right, that’s right, he looks like a poor boy at first glance”

“You don’t look like a rich person at all. If you have a delicate skin and tender flesh, you might as well sell it to become a husband.”

  Before the girl could speak, people outside the yamen began to express their opinions.

 From the beginning to the end, no one discussed what was right or wrong, whether compensation should be paid or not.

  Anyway, this is a matter for the officials sitting in the court, and they are only responsible for discussing gossip.

 “Being a rabbit sannyasi?”

Xing Keshu, who was sitting in the lobby, could hear it clearly. How disrespectful!

How dare such a cunning person say such a thing?

When he was hesitating whether to arrest the person, he unconsciously looked at the smug Lin Yi in the audience. This expression was wrong.

It seems like you are very happy when people call you a Rabbit Master. Why don't you look angry at all?

He only saw the prince smiling and bowing his hands to the people outside the door and saying, "Thank you brothers for your support. Although I am naturally beautiful, with a jade tree facing the wind, a little bit of beauty, and the ability to be a husband, I can't do it to keep myself clean. "

 Being a husband is insulting, but in a way it is an affirmation of his appearance!

This is enough!

 The people’s eyes are really sharp.

The woman in front of her doesn't show any color to herself, which can only mean that she is blind.

Thinking about it, I suddenly regained my confidence again. I am really handsome.

 However, laughter erupted outside the yamen, and even the yamen servants on both sides couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh.

 “It turns out that he is just an ignorant and unskilled person!”

The woman couldn't help but laugh.

Natural beauty?

A little bit pretty?

 This is how these words are used!


Xing Jushou made a snap and took the photo of the gavel again. Others could laugh, but he couldn't.

 My face immediately turned dark!

He only knew that their prince was shameless, but he never thought that he would be so shameless!

 You work as a male prostitute, but you still feel bright on your face?

It’s really a big joke in the world!

If it weren't for the concern about order, dignity, and integrity, he would really want to curse.

“Sir, this person’s rogue face is clearly exposed,”

  The woman cupped her hands and said, "I hope you will see this wisely! Give this little girl justice."

Lin Yi was helpless when he saw Xing Keshou actually looking at him!

What is this old man thinking?

I said it, I have to go to others to do long -term workers, and get a month in the water tower first, and you just judge like this!

Why be so coquettish!

   I don't have any sharp eyesight at all.

However, Xing Keshou's face was tense in front of him, and he was afraid of getting angry. He still understood the principle that an old person in a family is like a treasure.

My heart immediately softened, and I didn't want to cause trouble for the other party. I couldn't help but said, "Since the girl doesn't want me to work as a punishment, I can only trouble you to arrange for the servants to help people find this horse."

Xing Keshou finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the woman and said, "What do you think?"

The woman snorted coldly, "I saw my horse go away with my own eyes, how could I possibly find it back?"

If I can find it back, I have a lot of it, so what if I spare you. "

Xiao Xizi next to me smiled and said, "Don't worry, girl, your horse can't run far."

Even though their prince has repeatedly ordered not to take more people with him when going out, but now that the general manager is not in Jinling City, how can they dare to be careless? He can boast that all the people within a two-mile radius are theirs!

If a horse ran away from under their noses, even if his master was not around, he would dare to drive off the new guard commander He Hong!

 Not even any of the responsible guards can escape!

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Girl, let me count with my fingers, this horse is heading south."

 The woman said angrily, "Even a fool knows it's in the south."

 Her horse was lost at the south gate.

Lin Yi pinched his fingers and said in a pretentious manner, "Girl, come with me, I will definitely find your horse.

I'm not sure. You can see it just outside the city gate. "

 As for how to find it, can it be found?

 This is Xiao Xizi’s problem.

 He must see the horse at the city gate.

After hearing these words, Xiao Xizi's face fell down. She waved her hand at the disguised guard Pang Long who was crowding in the crowd. He Hong struggled to squeeze out of the crowd.

Lin Yi’s voice was so loud that Pang Long had already heard it clearly.

 In a word, the prince and I want to see the horse at the city gate!

Just as he was about to gallop on the street, he found that the street was full of people and blocked, so he simply abandoned his horse, walked to a remote place, jumped directly onto the roof, used Qinggong, climbed over the eaves and walked over the wall, and walked straight to the south gate, without stopping. Whistle loudly.

Lin Yi walked out of the Yamen with his hands behind his back under the moved eyes of Xing Keshou, unaware of everything.

He walked in front, followed by a woman who looked back at the Chief Secretary's Yamen from time to time.

Lin Yi said, "Girl, don't worry. I've promised you to find it, and I will find it. Why are you so anxious?"

 Yawning as he spoke.

 (End of this chapter)

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