Chapter 315 Punishment

 “People’s support?”

Lin Yi sneered, "You shouldn't be talking about those landless people and Guizhou people, right?"

 The three treasures of princes: land, people, and political affairs.

 However, in the eyes of the rulers, the "people" here are not the real common people, but the nobility and gentry!

 The rulers tried their best to win over the powerful landlords, hoping to rely on them to maintain their dominance.

Lin Yi didn't wait for the two of them to speak, then continued, "The rich man's house has hundreds of buildings, anointed fields are everywhere, thousands of slaves and maids, and thousands of followers.

Open your eyes and see how many guards, servants, and maids there are in this king's house. How do you compare to them?

 What is the way of relaxation and civility? Is it possible that you feel that their life is not comfortable enough, and do you want me to give them some sweetness?

I really don’t know what you think. I have pity on this king. Compared with them, I am a poor household. "

 “Don’t dare!”

 The two of them knelt down again.

They both must admit that what He Wangye said was right. These powerful Jiangnan people are indeed much better off than He Wangye.

 But say you are a poor household?

 This is too much!

 But they dare not say.

"Since you don't dare, why bother to persuade me again?"

Lin Yi took the tea cup, took a sip and then continued, "I have made up my mind. There is no need to persuade me any more. I am very angry when I think that they are living a better life than me."

 “Your Majesty,”

Xing Keshou pondered for a while, and then said boldly, "It is true that the powerful squires are unjust, but these lands have been accumulated for generations. If you take them forcibly, you will probably not be able to stop everyone in the world from talking about them."

 “Mr. Xing,”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "You are wrong again. I am not going to take back all their land. I am just re-registering it. According to the head count, any land exceeding 500 acres can only be sold and cannot be bought. One more acre Will not work.

 A family of twenty people has 10,000 acres of land.

They have so much mature land in their hands, and it would be better if they cultivate it all. If they don’t cultivate it, it will all be wasted. They will have to take it all back and distribute it to the people who need land for cultivation.

 After all, there are some orphans and widowed mothers who are unable to open up wasteland.

You two should stop talking. I will never take back what I have already said.

If you don’t have time to talk nonsense with me, you might as well go find those rich people to have a good chat and tell me what I mean.

I have given in repeatedly. If you are still ignorant, let them try whether their necks are stronger or my sword is stronger. "

 Land annexation has always been the most thorny issue in this time and space in all dynasties.

 However, he did not intend to adopt a radical approach.

The world is already chaotic enough. Public security is ruined, people's livelihood is in ruins, infrastructure is damaged, and business travel is blocked.

Even if the landlord dies, the people may not necessarily become rich, and most importantly, if the landlord dies, the entire economic cycle will also die.

 A bad economic system is better than a pool of stagnant water where everyone is in danger, right?

 Similar to the situation in Sanhe, we really cannot kill all these vampires.

At the same time, natural and man-made disasters have occurred year after year, and the population is sparse. If the land owned by powerful landlords is not divided up, the remaining land will be enough.

 What he wanted to do instead was to organize people to reclaim wasteland.

It is not easy to reclaim wasteland, nor is it easy to plant. This is mainly due to the lack of seeds, cattle, iron tools and other means of production that have always been in the hands of the landlords. Lin Yi plans to rent them according to Sanhe's old method.

Three households have one cow, and one village has five or six cows. Having one is better than nothing!

We cannot allow these people to leave their own land uncultivated and work as tenant farmers for the landlords.

Furthermore, he continued to encourage the planting of sweet potatoes and corn. After all, the planting requirements were not high and the harvest was large, ensuring that the people would not starve to death.

As long as they don’t starve to death, they will have something to run on and will not rebel against themselves.

“Since the prince insists on doing this, I have no choice but to obey!”

 Xing abides by the very helpless way.

Lin Yi continued, "Draw up a document for me and send it to Nanzhou, Yong'an, Yuezhou and other places. They all follow this example."


 Xing Keshou and Peng Guishou looked at each other and then retreated together.

 After leaving Prince He's Mansion, the two of them got behind the carriage one after another. Peng Guishou hesitated for a long time and couldn't help but said, "Master Xing, Prince He is still young and energetic. Since we are the direct ministers, we should remonstrate to the death."

"The prince and his wife must have a deep meaning in this move. It would be better for us to follow orders,"

Xing Jieshou suddenly said seriously, "I told the prince that what you know must be implemented, and what you don't understand must be implemented. Only through practice can you gain true knowledge. Mr. Wang Peng knows that if you violate the rules, Dingxing will not lend a hand."

 “I don’t dare, thank you for your advice.”

Peng Guishou said no more.

After the sky gradually darkened, Lin Yi said to the bright moon and Zixia who were lighting lamps, "You don't need so many lamps, just one or two that can help you see the road."

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue said with a smile, "You may hurt your eyes by reading later."

 “Drink tonight, don’t read a book,”

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Xiao Xizi's wine glass and flask were brought over. After Xiao Xizi filled it, he drank a glass by himself and said with a smile, "This candle is different today, why does it still smell fragrant?"

Mingyue said, "This is what Tian Shiyou arranged for someone to send. They said they are candles made of whale oil."

“Has this **** Tian Shiyou come to Jinling City?”

Lin Yi asked.

Xiao Xizi said, "Here we go, I got into a fight with someone in a restaurant a few days ago. I don't know where I can have fun now."

 “Has Tian Shiyou offended you?”

Lin Yi asked directly.

 “Wangye Mingjian,”

Xiao Xizi knelt down and whispered, "This man has been rude in front of the prince time and time again. I just want to teach him a lesson."

 “You **** thing, if you want to give people eye drops, you have to be smarter,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Are you trying to fool me with such covert words?

 Do you think I am a fool? "

Since Tian Shiyou got into a fight, he would have to undergo labor reform according to the regulations, which could be as little as one month and as much as half a year.

 There must be something wrong with going out to have a good time so soon.

 “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

Xiao Xizi’s head hit the bluestone with a banging sound, and blood was obviously visible.


Lin Yi felt sorry for him and said angrily, "Stop being so pretentious and just tell the truth."

Xiao Xizi trembled and said, "Yes, I don't dare to deceive the prince. Tao Yingyi is the most popular one.

This person does one thing to his face and another behind his back. He insults the villain as an **** repeatedly behind his back, so that the villain harbors a grudge.

He arrested Tian Shiyou and let him go directly. According to the law, he should be dismissed from his post if he violated the law for personal gain. "

“Your little boy is becoming more and more petty now. You are someone close to me. Isn’t it easy to fix him?

How dare you come to me to show off your skills and use my hands to kill people?

Who gave you the courage? "

Lin Yi kicked him angrily and said coldly, "Go down and get twenty big boards."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi stood up tremblingly, and when she walked out of the door, she looked back three times.

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Xizi's back and said to Mingyue, "Let him serve the queen for a while."


 Ming Yue was also a little surprised.

 She hasn't seen the prince so angry for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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