I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 318: None of them are good people

 Chapter 318 None are good people

Tao Yingyi looked at He Hong who was gradually going away, frowned and said fiercely, "These days, who is afraid of whom?

I am not a vegetarian either, mother, just let your horse come over. "

As long as you are useful to the prince and the prince still trusts you, no one can touch you!

How can he be afraid of Xiao Xizi, a bastard!

Lin Yi stayed by the river until his stomach growled at noon, then he stood up. After stretching, he glanced at Xiao Guizi next to him and said angrily, "Why are you standing there? Put away the fishing rod." , go home for dinner.

 I really don’t know what I’m thinking about all day long. "

 I sniffed on both sides of my shoulders, because there was a fishy smell all over my body when I was taking out the hook and threading the bait.

 In the past, when Xiao Xizi was around, he would come happily and go back cleanly, and he would never have made himself so miserable.


  Xiao Guizi picked up the fishing rod clumsily, because she didn't know how to use the strength. As soon as the fishing rod was lifted, the fishing line suddenly swung back and hung directly on the willow branch that had just sprouted.

 He tried several times but could not pull the fishing line off the branch.

In desperation, he gave up the fishing rod, stood under a tall willow branch, jumped up, and pulled the willow branch down. However, more fishing lines were wrapped around it, making it a mess.

He tried to untie it, but the knot became more and more messy. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and did not dare to look at the prince.

 “Idiot, take a knife and cut the branch directly.”

 Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead.

He himself couldn't understand why he brought this kid out when there were so many people in the house.

  It’s just that you have nothing to do to make trouble for yourself.


Xiao Guizi held the branch with one hand and looked around. He didn't bring a knife.

"Let me do it."

The guard Jiao Zhong came over and swung his knife, causing the willow branch to fall directly to the ground. Then he helped Xiao Guizi remove the golden thread from the branch.

 “Let’s go.”

 Lin Yi walked in front with his hands behind his back, and Xiao Guizi followed behind with his donkey. On his way back, he passed by Xingxian Academy, a higher education institution in Jinling City, and found a group of scholars gathered together, some filled with indignation and some with sad faces.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he turned his head to look at Xiao Guizi, and saw that he also looked confused and helpless.

It would be great if Xiao Xizi was here at this moment. There is no need to ask myself, Xiao Xizi can directly explain the whole story.

 Having this bag with you makes you really worry-free.


Jiao Zhong stepped forward again and said, "Many people went to the capital last winter to participate in the Spring Festival. Because the Wadan people went south, and the Holy Emperor issued an order a few days ago, the Spring Festival was postponed. They came in good spirits and returned in disgrace, so naturally they are dissatisfied."

 “I know this,”

Lin Yi thought about it, and he remembered that Xiao Xizi told him, "Spring Festival only happens once every three years, and everyone has been preparing for it for three years. Now it has been postponed. I don't know when the next time will be."

 Ye Cheng went to the spring meeting early to make his reputation known throughout the country. It was a beautiful thought. "

 He would definitely not feel sorry for them, and he might even be a little happy.

Since he came to Jinling City, these scholars have been thinking of ways to arrange him.

 After all, after he occupied Jinling City, he not only failed to reuse scholars, but also vigorously attacked the nobles and gentry.

Most of these scholars came from the nobility and gentry.

There were some days when he heard something like, "A rat has skin, but a human has no manners. If a man has no manners, what will he do if he is not dead?" Poems like "I don't recognize people, my nature is not docile, my land is cold", etc., he angrily wanted to start a vigorous book-burning and humiliation of Confucians.

Even though he was wearing a sachet, he could still smell the odor of scum from these people. Even if he was reading a book, he would wear a red sleeve to add fragrance.

  Anyway, those who oppose him are not good things.

 “The young master said,”

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "If Wadan doesn't retreat for a day, there will be no hope for spring.

According to my subordinates’ opinion, it’s better to cancel all of them. This will save everyone from thinking about it. People, the more hopeful they are, the harder it is to sleep well. "

 He ​​is an old man from Prince He's residence, so he naturally knows Prince He's attitude towards the imperial examination. At this moment, he is just picking out the words that Prince He likes to hear.

“There is nothing wrong with taking the imperial examination, even a poor family can produce a noble son,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "The mistake is that everyone is too partial to science. What's the use of just relying on some poems and articles? In the future, the study of objects, mathematics, and chemistry must be tested together."

Jiao Zhongdao said, "Young Master is far-sighted and far-sighted. I am stupid and far behind."

Lin Yi said, "Okay, stop complimenting me blindly, let's go home and have dinner."

 After bypassing the scholars blocking the road, we returned to Prince He's Mansion.

After having a good meal, I lay down by the lotus pond, sprinkling some steamed bun crumbs from time to time. When I saw Pan Duo coming over, I asked, "What's the news today?"

Pan Duo said, "Your Majesty, the **** with the message left the capital ten days ago and rode hard to Jinling City. Counting the days, he will arrive at Jinling City the day after tomorrow."

“I am actually willing to lower my face and shout for help to my son. I can really afford to pick it up and put it down.”

 Lin Yi finished scattering the last bits of steamed bread crumbs in his hand, and reached behind him out of habit, but there was still no movement. No one handed him a towel, so he could only pat his hands clean.

Pan Duo said, "Please give me your instructions."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I understand. Let Mr. He and the others discuss the specific regulations. There is no need to ask me about everything."

 Since he had decided to go north again, he no longer hesitated.


 Pando immediately retreated.

 Not long after, He Jixiang, Xing Keshou, Peng Guishou, Pang Geng and others all came to see him.

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty, the food, grass and baggage have been prepared a few days ago.

The troops stationed in Nanzhou, Yuezhou and other places have already set off seven days ago. It is expected that they will arrive at Jinling City in a few days. We can go north at any time as long as the prince gives the order. "

He once reached the position of governor of the capital and held great power. However, the emperor had constraints at every turn and had to be sure of everything. If he made the slightest mistake, he would be in a state of eternal disaster.

However, no matter how careful he was, he never thought that the last person to ascend the throne would be Emperor Delong.

The key point is that Emperor Delong was a petty person and sent himself an army of three thousand miles away.

  When I thought I was going to die of old age in Sanhe, I arrived in Sanhe with the prince.

He and the prince are "muddleheaded". They have only been doing things like flying birds, walking dogs, and fishing. No matter how big or small they are, they have never cared about it. However, he, Xie Zan and others have enjoyed a lot of freedom.

However, it’s not really happy. After all, Sanhe is poor. Whatever you want to do, you need money.

 These people can’t sleep because they worry about money every day.

Especially when the army was on the move, they actually had the shamelessness to "borrow money" from the wealthy households in Sanhe.

 However, what he didn't expect was that he actually experienced what happiness meant in Jinling City.

 (End of this chapter)

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