I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 325: Rewards based on merit

Chapter 325: Rewards for merit

“Look for it slowly, don’t be in a hurry. From now on, he will be like a rat in the sewer, unable to see the light, let’s see how he keeps jumping around.”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, pushed the jade seal on the table in front of He Jixiang, and said, "This is the jade seal, take it over and stamp all those who should be appointed.

I, the king, need to have a good rest and I am too lazy to worry about such trivial matters. "

 In essence, the jade seal is just like "the supreme king of martial arts, slaying dragons with swords, commanding the world, no one dares to disobey", it is just to fool people.

 If it is really lost, it will take more than ten minutes to remember.

 So I don’t value it at all.

You really can't take this thing seriously, otherwise, even if it's a big deal, he'll be asked to come over and stamp it. What's the difference between him and his father?

 He has already taken control of Ankang City, so he still wants to do 996?

 What are you picturing?

 “Your Majesty!”

He Jixiang was startled, "The jade seal is also a national treasure.

 How can you use false hands to others? "

 He has only heard of the **** who holds the seal, but he has never heard of the minister who holds the seal!

 If there is, he is also a traitor in ancient times!

 But, he is not!

If he really catches it in his own hands, he can drown him if he turns around and spits on the stars.

“Take it, you are now the Grand Marshal of the World’s Armed Forces, the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armed Forces, and you decide all important military and political affairs with your single word. If you don’t take it, who will take it?”

Lin Yi gradually became a little impatient.

 “Your Majesty, you must not do it!

 Please, Your Majesty, think twice! "

He Jixiang knelt down anxiously.

 He only knew that their prince was absurd, but he never thought that he would be so absurd!

 Sending jade seals directly to ministers has been unheard of and unseen throughout the ages!

Lin Yi said angrily, "There are so many things going on here, inside and outside. If you let me hold the jade seal, are you trying to exhaust me to death?"

He Jixiang almost vomited out a mouthful of blood after hearing this!

 Aren't you afraid of exhausting me to death?

 “Your Majesty.”

He Jixiang really doesn’t want to take it.

This is nothing else, it’s a jade seal. It’s hot!

 No, I feel hot all over!

 There is no difference from roasting on a fire.

 “Stop talking nonsense,”

Seeing that he was so frightened, Lin Yi could only wave his hands helplessly and said, "Take it and put it in the Qinzheng Hall. Whoever uses it will stamp it. Just don't bother me."


He Jixiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was placed in the Qinzheng Palace and did not need to be held in his own hands. He had an idea and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you set up the position of **** to hold the seal?"

Lin Yi sighed, "Isn't it that Xiao Yingzi, that **** hasn't come back yet?"

Next to him is Xiao Xizi. Although she had known this was the case, she was still a little disappointed.

 After all, the miracle he expected did not happen.

He Jixiang smiled and said, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi continued, "Where is Bao Kui? Let him temporarily serve as the governor of the capital."


He Jixiang continued, "I wonder who will be the commander of the Military and Horse Division?"

“Did Jiang Yi come with you? Let him be the deputy commander first and then become a prince in Qingyuan City. It’s really a bit of an inconvenience.”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Then I will send a message to Zhang Mian and ask him to serve as the commander when he comes back. He is originally the commander of the Nanmen Army and Horses Division. This is his old profession and he is familiar with it.

As for the navy, leave it all to Jiang Kan. "

 “The prince is wise,”

He Jixiang pondered for a while and said, "When the city was destroyed, more than 10,000 prisoners were captured and surrendered. I don't know how to deal with it?"

Lin Yi said, "Keep it locked for now, wait until tomorrow morning, make adjustments, stay and contribute to the king. The Wadan people are coming fiercely, and the enemy is facing us. It is the right time to employ people. The more power you have, the better."

"Those who are willing to leave, I will not stop them. I will let them go back to their homes and find their mothers."

“Han Long, the guard of the south gate, and Sun Da, the governor of the capital camp, are unruly people, and they are afraid of letting the tiger return to the mountain.”

 He Jixiang said worriedly, "Please, Your Majesty, think again."

“If they insist on keeping their eyes open, it will give me a reason to kill them.”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I, the provincial king, cannot bear to take action.

 You mean to keep him employed? "


He Jixiang nodded.

Lin Yi said, "You can figure it out yourself, I don't care about it anymore.

 Do you think I really just gave up?

 It always feels a bit unreal. "

 What kind of person is he?

 How could it be so easy to give in?

 The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He Jixiang said, "After the Holy Emperor first ascended the throne, he was too eager to seek treatment.

 It was brewed for utilitarianism, and when the utilitarianism ceased, it became a punishment;

 The punishments are endless, and the flow is due to suspicion;

 Having constant suspicions accumulates into obstruction.

Your Majesty, now that the Holy One is old, the mountains and rivers are broken, the country is no longer a country, and the original ambition has been lost due to discouragement.

 Furthermore, Your Majesty, the Holy Master is unable to stand up in his hands. "

He boldly summarized Emperor Delong's failure. At the same time, he also warned the prince that when he first entered Ankang City, he should not be impatient.

"no no,"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Daliang Guo is seriously ill and must take strong medicine.

 My fault was not that I was too anxious, but that I went in the wrong direction.

 History has proven that anyone who offends the people will not end well in the end. "

 After saying this, he yawned non-stop, waved his hand at He Jixiang, and went back to the house to sleep.

 I got up early in the morning. After lunch, my eyelids started to fight. It’s not easy to hold on until now.

People, you really can't be too idle. If you have too much idle time, you will think you are working hard if you work hard.

The news spread throughout the streets and alleys of Ankang City that He and the Prince had entered the city. Many people stayed behind closed doors. Except for the people in Nancheng, everyone was overjoyed when they heard that He and the Prince had entered the city.

As it was getting dark, Hewangfu Street suddenly became lively.

 Many people began to come out to set up tea stalls and vegetable stalls. As long as they were old residents here, no one was afraid.

"Ha ha."

 Pork Rong drove a mule cart and shouted, "I'm back again!"

 “Hey, Pork Wing”

 “The pig butcher is back”

“You guys are so **** industrious, and you are still setting up a stall at this hour,”

Pork Rong stood up from the mule cart, cupped his hands and said, "If you don't go home early, there will be a curfew later."

“Pork Rong, you are rich, how can you know the plight of our poor people?”

 A lean man said loudly, "I haven't been out for more than ten days. If this continues, the whole family will starve to death."

Another old lady said, "Thank God, I heard that our prince came back, so the old lady dared to come out."

 Pork Rong and the butcher and others next to him laughed.

Pork Rong said, "Let's go, turn the corner in front and you will find my home."

 Haunted through a narrow alley and finally stopped in front of a low house.

Hunting the butcher and other porkers, he opened the door, plucked the cobwebs in front of him, looked at the two dark and damp rooms with mottled walls, and said angrily, "Is this your home?"

 Can anyone live here? "

After Zhu Zhurong lit the candle, he looked around, and then said, "If you don't like it, then go sleep in an inn."

 “It’s such a hot summer, I don’t want to spend that wasted money,”

The butcher snorted coldly and said, "Where is the well? I'll go get some water."

They will not only stay in Ankang City for a day or two. According to the current situation, they will probably stay for a long time. Who can afford to stay in an inn every day?

 “How can you know.”

Pork Rong pulled the mule cart to a shed next to the alley, let go of the noose on the mule, then took off the barrel and pole from the donkey, turned left and right, and stopped at a well. .

 He fetched water and asked the butcher to help deliver the water. Wang Xiaoshuan cleaned the house. After the house was almost clean, several people started cooking.

 After making some random meals, the three of them drank directly.

Wang Xiaoshuan rubbed his chest while drinking, and said bitterly, "I really wanted to chop that Han Long into pieces today. He dared to stop me when I climbed the city wall. Fortunately, I wore armor, otherwise I would have had to let him It's so embarrassing.

Where is the chance to talk to you? "

Zhu Zhurong said, "You are too reckless. General Shen has already said that it is none of our business. The officers and soldiers will attack the city directly. You have to show off your skills. You will be lucky if you don't die. This is Ankang City, Biwulin City, and Jinling City." The city wall is too high.

You didn't look at it just now. The wall in the middle was made of rammed earth and covered with bricks. The city wall was five feet wide. That old guy Mo Shun brought people to blow it up with explosives, and only a few bricks fell off.

That Jingying camp is also the best in the world. If you can save your life, just enjoy it secretly.

 In the end, the cannon worked. With a bang, it fell on the city wall and killed a large number of people. "

The butcher snorted coldly, "What kind of elites? Since I went to the city, I haven't seen many strong ones. They are completely vulnerable."

Zhu Rong burped and said, "What do you know? It's because you haven't met anyone powerful.

 Ye Qiu and the blind man were blocked from entering the palace. If you don’t believe in evil, how about you try it? "

 “This is true,”

The butcher lowered his voice and said, "I heard that in the evening, Bao Kui led people to attack the secret guard command department and killed more than a dozen masters of rank five or above."

 After saying that, I couldn’t help but shrink my neck in fear.

 If you think about it seriously, this day is really dangerous.

Wang Xiaoshuan grinned and said, "If we hadn't worked so hard today, would we have been able to enter the city?

At this time, he might still be sleeping in food bags outside the city.

I would say that the only powerful thing in Ankang City is the crossbows and cannons, which seem to be much better than those in Sanhe. The elephants' heads were wrapped in iron sheets, and they were all smashed away like that. It was really dangerous. "

 After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass again.

The butcher said, "Han Dongsheng and Liang Qingshu, these old bastards, know how powerful they are, and unlike the past, they hid outside and didn't even dare to show their heads.

Just now I heard General Shen say that this time we civilians will also reward according to their merits. Let’s see if they will be jealous tomorrow. "

 “Do we also have a reward?”

 Pork Rong said in surprise.

"Of course,"

The butcher said proudly, "If we civilians hadn't dug up the sandbags at the city gate with shovels, how could the south gate be opened? If the south gate is not opened, how could the army get in?"

 “Don’t have high expectations.”

 Pork Rong understands Shen Chu and he is a generous man, but he understands Prince He better.

 Can you get money from him?

 He doesn’t believe it!

 (End of this chapter)

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