I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 328: Afraid of trouble

Chapter 328 Fear of trouble

No matter how much fighting there is in the court, they are scholars after all, and they need to be polite!

 They were helpless when they met someone as shameless as Wang Ye.

 “Normally, the application is made directly on the same day,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "Although you all stayed at home yesterday, you were not prohibited from snooping around. You must have heard that the secret guard commander was slaughtered by me. Although Jiang Zhong ran away, he was not arrested. It will be a matter of time.

 Chin Tong was beheaded, but as for He Jin, I asked him to retire and return to his hometown. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Everyone shouted again.

 The hanging hearts of many people seemed to have suddenly settled down.

The implication of He Wangye is that the revenge that should be avenged has been avenged!

 The rest of the people are fine!

 He will not trouble them again.

"You people, you don't like me, and I know it."

Lin Yi has always been direct and honest in his speech.

 “Don’t dare!”

Everyone smiled bitterly.

 You just know it yourself, why do you have to say it?

They only knew that this person and the prince were "weird", but they did not expect that he would be so weird.

 The way he talks and acts is completely different from that of normal people.

“However, each other, each other, and I don’t like you either. I really want to kill you one by one and replace you with someone I like.”

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "You have to thank the Wadan people well. There is a huge enemy in front of you, so I don't want to embarrass you.

Without you, the Liang Kingdom will have so many problems that I will not be able to sort it out, so I can only rely on you.

I won't talk about being a slave to the subjugation of the country. I will say the most practical thing. I will make up for my mistakes. The Wadan people's matter is over and we will be clean. What do you think? "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

The ministers below only hoped that Prince He would let them go, but when Prince He really wanted to let them go, they couldn't believe it!

 According to the usual practice, you have to kill at least a few people to set an example, right?

 So far, only an insignificant Qin Tong has died, which has no effect at all.

“Don’t fail to take my king’s words to heart,”

Lin Yi patted his knees, stood up, walked down the steps, and paced back and forth in the hall, "I heard that if you want to get rid of a person, you should indulge him, and when the conditions are ripe, take the opportunity to get rid of him in one fell swoop.

 I hope you will not give me this opportunity. "

 The situation in front of him left him no time to understand these old things.

 Not to mention that he is so lazy. He feels tired from any process that takes time.

 Including, falling in love is the same.

 “Don’t dare!”

 Everyone has become numb to what Prince He said.

This Prince He really has no shame at all, he even threatens people so directly.

“Everyone, please get up. Kneeling is very tiring. We are all very old.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm so tired, who can do things for me?

Without you, if the six subjects are pulled out of the matter, although they can still do things, they will still not be as sophisticated as you. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 The first words he said were human words, which made people a little touched, but what happened next was a threat?

 There are six departments and six departments: the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Works. The real people who do the work are the minor officials in the middle and below.

The so-called flowing water of Shangshu means that administration, personnel affairs, prisons, money and grain, etc. are all handled by the subordinate officials in Shizhong and below.

If you get angry with the prince and really put them in jail or kill them, the court will still be able to move.

Lin Yi walked up to Qi Yong with his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "Prime Minister, how about you say a few words?

 Those who don’t care about it, you know, I am uneducated and the words are too difficult for me to understand.

We are all grown ups, so there is no need to be tactful and talk about other things.

Of course, don’t talk nonsense like ‘Although I kill people, set fires, take bribes and bend the law, but I am a good person’.

 I will not be angry if you speak unpleasantly, but I will be very angry if you waste my time. "

 Hearing words like murder, arson, corruption and abuse of law, the corners of Qi Yong's eyes kept twitching.

There are very few people who can survive in high positions and end well. Being able to stand firm in decades of official career naturally has its own unique way of being an official. But facing Prince He now, he found that none of his previous experience seemed to be of use. .

This prince seems to be more difficult to serve than Emperor Delong.

He pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Listening to what the prince said is better than ten years of reading. I am ashamed of myself!"

 You should help the prince to fight off the evildoers, even if you die. "

 “This sounds so old-fashioned and has nothing new.”

Lin Yi still shook his head dissatisfied.

 He actually sympathized with the old guy.

 Everyone in the world said that he was a traitor, but in fact, most of the time, he took the blame for his father.

 I was suspicious by nature. After he came to the throne, although he followed the centralized system of the previous dynasty in which all powers were centralized, he made many changes.

The most controversial thing is that all rights belong to the emperor, that is, no matter how big or small, everything is finally summarized by his father. When he is really too busy, the cabinet scholar will pass the order and write the order.

Until now, although the position of prime minister has not been abolished, it is basically the same as a sinecure. He can only say a few words occasionally during court discussions to understand the holy will and ponder the holy heart. If the emperor sees anyone who is unhappy, he will issue a memorial himself. , help the emperor get him together.

  It is indeed sad that when you are a high-ranking official, you live your life as a jester.

 On the contrary, the cabinet scholar Ma Jin next to him had a little more power than the prime minister. After all, he was the emperor's secretary.

Ma Jin saw Lin Yi looking at him, and without waiting for Lin Yi to ask, he said directly, "The imperial court has special gifts for celebrations. The prince should do more to recruit talents, select talents, and gather the talents from all over the world to use them."

Qin Yang, the censor of Youdu, suddenly stepped forward and said, "I believe that we should bring order to the troubled times, counteract the righteousness, and bring peace to the world."

 “Give amnesty to the world,”

Lin Yi remembered this person. The reason Shanqi was able to go to Sanhe was because this old guy had read one of his books. He looked at Qin Yang, thought for a while and said, "As long as there is no murder case, let them all go. If there is a murder case, let him go." All of them will be sent to the army, and they will be allowed to serve for their crimes. "

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 The ministers kowtowed again and again.

Lin Yi continued, "Who can tell me whether there is any money in the treasury?"

 He is so stupid!

 “I, Gan Mao, meet the prince!”

 After the little old man emerged from the crowd, he knelt down again and said, "Your Majesty, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

 “Cut the nonsense,”

Lin Yi walked up to the Minister of Revenue, squatted down, and asked with a smile, "To be honest, do we still have money in our treasury?"

 “Return to the prince, it’s less than one hundred thousand taels.”

 “Less than one hundred thousand taels?”

When Lin Yi heard this, he was like a thunderbolt. He gritted his teeth and said, "You have the nerve to be so loud for such a small amount of money?"

Gan Mao had a grimace and didn't know how to reply.

 (End of this chapter)

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