Chapter 333 Not a human being

The queen was the biological mother of the prince. After the prince was defeated, he was imprisoned by the emperor. The queen went to Qilin Palace to express her love. The emperor was furious and was thrown into the cold palace. Out of grief and anger, she hanged herself from a beam.

 This is the talk in the palace.

 But who can believe this?

 Lao Twelve didn’t know whether others believed it, but he knew that the prince definitely didn’t believe it.

Now, his brother, the Nine Emperors, has placed the prince in the Changqing Palace, looking at things and thinking about people. What kind of sparks will there be between him and his father?

 This is very exciting!

“Others expect their children to become dragons, but I don’t. I don’t have much hope for you. I just hope that you won’t act like a tiger and become a dog.”

Concubine Tang looked at her son coldly and sighed, "It would be best for you to be a wealthy and idle man with a peaceful life.

  Don’t have any wrong thoughts, I don’t want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. "

 Lao Twelve said helplessly, “Mom, concubine, can’t you hope that your son will be better?

Everything is fine in front of you, the weather is calm, don't say these words that are not appropriate for the situation, your son will feel panicked after hearing this. "

“It seems calm on the surface, but in reality it is turbulent. I wish you well and that’s why I say these words to you.”

Tang Guifei stood up and walked slowly towards Lao Twelve and said, "Don't jump too high if you don't have the ability. No one can catch you if you fall."

 “My son knows.”

 Lao Twelve did not dare to look at Concubine Tang, and lowered his head again.

His mother's words were too shocking.

Can't you encourage him?

“If you are ignorant, I will be implicated even if I have no choice but to end up with the same fate as the Queen.”

 Concubine Tang passed her son and walked to the door. Then she turned back and waved to the maids and eunuchs on both sides. After they retreated, she continued, "You, honestly, are the greatest filial piety to me."

“What the mother-in-law said is too scary,”

 Lao Twelve said with a sneer, "You yourself have said that Brother Jiuhuang is a kind man and has no evil heart.

Your son has always believed what you said, so why are you different from what you said in the past? "

Tang Guifei said calmly, "You kid, you still haven't understood.

 Since yesterday when he attacked Ankang City and imprisoned your father in Qilin Palace, he is no longer your Nine Emperors brother. "

“Mother, you are looking down on your son. How can your son not know these principles?”

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "My son has been treating the Nine Emperors brothers as kings and ministers since yesterday."

 Ever since he realized that his Nine Emperors brother might ascend to the throne, he has become much more respectful than before!

 The carelessness of the past is no longer the case.

 Otherwise, it would be uneconomical to settle the accounts later and end up being disrespectful.

 He is not stupid and can distinguish between good and evil.

“No, I think highly of you,”

Tang Guifei sat on the couch again, blowing the tea leaves, and said, "Teaching without tire means long, and appreciating and punishing majesty means you. This is what I have taught you since you were a child. It seems that you have forgotten everything. "

Seeing that there was no one around, Lao Twelve couldn't help it anymore, so he boldly said, "Concubine, do you mean that Brother Nine Emperors is no longer a human being?"


 Can you say this? "

Concubine Tang slammed the table angrily.

 The tea cup rattled twice on the table.

 “My son understands.”

 Old Twelve laughed sarcastically.

Although his mother was angry, she did not object to what he said, which meant that he was right.

People don’t necessarily have feelings, let alone humans?

Thinking of this, he vaguely seemed to have grasped something unconsciously, but for a moment it was vague and unclear.

Tang Guifei trembled her pretty eyebrows and said, "Remember my words, if your Nine Emperors brother doesn't give it to you, you must never reach out and take it yourself."

“My son seems to have heard this somewhere.”

 Lao Twelve thought about it for a while.

Isn't this what his father said to his Nine Emperors brothers?

 You can only take what I give you, and you cannot take what I don’t give you.

 I didn’t expect that his mother would repeat it to him here.

Concubine Tang waved her hands and said, "Go down, I'm exhausted. If you have nothing to do in the future, there's no need to come again."

 Looking at your stupidity, I feel inexplicably angry. "

 “Mother’s concubine.”

 Lao Twelve shouted twice, and when he saw that Concubine Tang was unmoved, he left dejectedly.

 He was a little doubtful, was he his biological child?

 When I returned to Prince He's Mansion, it was already noon.

It was long past dinner time with the prince, and the kitchen had stopped cooking. If it had been in the past, he would have yelled and asked the servants to rearrange the meal regardless.

 He is the twelfth prince, and all his demands are natural.

  However, after coming out of the palace, he finally realized that he was just a sojourner in the palace. To put it worse, he was a prisoner with little freedom.

Since his Jiuhuang brother is no longer a human being, he can’t jump around too much!

 It would be a pity if he fell to death.

  What's the point of being a little wronged?

 It’s better than losing your life.

However, he was hungry, so he had no choice but to think that his Nine Emperors brother should be resting in the garden at the moment, and there would be no shortage of food there.

He thought that while his Nine Emperor Brother was in a good mood, he would take two pieces of pastry to pad his stomach. His Nine Emperor Brother wouldn't say anything, right?

 Thinking of this, he was not happy.

On the contrary, those who feel wronged will cry.

 He is the twelfth prince of the current dynasty!

I opened my red and swollen eyes and walked to the garden. As soon as I reached the circular arch, I saw a figure standing in front of Lin Yi. Behind the figure were the blind man and Ye Qiu.

Driven by curiosity, he boldly took a few steps forward. When he saw the face under the three-mountain crown clearly, he was shocked. It was Liu Chaoyuan, the enshrinement minister in the palace!

He wanted to turn around and leave, but Jiao Zhong had already noticed him, cupped his hands and said, "Twelve princes."

He knew he couldn't hide, so he walked up to Lin Yi, knelt down and said, "My brother, please bow to your brother."

 “Get up,”

Lin Yi didn't look him in the eyes, and just said calmly, "You and Liu Gongfeng are also acquaintances. Say hello, give him some comfort, and tell him what it means to be a hero who knows the current affairs."

 Lao Twelve stood up and turned around to look at Liu Chaoyuan in embarrassment.

 Let him handle things that even the Nine Emperor Brothers can't handle?

This is too flattering to him!

Just when he was hesitating about what to say, he heard Liu Chaoyuan say, "I will die to be filial to my son and loyal to my ministers. It doesn't matter if I die. Your Majesty, there is no need to say anything more."

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead with his hand, wondering, "You are Wen Zhaoyi's apprentice. I really don't want to embarrass you. You can leave the palace. How about I allow you to retire and return home?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Liu Chaoyuan continued, "Our family has been serving the Holy Master since we were young, and we are familiar with every plant and tree in the palace. But now that we are out of the palace, we are alone and have no friends.

Your Majesty, why don't you let our family die in this palace and fulfill our family's unwavering loyalty to the Holy Emperor?

Grateful! "

“As the king, do you really dare not kill you?”

Lin Yi was a little angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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