I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 358: Do not care

Chapter 358: Not giving face

 At this moment, he was really very angry!

Sanhe officers and soldiers traveled south and north, but no army had ever dared to be so arrogant and actually collided with them head-on!

  Simply arrogant!

For the sake of Concubine Yuan, he and the prince asked the Yuan family to keep hundreds of cavalry as soldiers of the Zhu Kingdom. Unexpectedly, they were so rampant at this moment!

 He ​​was promoted from the garrison to the commander of the standard guard the day before yesterday. Although his position in the palace is not as good as that of Yu Wenshe, the commander of the imperial guard, in terms of actual power, he is above Yu Wenshe.

Most of the people in the palace are Sanhe officers and soldiers, forming their own faction. Who is willing to listen to Yu Wenshe?

What’s more, Yu Wenshe hasn’t proven with facts that he is trustworthy!

 Now, he is the fourth person in the palace besides He Jixiang, Tan Xizi, and Tao Yingyi.

The first time he brought the Imperial Guard out of the palace, the Yuan family was so disrespectful.

 If you don’t teach him a lesson, your reputation as a prince will be ruined.

As he finished speaking, the pikemen came out, and many of them couldn't help laughing.

Facing Ayuguo's cavalry, they had never put up such a formation.

Facing hundreds of Yuan family cavalry with barely any energy, logically speaking, they shouldn't be like this. Even if they are standing with a spear, they are looking down upon them!

 However, when the Sanhe army entered Ankang City, all the rules changed.

 To put it bluntly, it means being strict in everything and no longer being as careless as before.

General He Jixiang specially ordered that the Sanhe army must maintain a uniform posture no matter where and whenever it is. Momentum is military power!

 Military prestige is also a reflection of the strength of the Sanhe Army!

Especially these Sanhe officers and soldiers who enter the palace must stand like a pine, sit like a bell, walk like the wind, and lie down like a bow. There must be no slack in the palace.

  Non-elite people are not allowed to enter the palace.

It’s no use just having good skills, you also need to be able to endorse!

 They recited more palace regulations than in the army!

 My back feels dizzy.

Anything that can't be carried down will not be able to enter the palace no matter how good your skills are!

Eight products like Mozi are worse than the door. One is a hundred. If you want to see the legendary palace, you can't enter the palace!

 If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work!

 Master He Jixiang said that rules are more important than kung fu.

 Therefore, all Sanhe officers and soldiers who can become the Royal Forest Army have a sense of pride.

This sense of pride cannot be tarnished by anyone.

 Not everyone is qualified to guard the palace and stand on the side of the prince.

 “mother concubine,”

Princess Huaiyang grabbed Concubine Yuan who was about to get off the carriage, glanced at Liu Kan with a cold face, and then at Yuan Jiajun who was not losing momentum, and said calmly, "Let my daughter go."

 After saying this, he floated up, and at the critical moment, he landed directly between the Imperial Forest Army and the Yuan Family Army.

 If brother wants to blame, then blame her.

 Don’t get angry with your mother and concubine.


 The first person to notice something was wrong was Liu Kan. He yelled, "Close the team!"

 Everyone knows how much Prince He dotes on this princess.

 Princess, no one can afford anything if something goes wrong.

I have never thought that this princess is already at the peak of the eighth level. Ordinary people are not her opponents at all, and they are not that easy to get hurt.

 Liu Kan's voice fell and he ordered and prohibited.

 Sanhe officers and soldiers, pikemen stood directly on both sides of the street, followed by archers, and then shield soldiers.


Yuan Jiajun raised his horse's hooves, reined in his horse in time, dismounted neatly, half-knelt on the ground, and shouted to Yuan Zhen who was standing at the door of the government office, "See the general!"

 Turn a blind eye to Concubine Yuan and the princess next to her.


As Liu Kan drew his sword, the Imperial Forest Army also let out a cry.

Yuan Jiajun, half-kneeling on the ground, remained motionless.

  “You don’t see any royal law in your eyes!”

 Liu Kan’s eyes widened in anger.

 The empress and the princess were in front of each other. The Yuan family army was too lawless.

If it weren’t for the princess standing in the middle, he would have killed all these people today!

The Sanhe Army has never been afraid of offending others, let alone killing people.

 The same goes for many soldiers. Over the years, the Sanhe Army has never suffered from such cowardice!

 The Sanhe Army has always fought and never retreated!

Yuan Zhen walked down the steps of the government office step by step, passed through the ranks of the Sanhe Army, and slowly walked towards Yuan Jiajun, raised his hands and said, "Get up!"

 “Thank you, General!”

With the sound of armor clashing, Yuan Jiajun stood up.

 “Fifth brother,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei ignored all this and said to Yuan Zhen, "As long as you're fine."

 “This is not the place for you to come,”

Yuan Zhen said with a straight face, "Thank you for my good son."

Without waiting for the horse to come over, he strode forward, got on the horse, turned the horse's head, and rode away.

Half of the Yuan army behind them followed closely, and the other half were on guard against the imperial guards. They waited until Yuan Zhen's horse could no longer see its back before turning its head to follow.

 “This is Yuan Jiajun.”

 Liu Kan gritted his teeth.

 “General Liu,”

Lin Ning looked at Liu Kan and said, "I hope the general will calm down. It's best not to let my brother know."

“As far as the princess is concerned, no one can stop the prince from doing what he wants to know.”

 Liu Kan told the truth.

 There are so many Pando and Ho Hong people around here.

 Even if he didn't say it, it was impossible for He Wangye not to know.

I don’t know how angry I and the prince would be if they knew about this.

“Fifth brother doesn’t even recognize me anymore.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei murmured to herself.

“Concubine, it’s getting hot, let’s go back.”

Lin Ning was helpless.

 “Let’s drive!”

 Liu Kan shouted after waiting for Concubine Yuan Guifei to get into the chariot.

 The imperial guards cleared the way and returned to the palace.

Sun rise.

Lin Yi, who was chanting "A pot of tea for a thousand years of great work, a cup of wine for the world of mortals" one second ago, threw the teacup directly to the ground the next second.

 “Yuan family.”

Lin Yi felt like his face was being stepped on by the Yuan family, "What a good relative of this king!"

 “Your Majesty, calm down!”

 Everyone from He Jixiang to Pan Duo, He Hong and others knelt in front of Lin Yi.

 “When will Xing Keshu arrive at Ankang City?”

Lin Yi said calmly, "Let him directly serve as the censor of Zuodu. I must make it clear that I dislike the Yuan family very much. If I don't open my eyes, I will attack the Yuan family directly. I have to let the whole world know that no matter whether they are relatives or not, I am the king." Don’t get used to it, treat everyone equally.”

Pan Duo said, "Reporting to the prince, if nothing happens, Master Xing will arrive in Ankang City in five days."

“In addition, Shi Quan, Wang Qingbang, Chen Desheng, and Shan Qi can start from Sanhe,”

Lin Yi hesitated and said, "Three Harmonies will be hosted by Xie Zan alone."


 Everyone responded loudly.

Pan Duo said cautiously, "The empress returned to the palace and was depressed. She was going to the Yuan Mansion, but was stopped by the princess."

“Let the queen be as happy as she likes,”

Lin Yi stood up and walked back and forth, "She is my biological mother. There is really no way."

Everyone was silent.

 They couldn't accept this.

 (End of this chapter)

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