Chapter 361 Crying for poverty

He Hong looked at the car behind him, and then whispered, "Be careful, if word spreads, it won't sound very good."

Sun Chengde shrugged and said, "I'm telling the truth. Prince Yong'an is honest in front of our prince, but he has a lot of clever ideas in his heart. Look, I bought a folding fan a few days ago. It's said that the painting sage rarely knows how to do it." Yes, five hundred taels, without blinking an eye.

Our princes don’t have such good things. "

He Hong shook his head and said, "Your Majesty doesn't say anything, so let's talk less."

Sun Chengde said, "Of course I know, but after all, he is our prince's brother, but what are those officials in the court?

One by one, the fresh clothes are angry, the brain is full of fat, and a villain's face, asking me to say that they should be cut one by one. "

He Hong said with a smile, "These officials in the DPRK and China form cliques for personal gain, practice favoritism and malpractice, plunder people's wealth and support, and corrupt and pervert the law.

 It's just that the enemy is facing the enemy, and the prince doesn't want people to panic, so he doesn't care about them at present. The prince said that if they are willing to donate the stolen money, they can forget the blame and live in peace. "

Sun Chengde said in confusion, "Even if we don't kill them, there is no need to keep them to continue to dominate, right?



He Hong said angrily, “Can you do it if I let you go?

Except Master Shanqi and Master Xie, how many of us can read all the big characters?

  A group of big bosses run the country roughly, and they are not afraid of making people laugh.

 with the prince, these people are a little greedy, but they still do good things. Without them, the Liang Kingdom really can't turn around. "

  As for the next words, he did not dare to say them.

 After all, the prince never had anything good to say about Emperor Delong.

  Everything must be done personally, and the layman will guide the expert. It will be a ghost if the Liang Kingdom does not collapse.

 “He Commander, Mr. Sun.”

The gray-haired Chen Jingzhi jumped off the horse without waiting for the horse to stop. He staggered and almost fell down.

He Hongdao, "Mr. Chen, you're too polite."

 Chen Jingzhi, a dignified fourth-rank official, was so respectful to him, and Ho Hong was actually a little touched.

 King Yong'an could not find any reason to punish him, which was indeed reasonable.

How can you be so embarrassed to attack such a person?

 Unless it’s the kind of shameless executioner!

 “See the king!

 See County Lord! "

Chen Jingzhi bowed to the carriage and saluted.

Hu Zhen opened the curtain and He Hong introduced, "This is Mr. Chen Jingzhi, the minister of Honglu Temple."

 “It turns out to be Mr. Chen, whom I have admired for a long time!”

 Hu Zhen surrendered.

Chen Jingzhi hurriedly said, "The county king and the county master are polite."

He Hongdao, "Master Chen, please lead the way."

 Chen Jingzhi stepped on the stirrup several times before he managed to get on the horse. He Hong saw that he put his whole foot in the stirrup, and he knew that he did not often ride a horse.

 He walked in front, along Hewangfu Street, all the way to Beicheng, and finally stopped at Orchid Lane.


 Chen Jingzhi bowed and raised his hands.


When King Heshun saw the tall door in front of him, he couldn't close his mouth with joy.

He Hong took a step behind, grabbed Jiao Zhong and said, "This house looks familiar."

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "This was originally the house of Qin Tong, the imperial censor. After the family was confiscated and beheaded, the house became empty."

"I see."

He Hong nodded and said, "This old guy Chen Jingzhi is quite efficient in handling things."

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "This old guy is cunning and sneaky. I met him as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the ceremony department. Without saying a word, he made arrangements directly. I didn't even step through the door."

Prince Heshun looked at the beautiful house in front of him and the handymen who were busy cleaning it, and suddenly said with emotion, "This day has finally come to an end."


Hu Miaoyi cried directly, "My daughter doesn't want to be a princess."

 “What nonsense are you talking about!”

Hu Zhen waved his hands to the handymen on the left and right, waited for them to retreat, closed the door directly, and jumped to his feet and said, "You and I can't control this kind of thing!

 This is a marriage designated by the Holy Spirit!

 Disobeying the imperial edict will result in beheading!

Your aunts and brothers are all heartless. They actually took the money and ran away. You are the only relative next to your father. My father also knows that you are the most filial. My daughter, if you don’t think about yourself, just think about it. I want to be a father to my old bones. I..."

As he spoke, he also started crying.

His own son ran away with his four concubines and took away his last bit of money!

  It is simply hard to describe!

 It doesn’t make sense!

 The treasonous son!

 The treasonous son!

 The treasonous son!


Hu Miaoyi hugged his shoulders and cried bitterly.

“Hey, good boy, it’s your blessing that the prince likes you.”

Hu Zhen patted her on the back and said, "The prince and I are so powerful right now, so you can serve me well. In the future, when the prince ascends the throne, your mother will grace the world, how glorious she will be!"

  It can be regarded as a good thing for me, and I can also benefit from it as a father. "


 “No but!”

Hu Zhen interrupted, "My father is thinking about you, and I can't let you suffer any more."

The news of her wedding to the prince spread in Ankang City that day.

 At night, fireworks are everywhere.

People in Ankang City can't understand why those "Southern Barbarians" like to set off fireworks so much. It's so foggy and choking everywhere.

 But then they discovered that fireworks were also set off in the palace.

 Following this is the home of the minister of the court.

What's happening here?

 “This old **** Mo Shun has made a fortune,”

Zhu Rong looked at the fireworks in the sky and said, "Fireworks usually cost a few coppers, but now he actually dares to sell them for one tael of silver. He's so **** evil."

If it weren’t for celebrating Prince He, I wouldn’t have spent this wasted money. "

Li Sanniang smiled and said, "Then why don't you think about it when he usually can't sell it?"

 “That’s true.”

Pork Rong smiled and scratched his head.

Except for the New Year holidays and sieges, Mo Shun could sell some gunpowder and fireworks, but he basically didn’t make much money on weekdays.

The butcher said, "Moreover, it's not just his family that sells gunpowder now. The explosives used to open mountains and build roads are now all made by small workshops, not his family at all. It's hard for an old guy like him to be cool."

Sun Laizi said, "What do you know? The prince has been relying on him to make the cannons and gunpowder. He can get a subsidy of more than 10,000 taels from Sanhe Chief Secretary Yamen every year.

 What we earn through hard work for a year is not as much as what he earns by lying at home. "


Pork Rong looked in disbelief.

“Of course it’s true, it’s just that fewer people know about it,”

Liang Qingshu took a sip of the tea on the table and said, "And this old guy is more likely to cry about poverty than others. He doesn't even have new clothes all year round, and he dresses like a beggar. Those who don't know, think he is so poor. I can’t even afford to eat.”

 (End of this chapter)

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