I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 364: Birdman flying around

Chapter 364 Birdman flying around

 Really, he hasn’t had a good sleep since Hong Ying left!

The great master's ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. It is common for him to forget about food and sleep when he is in seclusion. He can endure it longer than ordinary people. However, if there is nothing to do, who is willing to find someone to blame himself? Isn't that a mental illness?

 So, it is proper to eat, drink, and sleep.

 The moon is high.

Lin Yi couldn't sleep, so he lay on the chair and took a sip of wine from time to time.

Mingyue and Zixia stood on his left and right, waving the swatters in their hands from time to time. Their eyes were quick and their hands were quick. With one swatter, they turned out the corpses of several mosquitoes.

 The racket made of bamboo strips was covered in dark red blood.

 “No need to swat, there aren’t many mosquitoes,”

Lin Yi took another sip of wine and said, "You don't have to be so tired."

Mingyue smiled and said, "I'm not tired, slave."

Lin Yi was about to say something else, when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. He thought he was dazzled by drinking too much, so he rubbed his eyes repeatedly, and it turned out to be Hong Ying.

 “General Manager”

Mingyue and Zixia looked in disbelief.

 I didn’t expect Hong Ying to come back suddenly.

 “See the prince.”

Hong Ying bowed his body and came to the front and back, respectfully knelt down and kowtowed three times.

"I thought you were dead. There has been no news for such a long time. If you come back a few days later,"

Lin Yi said bitterly, "I will build a tomb for you."


Hong Ying said with a smile, "Please punish me, Your Majesty."

 “This king really wants to beat you to death,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "It's so **** hateful that I didn't even say hello when I left."

Hong Ying got up from the ground, picked up the wine bottle on the table and filled Lin Yi with wine. He waved to Mingyue and Zixia behind him. After the two of them stepped back, he smiled and said, "It's not a pity to die if you are young. I’m afraid that the prince will have no one to take care of him in the future.”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Two-legged toads are hard to find, and there are many people with two legs.

Can the king still send people to serve him?

 Tell me, where have you been these days? Why is there no news at all? "

Hong Ying said, "Prince Qi, I have always been in Sichuan Province. If I am not a match for Jingyi, I will have no choice but to come back in despair."

"It's that simple?"

Lin Yi said dissatisfiedly, "How many months have you been here?

 Why did it take so long to come back? "

Hong Yingdao said, "The road to Chuanzhou is far away, and there are many mountain roads. It is not easy to walk. The little one was delayed for some days, which made the prince worried."

Lin Yi said angrily, "To be honest, it's definitely not as simple as you said.

 Are you considered my child?

 If you continue to deceive me, I will really not spare you. "

 “How dare a young man deceive the prince?”

Hong Ying hesitated for a moment, and then said with a smile, "A little effort is of no use after all. I got a little injured and recovered for a while, and then I ran back.

But don’t worry, Your Majesty, the younger ones have already mastered Jizhao’an’s skills. Even if they can’t win in the future, they have no reason to defeat the villain. "

"You are hurt?"

Lin Yi frowned.

 “The little ones have been raised a long time ago,”

Hong Ying continued, "Look, isn't this lively and lively? It's very good."

Lin Yi turned his head and looked him up and down. He saw that his nose was a nose, his eyes were eyes, and his legs and feet were all there. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You, you still don't know how much you weigh. Don't show off if you have nothing to do." What's the point of doing it alone? Group fights will be the way to go in the future."

And of course, his cannon!

Once the effectiveness of artillery against martial arts masters was proven on the battlefield in Saibei, and once Saibei was pacified, the first thing he did was to march to Chuanzhou!

 Hand the cannon to the door of Jizhao'an!

 If one door doesn’t work, he will fight hundreds or thousands of doors!

 He is not in need of craftsmen or money now!

I don’t believe that these birdmen flying around can’t be killed!

 “The prince is wise,”

Hong Ying saw that Lin Yi's face softened a little, and he became more courageous, "The prince's troops are naturally invincible."


Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't give me such a high hat.

You have really changed, and you have actually started to be secretive. Since there are some things you are unwilling to say, I will not force you anymore. In short, it is good that you know what you are doing.

You should rest first, and wait until you enter the palace early tomorrow morning to take up the role of the Supervisor of Ceremonies. I am worried about others. "

 “Your Majesty,”

Hong Ying said with a smile, "Although Xiao Xizi is a little reckless, he is becoming more and more measured in his actions. It is better to let him stay in the palace, and the younger one will stay by the prince's side and serve the prince."

Lin Yi sighed, "You can trust him."

 He knows Hong Ying very well.

 But he was also surprised that as an eunuch, Hong Ying had no desire to control power.

 He did not believe that Hong Ying was faking it.

Hong Ying knelt down and said, "I have watched this child grow up since I was a child. He has been teaching me carefully. He is a little selfish, but he is really loyal to the prince."

“If it weren’t for his loyalty to me, would I let him take charge of the palace?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and continued, "It's just that this kid has been acting a bit badly recently. You should discipline him and make sure he doesn't make any big mistakes. When the time comes, everyone will scream and beat him, and I won't be able to save him." "

  Sometimes, out of human nature, he will have an inexplicable affection and closeness to the people around him.

However, due to historical experience and lessons, he is always vigilant and not to be deceived by the people around him.

 They always pick out what they like to hear, and by that time, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to see the reality clearly.


Hong Ying lowered his head and said, "I will definitely keep an eye on this little bastard. If something goes wrong, I will definitely not spare him."

Lin Yi glanced at him, stood up, stretched and said, "You, I don't know what to say, go to bed early."

 “Best regards to the prince,”

Hong Ying watched Lin Yi enter the room, then turned around and looked at Pan Duo, who was slowly walking out from behind the pillars, and said, "A dog is so brave that he dares to eavesdrop."


Pan Duo lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "I noticed someone came in outside. When I came over, I found out that it was the manager. I wanted to walk over, but seeing that the manager didn't say anything, I stayed to see if the manager had any orders."

Hong Ying said expressionlessly, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. You know, our family doesn't have that much patience."

“I really have something that I don’t know how to decide,”

Panduo hesitated for a moment and said boldly, "Xiao Xizi killed Lai Ru. I don't know whether I should report it to the prince."

  "It's just a lowly servant who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth. The prince is worried and toiled every day. How can he trouble the prince with such a small thing?"

Hong Ying said coldly, "Your Majesty has left you to do things. Your Majesty has to make the decision on everything, so what's the use of you!"

 “I understand.”

Pandor bowed his hands and stepped back.

If the prince blames you in the future, this matter will not be blamed on him.

 (End of this chapter)

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