I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 369: third uncle

Chapter 369 Third Uncle

He is just a policeman in Qingyuan City, but for Jiang Zhen's help, the Deng family regards him as a high-ranking official.

“Third uncle, I don’t dare. What a shame.”

Deng Ke didn't care. In Sanhe, it was useless to look at positions. For example, Wu Lin, Du Rong, Yuan Busheng and others were all still chief envoys. How big were their positions?

 Of course it’s big!

 But does anyone respect them?

 The most important thing is to see how many people can be managed!

Wei Yishan is different. Although his position is low, he is in charge of thousands of officers, soldiers and policemen in Qingyuan City.

Deng Ke very much agreed with what Wang Xing, the militia captain, said: Wei Yishan, Liu Kan, and Chen Xinluo were the real power faction.

Even if you can't reach these people, don't offend them.

What’s more, he can still climb up!

Moreover, looking at the look in front of his third uncle, it seems that he has been promoted?

God bless him, Deng Ke will also have a backer in the future?

 I think back then, he just owed a little wages to the hired workers, but God **** Pang Long, he actually dared to punish him to do a labor camp!

It was such a scary day!

 As long as he had a backer, Pang Long would not dare to treat him so harshly.

 “Forget it, forget it,”

Wei Yishan said helplessly, "It seems like you are coming back from Saibei?"

 “Reply to my third uncle,”

Deng Ke bowed his waist and said, "It is true that we came back from Saibei. We were originally going to help the army with building ladders, wells, catapults, etc. But it turned out that there was no decent city in Saibei, it was just like a mound of earth. Our officers and soldiers don't even have to use hooks. Those with a little bit of ability can go up with three steps and two steps at a time.

Grandnephew, I am not a very capable person. When I was building a bridge over the Liangshui River, I was shot with an arrow, which hit my heart. General Bao was considerate of me and allowed me to go back to Ankang City with some injured soldiers to recuperate. "

 “Is there no pus?”

Wei Yishan asked with concern.

“Third uncle, don’t worry, my great-nephew is also a third-grade uncle. This minor injury will not be a problem.”

Deng Ke said with a smile, "The poor thing is that those Wadan people, except for the generals, few are good at Kung Fu. It is said that they used to raise horses and herd sheep. They were all put together by the Khan of Wadan. Being beaten by General Shen made him cry for his father and mother.

According to me, there is no need for officers and soldiers to go up at all. The prince will pay us civilians and we will go up.

Otherwise, we have to let those Yuan Jiajun and Qizhou soldiers come down. They are all dragging their feet and have no ability. If our Sanhe Army hadn't gone, they would have been buried alive by the Wadan people. "

"Do not say silly things,"

Wei Yishan looked left and right and scolded, "The prince in front of me is the regent, and the world is public. Whether they are Sanhe soldiers, Qizhou soldiers, or Jizhou soldiers, they are all the prince's soldiers. If you say something like this, let the military judge If you hear this, you will definitely be punished.”

 “What the third uncle said is,”

Deng Ke shrank his neck and said with a smile, "But my grandnephew told the truth, these people are too ineffective. They are not good at fighting. Let them manage the refugees from Jizhou, Qizhou, Liangzhou and other places. They pretend to be uncles and have trouble with the refugees." As a result of the conflict, the refugees almost rebelled.”


Wei Yishan came to Ankang City for the first time and didn’t know much about everything. He asked curiously, “It’s a dangerous place in the north of the Great Wall. How come the refugees from Jizhou, Qizhou and other places dare to go to the north of the Great Wall?”

Deng Ke said, "The northern part of the Great Wall is vast and sparsely populated. Thousands of miles of fertile land has been occupied by the Wadan people. The prince has given an order that anyone who goes to the northern part of the Great Wall can race and enclose the land."

Wei Yishan frowned and said, "The land is important, but those refugees have the courage?"

 “Hey, uncle, you don’t know this,”

Deng Ke said with a smile, "The Huangshui River burst its embankments, flooding everywhere, and the refugees had no harvest. Taoist monks like Sun Xing led the people to give porridge.

There are rules for giving out porridge. The porridge shacks are set up all the way to the north. If the refugees want to eat porridge, they have to continue walking north, otherwise they will starve to death.

Until they saw the black soil that could hold out oil, the refugees went crazy and couldn't get back even if they tried.

However, I heard that when winter comes, living people can freeze to death. It is not as good as our Sanhe. After the war, we have to go back to Sanhe. We are not interested. Otherwise, we can circle a hundred acres of land to play. . "

“It’s really difficult to manage so many refugees.”

Wei Yishan sighed.

“It’s not something to be afraid of. After these refugees went to Saibei, it was pretty good to arrange for them to build roads and bridges, dig trenches, transport food, guard prisoners, and raise captured cattle and sheep.”

Deng Ke thought hard and then said, "General Shen Chu said that this is called using troops to replace relief, and using war to provide disaster relief. In short, it is what the prince meant. We are not afraid of war."

“Yes, I told the prince that we are not willing to fight, but if the enemy wants to fight, we are not afraid. As for when the fight will last, we have the final say.

These Wadan people don’t know the heights of the sky, and when they want to stop the war, I’m afraid they won’t have a chance.”

After Wei Yishan finished speaking, he glanced at Deng Ke and said, "Since you are not feeling well, you should take good care of yourself. If anything happens, go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion to find me."

 “I don’t know what is happening in front of my third uncle.”

Deng Ke’s eyes lit up.

He is not an ignorant butcher. As a supplier of Sanhe, he has been in the army for so long, and he is very familiar with all kinds of military affairs.

 “Your Majesty, Mr. He is so proud that he took up the post of garrison in the capital the day before yesterday.”

Wei Yishan knew clearly that these people were people who wanted to follow others' influence, but he still couldn't help but show off. His father died young and his mother worked hard to raise him. Many people looked down upon him, including the Deng family.

  Back then, his mother asked Deng Ke’s father, Deng Baishun, to borrow a bowl of rice, but was rejected.

Even called his mother a bad guy, Croft.

 “Congratulations to the third uncle, congratulations to the third uncle.”

Deng Ke grinned happily to the back of his head.

If there is trouble in the future, can he shout: My uncle is a guard in the Beijing camp, if you dare to mess with me, you will die!

 Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!

 “Not worth mentioning.”

Thinking of the grievances his mother had suffered over the years, Wei Yishan lost all interest.

He didn’t take revenge on the Deng family, so he was being generous.

 “Well done, Third Uncle.”

Deng Ke still couldn’t help but be happy.

 Wei Yishan returned to the Yamen of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, and suddenly saw an acquaintance - He Hong, who was originally the bodyguard of the prince's palace, but now the commander of the bodyguard of the prince's palace.

 “It’s been a long time, Commander He.”

“It’s time to call me General Wei.”

 The two of them looked at each other and placed their hands on the handles of their swords.

 “Two bits, two bits”

Sun Chongde looked at the tense situation between the two men and felt like crying. He really shouldn't have followed Ho Hong out and got involved in such nonsense, "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

“I would like to learn General Wei’s martial arts skills.”

He Hong ignored Sun Yi-Chongde's dissuasion and drew his sword directly.

 “It’s not good to disappoint the commander.”

Wei Yishan snorted coldly, the knife shining in the sun.

 (End of this chapter)

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