I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 393: debt repayment

Chapter 393: Pay off debts

The Imperial College, which is located in the third courtyard, is located at the southernmost end of Ankang City, in line with the imperial palace. As the highest institution of learning in the Liang Kingdom, it is naturally very majestic with its pavilions, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions.

Fang Pi lay on his back under a big locust tree in the courtyard where he first entered, basking in the sun. He poured tea into his mouth from time to time. He looked at Jiang Qiu who was standing opposite and said, "Jiao Zhong has become the commander of the guards. You two Although the relationship is not bad, he has always looked down upon you. There is nothing promising for you as a bodyguard there, so why not join the imperial guards?

 You are a ninth grader after all. When you come here, I will give you a small flag position.

 Really, for the money, you are much more promising than being a bodyguard.

Look at me, brother, am I living like a **** these days? "

  “What the hell, I’ll have a future if I hang out with you?”

Jiang Qiu felt like a mirror in his heart. Jiao Zhong did not like him, but Fang Pi might not be able to like him either.

 Now that Fang Pi said these words, it was more to show off and show off to him.

If I really plan to go to the imperial guard, I will not necessarily accept the offer. I will definitely find a way to shirk it. This is not suitable, that is not acceptable, there are a lot of things to say.

 This little **** has a lot of evil intentions.

If you listen to him, you might have to help count the money after being sold.

Thinking of this, he felt quite sad.

 For so many years, except for good causes, I don’t have a friend who sincerely helps me.

 “Why is there no future?”

Fang Pi chuckled and said, "Our imperial guards patrol and arrest, and they are very popular. No matter what rank they are, when they see us, they are like mice seeing cats."

 You see, that prime minister is powerful enough. When he meets Commander Pan, he takes a detour. "

Jiang Qiu snorted coldly, "In the future when the prince ascends the throne, I will be the emperor's personal soldier. If I am worse than you, I will ignore you."

Fang Pi glanced at the ferocious scar on Jiang Qiu's face and said with a smile, "It's a bit difficult to enter the palace with your appearance. I think it's better to give up your fantasy to save yourself from discomfort in the future."

 “You **** young man, you are so stupid,”

Jiang Qiu threw a piece of paper over angrily and said, "Find these people quickly, and I will kill them to receive the reward. It's still the old rule, half for each person."

Ever since Wang Xiaoshuan left Ankang City and became a horseherd, only he and Fang Pi were left to do the job of killing people and collecting rewards.

Fang Pi has very good intelligence. He is a ninth-grade man with excellent kung fu and sharp sword skills. There is no head that cannot be chopped off. The two of them work together flawlessly. In just these few days, both of them have made a lot of money.

Fang Pi unfolded the paper, glanced at it casually, and then sighed, "My dear, this Zhao Sandao is so valuable, three thousand taels of silver. This old **** Ma Jie really doesn't use the money as money."

Jiang Qiu chuckled and said, "It's a good thing to have a high reward, so we can share more."

Fang Pi sighed and said, "What a pity. This man is not only a gangster, but also a spy planted in Ankang City by the great rebel thief Gong Lianyi of Liangzhou. He was caught by our imperial guards last night and is in prison now. Do you want to take him?" It’s not impossible to kill someone, why don’t you give it a try?”

 “Then you’re talking nonsense,”

Jiang Qiu rolled his eyes at him and said, "What about the remaining people?"

Fang Pi said, "The remaining few are fine. I'll give you news the day after tomorrow at the latest.

 Hey, don’t leave in a hurry, you haven’t given me the money from last time. "

Jiang Qiu threw a banknote over. Seeing Fang Pi facing the light to identify the authenticity, he said angrily, "Don't look at it. The banknotes from Sanhe Bank are guaranteed to be fake."

Fang Pi smiled and took it into his arms, and said with a smile, "Nothing else, just be careful. It's always the right thing to do, right?"

“You bastard, you’re all about money now,”

Jiang Qiu suddenly said curiously, "This is the Imperial College. Why are you staying here all day long, instead of doing serious things?"

Fang Pi yawned and said, "I am in charge of the Imperial College's security. I stopped the Imperial College Lumi with the prince, and said that the Imperial College is a state-owned asset and will be returned to the state. It will be used as a new-style school in the future for all the masters to use."

As it turned out, the Lord Jijiu here disagreed. Yesterday, he committed suicide and hit his head on the archway, causing a **** head. Doctor Hu saved him and he is still lying on the bed.

I, I have to stay here to prevent any more accidents. "

Jiang Qiu said nonchalantly, "If you're a scornful Confucian, let him die. What's the big deal?"

Fang Pi sighed and said, "What do you know? Chen Yan, the Imperial College's sacrificial wine minister, is the reading officer for the prince. If something happens to this old man, the prince will not look good, and I will also have to suffer."

Jiang Qiu was shocked when he heard that he was He Wangye's teacher. If he was really dead, there must be an explanation. Even if Fang Pi was in bad luck, no one could save him.

 “Brother, you’d better seek happiness for yourself,”

Jiang Qiu Gong cupped his hands and said, "I'm leaving first."

He was afraid of being affected, so he turned around and left in a hurry.

 After Fang Pi waited for Jiang Qiu to leave, he slumped on the chair again. Suddenly his heart beat faster and he held the banknotes on his chest, feeling an ominous premonition.

 “Why are my eyelids twitching so much?”

 He was very puzzled.


When Fang Pi heard the Buddha's name, he trembled all over. He thought it was an illusion, but when he raised his head, he saw a shiny head. He was so frightened that he ran away.

 As a result, after just two steps, he bumped into a figure, as if he had hit an iron plate. He fell to the ground, dizzy.

 He ​​rubbed his forehead and cursed loudly, "Monk, I know that you have trained to wear a golden bell and an iron cloth shirt, so you wouldn't bully others like this!"

He wanted to slap himself. The monk was famous for his lightness skills. If he ran away in front of him, wouldn't he be overestimating his own abilities?

 As a result, I was hit almost to death.


The monk smiled slightly, clasped his hands and said, "That's good, that's good."

Fang Pi stood up, patted the dust on his butt, glanced at Xie Xiaoqing next to the monk, and said with a smile, "Miss Xie, you and I are really destined, we meet again."

 He is also no stranger to Xie Xiaoqing.

 “Who is destined to you?”

Xie Xiaoqing said with a straight face, "You bastard, pay me back quickly, or I won't be able to spare you today."

Fang Pi looked at the monk in astonishment and said, "Is this what you mean?"

The monk smiled and said, "Fang Pi, it is only right to pay back debts."

Fang Pi said, "You are a monk, what do you want money for? Don't worry, I will definitely pay back the money, but it will be later. When I have money in the future, I will definitely pay it back!"


The monk shook his head firmly and said, "It's easy to borrow and return. It's not difficult to borrow again."

Although he is a monk, he is paid a monthly salary in the big temple.

 After that, he went out with the Sanhe army to provide disaster relief and received subsidies.

Of course, the main source of income is giving salvation to others.

With a few small Sami practices, there are no blind fortune -telling money, but they also make a lot of money. There are also three or five silver in one game.

He was of a mediocre nature and could only eat vegetables and tofu every day, so most of the money he earned was borrowed by Fang Pi, Yu Shih, Cui Genren and others.


Fang Pi said sadly, "You and I have grown up together naked since childhood. If we are not real brothers, they are better than real brothers. If you talk to me about money, won't your heart hurt?"

The monk rolled his eyes at him and said, "Stop talking nonsense, pay back the money, and if you continue to grind, I'll beat you up."

Xie Xiaoqing glanced at the monk in surprise. She rarely saw the monk smile, let alone the monk's tone of voice.

 “I am a relative!

 Are you willing to beat me? "

Fang Pi hit him on the head and said shamelessly, "Hit me, beat me!"

The monk said, "If you pay back the money, I want to buy a house."

 “Do you really need money?”

Now it was Fang Pi's turn to be surprised, "Or buy a house?"

The monk nodded and said, "Not bad."

 “Aren’t you going back to Sanhe?”

Fang Pi asked curiously.


The monk shook his head.

“You’re not going back to Songyang either?”

Fang Pi asked with wide eyes.

 “Pay back the money.”

 The monk repeated it again.

Fang Pi said helplessly, "I would like to pay you back, but I can't remember how much I owe you."

“The total is two hundred and fifty-three taels and five cents and three cents,”

The monk said slowly, "If you include the interest you promised me, it will be three hundred and fifty-three taels and three and a half cents."

ˆ “.”

Not only was Fang Pi stunned and stunned, but Xie Xiaoqing on the side also looked in disbelief. Is this the monk she knew?

The monk said proudly, "Fang Pi, you have forgotten that when I was taking math class with Sister Mingyue, I had the best grades."

 “As a result, you used it against me,”

Fang Pi said with a look of despair, "I misjudged you, you are too calculating."

The monk said, "Give me three hundred taels, and I'll charge you less interest."

 “Don’t worry, I won’t take advantage of you,”

Fang Pi took out a handful of banknotes from his chest, counted five of them carefully, and stuffed them into the monk's hand fiercely, "See clearly, this is five hundred taels, and the rest, regardless of my wishes, brother, but first You agreed to leave a room for me after buying the house, and I can live there for a few days when I have time."

 You may say so, but in your heart you don't want to get together with the monk.

 The monk neither drinks alcohol nor eats meat, so it is always boring to stay with him.

The monk took it unceremoniously and handed the banknote to Xie Xiaoqing, nodded and said, "Then I'll leave first."

 “walk slowly without seeing him off,”

Fang Pi waved his hands vigorously and said, "Don't expect Yu Xiao to pay back the money. His money is so tightly controlled by that woman Pang Zhirou. She comes to me for a drink every now and then."

Yu Shih and Ah-Dai, who are raising families, always have empty pockets, so now, he rarely eats with them, and every time he treats them by himself, which is a big loss.

 Besides, when I was young, my father-in-law, Pang Geng, was from a wealthy family. He only had one daughter, so it was not his turn to provide supplementary support.

The monk put his hands together and said, "I understand."

Fang Pi looked at the two people's retreating figures, squinting at the two heads sticking out next to them, and said angrily, "What are you looking at? What's there to see?"

Shan Sanguan, who was wearing a soap coat, smiled and said, "Sir, I feel that this Buddha is different from before."

The monk was not very skilled in the past, but as a person who could enter and leave the palace at will, his status was extraordinary. Not many people dared to call him a monk, or even a monk, and many people called him Buddha.

 Another Xiaoqi Zhou Jingye smiled and said, "It seems so, I feel different too."

Fang Pi said, “What’s different?”

Shan Sanguan said, "I can't tell, it's just different."

Zhou Jingye said, "Is your kung fu high?"

Shan Sanguan slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, Buddha's kung fu has improved!

I just couldn't figure out what kind of level this was. I just felt uncomfortable even though I was far away, and I didn't dare to show my head when I was hiding inside. "

 Zhou Jingye nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes, I also feel something is wrong."

Fang Pi said angrily, "Why didn't I feel it?

He is like me, he has no talent for martial arts, and he will die at the sixth level in his life. "

 Zhou Jingye said cautiously, "Sir, Lao Dan and I are both at the eighth level."

 If you can scare these two eighth-level people into fearing to show their faces, how can the monk's kung fu be simplified?

Fang Pi said, "You must be sure it's not Xie Xiaoqing you're afraid of. That girl is a ninth grader."

Zhou Jingye said, "Sir, we are very sure that it is the energy in Buddha's body that makes us both feel uncomfortable."

 Fang Pi scratched his head and asked, "Is it really because my kung fu has increased?"

He still didn't believe it. From the beginning to the end, he felt nothing. The monk was still the same monk. Except that his clothes were a little dirty, there was no difference from before.

After the monk took the money, he asked Guo Zhao to buy a small courtyard near Hewang's Mansion. He spent a total of two hundred taels. From then on, he had a place to stay in Ankang City.

Ye Qiu looked at the kind-faced monk and said in confusion, "Sir, I don't even understand what level you are now."

 He had a feeling that if he really faced off against the monk, he had no hope of winning.

The monk shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

The blind man said, "I guess something happened to you during your trip to Sichuan. Please stretch out your hand."

The monk handed over his wrist as instructed, and the blind man took his pulse directly, frowning and said, "The pulse is strong, but it is a bit messy. Go to seclusion."

Ye Qiu also curiously stretched out his hand to check for a pulse, but as soon as he felt it, his whole body twitched, and it was too late to pull out his hand. Seeing this, the monk gently moved his wrist and threw him aside.

Ye Qiu's face turned red. After adjusting his breath, he said after a while, "How come your star-absorbing technique is so powerful?"

 He ​​not only felt the gap between himself and the monk, but also the gap between him and the blind man. Why was it that nothing happened when the blind man put his hand on it?

The monk still shook his head and said, "I really don't know."

The blind man waved his hands and said, "If you don't know, don't think about it. When the manager comes back, he must know something about it.

What you have to do now is to retreat in your house. Ye Qiu and I will protect you so that there will be no interference from outside things. "

The monk hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you very much."

 After going home and explaining things to Xie Xiaoqing, he moved into the wing of He Wang's Mansion and stayed behind closed doors.

 Concierge Sun Cheng often sees Xie Xiaoqing wandering at the gate of Hewang Mansion.

 “Girl, you really can’t go in,”

Sun Cheng didn't dare to look directly at the fairy-like woman in front of him, "You should be able to leave seclusion as a monk."

 He was really unspeakably envious of the monk.

 He has made up his mind to be like a monk and find such a beautiful woman to be his sweetheart.

 (End of this chapter)

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