I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 405: Make meritorious service

Chapter 405: Meritorious Service

Those who are more skilled or poorer are reluctant to use swords. If they break, they have to spend their own money to buy them!

 So just hit it with your fist!

The most painful thing was the people from the Military and Horse Division. They smashed the ground without hesitation and at the same time, they were heartbroken. The ground was like this, and they would have to clean it up later!

 It’s okay to contribute, but the key is where to get the money to repair it!

 Their army and horse department are as poor as ghosts now!

 The saddest thing is that if the repair is not done well, it is still their responsibility to turn back!

 It is good not to be able to fall at both ends.

  Don’t be so bullying!

After a while, a long pit was dug out of the ground in front of Xinghua Tower, revealing a ditch full of sludge and sewage.

“Sir, there are footprints in the mud below, and

 These are two female corpses,"

Jiang Yi walked up to Wei Yishan and said, "The thief must have escaped along the canal!"

Wei Yishan snorted coldly and said, "Then why are you still standing there?

 Hurry up and chase! "


After the shocking response, Cao Xiaohuan pushed aside the people in front of him and took the lead to get into the ditch, which could only accommodate one person.

Then one after another, officers and soldiers followed behind Cao Xiaohuan.

 The moonlight is hazy.

Tang Yi sat on a stone, watching the people jumping out of the ditch, smiling and saying nothing.

An old man covered in mud also looked at Tang Yi, who was surrounded by torches, and finally couldn't help but speak first, "It turns out it's you, how old are you in your youth, and your hair on the temples is already gray.

Tang Yi, I didn’t believe it when they said you were old, but now that I see you, it’s true. "

 “I haven’t seen you for many years, but the Prime Minister is still good at poetry. I admire you, I admire you.”

Tang Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's a pity that your memory is not good. How did I come to Ankang City? Have you forgotten?"

 Just because of eight hundred taels of silver!

 Being escorted all the way from Qizhou to Ankang City, I suffered so many grievances!

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth angrily.

“It turns out he is really the Prime Minister,”

Lao Twelve never dared to recognize him. Now he heard Qi Yong speak, and he dared to confirm. He cupped his hands and said, "The prime minister made it easy for us to find him.

I miss you very much. Please come with me. "

Qi Yong ignored Lao Twelve and only said to Tang Yi, "I remember that when my husband taught us how to write poems, he said something: when writing poems, you should make something out of nothing, be close but not superficial, far but not exhaustive, and then you can use rhymes and rhymes. To the ears.

 I think this is the same as being a human being or an official. "

Tang Yi said with a smile, "You are running away in a hurry now, which just proves that you can't do anything wrong as an official."

Qi Yong glanced at Zhu Zhurong and others who were holding torches, and snorted coldly, "I admire you very much. You can still guess where I am. However, it is a bit difficult for you to keep me here."

Tang Yidao said, "When the teacher makes a sentence, he should deliberately digress from the topic, release it first and then close it. The method of poetry is to release the horse and take back the reins.

 The prime minister can give it a try. "

"Then it's my fault for being so rude. I insist on competing with you today."

As soon as Qi Yong finished speaking, the people who emerged from the ditch rushed toward Tang Yi with swords.

 Zhu Rong and others did not wait for Tang Yi's instructions, so they rushed forward with wooden sticks.

Pork Rong just raised his stick and was about to hit the big man in front of him when the big man suddenly fell to the ground, and then he saw Cao Xiaohuan's face.

There was only one thought in his mind: the credit he had received was gone.

 You may even be punished!

  If you act without permission and are caught, you will definitely end up in a bad situation.

 He glanced at King Yong'an who also had a sad face, and immediately felt relieved.

Although King Yong'an is poor, he is taller than him. If anything happens, he will definitely be able to take care of it for him!

 When the time comes, if Lord He Jixiang smells it, he and the butcher will just have to ask and they won’t know.

Lin Yi sat by the tea stall and finished two pots of tea. He Hong rode over and explained the matter briefly.

 “Old Twelve?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "He's quite good at blending in. You **** really deserves a beating."

He Hong said, "Your Majesty, King Yong'an is coming here. As for Tang Yi, I don't know how to deal with it. Please tell me."

Lin Yi said, "I will not bury these capable people. Although he is Lao Twelve's grandfather, he should not be an old fool. Since he is familiar with Chen Desheng and He Jixiang, let him be sent there. Mr. He and the others arrange."

He Hong bowed and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

As soon as he stepped back, King Yongan knelt down where he was standing.

 “My brother is aware of his guilt!”

 King Yong'an said with runny nose and tears, "Brother, please forgive me!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You caught Qi Yong, what crime did you commit?"

Lao Twelve said with a bitter face, "I'm really not sure that I can catch Qi Yong, so I don't dare to report it to the government without permission. We will have to mobilize all our troops when the time comes. If we don't catch him, we will be lying about the military situation."

 “So, you are still not guilty,”

Lin Yi waved to him and said, "Get up, come and have a cup of tea with me."

 Lao Twelve was still kneeling and said, "I don't dare, brother."

Lin Yidao, "You dare not listen to what I say?"


Lao Twelve had no choice but to stand up carefully, then sat next to Lin Yi and poured tea for Lin Yi himself.

Lin Yi took the cup of tea and said while drinking, "Let me tell you, you have indeed made a contribution this time. Tell me, what do you want as a reward?"

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "Being able to share your worries with the emperor is the greatest blessing for me."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "What do you think if I ask you to be the Zongren's Zongling?"

"I don't dare. I am a humble disciple, so how can I dare to take on such a big responsibility?"

 Old Twelve shook his head hurriedly.

 Besides, now that the clan support has been cancelled, and the clan mansion exists in name only, what will be the benefit of him leaving?

  It’s better to continue lying at home!

Although I have no money, I still won’t starve to death!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm going to do an errand at the clan mansion. I'll get paid every month. Are you sure you don't want to go?"

 “Do you have money to take it?”

 Lao Twelve's eyes shone, and he continued worriedly, "But in terms of qualifications, there are many elders in the clan, so I don't have the right to speak."

 It is true that he loves money!

 But, cherish your life even more!

 The previous Zongling was beaten to death by his imperial brother!

Lin Yidao, "Elder?

I didn’t kill them, which was enough to give them face. It’s just a dream to want to receive my salary. "

 Lao Twelve could feel the cruelty of his Nine Emperors brothers towards the old man in the clan, and said more cautiously, "Then there are Sixth Emperors brothers."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Brother Liu Huang, I have other uses.

 You should go to the Zongren Mansion to take up your post tomorrow.

 If you don’t like anyone, feel free to do it to death. If you can find an excuse to ransack the house, that would be even better. Then you and I will open the door. "

 “Brother Emperor is wise!”

 Lao Twelve almost jumped up with joy when he heard this!

 Since the announcement of the cancellation of clan support, there have indeed been a lot of troubles in the clan.

 Some even paid literati to write poems to slander the Nine Emperor Brothers.

His Jiuhuang brother has never had time to talk to them.

His relatives are rich!

There are fields one after another, there are many wives and concubines, there are thousands of servants, and there is no one knows how much grain and money there is in the warehouse!

These people forced good girls into prostitution and were heaped with blood debts. If they really care about each other, no one is innocent!

 His brother asked him to ransack his house?

How is this different from picking up money!

Lin Yi continued, "When searching a house, you have to pay attention to the evidence. After getting someone's money, how to judge it is a matter for the third department, so you should not interfere randomly."

 Originally, he left the matter of confiscating homes to people like Gan Mao and Chen Jingzhi.

 However, all the money obtained in the end was intercepted by He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and others and used for military expenses.

 Not a penny fell into his personal pocket!

He now finally understood why he wanted to separate the inner treasury and the outer treasury so clearly.

 The money from the national treasury and your own money are still different after all!

 He is so poor that he can hardly afford to pay his guards monthly wages.

Your wife is about to give birth to a baby. Whether it’s a son or a daughter, you need money!

 He just wants to make money!

 “Brother, don’t worry,”

 Lao Twelve vowed, "My brother will never let you down!"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Your grandfather is a good person. From now on, you should listen to his opinion on everything and don't act rashly."

 Lao Twelve is not stupid.

 After hearing this, I thought about it again and again.

 Do you want to be close to your grandfather, or do you not want to?

 I couldn't figure it out for a moment, so I could only say, "Brother Huang said that."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Go down."


 Lao Twelve carefully retreated.

As soon as he reached the intersection, he was stopped by Pork Ronghe and the butcher.

 Pork Rong hurriedly asked, "What should I say to the prince?"

Lao Twelve said angrily, "I'm fine. As for whether you have something or not, that's not my decision. You guys, you'd better go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion as soon as possible. Mr. He from the province is looking for you everywhere."


Both of them were startled.

The butcher said angrily, "Your Majesty, we are here to do what you tell us.

 You can’t ignore things like this! "

 Lao Twelve said, "Don't worry, I'm just teasing you. The credit for catching Qi Yong is real. In any case, the merits outweigh the faults. What do you have to be afraid of?"

 Zhu Rong scratched his head and said, "That's true."

 The butcher asked, "You didn't lie to us?"

 Lao Twelve asked, "What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

The butcher said bitterly, "Your Majesty, if Mr. He Jixiang blames us, don't blame us for being rude."

 Lao Twelve snorted coldly, "Why are you so rude?"

He will be the Zongrenfu Zongling tomorrow!

 How can he be afraid of two little butchers?

He looked at the butcher and Lao Twelve and said bluntly, "I will report everything today to Mr. He. In short, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

You can't pass the responsibility on either of us. "

 “Please help yourself.”

 Old Twelve snorted coldly, turned around and left.

I think back then, not to mention talking to such a person, even looking at him would have affected his identity!

After returning to the mansion, he leaned back on the chair, holding the tea cup, and waited for a long time until Tang Yi, who had just returned from the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, arrived.


 Lao Twelve asked hurriedly, "What did General He say?"

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Effective immediately, I will be promoted to Secretary of the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Lao Twelve said angrily, "Master He is so contemptuous of others. My grandfather is so talented, why is he only given a ninth rank!"

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, you don't know something. Although the official rank is not high, he is responsible for supervising, supervising, canceling, and keeping books. He has very powerful authority. From now on, I can reverse the rules of the imperial court with just one pen." , Whether you are a prefect or a military officer, you must be polite when meeting me. "

"I see,"

Lao Twelve suddenly realized, "So, grandpa, this is a blessing in disguise?"

Tang Yi took the tea from Chang Kuan's hand, and while blowing the tea leaves, he said, "Now that the regent values ​​me, I will naturally repay him with death. I don't dare to slack off at all."

 Lao Twelve pondered for a moment, then repeated what Lin Yi said to him in front of Tang Yi, and then said, "Why did my grandfather teach me?"

Tang Yi smiled and said, "I will move out of this place tomorrow and don't dare to cause trouble to the prince."

 Lao Twelve said, "I still don't understand."

Tang Yi said, "Since the regent asked Prince Yongan to listen to my opinion, please ask Prince Yongan to listen to me this time."

“In that case, where will you live when you go out?”

 Lao Twelve asked.

“Master He has already made arrangements. I can stay in the Imperial College first.”

Tang Yi stroked his beard and said, "Master He wants to reopen the scientific examination to select talents."

 Lao Twelve said in disbelief, "What my brother hates the most is these scholars. How can he be re-elected as a scholar!"

Tang Yi said in a low voice, "Now and then, it is very difficult for scholars to study hard for half their lives. If the regent ruins their promotion path, he will force them to defect to Gong Lianyi of Liangzhou and King Yong of Jinzhou. "

 Lao Twelve said, "Then the content of this scientific examination will definitely be different from the previous ones."

 His Nine Emperor Brother, how can he be such a compromising person!

Even if it is agreed to reopen the scientific examination, the content of the examination will definitely be changed!

Tang Yidao said, "These are not things I can know."

“Will Qi Yong die this time?”

 Old Twelve suddenly said curiously.

"Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped,"

Tang Yi sighed and said, "Qi Yong's disciples and former officials are all over the world, how can he be able to do anything lightly?"

 “My imperial brother has such a temper, how could he not kill him!”

 Lao Twelve said very definitely, "You don't understand my emperor brother very well. Even if my emperor brother is not executed without mercy, he will be beheaded."

Tang Yi said, "I don't know the regent, but I know He Jixiang, Chen Desheng, and Qin Yang very well. Even if they die themselves, they will stop him and the prince from killing Qi Yong."

 Lao Twelve asked, "Is Qi Yong so important?

Xinghua Tower was completely bombed, and everyone in Ankang City knew it. How could my brother, the emperor, endure such a shame and humiliation? "

Tang Yidao said, "Otherwise, why would Qi Yong be so confident?"


 “He is Qi Yong!”

“You said it, but you didn’t say it.”

 “The prince will know about it later.”

Tang Yi laughed loudly after finishing speaking and left directly.

 Early on the second day.

Lin Yi saw Chen Desheng and He Jixiang kneeling beside his dining table.

"You are also going against me and won't let me kill him?"

Lin Yi was very unhappy.

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang knelt straight and said loudly, "A small impatience will ruin the big plan. I hope the prince will put the overall situation first!"

 “Your Majesty,”

Chen Desheng followed closely and said, "Qi Yong can't kill him!"

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I'm not afraid of Wadan's hundreds of thousands of troops, but I have to be afraid of his little Qi Yong!"

 (End of this chapter)

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