Chapter 407 Deception

Lin Yi thought for a while and took off the warm jade from his waist, held it in his hand and looked at it, then threw it towards Mingyue and said, "Take it, think about it carefully, in all these years, I have never given you anything decent.

As the saying goes, it takes three years for a person to raise a jade, and ten years for a jade to raise a person. You know this piece of jade. If you meet a fool, you should be able to sell it for a lot of money.

 At that time, a large sum of money can support you for a lifetime, let alone ten years, and you will really become rich. "

Mingyue smiled.

 Their princes are still so funny.

  Obviously it is a well-known word, but when it comes out of his mouth, it means something else.

After playing with the warm jade in his hand for a while, he put it into his sleeve unceremoniously and said with a smile, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward. I'm not polite. I'll exchange it for a few large gold ingots another day."

 She grew up with the prince since she was a child, so she naturally knew the prince's temperament.

We often popularize so-called "scientific" knowledge to them. All jade stones are essentially good-looking stones.

 The beauty of stone is jade. It has been mentioned in ancient books for a long time. There is no need for their princes to popularize it.

Hong Ye is willing to play with it in his hands just because it is valuable!

Whatever he likes, his purpose is very direct, all for the sake of money.

 This piece of warm jade is even more like this. In the prince's heart, it is probably worse than a fishhook.

The prince himself said that being able to make fish hooks is an advancement in smelting technology and a leap in human science and technology!

 She took the warm jade from He Wangye, and He Wangye would definitely not remember it in his heart.

Of course, what’s more important is that she and Zixia are in charge of He Wangye’s personal money bag, and all of He Wangye’s property is in their hands.

 There is essentially no difference between giving things to them from the prince, which is equivalent to exchanging the left hand for the right hand.

 If you really don’t want it, there is no need to refute He Wangye’s face on the spot and make him feel uncomfortable.

 “This is for Zixia,”

As he spoke, Lin Yi picked off the jade ring on his thumb, threw it towards Mingyue and said, "Sell it for money, and tell her not to lose money."

Mingyue chuckled and said, "My lord, you are partial. If you give her such a good thing, what you give to this slave is not as good as hers."

"Have it?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Impossible, the price is not much different, at most it will fluctuate by two taels of silver. If it doesn't work, you can choose for yourself, pick whichever one you like. If you are lucky, you might be able to find a good husband. "

Mingyue said coquettishly, "My lord, do you think so little of us?

Even though you are old and yellow, and your color is gradually fading, you are not unable to get married, right? You still have to pay money to find a brother-in-law? "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's not certain. As a human being, you still have to prepare for a rainy day.

Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. Do you have a guard or a promising youngster that you like?

 This king will definitely protect you as a matchmaker. "

Mingyue said with a sneer, "The prince has made fun of my slave again, so I won't tell you anymore."

 After finishing speaking, he left directly.

Lin Yi looked at her back as she disappeared into the night, and asked curiously, "Did I say the right thing?"


 In midair, a woman's voice suddenly appeared suddenly.


 Lin Yi's first reaction was that he was an acquaintance, otherwise he would not have been able to enter He Wang's Mansion. After turning around, he remembered who the voice was, "Sister, it's been a long time since I saw you, and I miss my grandson very much."

Looking at Wen Zhaoyi slowly falling from the sky, Lin Yi couldn't believe it for a moment. This old lady disappeared in Sanhe a few days ago. How come she suddenly arrived in Ankang City now?

“Those two girls are the people around you, who dares to marry them?

Who can marry? "

Wen Zhaoyi was dressed in white, walked towards Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "You are usually very smart, how come you are confused about this kind of thing?"


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "Thank you, sister, for clearing up the confusion."

  Wen Zhaoyi is right.

In the past, things about Mingyue and Zixia would have been easy to talk about, but now he is already the king of Daliang!

There must be some who rebel secretly, but there are certainly no ones who dare to openly flirt with or even marry the women around him!

 Coveting other people's flowers and ruining one's own wealth is not a fool's errand.

 Actually, he felt that he was judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. His possessiveness was actually not that strong, and he sincerely hoped that Mingyue and Zixia would find a good home.

 “It’s good if you understand,”

Wen Zhaoyi seemed to have read through his mind and continued, "Since ancient times, the most unpredictable thing is the emperor's heart. No one will take this risk easily."

“Okay, I understand, I’ll let these two girls sleep with me later. The wealth will not go to other people’s fields. There are beautiful girls. I’ll go to bed first.”

Lin Yi stretched and yawned, "Sister, why are you here?"

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly, "You don't welcome me?"

Lin Yi hurriedly said, "Sister knows that. Now that my army has left Sanhe and there are no experts to guard it, I really feel uneasy. My sister just left like this. If something goes wrong, I won't be able to sleep well."

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "I went to Ayu Kingdom."


Lin Yi said in surprise, "What are you doing in Ayu Kingdom?"

 “Lee Fo is dead.”


Lin Yi was startled, stood up and said, "The emperor of Asuka?"

Wen Zhaoyi nodded and said, "It was him. A few days ago, the foreign devils who had been leaning towards Nanyang arrived in Asoka. With strong boats and powerful artillery, they penetrated deep into the hinterland along the river, and the imperial palace of Asoka was captured."

Lin Yi asked in confusion, "Isn't he a great master?"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "Shouldn't you be happy?"

Lin Yidao, "Why should I be happy?"

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "This is in line with your thoughts. As long as there are enough cannons, the great master will also die."

“Even if we can’t fight, it’s okay to run, right?”

The news brought by Wen Zhaoyi made Lin Yi a little confused, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Wen Zhaoyi shook his head and said with emotion, "He is the emperor of Asoka and a great master. He is so proud. Naturally, he will not escape.

 What's more, if the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, is there any point in escaping? "

 “Have these foreign devils gotten to this point?”

Lin Yi was shocked after hearing these words.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "This is something you should worry about. What does it have to do with me?"


Lin Yi was speechless and said with a smile, "That's what my sister said."

Wen Zhaoyi continued, "You call them foreign devils. They are indeed no different from evil ghosts. They act cruelly and roughly, and there is no humanity at all. You still have to be more careful."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Sister, please don't worry. If we don't destroy their lair, my surname will not be Lin."

 This world also has the so-called Western world, with blond-haired and blue-eyed foreign devils.

Moreover, there’s a queen he can’t forget!

It is said that many small countries in the West have queens. Together, there are probably dozens of queens. He plans to personally lead the fleet and visit them one by one.

  Seriously learn from his idol Hong Shu and spread his seeds around the world!

It’s true that you, Hong Shu, are rich!

 And I have money and power!

 “This is the best,”

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Remember to let me know when you go, and I will go with you."


Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "It's getting late. I'll arrange for someone to clean up my sister's bedroom."


After Wen Zhaoyi finished speaking, he drifted away directly.

 “I’m going to the palace tonight.”

 The voice still echoes in the air.

 “Your Majesty.”

 The blind man emerged from the darkness.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Send the order, Wen Zhaoyi enters the palace, and no one can stop him."


The blind man raised his hands and said, "I understand, so I will give you the order."

After Lin Yi waited for the blind man to disappear from his eyes, he stretched himself again and said to himself, "Mother, I have learned to chop first and then play."

He really had no way to deal with Wen Zhaoyi.

Afraid of disturbing Hu Miaoyi's rest, she didn't go back to the wing and went to sleep in another room next to her.

 In the middle of the night, in a daze, I always felt a heat rushing around my belly. I just happened to pull someone over and it melted when it came into contact with water.

 When I turned around and opened my eyes, I found that it was the bright moon.

Thinking of what Wen Zhaoyi said last night, he looked at Mingyue hiding in his arms and said with a smile, "Okay, stop showing off, you did it on purpose."

He wouldn't give him a chance, and didn't give him a chance later, just after Wen Zhaoyi said last night?

 “This slave knows his sin.”

Mingyue hugged him tighter.

"There are too many titles. I can't remember them. I'll let Xiao Xizi get the booklet tomorrow and you can choose by yourself."

Lin Yi said helplessly, "You can call yourself whatever you want."

 Looking at her face, he felt that her brows were all stretched out at that moment.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Mingyue buried her head again.

 Kilin Palace.

The blind man and Xiao Xizi were guarding on both sides of the door. Xiao Xizi couldn't help but look inside and said, "Blind man, we are good friends. If you have anything, you must tell the truth. You must not hide it from me." "

 Wen Zhaoyi is the great master!

Liu Chaoyuan ran away in front of him, and there was no master around the emperor. If Wen Zhaoyi did something impulsive, he would die even if he didn't want to!

The blind man shook his head and said, "Are you suspecting that I'm pretending to give orders?"

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "I don't dare, it's just that Wen Zhaoyi came too unexpectedly."

The blind man snorted coldly, "My dear father-in-law, remember what the manager said, you should take care of what you should take care of, and take less care of what you should not take care of."

 The displeasure on Xiao Xizi's face flashed away, and she stood up straight at the door.

 The lights in Qilin Palace are still flickering.

Wen Zhaoyi looked at Emperor Delong who was sitting on the couch and said calmly, "Qi Yong is dead and Liu Chaoyuan has run away, so you have nothing to say."

 “I know,”

 Emperor Delong suddenly smiled, "I've died as the queen, my brother has died, and what's the harm if Qi Yong dies?"

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly, "That's right. People like you don't even care about your own wife, brothers and sisters, so how can you care about a little Qi Yong."

“What do you want to say to me when you come today?”

Emperor Delong squinted his eyes and took a sip of tea.

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Tell me, where has the eldest princess gone?"

Emperor Delong said, "My good son doesn't even know about it, so how can I possibly know about it!"


Wen Zhaoyi sneered, "Just have your big spring and Autumn dream."


Before Emperor Delong could say anything, Wen Zhaoyi had already left.

The only sound left in the Qilin Palace was the roar of Emperor Delong.

 “The noise hurts my ears.”

 Seeing that Emperor Delong was safe and sound, Xiao Xizi breathed a sigh of relief.

  Turning his head again, the blind man was gone.

“Grandmaster, is he really that amazing?”

Xiao Xizi gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.

 Three poles in the sun.

When Lin Yi got up, his waist could no longer straighten.

 After breakfast, he sat on a chair and said calmly, "Wen Zhaoyi went to see me, and they were actually talking about the eldest princess. They didn't even take me seriously!"

As he spoke, the cake in his hand had been deformed by his pinching.

 “Your Majesty, please calm down.”

The blind man stood opposite Lin Yi, bowed and said, "My subordinates will definitely get to the bottom of this."

“They hide everything they do from the king,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "What do you think this king is?

 Over and over again, I really think that this king is made of clay. "

 On the surface, it’s okay if everyone doesn’t give you face!

 Secretly, these people are the same as Qi Yong!

  Never take him seriously!

Just for a moment, anger took over his brain.

Chen Desheng banged his head three times and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down."

Lin Yi ignored him and looked directly at Pan Duo who was aside and said, "Li Fu is dead and the country of Ashoka is destroyed. Such a big thing was finally known from outsiders. What do I want from you?"

Pando was about to speak when a familiar, inaudible sound of wooden wheels rumbling was particularly loud in the living room.

 “Death penalty!”

The sound of hitting the bluestone was louder than the voice of speaking.

Lin Yi raised his head and saw Qi Peng crawling on the ground.

 “Mom, you are finally willing to come,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Sun Cheng is looking for death. Who let you in without my order?"

“Your Majesty, it’s all the fault of one subordinate and has nothing to do with anyone else.”

Qi Peng's legs were paralyzed on the ground, and he relied on his two arms to hold his head up. He said loudly, "I am willing to die to apologize!"

 “Stop pretending to me,”

Lin Yi glared at Pan Duo and said, "What are you doing standing still? Help him up quickly."

After Pan Duo was stunned for a moment, he quickly got up and helped Qi Peng into the wheelchair.

 “Tell me what you’re doing,”

Lin Yi took the teacup handed over by Xiao Xizi and snorted, "You're not here to see my king's joke, are you?"


Qi Peng still lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty has given orders, and my subordinates dare not disobey them."

Lin Yi said bitterly, "I only give you three days to find the eldest princess.

If you can't do it, I will not kill you, so you can disband on the spot and go home to farm. "

 Qi Peng said loudly, "I will not let you down!"

 The closer to summer, the hotter the weather.

Lin Yi was shirtless, holding a brush in his hand, writing with a splash of ink.

 Chen Desheng looked at it for a long time and said against his will, "The ink used by the prince, no matter whether it is dry, moist, fat or thin, penetrates into the paper, which is very human."

"speak English,"

Lin Yi threw away the brush and sighed, "The ink is floating on it, what a shit."

Some things require talent, and you can't just pretend to work hard and you will gain something.

 (End of this chapter)

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