I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 411: exam reform

Chapter 411 Examination Reform

 “Every time I say what I say is clear and I say I will do my best,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "The result is that everything is a mess every time. You can't do anything well, and you can't do anything. You are the ones who deal with me. Do you really think that this king is so easy to fool?"

 “The little one really doesn’t dare.”

Hu Shilu is now the Minister of Health, a second-rank official, and is in charge of hundreds of people, large and small. However, in front of Lin Yi, he always regards himself as a servant.

 After all, he had gone out with the palace before, and he couldn't change his attitude for a while.

 It doesn’t feel comfortable even if it is changed by force.

 “You, you are even less able to speak human words now,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "It's all the same, according to a fixed format, what is daring, what is fearful, and what is grateful, the fake ones can't be fake anymore.

 O king, I cannot see your sincerity. "

 “Your Majesty.”

Hu Shilu had a grimace on his face and didn’t know how to answer the question for a moment, “Damn it, little one!

Your Majesty, forgive me! "

Lin Yi sighed, “Medicine is too complex, involving basic knowledge such as anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as herbal medicine and surgery. It cannot be developed overnight.

 However, that doesn’t mean doing nothing.

The imperial doctors of the imperial hospital should be given due respect, but also a certain amount of pressure, and scientific guidance should be given to them. They should not be allowed to get stuck in herbal medicine and watch, smell, and inquire about everything.

  Medical energy must be quantified. For example, the heartbeat, breath, and how much it lasts in a quarter of an hour must be recorded and summarized.

In addition, it is not easy for the foreign devils from the Qintian Prison to cross the ocean. Their greatest role is not in astronomy and calendar, but in basic scientific literacy.

Xie Zan, Shi Quan, Wang Qingbang and others will go to Ankang City tomorrow. Wang Qingbang will be appointed as the new Minister of Education. You can discuss with him how to use these foreign devils to let more people accept the new teaching and pay attention to mathematics, mathematics and mathematics. Chemistry, inquiry, and medical knowledge. "

Hu Shilu thought for a while and said cautiously, "In life, there is nothing more than seeking officialdom and wealth."

"Yes, you finally said something humane. If you dare to say anything stupid about serving the country and the people and being loyal to the emperor and serving the country, I will definitely beat you to death."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Most people's pursuits are very simple. They seek official positions and wealth. In life, there are not so many mysterious things about eating and drinking.

 In the autumn of this year, I have made a plan and adopted the method of elective and compulsory examinations. Among them, Mandarin and arithmetic are compulsory examinations. If you don’t understand Mandarin and arithmetic, the rest are useless.

 Choose one of medicine, engineering, agriculture, business, etc.

 The medical exam questions are set by you, and you can prepare from now on. "


Hu Shilu was startled.

He is a veterinarian by training and has not read any serious books. However, he knows what it means to ask questions in the imperial examination!

 At that time, you will be someone else’s teacher!

 He is truly worthy of his name as a second-grade official!

 The doctors in the world should respect themselves!

How glorious!

 “Don’t yell blindly,”

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "I trust you when I ask you to give me the question. Don't let the question out by poking fun at me."

 Otherwise Chen Desheng will enforce the law without mercy, and it will be useless for you to cry in front of me. "

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu knelt down and said, "If this leaks out, the whole family will be killed!"

 “This is what you said,”

Lin Yi laughed loudly, "You are an official now, how can you still swear casually? Okay, I trust you, I just hope that you will be careful and don't be careless.

 If something goes wrong, your whole family will die, and you will definitely die.

 No one can save you by then. "

 Leaking the topic is a serious crime in any era.

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu couldn't help but said, "I know a little bit about medical skills, but I don't know anything about the scope of this question. Please give me some advice."

Lin Yi said, "What's so difficult about this? Just like the arithmetic paper, you can have multiple-choice questions. What is better for a newly pregnant pregnant woman to eat? How to choose between porridge, fried dough sticks, bean sprouts, and cheese?"

 Must have chosen cheese, right?

 There are also true and false questions, such as is it okay to have **** during pregnancy?

 Of course not!

Of course, there can be questions and answers, such as why all the emperors were short-lived and few lived beyond the age of forty?

 They eat a lot of fish and meat every day, drink alcohol, and have no vegetables. They suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, and liver cirrhosis. If they don’t die, who will die?

 What to do after a fracture?

How to identify heart disease, how to identify tuberculosis, and how to prevent and treat schistosomiasis? "

 “Your Majesty!”

  After hearing the words that the emperor was short-lived, Hu Shilu knelt down directly!

 Unless his whole family really doesn’t want to live anymore, and the topic of beheading comes up, “I understand.”

He Jixiang on the side waited for Hu Shilu to finish speaking, and couldn't help but interject, "Your Majesty, I know this Mandarin, it is what children learn in the Baiyun City classroom.

I don’t know what the prince’s Mandarin test is? "

He had never discussed the examination subjects with the prince before announcing them. The sudden announcement made him a little confused.

 Can't you memorize words, correct typos, and read comprehension like those primary school students?

 This is an insult to the scholars in the world!

Everyone's poems, lyrics, songs and poems are all excellent and all of them are well understood. Why do you want them to worry about the words?

Who do you look down on?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's not the case. They are only required to write a current affairs article that combines practical facts. Combined with the elective course scores, they can pass the test.

The real test for them was the Dabi after entering Ankang City. The king personally published the scroll. "

 The prince himself published the book?

He Jixiang doesn’t look down on Prince He, but he looks down on him very much!

He was really afraid that he would make a shocking joke if he published the paper with the prince himself, so he had to keep it in mind at this moment. If he really published the paper with the prince, he must check it carefully and consider it carefully.

 Don’t make the world laugh!

  It is shameless to be with the prince, but they, scholars, still have to be ashamed.

You really can’t let people poke your spine at will!

Thinking of this, his heart felt even more uncomfortable.

 However, he still smiled and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin Yi continued, "I don't mean to look down on the previous methods of selecting scholars. Whether they are the number one scholar or the Jinshi, they are all of the same race. Talents can be selected from a million. I admire them very much."

 He means what he said now!

Anyone who is admitted to the top or Jinshi exams is at the extreme end of human IQ!

That level of intelligence is simply terrifying!

 The gap between us and ordinary people is the gap between humans and pigs.

 Faced with these people, Lin Yi sometimes really doesn’t have the courage to speak loudly.

  After all, each of them is so smart that in front of them, I am no different than my naked butt!

 “Old minister understands,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "The six arts of a gentleman, including etiquette, music, and the number of imperial books, must not be neglected!"

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, arithmetic, chemistry, and music are all very important, and none of them can be missing."

Fortunately, He Jixiang didn't tell him that arithmetic and chemistry were not needed to buy groceries, otherwise he would have been kicked to death.

On the day when Xie Zan and Shi Jing went to Ankang City, Chen Desheng and He Jixiang were waiting outside the city early.

 The sun is shining brightly.

Cao Xiaohuan looked at the two old men who were sweating in the pavilion and was very worried.

These two people are not in good health. They have been exhausted mentally and physically due to Qi Yong's affairs these days, and they have to go out to pick up people in such hot conditions. I'm really afraid that they won't be able to hold on.

He carefully stepped forward and poured tea for the two of them, "Two adults, please drink some more tea. It's really too hot today."


Liu Kan smiled and said, "I'll just come and pick up Mr. Xie. The two of you will just wait in the house. I think Mr. Xie will understand and won't care."

He Jixiang smiled and said, "What do you know? You just think that old guy Xie Zan is kind and easy to talk to?"

 Liu Kan smiled and said, "I and the prince all said that Mr. Xie was once a rare good man in the court."

Chen Desheng shook his head and said, "The good guy is true, but it doesn't mean he is a generous person. If you offend him, he won't say it on the face, but he will definitely complain behind his back."


He Jixiang stroked his beard and said with a smile, "If I didn't come to pick him up today, he would have been nagging me for several years. Among us and everyone else, he is the most picky.

What's more, now that Qi Yong is dead, who else in the court can take on the position of prime minister besides him?

From now on, he will be the prime minister, and we may not be able to offend him. "

Liu Kan and Cao Xiaohuan looked at each other and said nothing.

The two of us can't get involved in this topic, and we don't dare to get involved.

There are more than twenty people standing on both sides of the eyes. Let those who are interested listen and spread it to Xie Zan’s ears. Do you want to continue to mess around in the future?

Wang Tuozi jumped down from a big tree in the distance, jumped under the pavilion in a few steps, and shouted, "Coming, coming!"

Chen Desheng and He Jixiang got up and walked out of the pavilion. They saw a long team holding the "rat" flag in the distance.

As they approached the pavilion, the cavalrymen in front divided into two sides and made way for the two carriages in the middle.

The carriage at the front suddenly opened its curtain. When the people inside saw Chen Desheng and He Jixiang, they asked the coachman to stop, got out of the carriage, landed directly, and walked towards Chen Desheng and He Jixiang.

 “Thank you, Sir, Sir Shi!”

 Chen Desheng and He Jixiang said in unison.

 “Master Chen, Master He!”

Xie Zan and Shi Quan also bowed their hands and saluted.

Xie Zan looked at He Jixiang, who was all white and skinny. Suddenly his nose became sore and he said with tears in his eyes, "How did you become like this?"

He almost didn’t dare to recognize it!

He Jixiang laughed and said, "Lao Xie, I haven't seen you for more than three years since I went north with the prince. You should be happy at this moment. Don't act like a little girl."

Xie Zan wiped his eyes with his sleeves and sighed, "You should pay more attention to your body and don't work too hard."

Shi Quan followed, "Yes, Mr. He, you must support your body and don't be too tired."

Chen Desheng waved his hand and said, "Today is a good day, don't mention these things. The prince said that there is no need to go to the audience today, just take a rest and go to the prince's palace the next day."

Xie Zan smiled and said, "We naturally know that Your Majesty loves you so much, but acting like this is like having no king and no father, no!

I also asked the two to take me to wash, and then go to see Wang Ye. "

Chen Desheng smiled bitterly and said, "That's okay. Your Majesty felt sorry for you and gave you Qi Yong's house. Maybe I will have to call you Prime Minister tomorrow."

  Xie Zan said, “Stop making fun of me.”

Chen Desheng looked at Wang Qingbang who had never said a word and said, "As for you, the prince has decided to be the Minister of Education. Together with the prince's lecturer, Chen Yan, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Education, he will be in charge of the world's scholars. The Imperial College will be the yamen of the Ministry of Education. , In the future, this Imperial College will be both your residence and your office. "

Shi Quan couldn't help but said, "What about me?"

 He used to be just a seventh-grade general judge!

 The position is not high and the power is not important.

 Among the prisoners who were exiled to the army in Sanhe, he was the one with the least status.

 But having spent time with Xie Zan, Chen Desheng, He Jixiang and others, I have long been familiar with them, so I don't feel embarrassed at all when asking this question at this moment.

 You can't just forget about yourself when you are all settled, right?

 As promised, we will share the difficulties and share the blessings?

"Ha ha,"

Chen Desheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "The prince has been fascinated by your calligraphy and painting these days, and he likes your calligraphy and painting even more.

If nothing else happens, after the prince is born, the official will not be able to escape, and his future will be bright. "

 “Mr. Chen, please stop teasing me,”

Shi Quan said with a sad face, "Can't you tell me the truth?"

Wait until the prince is born to become a lecturer?

 Then the Crown Prince and the Tutor?

 The idea is a good one!

 But the reality is that the princess has not yet given birth!

 It is not certain whether it is a boy or a girl!

Well, even if it is really a boy, it will have to wait three to five years, right?

 You just keep waiting like this?

 At that time, this prince and the prince may change their minds!

 Talk about reading official?


 There is no shadow at all!

He Jixiang smiled and said, "Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. I have recommended you to the prince to be the chief envoy of Jizhou."

 “Chief envoy”

 This is something Shi Quan didn’t expect at all!

 He made small passes one by one, and then he rose to the top in one step?

 Who would believe it?

He Jixiang said, "Don't worry about anything else now, wait until you see the prince."


Shi Quan’s attitude suddenly became respectful.

If he can really serve as the chief envoy, the ancestral graves of his Shi family will really be smoking!

 The sun rises higher and higher.

Wang Tuozi couldn't help but said, "My lords, let's go into the city to talk."


He Jixiang raised his hand, got on the carriage with Xie Zan, entered the city directly, and rushed to He Wang's Mansion.

 Arrived at the gate of Hewang Mansion, Lin Yi had just finished lunch and was about to take a nap.

Yawning, he said, "No, let them do whatever they have to do. Ask me about everything and what else you want them to do."

 After saying that, he went into the house and went to sleep.

At the entrance of the palace, Xie Zan, He Jixiang and others looked at Jiao Zhong's face as he came out of the palace. They understood something without asking.

This prince of theirs is lazy again and will definitely not be seen today.

He Jixiang smiled and said, "Go to the Governor's Mansion, and I will cleanse the dust for you."

Wang Qingbang smiled and said, "It is better to obey orders than to be so respectful."

 A group of people went straight to the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army.

 (End of this chapter)

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