I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 42: Intestinal rupture

Chapter 42 Broken liver and intestines

 However, something unexpected happened to Lin Yi.

 In the morning, the classroom converted from a livestock shed was packed to the brim, and it was definitely empty after lunch.

The children all ran to the river beach to herd their animals.

 As dinner approached, it was suddenly full again.

  Some parents even take over their children's rice bowls and make a few bites of them on the grounds that their children are wasting their money.

Since there is no limit to the amount of rice, if a child’s bowl is empty, he will continue to fill it up at the instigation of his parents.

Lin Yi would like to sigh a few words: "People's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

 But suddenly found that he was in ancient times.

Xie Zan had no choice but to build a circle of wooden boards as a fence around the perimeter to prevent idlers from entering.

 Students are not allowed to go out without excuse before school hours.

 Some parents take their children out and do not let them go to school after weighing three meals and grazing animals.

 Sanhe has no government office and no official, which means they have no household allowance.

 To put it bluntly, it is a black household.

 What is the use of children from black households studying?

Can I still take the provincial examination, government examination, and palace examination and get the top prize?

 Besides, since the beginning of the world, Sanhe has never held a rural examination or a government examination.

 Those who are more respectable in Sanhe will eventually choose to send their children to Yuezhou in the west and Nanzhou in the north.

Lin Yi was preoccupied with his own palace and had no time to take care of school teaching matters for the time being, so after giving him the money, he left it to Xie Zan to take care of it.

The people who built the mansion have already recruited forty or fifty people, and they work all day long on cutting down trees, cutting stones, and leveling roads.

 “Is it time to dig this foundation?”

Lin Yi was anxious.

 He has lived in the shabby house of the capital commander Si Na for eight days, and the accommodation is sufficient.

 If the construction starts earlier and the construction is completed earlier, can it be moved out earlier?

 “Your Majesty, don’t be anxious,”

Bian Jing stroked his beard and said with a look of wisdom, "At the end of every year, slightly larger merchants will come to Sanhe, and then the grassroots can ask them to buy lime, planes, saw blades, pins, etc.

At this time next year, it won’t be too late to arrange for people to dig kilns and burn bricks, and work can probably start. "

 “Next year”

Looking at the proud old man, Lin Yi's face turned dark.

If he hadn't considered that the other party was older and couldn't live without him, he would have kicked him!

 Teasing the monkey to play!

 “Your Majesty, please rest assured,”

Bian Jing was just talking about himself and didn't see Lin Yi's face at all. He said loudly, "The people will do their best to complete the project within ten years!"

 When I said this, I couldn’t help but dance.

  Sanhe is an uninhabited place, with mountains and seas swallowing it up. Let others do it, and it won’t be possible in less than twenty years!

 “ten years”

Lin Yi said in a trembling voice, "Are you sure that I won't turn into a savage by then?"

 He is so stupid!

 Why haven’t you asked about the construction period?


Bian Jing is still puzzled. What’s there to be unhappy about?

 “The roads in Sanhe are impassable, and the natural and prosperous places are incomparable.”

 “What about taking the sea route?”

Lin Yi finally understood. He meant the same thing inside and out. In this **** place like Sanhe, even if you have money, you may not be able to spend it.

Bian Jing pointed to the sampan channels on both sides of the river bank, “Sanhe is barren and there are no merchant ships, only these sampans.

Perhaps only pirates have three-masted ships. "

Lin Yi sneered, "We don't know how to make it ourselves, it's okay if someone gives it to us."

 “Your Majesty, what does this mean?”

Bian Jing didn’t understand.

Lin Yi stepped on the overgrown river bank, swung the fishhook into the river, then leaned against a big tree pole and said loudly, "Shen Chu."

  “The subordinate is here.”

Shen Chu, who had been hiding in the shade, suddenly appeared.

“It’s up to you whether I, the king, will eat meat or bran vegetables from now on.”

At this moment, Lin Yi was really speechless and even spoke with a cry.

 “I will never give up even if I die!”

Shen Chu said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, just give me your orders!"

"Hey, take a few brothers with good water skills and find a sampan," Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Go and meet these pirates for me, they have boats."

“Your Majesty, please rest assured. When these pirates hear your Majesty’s reputation, they will definitely bow down and offer their ships to you!”

Shen Chu was so excited that he almost fell ill after staying in this ghost place for these days.

Since you have something to do in front of you, that's the best thing.

 “The younger one thinks so too.”

 Arhat hurriedly agreed.

Lin Yi said, "Go ahead. Whether they are willing to sacrifice the boat or not is a trivial matter. Your lives are more important."

Shen Chu said confidently, "My lord, don't worry, my subordinates won't look down on mere thieves.

    I will set off now. "

If he had not been a guard and had not had the mark of the royal family on his body, with his current ability he would have been serving in the army, even as a secret guard, and he would have already achieved great success.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry for the moment. You have to find a guide who is familiar with the route first. Don't let the pirates miss you and lose yourself."

Shen Chudao said, "These subordinates can naturally save money."

After Shen Chu left, Lin Yi sat under the tree and caught two crucian carp, a dace, and a sea catfish one after another, all of which were quite big.

 He smiled and said to Bian Jing beside him, "We can add some extra meals in the evening. Steam, braise, stew, and change it up."

"Your Majesty is wise," Bian Jing said with a smile, "the common people are stupid. If you want to eat this fish, you have to spend money to buy it."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't talk about being wise or unwise. Now, even that fallen phoenix is ​​worse than a grass chicken.

 From tomorrow onwards, we will dig the foundation and build the house for this king!

 Don't interrupt, listen to what I have to say.

There is no need to think about pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings.

  Whether you use bricks, stones or wood, you must build a house for this king that can be lived in within one month.

 Did you hear that clearly?

 Can live in people!

  It will be windy and rainy, as long as it does not leak. "

Bian Jing was stunned for a moment and then said, "My lord, this would be too unfair to you."

Lin Yi said angrily, "Isn't it wrong to let me live in your shabby thatched house for ten years?"

How did this brain get the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry!

 Or is it because you have been here for a long time and your brain is rusty?


Bian Jing hesitated for a moment and said, "If the prince really doesn't mind it, just use bricks, lime and glutinous rice to fill it."

Lin Yidao, "If you want glutinous rice, use clay."

 So many online documents are not for free.

Bian Jing's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this method is good. The common people haven't used it yet. You can give it a try, but it will be difficult to transport the lime within a few months."

“It’s impossible for Sanhe to be so big without limestone, right?”


 “Then go and pull it back and calcine it yourself.”

"Fifty miles to the south, there is Etou Mountain. Although it is not far away, the road is inaccessible."

"Then open the way." Lin Yi said fiercely, "Why are the merchants waiting? If they don't come for a year, they won't be able to build the house for a year."

 “It’s just the cost”

“How much can I charge for filling the puddles on the road, cutting the weeds, and leveling the rocks?”

 And it doesn’t matter how much money he spends. Lin Yi is just afraid that he has money but no place to spend it.

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Bian Jing nodded and agreed.

  ps: Please give me a vote. My writing may not be good. Please forgive me. Keep up the good work.

 (End of this chapter)

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