I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 425: Unscientific

Chapter 425 Unscientific

The battlefield was tense. Whether it was the officers and soldiers of Daliang Kingdom, the guards of the royal palace, or the entourage of the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple, they were all tense and ready to fight if they disagreed.

At this moment, after hearing the words of Ding Lun, the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple, I was stunned for a moment.

This Dharma King of Tuigu Temple has been speaking rudely since he appeared in Prince He's Mansion and has never put anyone in his eyes.

Jiang Yi saw with his own eyes that even when he met Grand Master Ye Qiu, he was still rude in his words.

 When he disagreed with Ye Qiu, he took action directly.

Jiang Yi saw that Ye Qiu was injured and vomited blood, so he was going to lead his troops to fight for his life!

 What was unexpected was that Ye Qiu actually stopped him.

To put it bluntly, people like them would die if they went up there.

 After hearing these words, he was actually a little moved.

 He is willing to be loyal to Prince He, but that does not mean that he is not afraid of death!

He still has a family waiting for him to support.

Therefore, he promptly accepted Ye Qiu's suggestion, led a group of people, and surrounded the Nangu people. From time to time, he glanced at the blind man who was confronting Ding Lun.

 He doesn't like blind people.

 But, at this moment, he really hoped that the blind man could win.

 Otherwise, all of them will die!

What is unexpected is that as soon as the monk arrived, the arrogant Ding Lun suddenly became polite.

 Ding Lun is afraid of monks?

As soon as this idea came up, Jiang Yi was shocked by his own idea.

 They only know that the monk has become a great master, but they don’t know how powerful the monk is.

The monk's kung fu is better than that of the blind man, or better than Ye Qiu?

 No one would believe it if I told you!

I think back then, the third-level monk was a joke in the entire Ankang City. Later, after a trip to Sichuan Province, I became a master inexplicably!

 Everyone was a little disbelieving.

 However, when many ninth-level disciples saw him, they could not even think of resisting at all. What could they be if they were not great masters?

The people from Nangu behind Ding Lun also had puzzled faces!


The monk in front of me is no ordinary person at first glance!

It’s really not easy to get their Dharma King to speak seriously!

According to their guess, this monk’s status in Daliang is probably equivalent to that of the King of Dharma in Nangu!

 “The prince has a body of thousands of gold, how noble his status is,”

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the monk, who has always believed in the equality of all living beings, could actually say these words, "How can you and other barbarians see it if they want to?"

These words were so powerful and domineering that they directly shocked the surrounding Liang people.


How noble they and the prince are!

These barbarians simply don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!

 “Little monk,”

Ding Lun smiled and said loudly, "I always convince people with virtue and reason. Do you think I am afraid of you?

It is just entrusted by the Chinese Lord and deliberately submitted the national book, a little monk. Since you can't do the Lord, please let the prince say that I have a national book to the regent king. "

 “Of course the young monk wouldn’t think so,”

The monk twirled the red sandalwood beads in his hand and said, "It's just that the prince has ordered that stability is the first priority in Ankang City and the capital. It is not the etiquette for the master to break into Ankang City without going through the Ministry of Rites."

 The prince is very angry, and the consequences will be very serious. The master's skills are extremely high, and even if he cannot retain his heart, he still has to retain his people. "

 “Leave my people behind?”

Ding Lun frowned and snorted coldly, "Then it depends on whether you have the ability."

 In the stunned eyes of everyone, they only saw two groups of figures colliding together, and then began to avoid the infuriating energy that filled the air.

When they came to their senses, they found that the two figures had disappeared.

Jiang Yi found that Ye Qiu and the blind man were also missing, and looked at Jiao Zhong beside him in confusion.

Jiao Zhong snorted coldly, "With the three of them taking action together, no one can escape."

Jiang Yi pointed at Ding Lun's Nangu followers and said, "What should we do with these people?"

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "Master Jiang, I am just a small guard commander, how can I make the decision on these things?

 According to my opinion, it is better to ask the prince for instructions. "

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yi said loudly, "Come here, take these barbarians into custody, and let the prince deal with them later!"

Jiao Zhong can't be the master of this kind of thing, and he can't be the master either.

 “You dare!”

After hearing this, the Nangu people shouted directly, and dozens of people pointed their swords at the people in the Beijing camp without showing any weakness.

 “Asshole, Ankang City is not a place where you can be so arrogant!”

Seeing the Nangu masters rushing out of the crowd, Jiang Yi was the first to draw his sword and shouted loudly, "Catch him alive!"


 Everyone responded with a roar!

 They are helpless against the Grand Master!

 However, they are not afraid of the ninth-grade and eighth-grade people who suddenly appeared among the Nangu people!

 In the Sanhe Army, the most indispensable thing is the ninth and eighth ranks, which are now as numerous as dogs!

 “This is a crushing game.”

Jiao Zhong glanced at it with a smile, then waved to the palace guards and returned to the mansion, then closed the door directly.

Even though he was sitting in the deep garden, Lin Yi could still hear the sound of bows and arrows piercing the air, and the thunderous sound of fighting.

Wen Zhaoyi, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Ding Lun left Ankang City."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Who won?"

Wen Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "I don't have clairvoyance, so how would I know? With three against one, they will definitely not suffer."

 “This is the best.”

Lin Yi said and took a sip of tea.

While speaking, Mingyue hurried over and said, "Your Majesty, the princess is about to give birth."

Lin Yiteng stood up and said, "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and call the imperial doctor!"

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Mingyue hurriedly said, "Dr. Hu and Wen Po are both here."

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

Lin Yi went directly to Hu Miaoyi's wing.

Since Hu Miaoyi became pregnant, he and Hu Miaoyi slept in separate rooms.

Hu Miaoyi's wing was on the third floor of Hewang Mansion. It was only one yard away from where he lived, so he walked there in a few steps.

The maids gathered at the door of the wing, each carrying hot water and towels, walking in and out of the yard. When they saw Lin Yi approaching, many of them were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and almost lost their balance in holding the basin.

 “How long has it been? It’s not serious yet!”

Without waiting for Lin Yi to speak, Mingyue first split a few girls, "Hurry up and listen to the instructions of Taiyi and stabilized at any time!"


 After several girls replied in unison, they ran away in a hurry.

 “Your Majesty.”

Hu Shilu and two imperial doctors stood among a group of women, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

 “If you don’t go in and guard, what are you doing standing outside?”

Lin Yi asked eagerly.

 “To report to the prince,”

Hu Shilu glanced at the two imperial doctors next to him, and then said, "There are more than a dozen of the best women in Ankang City in the room. They have much more experience than I do. With them here, I become redundant."

 He has delivered babies to many women, but this is the first time he has delivered a baby to a royal family member!

 He had always avoided the ladies of high officialdom if he could.

 Looking at people's private parts at will, will you finally be able to do it?

Now he just hopes that the experienced women can give the princess a safe and smooth delivery without him entering the house to perform a disembowelment.

 Otherwise, this will be a big trouble!

What about the Minister of Health?

 A prime minister like Qi Yong will be beheaded even if he asks the prince to do so!

 After all, Prince He is no longer the Prince He he used to be!

He and the prince are not alone now. Behind him are a group of people, including good people with compassionate hearts and hungry wolves.

Even if he has no intention of killing himself, as long as he casually expresses a little disgust towards himself and reveals a little bit of murderous intention, there will be a lot of people trying to figure out the "higher intention", thinking about what the prince thinks, and worrying about what the prince is anxious about. I am always in trouble with myself as the Minister of Health.

 Imitate the tigers and lions and rush towards me, and I don’t even know how I died!

For the sake of his own life, he needs to be more cautious and never seek death!

 This is the way to be an official entrusted to him by Mr. He Jixiang after he became the Minister of Health!

However, Lord He Jixiang also reassured him that he and the prince are very likely to become the "founding kings" of the country!

 The founder of a country never kills his heroes.

 Unless one day, Prince He gets old and has to pass on the throne.

 Among them, who is not older than Prince He?

 On the day when the throne was passed on, if the prince and the prince wanted to kill someone, they would have been gone long ago.

In the words of Prince He, after they die, there will be no need to worry about the flood.


Lin Yi stood at the door of the wing. Just as he was about to go in, he was stopped by Hu Shilu again. "You don't want to go in yourself, and you want to stop me from going in?"

 Listening to Hu Miaoyi's cries due to labor pains, Lin Yi was a little anxious.

Hu Shilu hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the women inside were sprayed with alcohol and put on sheepskin gloves to go in. Your Majesty has not been disinfected, so please don't go in for the time being."

 These are the "hygiene common sense" that Prince He taught him.

He and the prince themselves can’t violate their own rules, right?

“Yes, that’s what Dr. Hu said,”

Mingyue said with a smile, "Besides, those stable ladies are already nervous. Your Majesty is unpredictable. Seeing the prince go in, the stable ladies must be scared out of their wits. They have no master. Your Majesty, you should stay outside and don't cause any trouble." "

Thinking of the **** scene inside, she must have stopped the prince.

 “That’s true.”

Lin Yi shuddered when he thought of the way he entered the wing and saw the people kneeling down to him while delivering Hu Miaoyi's baby.

 This is harming Hu Miaoyi.

 “Your Majesty,”

Seeing that Lin Yi agreed, Hu Shilu breathed a sigh of relief, "I personally checked the princess's pulse, and the pulse was stable. And one of my female apprentices personally listened to the fetal heartbeat on the princess's body. Her breath was also long. Your Majesty is great." Don’t worry.”

Hush Shilu became more confident when he thought that there were two of his female apprentices in the delivery room.

Although the surgical skills of the two female apprentices are not high, they definitely surpass him in delivering babies!

 He is a man after all!

Only when life and death are at stake, people will allow a grown man like him to deliver babies to his wife or sisters.

 But his two female apprentices were different.

 Famous teachers give birth to great disciples. Everyone believed that Hu Shilu’s disciples could not be left, so they were willing to invite him.

 So, from Sanhe to Jiangnan, and then to Ankang City, his two female apprentices were both sought-after stable wives.

  He has delivered more babies in the past month than in his entire life.

Especially his eldest disciple Chen Xilian, people in Ankang City secretly called her "Guanyin Guanyin".

As for his young apprentice Yan Hong, he used a scale hook to hook up stillborn fetuses in women's private parts. Although he saved lives, his reputation was much worse.

People in Ankang City secretly called her "The King of Hell". If there was a disobedient child, the adults would scare her and say: "The King of Hell is here," and the child would stop crying immediately.

They say they don’t want to see Yan Hong, but when a family has a baby, she is the first person to be invited, asking her to put it on their belly to identify whether it is stillborn.

 If the fetus is stillborn, leaving it in the belly will only harm your own life.

Furthermore, even if it is the time of delivery, they have to ask this Yama. If it is difficult to give birth, they will secretly beg this Yama to hook the child out. To protect themselves rather than the child, their own lives are the most important!

 There are only a few women who risk their lives for the sake of their husband’s children.

Yan Hong took the money in advance. She is a childlike person and will never ask for or listen to her husband's family's opinions. She will directly protect the adult.

  Let’s not be afraid of power!

 In the Wenpo circle in Ankang City, she has gained a great reputation.

 For a woman with a little wealth, "Guanyin Guanyin" and "King of Hell" must be invited at the same time.

 “I can trust your disciple.”

Lin Yi was deeply impressed by Hu Shilu’s apprentice Chen Xilian.

 After all, a doctor who can use martial arts energy in gynecology is really a genius!

Just for the business of infuriating the baby, I dare to charge twenty taels!

 It’s like robbing money!

And there is also Qi to kill bacteria, which costs thirty taels!

Lin Yi once thought that this woman was out to swindle money, but the legend of this "Guanyin Guanyin" was spread everywhere in the fireworks in Ankang City.

It is said that the rotten lower body can be restored to its original state by letting Chen Xilian heal it!

  Even the old coffin flesh that has lost its vitality can continue to be alive and kicking.

 It was said in Ankang City that there were noses and eyes. Lin Yi didn't know whether to believe it or not.

 Say you believe it?

 This is an insult to science!

 If qi is useful, what are the antibiotics for?

Believe it or not, this is indeed an "unscientific" world. There are so many people climbing up and down the walls that even Newton's coffin boards can't hold them down!

 Furthermore, the "Qi" of these people is actually aggressive, and they can crack mountains and crack rocks with just one push!

 Huge power!

Definitely not the kind of charlatan I knew in my previous life!

 The most important thing is that Lin Yi has witnessed Chen Xilian's "magic" with his own eyes.

Lin Yi went fishing early in the morning and found a beggar lying in the grass.

The eyeballs were ulcerated, maggots were crawling in the eye sockets, and the body was full of stench.

Lin Yi saw it at the time and couldn't bear it, so he arranged for someone to invite Chen Xilian over.

 If someone else invites her, Chen Xilian will definitely have to show off and charge a high fee.

 However, Chen Xilian was naturally overjoyed to be invited by the prince and used all her housekeeping skills.

After using a high degree of white wine to wipe off the ulcers and maggots on the beggar, I pressed my palm on his forehead, and puffs of smoke came out of his head.

Lin Yi witnessed with his own eyes what "Qi Disinfection" is.

To his disbelief, three days later, the ulcers on the beggar’s eye sockets were completely gone.

Lin Yi’s outlook on life was shattered to pieces again!

 (End of this chapter)

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