Chapter 427 Your name

What's more, it's not certain whether he will retain the throne in the future!

He is determined to be the gravedigger of feudal society, and the royal family will undoubtedly become a stumbling block to capitalism.

 He left the throne to his heirs, which was tantamount to harming them.

If you have to stay in the end, it is probably just symbolic. Whether the emperor is a man or a woman does not mean much.

 “Your Majesty!”

He Jixiang really doesn’t know what to say!

Is their prince crazy?

不 不 牝 牝, do you understand the truth of the country?

 He wished he could retaliate with death!

He bit his head and said loudly, "Your Majesty, please think again!"

 “Think twice?”

Lin Yi saw He Jixiang looking like he wanted to grab the ground with his head and blood spattered on the spot. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't say any more. I understand what you mean. I will listen to you and let's discuss it in the long term."

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Everyone was overjoyed and knelt down three times and kowtowed again.

 “The king of Japan is happy today,”

Lin Yi clasped his hands behind his back and kept looking at the side room where cries could be heard from time to time. "In the evening, there will be a big banquet in the palace to celebrate with the people."


Everyone naturally agreed that there was no reason to violate this order.

 It’s just a banquet, no big deal.

 As long as you are happy with the prince and don't cause trouble anymore.

Moreover, these are not major events that endanger the country.

 There is no need for them to disagree with Prince He, they can just go along with it.

Lin Yi was very satisfied with their attitude and stopped talking to them and walked straight into the side room.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 The Wen Po and the maids in the wing were all panicked when they saw Lin Yi kneeling on the ground.

 “Get up,”

Lin Yi walked to the bed and glanced at Hu Miaoyi, who was sweating profusely and haggard, with her eyes closed, "How is the princess?"

Chen Xilian hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the princess is too tired and has fallen asleep at the moment. She will be fine in a few days."

 She is from Sanhe, has a big horse face, and is in her thirties.

 Sanhe is a remote place with a shortage of doctors and medicines. There are only one or two people who can really be called doctors, and they are all supported by big families like the Liang family, Wang family, and Hu family.

 Poor families cannot afford to hire them.

She thought that with the experience of helping her mother deliver five younger siblings, she could be a stable mother-in-law. If anyone asked for help from her, she would go directly to the door with scissors in hand.

  Since she started using scissors at the age of ten, this steady woman has been doing it for nearly twenty years.

First, she and the prince arrived in Sanhe, where they began to popularize hygiene knowledge on a large scale and strictly implement the hygiene system. She was surprised to find that the "big belly" disease, "big neck" disease, dysentery, tinea capitis, and malignant sores that had troubled Sanhe people in the past years There are actually fewer and fewer!

Especially after the implementation of compulsory education, Prince He required all school students not to come into contact with raw water!

Even if you take a bath, it must be boiling hot water!

At that time, this order caused an uproar in Sanhe!

  Sanhe is hot and humid. In the summer, it’s so hot that you want to dig into the ground and take a bath with hot water?

 For generations, there has been no such rule!

 However, if you tell the prince, you have to listen even if you don’t want to.

 At school, it is almost mandatory.

 Unless you are not going to send your child to school.

 Children do not go to school, are literate or illiterate,

People in Baiyun City don't care, but they can't deny their children the opportunity to eat for free.

 So, the people in Baiyun City just let the prince and the prince continue to "play nonsense".

Like in previous years, Sanhe always has a lot of skinny children with big bellies.

What is puzzling is that after children were banned from going into the river and started taking hot baths and drinking cold drinks, there were not as many pregnant children as before.

She became more and more curious about what Prince He called "science". After all, she had witnessed many miracles of "science" with her own eyes.

 After Hu Shilu arrived in Sanhe, she admired Hu Shilu so much that she fell head over heels in admiration!

It turns out that if a person has his stomach opened, he can still survive by sewing it up with catgut!

 Saving people is actually not that difficult.

 Those pregnant women she met did not have to die.

Hu Shilu built Sanhe Health School in accordance with Prince He’s request. She signed up without hesitation regardless of other people’s opinions.

Her man felt it was embarrassing for her to be among men and even threatened to divorce her, but she remained unmoved.

 Because she knew that if she missed this opportunity, such good things would never happen again in the future.

You must know that medical skills have their own inheritance.

 I remember that in the beginning, in order to learn some folk remedies, she had to kneel and kowtow, saying goodbye day and night.

In this way, those old ladies still refused to pass on her real things.

Now someone is willing to teach her medical skills, and it’s free!

 She would be really stupid not to go!

The worst thing about her days in health school was that she was illiterate, so that reading things on the blackboard was like reading from heaven.

 Completely rely on your brain to memorize?

Hu Shilu teaches too much every day, and even many new words are new to her. She has entered a vast new world!

With no other choice, she sat in a classroom with her daughter and started learning pinyin and words again.

Her mentor Hu Shilu had a bad temper, but she had always been very grateful for his kindness and was always very patient in teaching students and solving doubts.

 No secrets.

 One who teaches is serious and the other who learns is serious.

 Now, she is a well-known Wenpo in Sanhe.

After she became pregnant with the princess, her master sent a message to her and Yan Hong to come to Ankang City as soon as possible.

 Their mentor had orders, and they naturally could not disobey them.

What's more, it is a big deal involving He Wangfu.

No matter what, they must come to Ankang City.

What is unexpected is that in less than half a year, she and Yan Hong have become famous in Ankang City.

 She was very happy with the name "Qiuzi Guanyin".

 She was even more happy about Yan Hong's title as "The King of Hell".

 As for whether Yan Hong is happy or not, who cares?

 I think back on when we were both senior fellow apprentices, this little **** always lost face in front of the master!

If it weren’t for He Wangye, it would be impossible for the two of them to appear in this room at the same time today.

 With you and without me!

 This is for sure!

At this moment, she was kneeling on the ground. After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but glance at Yan Hong, who was also kneeling on the ground.

 Little bitch!

 You have to understand what is the order of elders and younger ones!

 I am your senior sister, and I have no right to speak to you in front of the prince!

"Thank you,"

Lin Yi looked at the beads of sweat on the faces of Wu Xilian and Yan Hong, and said with a smile, "Go down and rest first."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 Everyone shouted a thousand years ago.

Lin Yi crossed the two stable women and walked to the wet nurse holding the child. where

The nanny and the prince searched all over Ankang City to find the nurse. She was in her prime and had just given birth to a baby. When she saw the prince coming over, she was so scared that her face turned pale and her whole body trembled because she was afraid that something was wrong.

Twitching and shaking, it attracted Lin Yi's full attention.

 The more Lin Yi stared at her, the more she trembled.

 The more she trembled, the more seriously Lin Yi looked at her.

 “Your Majesty.”

Mingyue couldn't stand it after all, so she called Lin Yi softly.

"Take good care of the princess, and I will give you a generous reward."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he stopped looking at the wet nurse and walked straight to Hu Miaoyi's bed.

Hu Miaoyi was lying on the bed, her messy hair clinging to her sweat-stained forehead. Lin Yi actually felt a little distressed when he saw it.

 Giving birth to a child in this era is like going through hell.

 You should be considerate of both emotions and reasons.

Thinking of this, he sat on the edge and couldn't help but smooth the messy hair on her forehead with his slender hands.

Seeing this, Mingyue waved to the people on both sides, and everyone hurriedly jumped out with their bodies hunched over.

 She waited for everyone to finish, then carefully exited, and gently closed the door of the wing.

Amidst the inaudible sound of the door closing, Hu Miaoyi suddenly opened her eyes, struggled to get up and said, "I am guilty!"

"Do not move,"

Lin Yi gently pressed her body and said with a smile, "You gave birth to a princess for my king. What crime do you have?

 It’s too late for me to thank you. "

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Miaoyi said with shame, "I failed to give birth to a son for the prince, so I let him down."

  “You would actually say such a thing?”

Lin Yi was very surprised and said, "You have always been very dissatisfied with me these days, and you even want to divorce me. Why do you care so much about whether he is the prince or the princess now?"

He supported Hu Miaoyi and waited for her to lie down. After a moment of hesitation, he still held her hand.

No matter what the woman does, as long as she gives birth to a child for him, he has the responsibility to give her the sense of security she deserves.

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Miaoyi said lightly, "I want to make peace with you for personal reasons, but to give birth to a son for you is for the public good. Although my concubines are dull, they are not indifferent between public and private matters."

At one time, she was still worried about the birth of a boy or girl.

If you can't give birth to a boy, you will be useless, and your old father may be implicated.

 “This king said,”

Lin Yi patted the back of her hand as he spoke, "Both boys and girls are the same, they are all of my blood, so you don't have to be nervous.

 Do you still want to leave the palace with me and Li? "

Hu Miaoyi once wanted to leave He Wangfu, but now after hearing Lin Yi's words, she thought in her heart, "What do you mean by this?

 Where do you want your concubine to go? "

Lin Yi put the glass of water in front of her to her lips and said with a smile, "Your lips are chapped, drink some water."

 “Your Majesty.”

Hu Miaoyi hesitated for a long time, but finally took the cup in front of her and poured it into her stomach.

 After waiting and waiting for a while, I touched my belly with my hand and breathed a sigh of relief.


Lin Yi sighed, "I'm becoming more careful.

I know that you want to make peace with me, but Wen Zhaoyi is right. Even if I allow you to make peace with me, you will not be able to survive. Before you leave Ankang City, a lot of people will come to kill you. "

In order to maintain his "king" dignity, no one under him would let Hu Miaoyi live. And these people are not afraid of being "wrathed".

 “The prince’s words are serious, but I dare not.”

 In the past, Hu Miaoyi would have put aside everything and just responded.

 But I thought about the pink daughter I had just given birth to after all the hard work.

 She just realized that she was already a mother.

 That is my biological daughter.

 What if she is no longer around and she is bullied and called a wild child?

 In such a short moment, she thought a lot, a lot.

 The most important thing is that Prince He is right. After reconciliation, she will not be able to leave Ankang City alive, or even Prince He's Mansion.

“You are very brave. What else are you afraid of?”

Lin Yi wrung out the wet towel in the basin and wiped her sweat-stained forehead while saying, "As a human being, it is best to follow your heart and not go against your heart, otherwise you will be unhappy, I will be unhappy, and everyone will be unhappy. , it’s meaningless.”

 He told the truth.

Hu Miaoyi turned her head, pretending to be asleep and said nothing.

"You have just given birth and your immunity is low. It is the time when you need a good rest. Don't think too much about it and give birth to the child well, otherwise you will suffer a lot in the future."

Lin Yi patted the back of her hand again, stood up and left the room.

The princess was born.

While Lin Yi held a banquet, he also issued an order: reward the three armies.

To give birth to the princess, reward the three armies?

 This is an order that many people don’t understand!

 There has never been such a rule in all dynasties!

Not to mention the princess, not even the princess would act like this!

 The army of the Liang Kingdom was developed on the basis of the officers and soldiers of Sanhe, and now there are at least 150,000 people!

With a simple reward, tens of thousands of taels of silver were gone!

 What is the purpose of spending so much money for a person as stingy as the prince?

Jiao Zhong beside Lin Yi also didn't understand.

He lowered his head and glanced at the prince who was carrying his back from time to time. He only heard the prince smiling and saying, "I have to let these soldiers understand who gave them this big meal."

 “The Prince of Qi is naturally the Princess of the County.”

Jiao Zhong said quickly.

“There is a banquet in the evening, and I will not go there.”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "As long as the Holy One is here."

Jiao Zhong shouted loudly, "I obey the order!"

Seeing that Lin Yi had no further instructions, he arranged for someone to go to the palace to inform Tan Xizi.

In a word, the protagonist of this feast tonight is Emperor Delong.

Mingyue came over and rubbed Lin Yi's shoulders, smiling and saying, "Your Majesty loves the princess so much, I don't know what to name her?"

 This is something she has asked before.

Now it’s just an old saying again.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I have already thought about it, as the old saying goes: There are beautiful flowers in the mountains, and there are Hou Li and Hou Mei."

Let’s call it Jiahui. "

Lin Jiahui?

Mingyue only dared to recite it silently in her heart, but did not dare to make a sound from her mouth. She smiled and said, "The prince is wise, and the princess must be happy with this name."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's very good."

 Lin Yi, who had just become a father, was very happy.

 When the little girl was just born, her face was wrinkled. Within a few days, her face relaxed.

Lin Yi grew up in an orphanage and had never seen a normal child from his mother's womb.

  When I came to this world, I also set up an orphanage. Although I sympathized with him, I was not a close relative after all. It was good to be able to see a baby in his infancy.

 His daughter is the first normal doll he knows.

“Daughter, let go, do you know how important every hair is to a middle-aged man?”

Lin Yi couldn't understand why a child who was not yet one month old had such strong hand strength.

 Hands on his hair and doesn’t let go.

 Can't be beaten.

  Can't be scolded.

 (End of this chapter)

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