Chapter 434 Hobbies

Living in such a feudal era, you don’t have to worry about food and drink, but you will worry about it when it gets dark.

The wine ponds and meat forests are all deceptive in the book. I guarantee you will be tired of them in three days!

Liquor that contains too much methanol, food that is good for aging, and a young girl who can cause hormonal impulses are good, but you can’t hold them in your arms every day, right?

A waist made of iron and a kidney made of titanium alloy can't withstand such a disaster, right?

 So, everything has a degree, and sometimes it becomes boring if there are too many.

Even the emperor wanted to try something new and have some fun.

 Not only do I want to interact with women, but I also want to participate in some mass activities.

  However, the biggest tragedy is that powerful people like them are like incandescent lamps in the dark night, they are always so dazzling and they have no choice but to keep a low profile.

No matter what you say or do, you will always be complimented and flattered. It is difficult to get a word of truth.

 They can only live in false flattery and lies. Over time, their self-perception system will have difficult problems.

Some emperors will think that they are really great, that their power is the best in the world, and that their brains should be supreme. In the end, every decision they make is wrong, and they inevitably become a coward.

Some emperors were surrounded by thousands of flowers and did not let go of the leaves. They were excessively worn out. In addition, their medical conditions were limited and their lifespan was limited. In the end, they had no chance to become a coward.

 The car in front has been overturned, and the car behind is unknown. When will you wake up?

Unaware, unaware of suffering, confused, and the fingers easily go up and down.

Although Lin Yi is not a smart person, he still does some reflection occasionally.

 You must be more vigilant about how others died.


Guan Sheng could smell the aroma of pig head meat and peanuts through the oil paper bag. He smiled sarcastically and said, "Little brother is so kind. Brother, I won't refuse. Thank you very much."

With that said, he took the oil paper bag that was thrust in front of him and threw it to his daughter Guan Xiaoqi next to him.

After Guan Xiaoqi took it, he glanced at Lin Yi, bent down and entered the dark hut.

Lin Yi stood in front of the door, not covering his mouth and nose out of politeness, but the damp, musty smell inside was too unpleasant.

 I have never smoked in my life, and the most sensitive thing is my nose!

 Because it works so well, no matter where I go, it is the one I enjoy the most and suffer the most.

  I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and got into the house.

There was only one small window in the house, which could not let in any light. Oil lamps had already been lit in the house.

With the help of a not very bright oil lamp, Lin Yi discovered that although the room was severely damp, it was very clean. The old tables, chairs and benches were spotless, and the quilts folded neatly in the corner of the kang.

 “Little brother, please come this way,”

Guan Sheng didn't notice the look on Lin Yi's face and said enthusiastically, "Sit over here and I'll make you a bowl of tea."

 “Thank you very much.”

Lin Yi looked at the dirty bowl of water in front of him, with the torn tea leaves floating on it, and didn't dare to take a sip.

  I have never drunk this kind of tea in my last life, let alone this life!

 As soon as it is soaked, the leaves are full of insect eyes. It is truly pollution-free!

As soon as Lin Yi sat down, he smelled a faint fragrance and heard Guan Sheng scolding Guan Xiaoqi, "You are so young and dishonest, why are you lighting incense?

 Girls are just pretentious. "

Guan Xiaoqi said unconvinced, "Dad, you have just recovered from a serious illness. I just want to fulfill a wish for you. Unfortunately, my home is simple and I am afraid that the Bodhisattva will blame me. If the conditions were more generous, I would go to a big temple."

Guan Sheng said with a smile, "As long as you have the intention, the Bodhisattva will not blame you."

Smelling the faint scent of sandalwood in the air, Lin Yi's inhalation and exhalation suddenly became much smoother. He was in a very good mood and said happily, "That's right, as long as you have the heart."

Lin Yi watched Guan Xiaoqi leave the house, looked around at the adobe hut that was less than ten square meters, and asked curiously, "You guys have been living here?"

 He remembered what Jiao Zhong said about the Guan family's situation.

 Although the Guan family's conditions are not good and they are very poor, their living conditions are not that bad. Like many families in the village, they have three adobe houses as soon as they enter the big yard.

 Such a small hut?

I'm afraid it will collapse if it rains.

Guan Sheng smiled and explained, "Little brother, I don't know. I, Guan Sheng, don't have much ability, but I have built three decent main houses in my life.

 It's just that he suddenly fell ill and his family became worse every day.

It is true that my girl is a nimble person. The world is difficult and how can she survive alone?


"I see,"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "This house has really wronged you."

Guan Sheng smiled and said, "I don't care, the one who is really wronged is my daughter. She has been suffering with me since she was a child and has never enjoyed a day of happiness.

I have thought about it. After the family is settled in the past two days, I will find a good in-law for her to marry, so that she will not have to suffer along with me. "

 “Dad, what are you talking about?”

Guan Xiaoqi's voice came from outside the window.

Guan Sheng laughed loudly and said, "What dad said is true. I asked someone to find out. The Hong family in Nancheng is a good one. It is true that the old man is a regular worker, but his son has a lot of potential and is only ten years old." He was nine years old, but he had already passed the civil service examination, and at a young age he became the clerk of the Yin Yamen of Ankang Prefecture.

I don’t know what the Secretary’s Office is, but I know where Ankang Prefecture is.

 No one who can work in it is simple.

Girl, if you believe in me, if this marriage is successful, you will be in a good position for the rest of your life. "

With a bang, Guan Xiaoqi stuck out her head from outside and said coquettishly, "If you keep talking nonsense, I won't cook for you."

 “Haha, don’t say it anymore, don’t say it anymore,”

Guan Sheng laughed loudly, waited for his daughter to retract her head, and then sighed in a low voice to Lin Yi, "Her mother left early. She has suffered enough with me. If she can marry a good family, her mother knows everything." You'll blame me."

“The secretary’s office of Fuyin Yamen?

What a good family. It is said that the monthly income is considerable, and even the rich households in the city are asking for marriage. "

The civil service system of Yin Yamen of Ankang Prefecture was established by Lin Yi, so Lin Yi naturally knew it better than others.

  Today's Ankang Prefecture Yin Yamen, like many public yamen, has made certain reforms in the administration of officials.

 The book office is not just a small clerk, but has become a clerk with real power.

The biggest difference from the past is that even Ma Jie, the governor of Ankang City, cannot decide the promotion and retention of the following staff. On the basis of ensuring efficiency, interdependence should be eliminated to the maximum extent.

Of course, all of this is Lin Yi’s idea. In fact, it is impossible to solve it even in modern society.

 Most subordinates still obey their leaders.

However, some seemingly useless systems still need to be designed. At least from another perspective, this is the best expression of his personal will.

From now on, He Jixiang, Xie Zan and others can consciously follow his will when formulating laws.

 Generally speaking, the book office is an iron rice bowl.

They are still quite popular in the marriage market of Ankang City. The wealthy households in Ankang City are willing to marry their daughters to such people, even the "concubines" of wealthy families.

 The book office is not important, just a small official.

 The most important thing is Ankang Prefecture. People who can come and go in Ankang Prefecture at will are useful "talents".

She is just a concubine. She is kept at home to eat her leisurely meals. It is better to send her away. It is also a waste.

Even if she is a concubine, she belongs to a wealthy family!

The book office is barely a good match.

Although Guan Xiaoqi is pretty, if she wants to get married to a civil servant, I am afraid she can only be a concubine!

 “Little brother, I understand what you mean,”

Guan Sheng immediately understood what Lin Yi meant and whispered, "To tell you the truth, my future in-laws and I will beg for food together on the river. It can be said that we have a life-long friendship.

 Even I saved his life, I had the grace to save his life.

 After he became lame, he worked as a watchman. I was still a little hesitant to marry his daughter to such a family, but I didn’t expect that the boy in their family was so promising. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It seems that Miss Guan has a good life."

Guan Sheng said with emotion, "When my daughter gets married, I will build a hut in the mountains.

Nowadays, the court's policies are good, and those squires no longer dare to loot and exploit. In the days to come, I don't know how comfortable it will be to freeze to death or starve. "

 “Don’t worry, the good days are yet to come.”

 Lin Yi looked proud.

 As the people's sense of happiness increases, they will naturally feel proud.


Guan Sheng smiled and said, "A few days ago, I asked you to go to Wenxiang Pavilion to deliver the goods for me. I'm really sorry."

 “It’s a little effort, there’s no need to be polite,”

Lin Yi smiled and took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket, lined them up on the table, and said with a smile, "This is the money I gave you last time to give lotus roots and water chestnuts. Count them."

 “Little brother, what do you mean?”

Guan Sheng blushed and said, "I sincerely invite you to drink. I have no other intention. Don't misunderstand me!"

“You directed us to go south along the river and saved my father’s life. There is nothing we can do in return.”

Guan Xiaoqi stuck his head into the room through the window again and said anxiously, "If you have other thoughts, you are worse than a pig or a dog."

 She was afraid that Lin Yi would misunderstand that if he came to have a drink with him, he would take the opportunity to ask for Lotus Root's money.

 “I know, I know,”

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hands and said, "I have no other intention. One is one, two is two, let's settle the account clearly."

ˆ “.”

 The father and daughter looked at each other.

They never imagined that the street gangster they thought would return the money to them.

Guan Shengteng stood up, picked up the copper plate on the table, and laughed, "Little brother, you have figured out what you owe me, but I haven't figured out what I owe you yet. Brother, don't be too dissatisfied. Take these first. Brother, I’ll replenish it for you later.”

 “Then I’m not welcome,”

Lin Yi didn't have the patience to argue with him, so he put the coins into his pocket again, and then continued, "But I have to tell my eldest brother some bad news. It is said that something happened in Wenxiang Pavilion. From the shopkeeper, the man, When it comes to my boss, all my acquaintances have been sent out of the city to do labor camps by Ankang Prefecture. I’m afraid you won’t be able to do business in the future.”

 “The little brother doesn’t know something,”

Guan Sheng waved his hands indifferently and said, "Sending lotus roots and water chestnuts to Wenxiang Pavilion is something we are reluctant to do.

The second shopkeeper of Wenxiang Pavilion is a rich man in the village. In the past, most of the land in the village belonged to his family. When the years were bad, he would cultivate his land and borrow his family's grain to make a fool of himself. If you send fish, water chestnuts, and lotus roots to Wenxiang Pavilion, you won't get a penny, and you will have to pay interest.

 I thought I would never be able to make it in this life.

 As a result, the imperial court promulgated a new law to calculate the land according to the head.

Some people disagreed. Wang Dashan, who was nearby, was re-examined by the court for the murder he had committed, and his head was chopped off on the spot.

The second shopkeeper was very frightened. Later he heard that as long as he responded to the so-called rent-free and interest-free policy, he could receive a death-free gold medal from Ankang Prefecture. It seemed to be called something."

 “A model for Liang Guo’s rural poverty alleviation work.”

Lin Yi blurted out.

This is the name he assigned, of course he knows it.

 “Yes, yes, that’s it,”

Guan Sheng slapped his forehead and said in annoyance, "The name is a bit difficult to pronounce. I could memorize it by heart, but when I got sick, I completely forgot it.

Everyone is saying that as long as you can get a plaque of this model of work and put it at the door, it will be like getting a gold medal to avoid death. "

 “Indeed it is.”

In order to encourage the big landowners and gentry to give up their debts to the poor peasants, Lin Yi tried every means he could think of!

 This includes the rent-free and interest-free policy.

As long as the gentry and landlords forgive the debts of poor peasants, he will not be stingy with giving a plaque.

 In the end, spreading rumors through false rumors became the so-called "gold medal to avoid death."

The temptation of the death-free gold medal exceeded everyone's imagination. In the end, many gentry and landowners not only really gave up their fields, but also canceled their debts to some poor people!

  It can be regarded as unintentional planting of willows and willows.

“The second shopkeeper burned all the IOUs in front of the guards, and finally got this death-free gold medal,”

Guan Sheng said with emotion, "Fortunately, he got the gold medal to avoid death, otherwise they would have done more than just re-education through labor this time."


As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he saw Guan Xiaoqi coming in with a wooden tray and said with a smile, "Miss Guan, that's enough. We are not outsiders anymore. We don't need to be so polite. If you make too much and can't finish it, it's a waste." ”

 “I’ve never seen such a long-winded man like you,”

Guan Xiaoqi held the plate with one hand and put the wine bottle and cooked meat on the plate with the other hand. "We are a small family. If you want to eat big fish and meat, you don't have it yet. You, just make do with it first." "

 “Little brother, please,”

Guan Sheng first filled up the wine for Lin Yi, then filled it up for himself, raised his glass and said, "I do it first as a courtesy!"


Lin Yi saw his empty glass and drank the wine in his own glass in one gulp.

 “Good wine, good wine!”

Guan Sheng was not in a hurry to pick up the food, but kept smacking his lips and praising the wine Lin Yi brought over.

 “Drink as much as you like.”

Lin Yi has never cared about the so-called tribute wine and only drinks the "happy water" brewed by himself.

 At least I can do my best to ensure that methanol and formaldehyde do not exceed the standard!

 (End of this chapter)

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