Chapter 444 Murderer

 I am obviously a 7-point player, but I have shown my best performance!

 In such an exciting moment, he didn't know whether to admire himself or admire Zixia.

 “Your Majesty.”

After Zixia wiped Lin Yi's body rustlingly in the darkness, she stood in front of Lin Yi with a lamp and said softly, "Your Highness, please have some tea."

Lin Yi nodded and was helped up by Zixia.

The heated kang was so hot that the whole room was stuffy. He touched the beads of sweat on his forehead with his hands and walked to the window. As soon as he opened the window, the cold wind whimpered and snowflakes drifted past his eyes.

 “My lord, be careful of catching cold.”

Lin Yi still put on a fox fur cloak for Lin Yi.

"It doesn't matter, I can't sleep either way. You can heat up a bar and prepare some peanuts. If there is braised pork, that would be even better."

Lin Yi stretched his hand out of the window and let the snowflakes fall on his palm.

Zixia smiled and said, "Your Majesty, there is donkey meat, do you want to eat it?"

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Where does the donkey meat come from?"

 Because this dish is not on his menu today.

Zixia said, "It's the fat guy Su Yin. He always eats more than others. He braised more than ten kilograms of donkey meat. Many of us smelled the aroma and ate some in the kitchen."

Lin Yi said angrily, "Donkey meat is such a good thing, but you are actually eating it yourself without telling me, so hurry up and serve it."

Since entering Ankang City, his menu has become more elaborate, but not richer. Like the pig intestines, chicken offal, and beef offal that he liked to eat in the past, no one is willing to serve it to him anymore.

 Even including donkey meat that cannot be put on the table!

At home, he couldn’t even get anything to eat!

 Sometimes he is really hungry and goes to a roadside stall on the street to eat.

 “Your Majesty, wait a moment.”

Zixia stood at the door and whispered a few words to the little girl beside her.

 She and Mingyue have been with Prince He since they were young, and they have no name or distinction.

Even if Mingyue is pregnant, even if she is given to the prince, she cannot take it!

She and Ming Yue are able to control the girl, one is because of their qualifications, and the other is because they are both ninth grade!

For the sake of face, they cannot kill people openly, but secretly, they can let people die in a hundred ways!

 Any girl with any brains would not compete with the two of them.

 Therefore, no one dares to respond when I tell the girl at the door to go to the kitchen.

 At night.

The wind became stronger and stronger, making the two windows rattle.

Lin Yi waited for Zixia to bring up the food and wine. He first picked up two thin pieces of donkey meat and said while eating, "Su Yin's skills are really good."

 It was beyond his expectation that the donkey meat could be made so delicious without his guidance.

Zixia smiled and said, "Su Yin established the Liang State Catering Association according to your instructions, the prince. Since he became the president, he has become more stable than before. Whether it is northern or southern cuisine, he has learned from everyone's strengths, and now it is more and more stable." The hair looks pretty good.”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "This **** has no real skills, but his ability to take advantage of others is first-rate."

 He loves to eat twice-cooked pork.

Even in modern society, more than 99% of restaurants cannot make this dish well.

 This is especially true for non-professionals like Lin Yi.

 He told Su Yin a general approach.

  No matter what Su Yin did, he felt uncomfortable.

 In the end, Su Yin actually found another way to drain the oil!

Lin Yi felt that it tasted right after eating this braised pork!

Of course, there is more than one way to make twice-cooked pork. If you don’t drain the oil, add cabbage, potatoes, and lentils to stew together. Use the vegetables to absorb the oil to prevent it from being too greasy.

 In some respects, Su Yin is still a bit quick-witted.

This is why he is willing to let him serve as the kitchen chef.

Thinking of the kitchen chef, he also thought of the deadbeat Arhat!

I couldn’t help but ask, “Where is that **** Arhat?”

 Although incompetent.

  But be true to yourself!

Even if he is worthless in the future, he has reason to believe that Arhat, like Hong Ying, will guard him closely.

 For this kind of person, the only role for him is to be loyal enough!

 The reason why he ignored Arhat was because he hated him for not fighting!

 You are giving me face like this, so be smart and take you flying in a minute?

There is no need to be like this and make everyone so angry.

“Your Majesty, he is still in charge of the military and horse department and beats the gong.”

Although Zixia didn’t like Arhat, she still told the truth, “A few days ago, I asked Hong An to teach him a lesson.”

 “Did you call me your eldest niece again?”

When Lin Yi saw Zixia nodding, he couldn't help laughing and said, "He doesn't have a long memory, he must fall into Hong An's hands."

Zixia smiled and said, "After the prince entered Ankang City, he begged He Hong to come from Jiangnan.

He Hong had been favored by others and could not refuse, so he now works as a watchman in the Military and Horse Division.

 He is also a poor man, afraid that others will forget that he comes from the prince's palace, and he likes to look for trouble. "

“Yes, he has angered such vicious people as Hong An and Cao Xiaohuan, but he still can’t do anything to him, so others will guess his background?

Without the care of the big shots, Hong An and others would have skinned him long ago.

 So, no one dares to mess with him? "

Lin Yi said with emotion, "It's been a long time since I last saw him, but he has learned to be smart."

Zixia smiled and said, "The prince's teachings are still good."

 “Let him have some time to come, it’s almost enough after waiting for him for so long.”

Lin Yi waited for the wine on the charcoal stove to be hot, refused Zixia to pour him wine, and took the jug and drank it himself.

 Zixia arched her body and said, "Yes."

The wine was too hot to drink directly. While waiting for the temperature to cool down, I stuffed two pieces of donkey meat into my mouth from time to time. While chewing, I said, "Su Yin's craftsmanship has indeed improved. In the past, it would have been impossible to do this." Such chewy braised pork.”

 “My lord, please wait a little, it’s cold, don’t eat bloating food,”

Zixia did not dare to let Lin Yi eat too much, so she could only cautiously advise, "Shenyi Hu is a very good doctor, but he is not omnipotent."

 “Then drink some wine instead of eating,”

Lin Yi pinched another peanut and said with a smile, "It's really hard to digest if you eat too much."

Just like that, I kept drinking until my eyelids started fighting again.

 When he got up and opened the window the next day, the sky and the earth were already completely white.

 The north gate of Ankang City.

Ma Jie, who was wearing a **** coat, stood at the city gate, looking at the carriages piled with stiff corpses. His face was livid. He turned to look at Jiang Yi next to him and said, "Master Jiang, I have repeatedly emphasized this a few days ago. Keep warm in winter and be careful not to freeze to death again, but thirty-seven people froze to death in one night!”

 At the end of the sentence, I was gritting my teeth.

Jiang Yi looked around and sighed in a low voice, "Master Ma, do you not know the current situation of our Military and Horse Division?

 There is no one left at all. Sir, if I tell the truth, don’t be angry. Only so many people died in this huge city of Ankang. It’s already God’s blessing. "

 If you want to blame it, you can only blame Xie Zan!

In order to go to northern Hebei to investigate the whereabouts of He Jin, he took away tens of thousands of troops from the Army and Horses Division!

 Although some of them came back midway, they were dismissed as a rule and would never be hired.

Today's Army and Horse Division needs money but no money, and it needs people but no one. There are only less than a thousand people left!

If it weren’t for the fact that he was still sitting in the position of commander of the South Gate Military and Horse Division, he would have doubted whether Lord Xie Zong and He Jixiang wanted to withdraw the Military and Horse Division!

"grown ups,"

Cao Xiaohuan kept flipping the corpse with his scabbard, and after a while he said, "My lords, these people were not all frozen to death."

Ma Jie said in surprise, "Why do you say this?"

 He carefully looked at several corpses and found no wounds.

Cao Xiaohuan said with a smile, "Although these people are wearing ragged clothes, their skin is fine and fair. They look like they are well-off and well-off. They even come from rich families. Naturally, they are not beggars."

 “Look carefully at the mouth of the hands, they are rough,”

 Zhou Xun suddenly said, "Obviously they are all martial arts practitioners."

Cao Xiaohuan nodded and said, "Yes, there are indeed some homeless beggars and fake monks in Ankang City, but most of them are old people, and there are no such young people at all."

Ankang City has prosperous commerce, and anyone with legs and feet will not end up living on the streets and freezing to death!

 In the words of Prince He, Ankang City is no longer the Ankang City it once was.

 “This is true,”

Ma Jie looked at the corpses again, and felt more and more what they said made sense. He bit the bullet and said, "How do you think these people died?"

 It seems to be even more troublesome!

If you just freeze to death, you are at best a poor manager.

 However, if he was killed by someone, it would involve Liang Lvzhong’s criminal case!

 And dozens of murders!

If this spreads out, people will definitely be panicked!

By then, no matter whether Mr. He Jixiang and the prince pursue the case, he, the governor of Ankang, will be unable to leave!

Seeing Ma Jie looking at him, Cao Xiaohuan pondered for a moment, then turned his head to look at Chen Xinluo, the silent chief of the Third Division, who had been standing next to him.

Chen Xinluo frowned and said, "This matter should not be made public. Let's take the body to the Dali Temple Yamen first, and then put up a notice later to look for relatives."

Ma Jie couldn't help but said, "Mr. Chen, is there anything fishy about this?"

 In terms of official position, Chen Xinluo is considered his subordinate.

 However, as we all know, Chen Xinluo came from Prince He’s Mansion!

 Hand in the high regard of Prince He and Lord He Jixiang, he is not someone that ordinary people can mess with at will.

Even when he spoke to Chen Xinluo, he was extremely polite and without any trace of temper.

Chen Xinluo turned to the door, then turned back to Ma Jie and said, "Master Ma, please forgive me, I have to report back to Master He Jixiang first."

 In the evening, vampire stories gradually began to spread in Ankang City.

A ghost that specializes in sucking human blood is committing crimes in Ankang City and has killed thirty-seven people!

 “Use rumors to end rumors,”

Lin Yi sat on the chair and praised, "He Jixiang's method is good, but **** is still spicy."

 He Jixiang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you are so complimentary."

“The star-absorbing method absorbs people’s internal energy and causes death?”

Lin Yi was most shocked by this!

This was just said casually when he was telling the story of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon".

But I didn’t expect people like Hong Ying to take it seriously!

And now there are people running over to tell him that in order to practice this kung fu, there are people who go around absorbing people's internal energy and murdering many people's lives!

 It can be said to be extremely vicious!

Chen Xinluo cupped his hands and said, "Prince Qi, my subordinates have done a lot of research on this star-absorbing method. I have examined each of the several corpses. The pubic area is shriveled. It is indeed because someone died because their internal energy was sucked away."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Then what do you think?"

 He knows absolutely nothing about handling cases or Kung Fu.

These people came to him, but they didn’t know what they meant?

Chen Xinluo hesitated for a moment and said, "The Star Absorbing Technique is my unique secret technique in Sanhe. There are no more than fifteen Sanhe people in Ankang City who know this technique.

The murderer absorbed so much internal energy last night, his own Qi must be mottled and impure at this moment.

 After receiving orders from Sir He Jixiang, my subordinates searched the military camp and arrested people, but found no one with abnormal internal strength.

 Subordinates are suspicious."

 After hesitating, no words finally came out.

“Do you suspect that the murderer who practices the star-absorbing method is in Hewangfu?”

Lin Yi said it directly for him.

 “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

Chen Xinluo knelt down without saying yes or no.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Accurate report, thorough investigation and the palace."

   Regardless of whether there is a method of attracting stars or not, it is definitely wrong to take people’s lives!

 The most important thing is that he cannot keep such people in Hewangfu!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty,”

 After Chen Xinluo stood up, he looked directly at the monk and Ye Qiu and said respectfully, "Please give me your advice."


The monk's hand kept turning the prayer beads, "Sin, sin."

Chen Xinluo couldn't figure out what he meant, so she could only helplessly look at Ye Qiu next to her, and said with a smile, "Please Mr. Ye to clear up the confusion."

Ye Qiu saw that He Wangye was also staring at him, so he stopped being careless and said with a smile, "You guessed wrong, this person is not in He Wangfu's house either."

Chen Xinluo was stunned for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master, for clearing up the confusion."

Zhou Xun couldn't help but asked, "Why are you so sure that the murderer is not in the palace? How can you be so hasty when it comes to the prince's comfort?"

Chen Xinluo said lightly, "Just because Young Master Ye is a great master, this person has absorbed the inner energy of dozens of people in one night. He must be seeking a breakthrough. The true energy is raging inside. With such a big movement, it is impossible to hide it from Master Ji Hai and Young Master Ye." It’s wishful thinking.”

 Ye Qiu smiled proudly, wondering whether it was true or not.

 Zhou Xun lowered his head in shame.

  She has reached the eighth level, but her knowledge has not increased due to the increase in skill!

 “So, you are really not in the house?”

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

With his servants and guards in the palace, they are all at his side all year round. Even a dog has feelings.

If one of them commits a crime and he has to kill him, he doesn't know whether he will feel sad or not.

Chen Xinluo said, "Your Highness, don't worry. With Master Ji Hai and Young Master Ye Qiu here, you will definitely have peace of mind."

 “This is the best thing,”

Lin Yi looked at Ye Qiu after finishing speaking, "Since you have nothing to do, help the Yamen catch the murderer."

 “As commanded!”

 Ye Qiu was very helpless.

The cold wind was raging, and he, the great master, was also too lazy to move.

In this kind of weather, you should have a drink while admiring the snow in the bamboo forest.

 Going to catch the murderer for the Yamen people?

   I am really busy!

 (End of this chapter)

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