I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 455: Haunted house

Chapter 455 Haunted House

Guan Xiaoqi walked up to Guan Sheng, held his arm, and chuckled, "Dad, have you forgotten? I have kung fu. If ordinary people meet me, they will definitely not be my match."

Guan Sheng said angrily, "Have you forgotten the truth that arrogant soldiers will be defeated? This Ankang City is the land of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons. There are countless masters of fifth grade and above. Just meet one." , with your three-legged cat kung fu, you are no match at all.”

Tan Fei suddenly said, "What you said is serious. How can Ankang City, the most virtuous place, allow young people to be tyrannical?"

 Reject He Wangye’s public security policy in person?

Isn’t this a direct slap in the face?

   It must be something to consider!

So that Guan Sheng can understand that he can eat randomly but not speak randomly.

 What should I do if I get angry with the prince?

 They and the prince are notoriously stingy!

 He obviously came out to perform meritorious service, but he didn’t want to be implicated!

 So, it’s better to be careful!

 As for whether Guan Sheng is happy or not, what does it have to do with him?

 Just a commoner!

If it weren’t for Prince He’s inexplicable liking for this woman named Guan Xiaoqi, a person like Guan Sheng wouldn’t be worthy of appearing in front of him at all!

 He is the ninth rank of Daliang Kingdom!

 And the palace guards with swords!

Even entering and exiting Emperor Delong's palace is like no one else!

 As for whether Guan Xiaoqi will rise to power in the future and cause trouble for him in the future, it is not something he can consider.

  The wine glass is too shallow and the day will not be long as we pay tribute; the incense candle is too short and it will not burn out the pessimism of the world.

 The most important thing at the moment is whether you are happy with the prince or not!

 “What the boss said is,”

Guan Sheng immediately felt the pressure from Tan Fei. This person was a master. Although he didn’t know what level he was, he was definitely not something someone like him could afford. He said even more carefully, "Master, your house One tael of silver a month, are you kidding me?

 I am not from the city, but I am also a native of Ankang. I was born and raised outside the city. I have never heard of a house with one tael of silver, and I have never seen it before. "

 The painting sage Xian Youdao of the generation once lamented: It is not easy to live in Ankang City!

Few Taoists with huge wealth would have such an idea, let alone others!

 Ankang City is the most prosperous place in Daliang Kingdom, and nothing is cheap!

 An ordinary box of rouge and gouache costs one or two silver!

If it’s a house, even in the poorest city of Nancheng, it’s definitely not possible without a few dozen taels of silver!

Their thatched hut was outside the city and very remote. He could sell it for a tael of silver even with his eyes closed!

In front of him, these three tile-roofed houses in front of him cost one tael of silver?

 He absolutely doesn’t believe it!

He must have been tricking the two of them!

 As a result, he now doesn't trust Lin Yi, who looks kind-faced.

“Just because you haven’t seen or heard of it doesn’t mean there isn’t one,”

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Since you claim to be a local, do you know who the original owner of this house was?"

 Guan Sheng hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "I beg your pardon for my ignorance, but I would like to hear the details."

He is very familiar with the streets and alleys of Ankang City, but except for the houses of dignitaries, he is too lazy to remember other places.

Tan Fei smiled and said, "This house is called Jinzhai. Have you remembered it?"

 “Golden House.”

 Guan Sheng's expression suddenly changed, and he said with a slight trembling, "Ghost house."

 “It seems you still know something,”

Tan Fei teased, "What? It's still too late to regret it now."

Although they only had a few hours, he, Jiao Zhong and others had considered everything they could.

 It is necessary to not only ensure a good life, but also ensure that it can be afforded!

 One tael of silver is probably the limit of the Guan family.


Guan Xiaoqi said with a puzzled face, "You have taught me since I was a child, never use your own strength to confuse your spirit. You will only scare yourself."

 She really likes this house. If it is too expensive, she will definitely not be able to afford it!

 However, if it was cheaper, she and her father could still give it a try!

Tan Fei smiled and said, "This house has changed five owners, and each family died tragically. Now it has become a well-known haunted house in Ankang City. Aren't you afraid of ghost houses?"

 “Don’t be afraid!”

Guan Xiaoqi frowned and said, "I don't believe there are really ghosts in this world!"

 “Shut up,”

Guan Sheng sighed and said, "I'm afraid no one wants this house even if it's given away, right?"

 His thoughts are different now!

 It is unbelievable that a house that no one wants is sold for a tael of silver even if it is given away!

“Brother, if you want it, take it, if you don’t want it, don’t take it.”

Tan Fei smiled and said, "I never force others."

 Only people like them understand what the haunted house is like!

 In fact, the so-called haunted houses and haunted houses are all caused by people.

For example, the current house originally belonged to the Jin family, a businessman in the city. During the Yongguang period, the Jin family offended an official for no apparent reason, and finally fell into the fate of being executed.

This house has been sold by the government and has changed its owners five times.

Every owner does not believe in evil and wants to gain advantage, so he must buy this house.

However, the final result of each family is that the head and body are separated.

Gradually, this place became known far and wide as a haunted house and a haunted house.

The last murder was five months ago. The head of a man living here was thrown into a well. The family got up early to fetch water. They were so frightened that they had to flee far away.

 About this house, people in Ankang City are spreading rumors that are getting worse and worse.

How could Cao Xiaohuan, Zhou Xun, and Chen Xinluo, who received "scientific" education, tolerate such rumors!

  Three divisions supervise the listing!

 It only took three days to solve this case!

It turns out that the monsters are some thieves in the city who use this place as their base!

Thinking that you are at the fifth level and that you can be lawless if you have outstanding light skills!

 Let’s kill him on the spot for Cao Xiaohuan!

The mystery of the haunted house has been solved like this. Before the official publicity, Prince He actually wanted to help the Guan family find a house. There is no more suitable house than this!

“Dad, you and your daughter have never done anything bad. Are you still afraid of ghosts knocking on your door?”

Seeing Guan Sheng's hesitation, Guan Xiaoqi hurriedly urged, "I don't care, my daughter has her own body, so it's settled!"

If you miss this opportunity, where will you find a house worth one or two silver in the future?


Guan Sheng looked at his anxious daughter and said, "Then it's settled!"

 According to past practice, this haunted house usually only has the dead male owner!

 Do not harm women, children, old or young!

As long as my daughter is safe, it doesn't matter if I die!

  ps: Sorry, I really disappoint everyone. I had the illusion that the state was back in the previous stage.

I never thought that quitting smoking would lead me to such a horrible state. I used to rely on cigarettes to stay focused and concentrate. But now that I don’t have cigarettes, I stand in front of the computer for a whole day and can’t think of a single word.

I want to smoke again. I smoke two or three packs of cigarettes a day. I am as happy as a god, but I am unwilling to give up. This is the first time in my life that I am so determined to quit smoking. I have been persisting for four months and I can’t bear to give up all my efforts.

 (End of this chapter)

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