Chapter 463: Low-level

 So, the best way is to talk less!

 Speak less and make fewer mistakes; speak more and make more mistakes.

He Jixiang smiled and said, "Doctor Hu, don't worry about it. There are no outsiders here, and no one will doubt your loyalty to the prince."

 “Thank you, Mr. He,”

Hu Shilu hesitated for a moment and said, "Every one of the children of the Yuan Mansion is a man of heaven. They are heroes of the same family, and they are really enviable to others."

He Jixiang nodded and said, "I understand what Dr. Hu means. Only when a woman gets married later can she give birth to a healthy and strong child. The earlier she gets married, the less likely the child will survive."

Hu Shilu cupped his hands and said, "That's right. Therefore, our prince is still wise. If we, Daliang Kingdom, want to have a prosperous population, we must respect science and develop science."

“No wonder Prince He values ​​you so much,”

Chen Desheng glanced at Hu Shilu and said with a smile, "You can remember everything I said to the prince by heart."

Hu Shilu sneered and said, "How dare I forget the prince's teachings? I should remember them."

He Jixiang shook his head helplessly, then looked at Liang Yuanzhi, who was bowing his head in silence, and said, "How to amend the Liang Law and what is the age for marriage? You can first make a statement and show it to the prince."


Liang Yuanzhi said truthfully, "The prince said that he would give full authority to Mr. He. After the student has finished writing, I am afraid he will have to submit it to Mr. He."

He Jixiang said helplessly, "Then just hand it over tomorrow."


Seeing that He Jixiang and Chen Desheng had no further instructions, Liang Yuanzhi carefully exited the hall and left the Governor's Mansion directly.

 When he returned to the stable of Hewangfu's "dormitory", the door was already closed.

Just as his groom was about to knock on the door, the old man at the porter opened the side door next to him.

The old man was in his sixties, with white hair, stooped waist, holding a lantern, and smiled at Liang Yuanzhi, "Mr. Liang, I was wondering when you would come back just now, but I knew it was you when I heard the sound of horse hooves. ”

Liang Yuanzhi stood next to the penthouse, rubbing his hands and asking, "Have all those who were not on duty returned today?"

The old man smiled and said, "Master Cui and Master Yu went out to drink. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back today."

“Cui Gengsheng and Yu Xiaoxiao, people say they are stupid, but in my opinion, that’s not necessarily the case.”

Liang Yuanzhi suddenly sighed, "They all started to dislike the chaff and lingered in Xinghua Tower every day."

ˆ “.”

 The old concierge laughed and did not dare to say anything casually.

Liang Yuanzhi can comment on Yu Shih and Cui Gengsheng at will, but that doesn’t mean he can!

In case of passing to these two ears, is he still used a small door to work?

 They are the famous people around the prince!

  You have always been unscrupulous in what you say and do!

Even if he were to be killed, let alone beating him or scolding him, he believed that no one would dare or be able to control him!

Liang Yuanzhi leaned back on a bamboo chair with cotton cushions, took the teacup handed over by the old man unceremoniously, sniffed it gently, and said with a smile, "You old man, have you become rich recently?

 Are you willing to give up such good tea? "

 As a student of Prince He and the first secretary of Prince He, he has “friends” all over the court and the military!

 However, there is no one that can really relax him.

Most of the time, he would like to stay in the small concierge after his shift and chat with the old man Sang An in front of him.

 “Mr. Liang was joking,”

Sang An added charcoal to the stove and said, "That boy Fang Pi came here this morning, but he didn't know how to make people angry, so he threw away such a good tea. The old man helped pick it up, chased after him and handed it back. It was quite generous and he gave it to me directly, so I got a good deal.”

 “Square skin?”

Liang Yuanzhi said curiously, "Tan Fei and others have been on duty in the mansion today. Who can he get angry with when he comes here?"

Only Tan Fei who lives in this stable dares to directly offend Fang Pi!

Sang An hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "I had a few words with Jiang Chou, but the two refused to give in and started scolding each other."

 “Jiang Qiu,”

Liang Yuanzhi snorted, "Hearing that Shanyin was coming to Ankang City, he started jumping up and down."

ˆ “.”

Sang An did not answer the call.

 Because he also cannot afford to offend Jiang!

That is a ruthless person who dares to eat human flesh!

His little ability can't withstand Jiang Qiu's fists!

The neighing of horses was heard again outside, but Liang Yuanzhi asked curiously, "Are those two idiots back? Why don't you open the door and take a look?"

“Mr. Liang, there’s no need to open the door. This is to the other side.”

Sang An didn’t even raise his eyes.

 “Lei Kaishan’s family?”

Liang Yuanzhi is naturally no stranger to the residents around here.

Sang An nodded and said, "Exactly."

Liang Yuanzhi gradually became a little impatient when he saw that he was cautious and hesitant to speak. He said in a questioning tone, "If you have anything to do, just tell me directly. I promise not to reveal it."

Sang An said with a sneer, "If the little one chews his tongue, Mr. Lei will definitely beat him to death."

Liang Yuanzhi said angrily, "Although Lei Kaishan is powerful, he still doesn't have the guts to show off his cruelty in front of me. Just say it and I will make the decision for you."

Sang An lowered his head and said, "I don't dare to deceive Mr. Liang. Mr. Lei just sent off duty and asked his servants to greet the two women who were out. Calculating the distance, we should arrive now."

Liang Yuanzhi smiled and said, "Looking at you like this, you seem to be used to it?"

Sang An nodded and said, "I guard this door every day, so I can see more."

Liang Yuanzhi smiled and said, "Which girl is this girl from?"

“It is said to be Xue Yin’er, the number one in Yanyu Tower,”

Sang An pinched his voice and said, "I sang Master Xie Zan's song "Yulin Ling" so beautifully that Master Lei liked it very much."

 “Xue Yin’er?”

Liang Yuanzhi frowned and thought for a long time, and then said, "Yanyulou's new first brand? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Sang An complimented, "Mr. Liang is an honest gentleman. It's normal not to know."


Liang Yuanzhi shook his head and said, "In this place of fireworks, I am a person close to the prince and I should know about the things happening in the market."

Sang An refilled the water for him and said, "This oiran was picked up by the sixth prince on behalf of the king."

 “Believe in the King?”

Liang Yuanzhi’s brows furrowed even more.


After speaking, Sang An looked at Liang Yuanzhi's face and said, "It is said that the origin of this courtesan is not simple. His eldest brother is the best martial arts student in the world appointed by the imperial concubine."

 “Xue Dawu”

 Liang Yuanzhi blurted it out directly.

Sang An said, "Yes, everyone is still spreading the news that this brother is a top-notch martial artist in the world, and his sister is a top-notch courtesan in the world. The whole family is a low-class one."

"If the Xue family were all low-class people, there would be no aristocratic family in the world."

Liang Yuanzhi suddenly sighed.

Sang An asked in confusion, "Mr. Liang, what do you mean?"

 “This is not something you can inquire about.”

Liang Yuanzhi shook his head, stood up and left the concierge.

 (End of this chapter)

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