I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 478: medicine in gourd

Chapter 478 Medicine in the gourd

Lei Kaishan used Qinggong all the way, and as soon as he jumped onto the south city wall, with his feet still on the ground, he saw a group of guards chasing him one after another.

 He looked at the empty city outside, and then turned to Tan Fei aside.

Tan Fei said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Lei Kaishan scratched his head and said, "Do you understand what Prince He means?"

Tan Fei smiled and said, "The prince and I are worried about the safety of the empress and asked us to add more people. What don't you understand?"


Lei Kaishan rolled his eyes at him and said, "No one who comes out of the palace is good, and the leader of the army is a general. This girl is very troublesome. Who dares to stroke her beard easily?"

What's more, there is a master monk in White Horse Temple who is in charge of the overall situation, so it is absolutely foolproof. "

 Who can I look for now who is more reliable than the monk and General Zhen?

 He really can’t figure it out!

 You and the prince are giving blind orders?

 He did not dare to say this!

 The main reason is that the prince is not proficient in martial arts and does not have an accurate understanding of the military strength of generals, guards, and even monks!

 Unless this assassin is a fool, he would definitely not be tempted to assassinate Concubine Yuan Guifei who is surrounded by ninth-grade masters!

To put it bluntly, even if the great master came, he would not dare to escape unscathed!

What’s more, there are countless great masters in this world!

  How low do you have to be to commit assassination?

 “How dare you not listen to what the prince says?”

Tan Fei gloated, "Now that the empress has not left the palace, you still have time to think of a solution."

Lei Kaishan squinted his eyes, looked at the group of officers and soldiers from far to near, and said with a smile, "Why don't we call these helpers?"

 “No food?”

Tan Fei shook his head and said, "If you want to mobilize his troops, you have to go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion to ask Mr. He to take action. Otherwise, he will not be able to accompany us out of the city at the risk of beheading because of the lack of food."

 “Mom, I forgot about this,”

Lei Kaishan patted his thigh and said, "Then I'll go to the Governor's Mansion to find Mr. He!"

Seeing that everyone looked at them as idiots, Lei Kaishan asked in confusion, "What did I say wrong again?"

 “It’s a big mistake. If anyone can pass on the prince’s oral instructions at will, why should the ordering soldiers be sent?”

Tan Fei rolled his eyes and said, "You left in such a hurry that you didn't even take the oracle. With your big mouth, Master He will give you the military talisman? What are you thinking?"

 Lei Kaishan was a very shrewd person in the past, but now he is becoming more and more brainless?

 Except for the commander of the guards, Jiao Zhong, the chief steward, Hong Ying, and the superintendent of rites, Eunuch Xi, no one is qualified to pass on oral instructions!

Even if they are the palace guards and the prince's personal guards, they still have to follow the procedures when passing orders!

 Otherwise, it is a false edict, and you will be hacked to death in the military camp!

 It’s almost terrifying to think about it!

 In short, you must not be reckless and must follow the rules.


 Lei Kaishan secretly hates!

 He left in such a hurry that he didn’t even follow the most basic procedures!

 He said in an uncertain tone, "Go back home and ask Liang Yuanzhi for documents?"

 What else to do?

 Without paperwork, you can’t even enter the gate of the Fifth Army Governor’s Mansion!

 Let alone meet Mr. He!

"That's too late,"

Tan Fei turned around, pointed at a team not far from the city, and said, "The ones coming from the front are Liu Kan's flag-bearing guards. They are all masters of level six or above, which means the empress is in the car behind."

 “What should we do?”

Lei Kaishan scratched his head and said, "Then we brothers can go there by ourselves?"

Tan Fei still shook his head and said, "That won't work. What the prince means is to increase the protection of the empress. How are your abilities? I guess the prince won't care about it. What he wants is strength in numbers. If there is anything wrong with us, the prince will look at us. There are just a few people, two or three kittens, and no momentum, so they think we are not obeying orders. "


Lei Kaishan hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens. If something happens, we won't be able to live without a living. This won't work, that won't work either. You have a lot of clever ideas. You can think of a way."

There are a large number of guards and palace guards, and they have fixed duty hours every day, and most of them are not allowed to move without permission.

 The five of them can leave He Wangye's side, which is already the limit of what they can mobilize.

“I guess we have to rely on that little **** Fang Pi for this matter,”

Tan Fei sighed, "Except for the imperial guards, you can't mobilize anyone."

 The imperial guards have cavalry and can be mobilized at will!

 This is a privilege given by Prince He!

 Say this is the treatment of the National Guard!

 “Square skin?”

Lei Kaishan frowned and said, "You want me to beg this little bastard?"

 He has offended Fang Pi a long time ago!

 The two are equally powerful!

 He didn’t believe that Fang Pi could help him easily!


Tan Fei sneered and said, "You are belittling yourself again. As the prince's personal guards, we can't mobilize the imperial army. How can we not mobilize the imperial guards?"

Lei Kaishan touched his chin and said, "That's true, but it may not be too late for me to find Fang Pi now, right?"

“The imperial guards are everywhere, where do you need to find them?”

After Tan Fei finished speaking, he jumped directly from the city wall.

 Lei Kaishan and others followed closely behind.

 “This old lady is quite impressive,”

Lin Yi was tired from walking, so he sat in a teahouse, looked at the huge team of chariots passing slowly in front of him, and said with emotion, "If I go out, I can't leave without ten thousand taels of silver." "

Thousands of people, hundreds of animals, so much chewing grain combined, it is definitely not cheap!

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Jiao Zhongshi couldn't understand the brain circuit of their prince. One second he was worried about Concubine Yuan Guifei's safety. Why was he worried about Qianzi the next second?

 It’s really confusing!

“No one’s money comes from strong winds. How easy is it for me to save such a small amount of money?”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "This is my biological mother. Even if you don't understand me, you can't just ruin my family background. It's really annoying."

ˆ “.”

The matter involved Concubine Yuan Guifei. Jiao Zhong did not dare to answer the question casually, so he said nothing.

"In the cold weather, those who carry the sedan chair and those who sit in the sedan chair all suffer. When can't you offer incense? It must be at this time."

Lin Yi looked at the tall horse passing by and said in disbelief, "Why did this **** actually lead out my king's royal horse? It's really a shame."

All the assets of the palace are his by default!

 Including the Royal Horse of the Royal Horse Supervisor!

 Although he doesn’t like riding horses very much!

 But that doesn’t mean he can tolerate letting others ride his horse!

 And the one riding the horse is Yuan Zijun!

 His cousin!

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong hurriedly patted his chest and said, "This subordinate will definitely teach him a lesson when he comes back."

 He has long been dissatisfied with He Lian!

If it weren’t for Xiao Xizi’s backing, wouldn’t it be like chopping a cucumber for him and the commander of the palace guards to chop down an eunuch?

“What kind of medicine is this old lady selling in her gourd?”

 Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead.

 The tea in the cup and the donkey meat in front of me no longer smell good.

 (End of this chapter)

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