Chapter 484 Return

In this deep palace, the greatest way to protect yourself is to be careful in your words and deeds, besides being obedient. Don't speak when you shouldn't speak, and don't do what you shouldn't do.

 However, Tang Guifei was kind to her.

Without reporting with Wang Ye, so recklessly, do you want the mother's face?

For the sake of the empress’ face, she will naturally not spare her life!

Tang Guifei was startled when she suddenly heard the little girl's voice. She straightened her clothes and Shi Shiran walked towards Lin Yi. After Lin Yi stepped into the threshold, she leaned down and said softly, "See the Regent."

 “Your Majesty, you’re welcome,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I can't bear such a big gift."

 No matter what, she is still the wife of his emperor.

 The seniority is there, so he shouldn't go too far.

“Your Majesty, please sit down and serve tea.”

After Concubine Tang waited for Lin Yi to sit down, she smiled and said, "Concubine Yuan gave me a lot of good tea. The regent is here today, so I can offer flowers to the Buddha. Your Majesty, I want to have a taste."

 “Then I’m not welcome.”

Lin Yi looked at Concubine Tang who was smiling so heart-wrenchingly that he wanted to pluck out his own eyes.

Although Tang Guifei no longer has the shyness of a girl, she is still a little embarrassed to be looked at by Lin Yi like this.


Always lowering your head is not a solution. Tang Guifei took advantage of the time to lift the tea cup and rolled her eyes. Seeing that Lin Yi was still staring at her blankly, she became even more embarrassed.

Think again about your clever monkey-like son, the wise and mighty King Yong, and the generous and kind King Xin. How could they all lose to him?

Furthermore, this kid was also known for being uneducated and unskilled at the time, and he didn’t have the Jackie Chan Zhang Linjiao and ready-to-go attitude at all!

 Everything is so unexpected.

“I just heard someone said that Lao Twelve was here, and I wanted to come to him to talk about our brotherhood. Why can’t I see anyone now?”

Lin Yi deliberately looked around the room.

"The regent loves him too much. He doesn't do his job all day long and can't help the prince to worry about it. I scolded him a few words, and he left impatiently."

Inside and outside the palace, where does the regent not have the final say?

If you really want to find Lao Twelve, why can't you find him?

Concubine Tang Guifei knew that his words were lies, but she did not dare to question them.

She couldn't help but think of Emperor Delong, who was now living in seclusion in the palace. He seemed to be like this when he was young. He never blinked when he looked at other people's ladies.

 Sure enough, like father, like son!

 “He is my brother, of course I have to take care of him,”

Lin Yi said carelessly, "To be honest, I'm a little envious of him for having such a good brother."

Hearing Lin Yi's shameless words, Concubine Tang couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. Finally, she managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "The prince said so."

"But as the old saying goes, it's hard to persuade a damned devil with good words. Great mercy will not save others, but he will be obedient."

Lin Yi ignored Tang Guifei's increasingly fierce expression and said to himself, "If it's like Lao Er and the others, they just don't listen and make their own way narrow. As a brother, I really can't do anything. In the end, the brothers will fight against each other. On the contrary, it is a joke to outsiders.”

 “The regent is kind and I am deeply grateful.”

 The smile only stayed on Concubine Tang's face for a short while.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. Your Majesty also worships Buddha on weekdays. My mother and concubine left the palace today to offer incense. Why didn't your Majesty come with me?"

 For these women who live in the deep palace, there are many entertainment activities, and there is no freedom at all. They urgently need spiritual sustenance, so more people worship Buddha.

Even if it is a favored concubine, the same is true. After all, there will be a day when she falls out of favor. To be prepared, it is better to enter meditation in advance to pass the time.

 It would be better if you accidentally become a queen or empress dowager.

 It is easier to create a benevolent image of the Holy Mother by wholeheartedly worshiping the Buddha.

After Tang Guifei's eyelids twitched again and again, she finally couldn't help but raise her head. After a quick glance, she lowered her head and held up the tea cup and said, "I felt a bit cold yesterday and felt a little unwell. My Majesty was considerate, so I didn't let you come."

 “I wonder if there is an imperial doctor?”

Lin Yi said with great concern, "It's freezing cold, so you still have to take care of yourself."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty,”

Concubine Tang said with a smile, "After taking two sets of medicine, I sweated at night and am still a little weak."

Lin Yi saw that Tang Guifei was always wary of him, and felt that it was not interesting. He said calmly, "Since the empress is not feeling well, just rest more, and I will not bother you more."

Concubine Tang stood up and personally walked Lin Yi to the door, "Farewell to Your Majesty."

Today's Prince He was in no mood, and he didn't seem to be intoxicated at all, which made her feel relieved.


Lin Yi saw that she was happy, and immediately his displeasure was written on his face.

  turned around and left Tang Guifei's palace, and finally entered the imperial garden.

The path was covered with snow, and Lin Yi made a squeaking sound as he stepped on it. He dusted off a plum blossom that was bent down by the snow, brought it up to his nose, and while sniffing, he said casually, "You guys are getting lazier and lazier. It's snowing. The snow on the road must be swept away. Don't be lazy, otherwise some of the ladies in the palace will slip and slip on the plum blossoms. "

The royal garden was swept and swept every day, no matter whether it was cold or hot.

Especially in winter, the plum blossoms are in full bloom. When bored, the people in the palace like to cook snow and tea here to enjoy the plum blossoms.

Although he gained the authority of the Liang Kingdom, everyone became more and more lazy because he did not live in this palace.

 As a result, this huge imperial garden looks deserted.

“What the prince taught me is that if you are young, you should arrange for someone to clean it immediately and don’t dare to delay.”

Xiao Xizi leaned over and held up the saucer and said, "Your Majesty, it's cold, drink some tea to warm yourself up."

Lin Yi did not take the tea, but just said, "You must remember my words carefully and don't do anything wrong again."

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi said tremblingly, "If you do it again, please have your head chopped off."

 “Please don’t worry,”

Lin Yi said coldly, "If you do it again, I will never be lenient again, and I guarantee that you will be tortured ten times."

 “Don’t dare.”

Xiao Xizi knelt down on the ground, and then watched helplessly as Prince He took Jiao Zhong away.

Waiting for Prince He to turn into a corridor, he was about to stand up when his knees suddenly weakened and he knelt on the ground again.


Although he, Tan Xizi, is not a great master, he is still one of the few ninth-level masters in the world!

A powerful force can hit him in the knee so easily. What’s even more frightening is that he has no premonition and doesn’t even have a chance to defend himself!


 Blind man?

 Ye Qiu?

 In such a short moment, he thought of many people.


Hearing a cold, emotionless voice suddenly appear behind her, Xiao Xizi trembled instinctively, put her hands on the ground, banged her head on the ground, and shouted, "Master! Disciple, I think of you. It’s so bitter!”

 The surging blood soaked the snow.

 (End of this chapter)

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