I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 489: Not inferior to others

Chapter 489: Not Losing to Others

In the past few years, Daliang Kingdom has been experiencing constant natural and man-made disasters, and many wastes are waiting for improvement. There is a huge personnel gap in relevant functional departments. In addition, He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and others are determined to start a new business. No matter how talented the original officials are, as long as they are not approved by them, they will not be able to continue their work. The official was reinstated.

 We have been recruiting people all the time.

 National examinations, state examinations, and government examinations have been held no less than twenty times.

 Although fraud cases have been repeatedly banned, at least the form and results are very satisfactory.

 Lin Yi originally intended to abolish the imperial examination, which mainly consisted of eight-legged essays, but he could not withstand the advice of Chen Desheng and others. If he really abolished it directly, he would have directly offended all the scholars in the world.

They directly used the physics knowledge that Lin Yi taught in class to rationally and emotionally move Lin Yixiao. The effects of force are mutual. The harder they punish the scholar, the greater the force of the rebound. Everything must be done step by step. , don’t act too hastily.

 Boil the frog in warm water.

But to Lin Yi's surprise, he hadn't added firewood yet, and those scholars who had read poetry and books couldn't stand it.

 The imperial examination in Daliang Kingdom still existed, but what would happen even if the Jinshi passed?

 The stingy prince and the prince only grant titles but not actual positions!

 According to the newly revised list of civil servants, the number one scholar at the beginning of the imperial examination will be awarded the title of General Shizuo Lang, and he will be a first-grade Guanglu doctor until his death!

 Be an idle civil servant and live a life with one glance at the end?

 Any scholar who has some ambitions cannot accept it!

Nowadays, the imperial court no longer needs eight-part essays, but some people who are flexible have begun to actively learn scientific knowledge, learning pinyin, physics, arithmetic, chemistry and other confusing knowledge with some Meng children.

No matter how much you say that you don’t need a quadratic equation to buy groceries, or that you don’t need to understand the connector principle to be an official, you still study very seriously.

 They are all a group of men who are determined to be officials!

What’s more, their competitors also include a group of women raised in purdah!

 They cannot lose to women no matter what.

 “Three words to make a man break his head for me,”

Lin Yi felt a little proud when he said this, "I am a person who is very good at making men fight for me."

 “Your Majesty,”

Zixia pursed her lips and smiled, "What are those three sentences?"

She is now gradually learning to be flattering.

  She knew that they and the prince liked women who had the same "humor".

“The first sentence: I planted this tree and opened this road.”

 “Your Majesty is in charge of the Liang Dynasty, thunder, rain and dew are God’s blessings, and the people are blessed together.”

 For scholars all over the world, whether to be beaten with a stick or to eat meat is a decision made by the prince in a single thought, a single decision, and a single word.

 “Second sentence: Either you fight for your father, or you fight for your life.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It's so difficult these days. The common people don't have enough to eat, and the wealthy families are stinky with wine and meat. It's too difficult for ordinary people to change their destiny. However, now I have given the poor people a way to advance. If they If they can’t fight for their relationship, they can still fight for it.”

In any era, it is true that knowledge changes destiny, but the inheritance of knowledge is orderly, and you have to spend money to get it passed on!

 As for the poor people, they cannot solve anything that can be solved with money.

However, fortunately, one cannot be poor for more than three generations.

 Women from poor families would rather be maids, maids, or concubines than marry poor people.

 Proletarians are forced to live alone.

“Your Majesty has implemented free compulsory education in Daliang Kingdom. From now on, it is no longer a luxury for the poor people to read and write. It is really a blessing for the people of the world.”

Zixia smiled and said, "What's more important is that the prince gave them hope and made them stand up and sing."

  "It's so easy to sing. You girl, you have learned to learn how to use it. Yes, yes."

Lin Yi never expected that Zixia could say such spiritual words.

“Your Majesty, these are all words from your novel, and this servant is also imitating them.”

 Zixia said it very modestly, but the pride on her lips was not concealed at all.

 “It means you have taken it to your heart,”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "This is your progress, I am very pleased."

"I am really happy to be praised by the prince,"

Zixia handed over the tea cup, and then asked, "Your Majesty, if I dare to say another word, what is your third sentence?"

 “If you can do it, try not to make any noise.”

Lin Yi took a sip of tea happily.

With these three sentences of his, how could this scholar from Daliang dare to challenge him?

 “The prince is wise and mighty,”

Zixia looked at Lin Yida with an expression of admiration and said, "My admiration for the prince is beyond words."

 “You’re not bad, don’t be too humble,”

Lin Yi raised his head and changed the topic, "Although you say that you are my maid, you have understood in your hearts for so many years that I actually treat you as my students. You have been with me for many years, and you have learned from them. There are so many things, if you casually say that you are not good at them, you will be ruining your reputation."

Zixia echoed, "What the prince is saying is, how dare this slave embarrass the prince?"

 Those who don’t know her only think that she is a maid who relies on her appearance and **** to make the prince smile.

 However, no one dared to look down upon her after walking out of the gate of the Prince's Mansion!

She is the principal of Sanhe Girls' School. Whether she is a female general in the army or a female police officer, she is basically one of his students!

Cao Xiaohuan, Jiang Zhen, and even Hong An, the proud disciple of General Manager Hong, respectfully called her sister when they saw her.

What's more, he is also a ninth-grade master!

Like Shen Chu, she once taught many people martial arts in the square of Baiyun City!

 The rough guys in the army were all trembling with fear when they saw her.

"That's it,"

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "After the Spring Festival, Chen Desheng will probably hold a civil service recruitment exam. Then you should also take part and work hard to be a qualified female official and set an example for women in the world."

 “Your Majesty.”

This time Zixia was really frightened. She thought she was joking with the prince, but she never thought she was serious!

I always want to go out with Wang Ye, and never have any signs before doing things!

"you are not willing?"

"Your Majesty, how can this servant be a role model for women in the world? As long as I can serve you, I will be satisfied."

“If Mingyue is not pregnant, let Mingyue go,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "She is not very agile now, so you can go ahead."

 “My slave obeys my command.”

Seeing what Prince He said, Zixia did not dare to say any more.

 She also quietly made up her mind that she would never lose to others!

  Including the bright moon.

 “In that case, it’s settled,”

Lin Yi wrapped up his clothes, yawned and said, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Mingyue's shoulders were soft, and he fell asleep with her pillow on her pillow all night.

 (End of this chapter)

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