Chapter 497 Rights

 He deeply believed in this statement.

 In terms of ability, he is not inferior to General Butcher, and his abilities are recognized by the Ministry of War in all aspects.

 However, the most important thing is still the platform!

If He Wangye hadn't given him a chance, he would still be the unknown little butcher on Wangfu Street who loved martial arts.

  On the day he dies, others will only point to his grave and say, Look, that pig-killer is dead.

 Besides, wouldn’t a butcher be able to do the work of killing pigs to make preserved meat and hiring waiters?

 What do they have to be proud of?

Without them, the army will have no meat to eat?

 Of course it’s impossible!

 If they lose their supplier status, who will know who they are?

 “What you said is right.”

The butcher pondered for a moment and sighed, "If it hadn't been for Prince He, I might not even have a household registration in my life. I would still be a gangster, and my abilities would be incredible, and I wouldn't be able to leave Baiyun City."

In Baiyun City, he was a poor butcher. Although he was a pig butcher, he did not dare to eat meat casually!

 Meat is reserved for the rich and wealthy!

 Three meals were spent in panic.

How could it be like now? His reputation has spread to Ankang City!

Anyone who does business will bow to him politely and call him the shopkeeper.


Pork Rong said carelessly, "You know, think about it, you are now a big man, with dozens of men and thousands of livestock, so you just give up?

 Are you willing to go home and be a rich man? "


 The butcher hesitated for a moment.


 After returning to Sanhe, he will definitely not be able to be a supplier and will have no choice but to wait for death.

Looks cool, but can he really get used to it?

Pork Rong continued, "At our age, it really doesn't matter whether we have money or not. As long as we don't bother with it in this life, if we have enough, we may not be able to spend it all until we die."

But look at old guys like Liang Gen, Huang Daoji, and Wang Cheng, who are not richer than us? Have they given up? "

 “It’s true that money is no longer important to them,”

The butcher snorted coldly, "But they are used to giving orders and bossing around. It turns them into idle old men. It's weird if they are happy."

“So you want to go back to Sanhe?”

Pork Rong asked with a smile.

 “Of course I won’t come back!”

 Suddenly awakened the butcher.

 Without his status as a supplier to the Ministry of War, who can take him seriously?

 What's the use of just having money then?

 Perhaps even the old farmers could **** and pee on his head!

 Can’t go back!

Moreover, it’s pretty cool to give orders to a group of young guys, give directions, and enjoy the feeling of worship!

Zhu Rong patted his shoulder with his big hand and said happily, "Just understand. As long as we people do our work well, the prince and the prince will not treat us badly!"

Work hard, maybe you can become an official like Huang Daoji and Mo Shun in the future. "

 “Be an official?”

The butcher shook his head disdainfully and said, "There is no chance. I heard from Zhen'er that to be a civil servant now, you must at least graduate from elementary school. You'd better accept this idea."

 “Hey, it doesn’t matter, I haven’t thought about becoming an official.”

 Pork Rong’s face didn’t show much disappointment.

 In fact, he had long pinned his hopes on his son.

Although he doesn’t have much money to raise money, his family’s wealth is here!

 He is not short of money!

What is missing is power!

As long as he has power, he can maintain his family fortune!

 Even if it’s his girl, he has the same expectations.

He and Wangye have been promoting the policy of "equality between men and women" in Daliang for many years, and even re-employed women in the military and local government offices.

 However, the results were not great.

Old people such as He Jixiang and Chen Desheng felt the pressure and directly established the "Women's Army" in the army!

We also won many battles in Jinzhou!

If this girl from his family catches the opportunity, she may not be able to accomplish something in the future!

 Maybe he can even surpass Jiang Zhen!

 The provincial generals and butchers were beaten in front of him every day.

"That's good,"

 The butcher sighed, "We don't have that life."

Pork Rong said loudly, "Okay, don't be so emotional, let's go drink."

Before I even reached the door, I heard a noise.

The butcher stood on the threshold and looked at a group of soldiers walking straight past, and then at the chattering people watching on both sides. He frowned and said, "This time it's really a big deal, and the garrison outside the city has actually been dispatched."

Zhu Rong stretched his neck and looked around, but didn't see anyone he knew, so he asked curiously, "How did you know it was the garrison outside the city?"

The butcher smiled and said, "The leader is Jin Datong. He was originally a great monk in the Baiyun Temple. He often went to my place to buy meat secretly. When Baiyun City was recruiting soldiers, he directly made a small monk because of his great kung fu. Captain, he later made meritorious service in Yueyang and was promoted to join the army. He is now the commander of the Seventh Army of the troops stationed in Ankang City. "

 Pork Rong said, "It turns out it's him. I've only heard of his name before, but never seen him."

The butcher said, "He became a monk originally just to make a living. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally doesn't want to be a monk anymore. He is an extraordinary person."

 “I heard that this time the prince and I are going to personally lead the army into Sichuan Province.”

There was no one around Zhu Rong, but he still whispered, "Again, it is said that there are 100,000 civilians alone."

 “You and the prince want to fight in person?”

 The butcher was shocked. His daughter was still a police officer, and he had never heard the news.

 “Speak down,”

Pork Rong said angrily, "You're afraid that others won't know, right?"

 “Where did you get the news?”

 The butcher's puzzled way.

Zhu Rong glared at him and said, "Don't worry about it, I guess it's almost the same."

“Chuanzhou is now under the rule of the prince, why does the prince still want to conquer it personally?”

 The butcher still doesn’t believe it.

 Isn’t this unnecessary?


Zhu Rong snorted coldly, "In Sichuan Province, even Jinguan City is where the army is stationed, and the surrounding areas still don't obey orders.

If it is true, do you think we should join the army? "

 “You are a fool if you don’t follow the army,”

At this moment, the butcher Jiang had no intention of returning to Sanhe, so he said cheerfully, "How much does it cost to sell our butcher shop?"


 Pork Rong suddenly understood!

 How did they make their fortune?

 Of course, no one knows better than themselves!

 Their first pot of gold is from being a follower of the army and civilians!

Moreover, apart from putting in some effort, there is no cost at all!

 A real grab for money!

Now military discipline is strict and things like demolishing and demolishing houses are not allowed, but there are still opportunities to make money everywhere!

 It’s still easy to make money by collecting and selling used clothes, food, wood, and jewelry!

 The money earned is no less than that of a supplier!

What’s more, that’s Chuanzhou, the land of abundance!

 After many generations of peace, the rich and powerful officials and the people are simply extremely rich!

 Maybe it’s better than the land in the south of the Yangtze River!

 (End of this chapter)

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