Chapter 499 Trust

 What he said was true.

Although I am pampered and well-off in this life, it is only relative to ordinary people.

There are no games, no Internet, entertainment depends entirely on self-pleasure

 It was so hot that I could only rely on a fan and then explode on the spot.

 When going out, rely on a donkey or a sedan chair to bounce back and forth.

 Communication relies on roaring.

 When you catch a cold, you basically have to survive.

The only thing that can satisfy oneself is "rights". There is no shortage of food and drink, no fear of not being able to buy a house, no fear of not being able to marry a wife, no fear of being unable to have a child. You can dictate to others as you like, and everything you say is right.

 That’s all.

He can have these at his fingertips as long as he stays in Sanhe. There is no need to go back to Ankang City and worry about the world.

Of course, if he was really asked to go back in time, he would definitely not be happy.

Who wants to sit in a wheelchair, pay rent every day, and be a dog licker when you can run freely?

 Have you eaten, have you slept, go home early, drink less, don’t play too late.

 Be the most patient man and pick up the one you love most.

Lin Yi talked for a long time, and when he saw that Emperor Delong didn't speak and only stared at himself, he felt embarrassed and laughed and said, "Don't look at me like that, my son is still quite shy and shy.

 What, you still don’t believe it?

 What I said is the truth. "

 Emperor Delong suddenly smiled.

 Coughed twice and then said, "I believe what you said."

Lin Yi picked up the tea cup and blew the floating tea leaves, then said, "Do you really believe it?"

Emperor Delong said, "You are so merciful and soft-hearted. Killing Jiang Zhong, Fu Yin and He Jin is not enough."

Lin Yi was very happy.

 Emperor Delong indeed believed what he said, so there was no need for him to waste any more words.

As long as he has any ambition and wants to ascend to the throne, no matter whether he is the crown prince, the sixth prince or the acting king, or even the twelfth Prince Yong'an who is side by side with him, no one will have to think about his life.

He asked curiously, "Brother Prince and Twelve are both your biological sons. Do you expect me to kill them so much?"

Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "Didn't this old man He Jixiang tell you that kindness does not control soldiers, and justice does not control wealth? If you want to achieve great things, you must be punished."

Lin Yi shook his head under Emperor Delong's gaze and said, "My son thinks it's not necessary, it's mine, they can't take it away, it's not mine, and I can't keep it.

Brothers are jealous of each other, which makes outsiders laugh at them. "

Whether it was He Jixiang or Chen Desheng, they openly and secretly encouraged him to give the prince a "reasonable" death.

Isn't it normal to commit suicide due to depression if you are trapped in a deep palace and unable to achieve your goals?

 However, Lin Yi did not listen to their opinions.

From a family perspective, he likes his mother, his sister, and King Pingchuan, who was once kind to him but has died young.

 Prince, King Xin, King Dai, and King Jin are not annoying.

 He is a little transparent and has never had any real interest entanglements with these people.

  As for Lao Twelve, in his opinion, he was just a naughty kid.

 The only person he really wanted to kill was the old King Yong.

This kind of ruthless person fighting against heaven and earth made him feel scared from the bottom of his heart.

From a political standpoint, he has a strong army and is already in sole control of the government. He is truly an uncrowned king.

 The most important thing is that he has taken the group leader route and has won the hearts and minds of the people.

If someone rebels against him and agrees to it himself, I am afraid that the people will not agree.

 That’s how confident you are!

Emperor Delong held the chair with his hands, stood up unsteadily, and said with emotion, "I still underestimate you."

 “Father, you have given me too much praise,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "There are thousands of roads in the world, but the one my son takes is just different from his father's."

“Does this mean that there is no road in the world, but when too many people walk on it, it becomes a road?”

Emperor Delong let Lin Yi support him and stood on the edge of the pond, trembling slightly, looking at the schools of fish competing for each other.

 “My father’s memory is really good,”

Lin Yi held up his bony arms and suddenly felt a little unbearable. He sighed and said, "Father, when you are old, you can retire in this palace with peace of mind. Whatever you want, just give the order. Although we are facing financial difficulties, we still have a lot of money." It’s not much less than your food.”

Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "You are indeed my good son."

Lin Yi said, "My father is too worried. My son is telling the truth. My father is old, so he should stop worrying about state affairs. As long as my son is here, the world will be safe and the people can wear clothes and have enough to eat." "

The common people in this world, as long as they have something to eat, will not risk beheading to rebel.

 “I heard that you are going to send troops to Sichuan Province?”

Delong asked softly.

Lin Yi frowned inadvertently.

Before he could speak, he heard Emperor Delong continue, "Although I live in a secluded palace, it doesn't mean that I am blind and don't know anything."

 “My father is wise,”

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "Jizhao'an pooped and peed on his son's head again and again. If the son didn't teach them a lesson in person, they wouldn't even know how many eyes Lord Ma has.

Father, don't worry, your son will definitely kill the culprit this time. "

Mo Shun's firearms and cannons have undergone the latest improvements. He inspected several times and was very satisfied!

 When the time comes when all the guns are fired, he doesn’t believe that Jizhao’an can hold on!

What's more, in terms of the number of great masters, he is not inferior to anyone now!

It's really tough, and he's really not afraid of it!

Emperor Delong turned his head again and said to Lin Yi, "A group of women in Jizhao'an can't accomplish anything big. The real trouble is Xihuang. I hope you can take care of yourself."

After saying this, he called to the young **** not far away, got on the sedan chair and left.

Lin Yi wanted to ask some questions but didn't have the chance to ask them.

 “Your Majesty,”

Hong Ying whispered, "The empress has already sent someone to ask."

Lin Yi said, "Did you hear what I just said?

You have been to the Western Wilderness. From what you have seen, is the Western Wilderness so scary? "

Even his father is afraid?

And you actually don’t take Jizhao’an seriously anymore?

Hong Ying said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. How dare the light of the fireflies compete with the bright moon? Young people don't need to worry about it, Your Majesty. They will make arrangements for themselves."

"you said?"

 “I don’t dare to deceive the prince.”

 “Okay, then I will believe you once,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Since the old lady has urged us, let's hurry over and save ourselves from being scolded."

Concubine Yuan Guifei was sitting on the couch, looking at Lin Yi who walked in slowly with his hands behind his back, and said angrily, "You know, you think you are my son, but you don't know, you think you are from somewhere. , this scene is getting bigger and bigger.”

Lin Yi's face froze. He didn't know where this old lady's temper came from.

He smiled and said, "Who recruited you? Are you angry at me at noon?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei glared at him, snorted, and turned away.

Lin Yi sighed secretly, walked to Concubine Yuan, squatted in front of her, and said with a smile, "You are my biological mother. If you have something to do, let's talk about it. Don't let your son guess riddles."

ps: Recommend a book called "The Fierce Supporting Actor in the Heavens". This is a story about a person who travels through the heavens randomly and, as a supporting actor, repeatedly beats up the protagonist and snatches away the heroine.

 At the beginning of "Book Sword", an iron rod sweeps across the sky!

 (End of this chapter)

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