I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 503: Happy family event

Chapter 503 A happy event at home

Even before I became an official, I started to practice the officialdom of being wise and protecting oneself.

He is no longer the innocent little Yingzi he was before.

Seeing Lin Yi frowning, Hong Ying hurriedly said, "I'm guilty of this, thank you sir. There is a poem that goes like this: The difficulties in Sichuan are as difficult as climbing to the sky. You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you are not inhabited by Liang Sai."

According to my thoughts, this Sichuan area is remote, and the prince’s body is worth thousands of dollars. It’s been a long and tiring journey all the way. I really can’t bear the pain for the prince. "

 “That’s the right thing to say, what I want is the truth,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "You are not a politician, so you don't need to be cautious. Besides, if you want to imitate He Jixiang and the others, you can't imitate them. They are real old foxes. They can hold their breath and hold back their farts. They can't do it at all. Just not ordinary people.

You, just be yourself. If you imitate them, you will no longer be you. "

“Your Majesty, I have betrayed your trust. I am at fault.”

As he spoke, Hong Ying burst into tears. He knelt down in front of Lin Yi, his forehead pressed against Lin Yi's clogs, "Please punish me, Your Majesty!"

Lin Yi had a look of disgust on his face. He originally wanted to say that it was inappropriate for a grown man to cry and cry, but when he thought that the other person was no longer a man, and considering the other person's self-esteem, he did not say it out loud. He just said angrily, "You are by my side." It’s been twenty years, and you still don’t understand my temperament?

 Is it because I’m bothered by something that you just come here? "

Hong Ying quickly stood up and said, "It's all a small mistake. Your Majesty, don't be angry."

The prince hates complicated etiquette the most, and hates having to kneel down at every turn.

 Ke He Wangye hates people who don’t respect him and don’t take him seriously!

There are too many etiquettes. He and the prince can at most show their impatience on their faces and receive a few scoldings, so it’s not a big deal.

If you catch up with the prince and he is in a bad mood, and the etiquette that should be done is not followed, and the prince and the little girl are like him, he will definitely be rude.

 Let Prince He keep it in mind that life is worse than death.

 So, whichever of the two powers harms each other is more appropriate.

On this point, he, like He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and other elders, have reached a consensus.

Even people like Yu Shih and Ah Dai, who are confused, know that if they make a mistake, they will bang their heads in front of Prince He before talking about it. If Prince He softens his heart, no big deal will matter.

"I am not angry,"

Lin Yi disliked the heavyness of the clogs, so he threw them away, barefooted, and while letting Hong Ying help him roll up his trousers, he said, "I don't know how difficult it is in Sichuan. It's better to lie at home and be comfortable, with clothes on hand and food on hand." He opened his mouth and said, "But, this Jizhao Temple is too evil. If I don't go, I won't be able to rest assured."

Can I safely let a **** like Yu Xiao out? "

Ye Qiu, Wang Dong, and Han Nian have all become great masters. According to Hong Ying, they are naturally capable of fighting against the people from Shangjizhao Temple, especially the monk Han Nian. His skill is probably not inferior to that of Jingyi.

 It's just that Ye Qiu is unruly and unruly, and he will definitely not obey the orders of the Sichuan generals.

Although the blind man and the monk have good tempers, they are not easy to get along with.

As for the new great masters such as Pan Duo, Yu Xiaochun, Yu Shishi, Cui Gengsheng, and Cui Gengren, they are even more stunned and arrogant.

If he doesn’t go there in person, who among these people can be disciplined?

 It is estimated that things will definitely be full of chaos by then.

Hong Ying naturally knew the prince’s worries and smiled and said, “If the prince is trustworthy, I will go to Sichuan Province myself.”

"you go?"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, "It's not impossible."

 These people respect themselves, but they are afraid of Hong Ying!

  If you say something to yourself, if they are unhappy or unhappy, they will still grunt a few words.

 But facing Hong Ying, everyone is afraid.

After being slapped on the left cheek, he would take the initiative to reach out to the right cheek, for fear that Hong Ying would not be relieved and would be beaten even harder later.

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the young one will go to the Governor's Mansion and talk to Mr. He right now."

Lin Yi said, "The troops in Chuanzhou are led by Yuan Shuo and Yuan Zhen. Although I don't like these two uncles, I have to admit that their abilities are good. But no matter how powerful the tiger is, he can lead a group of people." There is nothing the sheep can do.

 This time, did He Jixiang say where he would mobilize his troops? "

 “To report to the prince,”

Hong Ying whispered, "The ones leading the troops into Sichuan this time are Jinling Commander-in-Chief He Shundi, Raocheng Commander-in-Chief Ji Zhuo, and Yuezhou Commander-in-Chief Ma Gui."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "It turns out it's just a few of them, so that's okay."

 These three people were all from the palace guards, and he knew them very well.

“These three people are all at the pinnacle of the ninth grade,”

Hong Ying said cautiously, "I have also practiced the star-absorbing technique taught by me personally. Even if I face a great master, I won't be in danger of my life."

 “The magic of attracting stars?”

Lin Yi's face fell straight down, "You say that, which makes me even more worried."

 Hong Ying’s martial arts are all named after his novels.

 He had a lot of doubts originally.

 Hong Ying just flew around and defeated many masters, so he gradually became convinced.

However, he doesn’t believe in the magic of attracting stars!

 This has become a metaphysics!

 He has always wondered if Hong Yinglian and a group of people around him were acting for him to make him happy!

 They are all Master Ma and Master Yan!

 There are examples of this in history!

 No matter how wise an emperor is, he will have to face the situation of deceiving his superiors and keeping his subordinates secret.

 “The prince is joking.”

Hong Ying smiled bitterly.

He has obviously performed the magic of attracting stars in front of the prince many times, so why does the prince still not believe it?

 He is also very helpless!

He wished he could force the prince to cultivate some internal energy and test it with the prince directly, so that he could feel the feeling of losing internal power!

 In this way, the authenticity of the star-attracting method will no longer be questioned.

 “I’m not joking,”

Lin Yi stretched out and asked curiously, "Has Wen Zhaoyi come back? He just disappeared without any news. It's really outrageous."

Hong Ying said, "I have asked Pan Duo to ask around. Don't worry, Your Majesty. If there is any news, I will report it to you in time."

Lin Yi nodded, and just as he was about to say something else, he saw the little head exposed at the door. He immediately ran over, hugged him in his arms, and said happily, "My darling, do you miss me? "

 Then take a sip.

 The little girl cried in confusion.

Zixia hurriedly took it and couldn't help laughing and said, "My lord, your beard has pricked him."


Lin Yi unconsciously touched the hard stubble and said helplessly, "It's only been two days since I shaved."

When Zixia was done coaxing her, the little girl stopped crying, and Lin Yi took her into her arms again. Regardless of whether the little girl could understand it or not, she just smiled and said, "It's all my fault. I apologize to you. You can't Do not be angry."

The little girl’s pouting look almost melted his heart.

 At night.

Hong Ying waited for Lin Yi to fall asleep and came to the stable again.


 Hong An was the first to come over.

Hong Ying said, "Why are you here?"

Hong An said respectfully, "Master's family is my disciple's family. If my aunt is sick, my disciple should take care of her."

Hong Ying acquiesced and went directly into the bedroom without saying anything more.

The second girl sitting next to her said, "Uncle, that doctor is a miracle doctor. He only used two pairs of medicines, and my mother woke up, ate something, and then fell asleep again."

Hong Ying said, "Second girl, you can go to sleep too. You are not needed here."

Hong An smiled and said, "I also told my sister, but she is a filial person and just refused to leave."


 The two girls were about to speak but stopped.

Hong Ying said softly, "My uncle is here and can make everything for you. If you have anything to do, just say it."

Hong An looked at his master's expression and couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Master is naturally very kind to me, but he has never been so gentle. He has always been very strict.


 The second girl hesitated for a moment, then said, "My brother is still at home. There is no rice at home."

 “What should I do?”

Hong Ying touched her head and comforted her, "I have already sent someone to my hometown. Someone will send Erlang here tomorrow. Don't worry about it and go to bed peacefully."

 Among all his nephews, the second son he valued most was his sister.

Although he has no talent for martial arts, he is extremely smart.

 Before he went to Sanhe, he helped send the child to a private school in the county.

 At the age of thirteen, he was already a scholar.

If it weren't for his status as the general manager of the palace and his difficulty in making friends with the ministers of the court, he would shamelessly send his nephew to the elders such as He Jixiang and Chen Desheng for training.

“Yes, sister, let’s just believe what Master says. Let’s go, I’ll take you to bed.”

Hong An stepped forward and pulled the second girl out of the bedroom.

Hong Ying looked at the rough but gradually rosy face on the bed.

Unable to help himself, his fingers gently brushed her face.

 “Dirty boy”

Hearing this soft call, Hong Ying couldn't help but burst into tears, "Sister, I woke you up."

 “Hey, my whole body hurts, and I always have trouble sleeping,”

With the help of Hong Ying, the woman reluctantly leaned on the bed railing and said with a forced smile, "These two children are so naughty. They actually sent me here to make you suffer."

Hong Ying took a wet towel and wiped her face while saying, "You are my sister, why are you saying these things? We are all part of the same family."

“The boss is so disobedient that I really can’t control him.”

Sister's tears suddenly came out, "It's good for you to teach him a lesson. It's better to let him improve his memory than to die in someone else's hands later."

Hong Ying wiped her tears and said, "This child's nature is not bad, so you don't need to worry too much.

I have found a farmhouse for you outside the city. You and your brother-in-law can cultivate the twenty acres of land and raise some animals, and we will be here soon. "


Sister was startled, "This can't be done. You have already spent enough. How can I ask for anything else from you? Although your brother-in-law is poor, he is also a man of face."

"elder sister,"

Hong Ying smiled and said, "I'm not doing this for you, but for Erlang. He is eager to learn. Let's not delay him. As an uncle, I will naturally do my best to plan for him."

 “It’s hard for you.”

Tears fell down again.

“Look, your body can’t cry. Why is it like this again?”

Hong Ying felt distressed and felt some anger for her, "You, please think more about yourself. None of the older men or the second men have married yet. You have ruined your body and will be a drag on them in the future, let alone your replacement." They took care of the kids."

"you are right,"

Sister stopped crying and held her breath and said, "My body is too weak to live up to expectations."

"You are talking nonsense again. This disease is like a mountain. It is not something you can decide."

Hong Ying saw that she was having a hard time holding on, so he put her back on the bed and said, "You, just take good care of yourself. When you get better, make more delicious food for me. When I think of the chicken you made, the lion will jump." My head, I can’t help but drool.”

“You dirty kid, you’ve made me happy again. Now that you’re successful, how can you still fancy your sister’s skills?”

The elder sister laughed and said, "In the past, our family was the poorest in the village, and people from all over the country laughed at us. During the holidays, my mother-in-law wanted to make a point and not to be looked down upon, so she took out all her belongings and made those few You stutter, you only took a few bites in total.”

“Then I think it’s delicious too. If you’re tired, just keep making it for me. I’ll do it for the rest of your life.”

 He meant what he said.

 The best things he eats are all made by his sister.

 He doesn’t even look down on what Su Yin did!

 “Okay, okay, I’ll do it for you,”

Sister held his hand and said, "When I recover, I will give you whatever you want to eat."

Seeing her eyes opening and closing, Hong Ying said with a smile, "Sister, if you're tired, just keep sleeping. When daybreak, I'll have someone stew your favorite meat porridge for you."

“Don’t forget to add some of our rosewood, it’s sweet and delicious.”

After my sister finished speaking, she closed it unconsciously.

Hong Ying carefully covered her with the quilt, quietly left the room, closed the door, and said to the two cooks standing at the door, "Be smart at night."


 The two cooks said in unison.

They don't know the reputation of the steward, but they know little about the guards who live in the stable. Whether it is Lei Kaishan or Tan Fei, they all walk sideways in Ankang City.

 But when these people saw this manager, they were like a mouse seeing a cat. They were as humble as they could be.

So even if you think about it, you can understand how noble this steward is!

What's more, the concierge Sang An had already told them that whatever the manager said would be whatever they said, and they must not be disrespectful at all, otherwise they would die quietly.


Hong An said to Hong Ying, "My sister is indeed tired. She has been holding on for a long time. Now she fell on the bed and fell asleep. She was also snoring."

 “Where is that boy Wang Dong?”


Hong An was startled. He didn't expect that his master would suddenly mention this.

Hong Ying said, "You are not young anymore. You can decide your own marriage matters. This is the freedom of marriage as mentioned to the prince. No one can make decisions for you at will. You don't need my opinion. If you like the blind man, just like it. But There is one thing, just don’t regret it in the future.

He, a blind man, will definitely not be able to take care of the firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea. Most of the burden will be on you. "


Hong An burst into tears. It was the first time in so many years that the master had said so many words to her, "Disciple, I understand."

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

 (End of this chapter)

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