Chapter 521 Insult

Pang Long naturally knew the prince's temper and the inner workings of the house. He chuckled and said, "This Jizhou is close to the sea and there are many kitchen households cooking salt. Naturally, compared with the refined salt produced by Tian Shiyou and others, this guy has no No matter what kind of friendship, good salt is brought to Jiangnan and Ankang City and sold for a lot of money. Jizhou is not willing to keep any of it. As for the well salt of Sichuanzhou, it is also difficult to get it. "

Arhat didn't wait for Lin Yi to speak, and threw a piece of fine salt from his waist into Pang Long's hand, and said seriously, "Use it carefully, we won't bring much. We have used a lot along the way."

 “Niang Xipi,”

Lin Yi cursed and said, "I never thought I would worry about eating salt one day. Do the wealthy families in Jizhou also eat this kind of coarse salt?"

Pang Long cupped his hands and said, "The refined salt on the market is in very short supply, but there will be no shortage of them. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will go back to the big families in the town to buy some."

"forget it,"

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "You are lazy enough. You don't know how to filter coarse salt into fine salt, but you still buy it from others. Is that intentional?"

Pang Long said sheepishly, "Your Majesty, although the number of people in the military camp is not large, it is not small either. If everyone eats fine salt, they will not have to live this day."

 To put it bluntly, it’s still a waste of money!

His own debt has not been paid yet!

  If it is not finished, no one will take over his guard post, and no one will take over his post, so he will no longer have any hope of being promoted in this life.

“Look at how poor you are,”

Lin Yi said with disdain, "Stop inking and hurry up and cook. If you can't, go to a restaurant in the town and buy enough for all the officers and soldiers. I'll treat you as a treat."

 Looking at all the soldiers with sallow faces and skinny muscles, he really couldn't believe it!

 These are actually his soldiers!

It’s really amazing!

 Every one of them is worse off than a refugee!

 He really couldn’t stand it anymore!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Pang Long was not polite at all. He choked and said, "I dare not lie to the prince. My brothers haven't seen meat in the past month. They eat sweet potatoes every day and they smell like farts."


Lin Yi quickly interrupted, "How disgusting are you talking about? Do you have the nerve to say it?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Pang Long said with a mournful face, "We farm by ourselves, and we have enough grain, corn, and sweet potatoes to eat. We also raise a lot of pigs and sheep, but they are all sold for money. We brothers just want to pay off our debts as soon as possible and don't dare to eat so extravagantly." "

 The most important thing is because of military discipline!

 You cannot intrude on the people at will, otherwise there are so many big families nearby and he can go beg for alms at will, and he will not live in such a panic.

He was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and he was looking forward to when another group of bandits would appear on the nearby hills.

However, the bandits are not up to par, and no one is willing to go to his territory.

Lin Yi suddenly asked curiously, "Are the reservists in other places in Jizhou the same as you?"

Pang Long said with a smile, "That's not the case. During the battle in Saibei, my subordinates did venture in a bit. I didn't expect that the Wadan people were so poor. Apart from some cattle and sheep, they didn't get anything valuable after the battle."

According to his idea, no matter how bad this Wadan city is, it can't be worse than the rotten Daxi City in Yuezhou and Xunyang City in Hongzhou!

What he didn't expect was that after entering Wadan, he couldn't see tents, cattle and sheep.

Those Wadan warriors don’t even have any decent weapons in their hands.

Even the cooking pots are clay pots!

 Now he finally fully understood the meaning of He Wangye's words: Don't let good porcelain touch rotten tiles.

 If you get into trouble, it will be a losing business!

 Sanhe's strategy of using war to support war will not work with the Wadan people!

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but think of sad things.

 In the battle with Wadan, he indeed lost money.

 The Wadan people retreated later, not because they were too poor to pursue them, but because they had no money!

The army was running across the endless prairie without any supplies along the way. The enemy did not need to adopt any scorched-earth policy and only asked the tribal herdsmen to relocate.

Herders have no idea that it is difficult to move to their homeland. They are originally nomadic, living in pursuit of water and grass.

 If you want to completely clear out the Wadan forces, you have to wait until your own food and banknotes are abundant.

 “Why is this life so difficult?”

Lin Yi couldn't help but think of his father.

I think you were even poorer than him back then. How did you survive the days when you had no money?

Perhaps after returning to Ankang City, he will go to the palace to ask for advice in person.

 The two of us will overcome the difficulties together.

Wang Laoliu got three hundred taels of silver from Song Cheng and directly invited all the cooks and waiters from the two restaurants in Tangjia Town. At the same time, he also came with twenty live pigs, five of which he bought from the market in person. Sheep, a hundred chickens and ducks, and thirty jars of local famous wine Laobaigan.

The officers and soldiers took the initiative to kill chickens and slaughter, and the officers and soldiers took the initiative to kill chickens.

The earthen stoves in the military camp were all ready-made. For the first time, twenty large stoves started to smoke at the same time.

 “Hey, dinner hasn’t started yet, who the **** asked you to drink secretly?”

Pang Long cursed angrily at the crowd, pointed at Wang Laoliu and said, "Watch the wine, don't let these **** drink it all secretly!"

The military camp was filled with smoke, and Lin Yi couldn't stand it because of the choking, so he hurriedly hid by the water channel upwind.

Arhat very skillfully took out the fishing rod and tied the duck intestines on it.

Lin Yi went down with the pole and caught several black crayfish.

 “Hey, so many?

 Let's see if there are any peppercorns and I'll make crayfish for you tonight. "

 “Your Majesty, be prepared.”

Arhat took out the cricket with the duck's intestines.

Lin Yi threw another pole, another series of black crayfish.

 After a while, the barrel was full.

Lin Yi said, "Tell them to leave some lard for me. The crayfish will be delicious cooked in lard."


Arhat said hurriedly.

At this moment the sun sets and night falls.

 The entire camp was illuminated by the fire like daylight.

Lin Yi did not sit at the long table, but sat on the ground around the fire like many others.

He was shirtless, barefoot, and only wearing a pair of big pants. Seeing that everyone was silent and only looking at himself, he said angrily, "Why are you all so tired? Let's eat!"

Eat as you like, drink as you like. A thousand cups of wine is less than a thousand cups with a close friend. Drink as much as you can. If you can't drink, run away as soon as possible. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Everyone responded with a roar.

 The sound resounded throughout heaven and earth.

 Many people have long been accustomed to shirtless men and princes.

This is not the first time that some veterans have met you, and they even use them as conversation starters in front of the new recruits.

The recruits naturally didn’t believe it, it was completely slandering the image of the great regent!

 When I saw the new recruits, my whole body felt numb.

 The Prince Regent is really a "laity".

  It seems to have nothing to do with "wise".

“Your Majesty, I would like to propose a toast to you first.”

Pang Long stood up and looked at Prince He who was shiny under the firelight, feeling helpless.

This image of He Wangye once led the fashion in Baiyun City and Ankang City.

Whether it is Baiyun City or Ankang City, Bangye can be seen everywhere.

 As female detectives, Cao Xiaohuan, Zhou Xun and others naturally hate this phenomenon.

I wanted to preach to these disrespectful gentlemen, but they blocked all my arguments by saying, "The same is true for Prince He."

“Standing up and drinking doesn’t count,”

Lin Yi gnawed on the leg of lamb and said, "There are no fathers and sons at the real man's wine table, and naturally there are no kings or ministers. Show your shamelessness and drink freely."

Pang Long didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He sat down and gritted his teeth and said, "I will do it first as a courtesy."

"very good."

Lin Yi emptied the bottom of his glass after finishing his drink, "My greatest advantage is that I never cheat when I drink."

Pang Long chuckled and said, "If the prince says so, my subordinates will not be afraid."

 Gurgling, he drank three more cups, and then looked at Lin Yi.

 “Fight with me?”

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "Just you?"

 After speaking, it was also three cups.

This kind of Laobaigan is actually the content of rice wine.

 He could really drink it all the time.

 “The prince is so heroic.”

Pang Long continued to pour wine for Lin Yi.

 Then he filled his cup again, raised his glass and said to Song Cheng, "Brother Song, I'd like to toast you."

"You're welcome."

Song Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he no longer drank with Prince He.

 He knows Prince He too well!

His drinking capacity is not bad, but he cannot be the opponent of martial arts practitioners in any case!

Although this Pang Long is a reserve guard, he is a genuine ninth grade!

The fluid is used to refine the essence, and the accumulation of qi is used to turn the gods, which is a small means for him.

Even if you and the prince drink until your heart breaks, you can't even think of winning against them.

However, for a long time, no one told Prince He this cruel fact, and Prince He did not have an accurate understanding of his "drinking capacity".

Pang Long finished his drink, looked at Du Yinniang again, and said with a smile, "Mr. Du's family, you don't have good hospitality, so I'm sorry."

According to his guess, if nothing else happens, this woman will soon be qualified to be a pillow fan. It is better to be polite if she is on guard.

Arhat waited for him to finish drinking, and when he saw him turning to him, he said, "You are indeed a good drinker."

 “General, average, third in the world.”

Pang Long couldn't help but say the same catchphrase he had with the prince.

 Some soldiers came over and whispered something in his ear, and he shook his head.

Said directly and loudly, "No one needs to be on duty today. Just listen to the prince and all the brothers will drink until they are drunk."

 According to the rules, his camp must be guarded by personnel every day, and there must be no sloppiness in the shift handover.

 Also alcohol is prohibited in the army.

 If you want to drink, you have to go outside.

 However, today is the only exception.

 Because I am here with the prince.

He has served as Prince He’s bodyguard, and he knows Prince He’s security arrangements better than Prince He!

Even though there are only a few people in front of you and the prince, there are actually countless people secretly arranged!

It is said that Mr. Hong returned to Ankang City from Xihuang. Although he was not accompanying Prince He, he should be in the dark at this moment, right?

 Go crazy!

 Someone dared to come to his military camp in the middle of the night to cause trouble!

That is really asking for death.

What’s more, what about the Governor’s Mansion?

He and the prince traveled all the way from Ankang City to Jizhou. How could Master He Jixiang not react?

These people are more worried about the safety of Prince He than themselves!

Since returning to Ankang City with Prince He, He Jixiang, Chen Desheng, Wang Qingbang, and even Bian Jingdu have found relatives, friends and heirs.

 They no longer care about their own life or death. The most important thing is that their heirs will continue and their incense will continue.

Even if he dies, as long as he and the prince are still alive, their sect can continue to be passed on and there will be successors.

If there is something good or bad with the prince, none of them, including the prince's accomplices, including the children, will have to live.

  King Yong and Emperor Delong are both more ruthless than the other!

 A guy who wouldn't even blink an eye if he killed his own brother.

Rohan smiled at him and said, "You are still smart."


From time to time, veterans from the surrounding area boldly came over to propose a toast. Lin Yi did not offend them, and refused to accept anyone who came. He was already a bit tongue-tied at this moment, "There is no defense tonight. Pan Duo is a great master. Who dares not to open his eyes and let them go directly?" Just come."

Pan Duo said with a sarcastic smile, "Your Majesty, you are so complimentary."

If the people from Jizhao'an and Tuigu Temple want to take action, he really can't do it alone.

 At night.

 The stars are shining.

 Everyone was already staggering around after drinking.

 Only the waiter in the restaurant was left clearing away the dishes.

Lin Yi, drunk and blurry, was put on the kang by Song Cheng and Luo Han.

Song Cheng looked at Lin Yi, who was sleeping soundly, and then at Du Yinniang behind him. He cupped his hands and said, "Miss Du, I'll help you here."

 After saying that, he picked up Arhat who was still in a daze.


As soon as Du Yinniang opened her mouth, she lost sight of the two of them.


Du Yinniang looked at Lin Yi sleeping on the kang and couldn't help but sigh.

 She has really never served anyone before!

After much hesitation, he held up Lin Yi's neck and fed him some tea, then covered his bare arms with a sheet.

When Lin Yi woke up, he opened his eyes and saw Du Yinniang sitting next to her, taking a nap.

Du Yinniang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, wake up. I have asked someone to make porridge. You can drink some later."

Lin Yidao, "You didn't sleep all night?"

Du Yinniang smiled and said, "I practice kung fu often and stay up all night, so I have long been used to it."

 “You insulted me”

Lin Yi sighed, "What a great opportunity, you should do something"

Du Yinniang was confused and said, "I'm sorry for my ignorance, but please give me a clear explanation."

“Forget it, you don’t understand my humor. This is probably the farthest distance between hearts,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "The chicken is talking to the duck."

Du Yinniang said, "The little girl must keep up her efforts and will not let the prince down again."

What is the humor of Wang Ye?

 She really doesn’t understand!

 According to Luo Han, the only person who understands Prince He best at present is Chief Hong Yinghong!

 Could it be that so many people are not even as good as a eunuch?

The group had breakfast and continued on their way.

All the way north.

Lin Yi deliberately walked along the coastline and found that the further north you go, the poorer the people's living standards are, and many fishermen are barely clothed.

Song Chengdao said, "Your Majesty, we were not allowed to enter the sea before. Fortunately, Your Majesty was merciful and allowed people to enter the sea. The livelihood of these people has been much better.

Furthermore, the government is now more tolerant of private salt, allowing people to cook their own salt, which can be considered a living. "

“No wonder these **** people are rebelling. If they don’t rebel, I will look down on them.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but complain.

 Everyone laughed and laughed, and the prince often made surprising remarks. They were used to it, but it was hard for them to answer the question.

 (End of this chapter)

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