Chapter 531 Benefits

Lin Yi looked at this cheap nephew who was only a few years younger than him and said with a smile, "Yes, he is a good boy."

 At first he just thought it was a child who couldn't keep calm, so he came straight to Ankang City as soon as he arrived.

Now it seems that he has underestimated the other party. He came to visit his uncle out of filial piety and did not talk about state affairs.

I have to say that this operation is still very easy to increase the favorability value.

Lin Yuantu continued, "My uncle is ridiculous. The desert west is a cold and remote place, and there is no information. However, I often hear businessmen talking about my uncle. Every time he makes amazing remarks, it is thought-provoking. My nephew is also impressed after hearing it."

Lin Yiming knew that the other party was deliberately flattering, but he still asked out of curiosity, "Then what do you say outside the Great Wall?

 Unlearned and incompetent?

 Idle and idle?

 Sit back and enjoy the success? "

 “Uncle misunderstood,”

Lin Yuantu raised his head and explained, "I don't know how to be a king outside the Great Wall. I don't keep the clothes I choose. I don't eat food that emphasizes taste. I don't pretend to be beautiful. I don't hide evil. My uncle, with his innocent heart, speaks quickly and quickly. On the contrary, he is influenced by me outside the Great Wall. People like it.”

Lin Yi felt very comfortable hearing this and said happily, "Yes, as a person, you must be honest. Uncle, I don't like those vain people."

Then his eyes drifted to the gift list in front of him, he opened it unceremoniously, glanced at it, and said with a smile, "Nephew, you are too polite. I feel embarrassed to come all the way and bring so many things." "

Not counting gold, silver and jewels, there are thirty thousand cattle, sheep and horses alone!

Although most of them stayed in Shuozhou at the discretion of the cabinet, it was not a short journey from outside the Great Wall to Shuozhou!

 No matter what the character of the Moxi people is, at least their attitude is in place.

According to He Jixiang, Moxi has never given such a big gift since Emperor Yongguang.

By the time of Emperor Delong, Moxi no longer paid attention to the Liang Kingdom, and the tribute system was in name only. Sometimes they only used some cattle and sheep furs to deal with it.

Even in autumn and winter, they would go to Liang State to harvest grass and valleys.

However, it won’t go too far. At most, they will kill some unlucky people, plunder some materials, eat and drink enough, and then leave.

As long as they don’t go deep into the hinterland like the Wadan people with the goal of attacking cities and plundering territory, the Liang Kingdom can just turn a blind eye and just dance and dance and run.

Lin Yuantu said loudly, "This is my nephew's wish. It's best if my uncle doesn't dislike it."

 “I don’t dislike it, of course I don’t dislike it,”

Lin Yi turned his head and said to Hong Ying, who was standing aside, "Turn back and tell the Ministry of Rites that when my eldest nephew comes back, bring two kilograms of the king's best tea. You can't go back empty-handed, otherwise it will be shameful." "

 According to the rules, when foreign countries pay tribute, he must pay generous amounts in return.

  It means that no matter how much you give me, if I persuade a wealthy man with virtue, I will definitely receive a lot of gifts in return.

 Cotton, silk, porcelain, tea, salt and iron, countless items.

 So many that you are embarrassed.

 In short, when the strength is weak, it can be regarded as a stabilizing expenditure.

 But when it comes to Lin Yi, this rule doesn't work.

Isn’t that just taking advantage of someone?

He doesn’t even have a face, so why should he be polite?

 “My uncle is too polite, but my nephew is ashamed to accept it.”

It took him a long while to figure out what his uncle meant.

If it was a personal gift from this person and the prince, it would not go through the Ministry of Rites.

 Probably this man and the prince just wanted to send them away with a few kilograms of tea leaves.

 “Take it, you are also a cheerful person, not pretentious,”

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "I'm particularly annoyed by those who are nagging. Although tea is expensive, it still has to be comparable to feelings?

 Sometimes, there are many reasons for offending a person, and offending the other person's good intentions is also a kind of offence. "

 I give you something, but you don’t want it?

 What does it mean?

underestimate me?

Or do you want to express dissatisfaction deliberately?

Lin Yuantu said, "I will follow my uncle's teachings."

In such a short period of time, he gained another understanding of how shameless this prince is!

As the prince of Moxi, what kind of good tea has he not drunk?

 How can it be more expensive no matter how expensive it is?

This is not talking nonsense with your eyes closed!

 The rumors are indeed true!

 Stingy, shameless, and angry will all be repaid, none of them are rumors!

 “Drink tea, drink tea,”

Lin Yi stood barefoot on the chair, resting his elbows on his knees, holding a cup of tea and saying, "It's hot, drink more, otherwise it will be difficult."

Lin Yuantu said, "Thank you very much, uncle."

"Why are you so polite, kid? Don't be so outspoken and reserved as a family, otherwise we will all be very tired."

Lin Yi once again committed the problem of being a teacher, Zun Zun taught, "Over time, it is really harmful to physical and mental health."

Lin Yuantu raised his hands and said, "What my uncle said is that my mother often said that I don't have enough experience in doing things. This time I came to Ankang City, I hope my uncle can give me some advice."

“As far as I know, your father only has one son, and if nothing else happens, the country of Moxi will be yours from now on,”

Lin Yi couldn't help but envy the good fortune of his only son, "From now on, you alone have the final say in this Moxi, and you stick to your word. You don't need to learn how to behave. Everything you say is right, and you make decisions." All are correct.

It’s good if you don’t cause trouble for others, and how can others dare to find fault with you? "

 Only the weak need to learn how to behave and how to please others.

For example, when he was in the orphanage in his previous life, the aunts began to teach him to be "obedient" and "sensible" as long as he could remember.

 In order to get the label of a good boy, he tried his best to pretend to be well-behaved and please everyone.

 It wasn’t until he got out of society and had more exposure that he discovered what the education of rich children was like.

What they teach their children is "self" and "self-transcendence". If their children are just licking dogs like the children of ordinary families, the family business will not be saved.

Lin Yuantu did not expect Lin Yi to speak so bluntly, so he could only laugh and said, "My nephew is embarrassed to take on such a big job. My father is in his prime, so it is a blessing to be protected by his wings."

 “You are too modest again,”

Lin Yi said carelessly, "But sometimes being humble is a good thing, otherwise it will be very troublesome if you are not very capable and have a big temper.

 As a human being, sometimes it’s okay to be a little low-key. "

After listening to this, Lin Yuantu carefully chewed on what he had said to the prince.

  seems to mean something.

I could only bite the bullet and said with a smile, "That's what my uncle said."

 Lin Yi stood up, walked to the door, looked at the stars in the sky, and said with a smile, "Okay, you are probably tired after coming all the way, so go to the post house to rest. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it later."

 “Yes, my nephew is resigning.”

Lin Yuantu respectfully exited the living room.

Lin Yi looked at his back and sighed, "He is also someone who can keep his composure. He will also be a talent in the future."

Hong Ying said, "Panduo has people watching the post house. Except for this prince who came out, everyone else stayed inside.

 After Princess Xuanguo entered the palace, the Holy Emperor held a banquet with the empress and stayed in the palace of Sun Empress at night. "

Lin Yidao, "What's my attitude?"

Hong Yingdao said, "The Holy One just said a few polite words, drank a glass of wine and returned to Qilin Palace."

 “Where is the prince?”

Lin Yi asked next.

 “After the dinner party, the prince left the palace and stayed in Prince Yong’s Mansion.”

Hong Ying said with a smile, "Lord He Jixiang has asked Yu Bo to lead the imperial army to protect the prince's safety. Prince, just don't worry."

Lin Yi suddenly asked curiously, "Are the four girls from Yuboxu's family married?"

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Never married."

He and the prince once said to Yu Wenshe, consciously or unconsciously: I miss your sister day and night.

As long as Yu Wenxu and his son were not stupid enough, they would not dare to send the fourth lady away at will.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's a good thing I'm not married, otherwise I would have been a little regretful."

Hong Ying asked tentatively, "What does the prince mean?"

Lin Yi sighed, "It doesn't mean anything to me."

Hong Ying suddenly realized.

 I was very happy, Yu Wenxu wanted to do it no matter what.

 Walking along the huge courtyard corridor, I walked to Mingyue's room.

Seeing that the child was wrapped up tightly and had a rash on his face, he said, "What season is it now? Are you still wearing such thick clothes?"

 Take it off and just wear a bellyband.

 Children have more firepower than adults, so don’t think they are cold. "

 Children in the first three months have their own immunity and strong resistance, and are not so prone to colds and fevers.

 The most annoying thing is that adults feel that their children are cold and suffer from constant heat rash, ear eczema, and prickly heat.

 He has seen a lot in the orphanage since he was a child, and has also helped take care of other children. He has more experience than most people.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half a parenting expert.


 The nurse on the side skillfully untied the child's clothes.

Lin Yi pointed to the child's head and said, "You don't need to wear such thick clothes in summer. If you wear such thick clothes in winter, you need a small pillow."

 Generally, people raise their first-born babies according to the book. No matter who you are, they will tell you that newborns do not need pillows.

 But anyone with actual parenting experience knows that in winter, children wear thick clothes, their shoulders are raised by clothes, and their heads are hanging in the air, so they must have pillows.

 Otherwise, the child will definitely wake up when he hits the ground, and his sleep will not be stable at all.

The child just can’t speak, but he’s not stupid.

 Even a real fool has instincts, and he will do whatever he feels comfortable with.

 “What the prince said is,”

Mingyue smiled and said, "It's all my servant's negligence."

 “This child is quite well-behaved and doesn’t make much noise.”

Lin Yi seemed to remember something and asked immediately, "Have you taken a shower?"

Mingyue said with a smile, "The aunts all say that children have vitality, but it will disappear if they are washed too much."


Lin Yi said with certainty, "I have said it many times, no matter you are an adult or a child, you must take a bath, even if it is not once a day, you must ensure that you take a bath every two days. On such a hot day, what will happen if you don't take a bath?" look.

Hurry to prepare hot water and warm it up to take a shower. "


 Everyone did not dare to disobey and hurriedly prepared.

Lin Yi said to Mingyue, "I have told you a long time ago what bacteria are. Bacteria are most likely to breed in summer. If you don't take a bath, your child will easily get sick."

 At any time, we must talk about science!

 Be careful about hygiene!

 Jin Xiang, who was newly admitted to Hewangfu, looked at him warmly.

It turns out that a maid can receive this kind of treatment when she gives birth to a son!

Lin Yi was enjoying the cool air behind the rockery, squinting his eyes. Before he could realize what was going on, he felt hot all over his body.

 In a daze, it happened.

Looking at the shy Jin Xiang in front of her, she didn't know what to say.

 Sometimes, he still likes this irresponsible and aggressive attitude.

Whether it is Zixia Mingyue, Du Yinniang, or Hu Miaoyi, they all have too much face to do such a thing.

It has been five days since the envoy from Moxi entered Ankang City.

Princess Xuanguo still lives in the palace and expresses her longing for Empress Sun.

In the name of studying, Prince Lin Yuantu spent all day hanging out in primary school and junior high school in Ankang City.

As for the other envoys, they simply stayed behind closed doors.

“Your grandson is very promising. I never thought you could be so calm.

 His son looked down upon him. "

Lin Yi threw a wild berry into his mouth and grinned at the soreness.

Emperor Delong glanced at Lin Yi inadvertently and snorted coldly, "When Wa Dan entered the northern part of the Great Wall, I personally marched and the prince supervised the country. During the battle of Liangshui River, there was heavy snowfall, lack of food and grass, and the morale of the army was low. If it hadn't been for General Yuan Ang Risking one’s life to break out would have disastrous consequences.”

 Emperor Delong said something cryptic, but Lin Yi still understood it.

The long, elegant Prince Moxi, who has a red face and white teeth, is not a good person!

In front of me, the Khan of Moxi is personally leading the army to defend the enemy from outside. Prince Moxi is not here to ask for help!

Instead, he dragged Daliang to rescue him, hoping that after his father died, he could inherit the throne of Moxi!

If you continue to endure it, you might be like Prince Lin Zhan, year after year, without success.

 It’s still unclear who will survive and who will die by then!

 “Ginger is still spicy when it’s old,”

Lin Yi had to admire Emperor Delong, who could directly see the essence through simple phenomena, "My son admires him."


Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "If Chabi Khan dies, our Daliang Kingdom will have to face Wadan directly, and we will be out of control."

Lin Yidao, "What does the father mean?

 I wonder if there is anything you can teach your son? "

Emperor Delong shook his head and said, "You are very powerful. What can I teach you?"

 After saying that, he closed his eyes and rested his mind. No matter what Lin Yi said, he refused to answer another word.

 “Stubborn old man.”

Lin Yi left Qilin Palace helplessly.

When passing by the Imperial Garden, I saw Tang Guifei feeding the goldfish.

After swallowing his saliva, he was about to step forward when he saw the figures of his mother and Sun Niangniang again, so he quietly turned around and left.

"It seems that the relationship between Princess Xuanguo and the Khan is not very good,"

Lin Yi said lightly, "I am so happy here that I have forgotten that his man is still fighting **** battles with the Wadan people."

Pan Duo smiled and said, "Your Majesty, it is said that Princess Xuanguo also suffered a lot of grievances after entering Moxi."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "In addition to one son, what other brothers and sisters does King Khan have? Is Lin Yuantu so sure that he will inherit the throne after his father dies?"

Pan Duo said, "King Khan was suspicious by nature, so he took his two brothers with him when he went to war."

“Then he never imagined that the person who stabbed him in the end would be his own son,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Right is such a good thing. It can reveal human nature and see through people's hearts."

 In the face of rights and interests, the so-called family affection is completely vulnerable.

 (End of this chapter)

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