Chapter 533 Ask for advice

Pork Rong pursed his lips and said, "Even if you really want to hook up with the Ye family, you don't need to be so polite to Zhang Shun.

  Don’t forget, he is just a loser of the Ye family. "

Although he and General Butcher are not big shots, and their family wealth and power are average, they are at least the first-class suppliers of Daliang Kingdom!

In this country of Daliang, anyone who wants to expand the livestock business cannot get around them!

Even the Ye family can’t do it!

He had no objection to the butcher's desire to expand his business, but he couldn't accept it if he tried to fawn over Zhang Shun!

“Look, I told you not to say anything, but you just said it, and you said it so loudly. Are you afraid that others won’t hear you?”

The butcher sighed and said, "The Ye family's business is so big now, you don't even have to think about it, Ye Chen is someone we can see whenever we want?"

 Let me tell you, just establishing a relationship with Zhang Shun took a lot of effort on my part. "

Pork Rong said, "I know everything you said. In terms of ability, neither of us can stand up to Zhang Shun, but that doesn't mean we have to be humble to him.

 You want to go, if you go, I will definitely not go. "

Without waiting for the butcher to speak, he turned around and left.

 “Hey, what do you mean?”

Hurrying after the butcher, he grabbed him at the corner of an alley and said angrily, "What do you mean, you don't want to do it anymore, right?"

They have always been in partnership. If Pork Rong runs away and relies on him alone, what will happen?

Pork Rong said loudly, "You're right, I really don't want to do it anymore!"

 “Don’t say angry words,”

The butcher glared at him and said, "A few days ago, I wanted to go back to Sanhe to retire, and you were the one who persuaded me to stay. Why are you so confused now?"

“It’s different now and then.”

Zhu Rong said with emotion, "I have thought about what kind of future I can have in doing business. I want to be an official!"

 This is the greatest realization he has gained after experiencing this incident!

 A small person must not be without money for a day, and a man must not be without power for a day!

 Otherwise he wouldn’t even be able to get a wife!

 The more I think about it, the more angry I get!

 “Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

  The butcher put his palm on his forehead and asked doubtfully, "Aren't you burned out?"

Do you think you are still Wang Xiaoshuan and can become an official if you want?

How old are we? Wouldn’t it be nice to make some money with peace of mind? "

Pork said proudly, "It's because I'm older that I want to be an official!"

  Otherwise, when he gets older, even if he becomes an official, what will be the use of having a little wife?

 “You’re obsessed, aren’t you?”

 The butcher asked in confusion, "What's going on with you?"

Had it not been for Zhu Zhurong to stop him, he would have been living in Sanhe for retirement now!

 As a result, when he regained his fighting spirit, Zhu Zhurong told him that he didn’t want to do it anymore!

 He will definitely not be able to accept it!

 “Why don’t you understand?

Doesn’t this man have the power to do it?

I can’t get a wife even if I want to! "

Pork Rong said bitterly, "You said that if I had power, would that tigress at home dare to be so rampant?"

 At that time, he will be surrounded by good people who will take the initiative to help him negotiate with his mother-in-law!

 Instead of avoiding him!

Just like Shen Chu, the mother-in-law at home is so fierce, why don’t you have concubines in one house after another?

 Just because he is a general, no matter how fierce a woman is, she cannot resist God!

When things get really bad, there are a group of "good brothers" who help to cover the situation, and they are all loyal and humane.

How can I be like myself, fighting alone!

“This is not something you can do if you want to, right?

You are like Wang Xiaoshuan, you have a primary school diploma! "

The butcher said angrily, "If it's as easy as you say, I'll go there tomorrow!"

Zhu Rong snorted coldly, "Who among these old guys, Mo Shun and Huang Daoji, has a primary school diploma?

Why should they be officials but I can’t? "

 The butcher rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why don't you know it? That is a major invention contribution!

 With the permission of the prince!

 What contribution have you made that can earn the prince's approval? "

Pork Rong chuckled and said, "What do you think I'm doing these days when I'm busy?"

The butcher said impatiently, "Then just say it, it's getting late, we have to go to the Chunxiang Building to book a private room in advance, otherwise we'll be late and we'll have to be guests!"

That’s a shame! "

Zhu Rong waved his hand and said, "Didn't you ask me the day before yesterday why I gave you five thousand taels of silver?

Then let me tell you now, I took this money and asked the Daliang Academy of Sciences to help me research compressed biscuits and canned meat!

As long as the research on this thing is successful, do you think it is a major invention?

 Is it considered a contribution? "

The butcher put his hand on his forehead and said, "You devil, you are stunned!"

Those are all things in the story with the prince, why do you take it seriously? "

Pork Rong said, "Which of the exercises we practice, Huiyuan Gong, Lion's Roar Kung Fu, and Star Absorbing Technique, are not the same as those in the prince's book?"

The butcher whispered, "That's because the manager borrowed the name of the technique from the prince's book in order to cater to the prince."

Everyone in Liang Kingdom knows that he and the prince don’t know kung fu!

 Not modest, but really not at all.

Just any kid on the street can beat the **** out of the prince.

“I don’t care whether you believe it or not, but I believe it anyway!”

Pork Rong said very insistently, "This compressed biscuit and canned meat sounds mysterious, but it is not difficult to understand. Just find a way to put the minced meat in a sealed box and not be exposed to air, so that it can be stored for a longer time."

“I don’t care how you want to fix it,”

 The butcher gritted his teeth and said, "Just tell me whether you want to go to the banquet tonight."


Pork Rong raised his head and said, "No matter how great Zhang Shun is, he is still a bitch. I am not so depressed that I would lick his toes."


The butcher pointed at his back and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

 At night, Su Yin used the fish caught by Lin Yi to make a bowl of crucian carp soup.

 “Tofu is old.”

Lin Yi couldn’t help but comment after finishing a piece of tofu.

Su Yin next to him turned pale with fright. Fortunately, Lin Yi's next words made him feel a lot better.

“It’s hard for you to pick off such a small fish bone so cleanly, so be careful.”

 “This is what small people should do.”

Su Yin said quickly.

He and Wangye like to eat fish, but they especially hate fish bones.

 Whatever the prince hates is what he hates.

 Being anxious about what the prince is anxious about and thinking about what the prince thinks is his consciousness as a cook.

 It is a special test of knife skills to remove the fish bones without cutting the fish into pieces.

He didn't know who had the best martial arts in Ankang City, but he knew who had the best swordsmanship.

Except for the butcher Zhu Zhurong, there is no one else.

 In terms of knife skills, Pork King dares to be ranked first. Not to mention Ankang City, even in the Liang Kingdom, no one dares to be ranked second!

Everyone who sees the skill of the cook and the cattle will be stunned!

  When killing a pig, no one needs to hold it down or tie it up. You just let the pig stand there. Once the knife is passed, in one breath, the pig will grunt and fall directly to the ground, and its bones and flesh will be separated.

The most exaggerated thing is that a mosquito flies past in front of you, and with a single stroke, the wings, head, and legs of the mosquito can be clearly distinguished without any ambiguity.

After meeting the prince, he and the prince lamented that it would be a pity not to be a cook with such a good knife skills.

 Pork Rong doesn’t want to be a cook.

Suyin doesn’t want to lose his job.

The two hit it off immediately, and Pork Rong taught Su Yin, the cook and Ding, the knife skills of Jie Niu.

Although he can't keep up with pork now, he can pick fish bones with ease.

 He even thought about learning Yu Shi’s and Ah-Dai’s secret skill of the Purple Gold Hammer.

This time is perfect for making meat sauce and soup.

  walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine.

 Lin Yi was walking along the garden, shirtless and with a puffy belly, taking a sip of the wine in his hand from time to time.

 “This wine from Mosi is really good.”

Lin Yi had to admit that this brew was better than his!

I could vaguely hear someone crying.

 Walking over, just looking at the back of the bush, I knew it was Jinxiang.

 “Why are you crying?”


Jinxiang was startled when she heard the voice, turned around, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty."

Seeing her in a daze, Zixia's face turned pale with anger, but she still said softly, "The prince is asking you something, please answer her carefully and don't be too busy crying."

After Mingyue became pregnant, all the big and small matters in the house basically fell on her shoulders.

After Jin Xiang entered the palace, the prince also specifically asked her to take care of her.

What does it mean to cry and cry here now?

If you really want to cry, run away and cry in the garden, isn't it just for the prince to see you?

The prince saw it, didn't he just embarrass her?

If you want to use tricks, you should also play at a higher level!

 Playing such a low-level game is simply looked down upon!

 “I’d like to inform you, Your Majesty, that this servant is fine.”

Jinxiang wiped away tears.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, put away your tears, there's nothing to cry about."

 He grew up in the palace. The more he saw, the deeper his understanding became.

Three women in one scene, more than three will lead to house fights.

There are more than twenty maids in this small Hewang Mansion, and there are countless overt and covert fights.

Although this Jinxiang is his woman, she is a foreigner after all and has no status. It is normal for her to be bullied.

As someone who is in charge of the royal family, if he gets involved even a little bit, even if he shows the slightest tendency, someone will die.

The best way is to sit back and not interfere in women's internal affairs.


 Jin Xiang stood up with tears in her eyes and said.

"I understand that you are new here and want to show your kindness and compromise everywhere, but kindness has not grown teeth, that is weakness,"

Lin Yi said calmly, "Sometimes, you have to be stronger and don't please others, it's useless.

 Only when you become stronger will your kindness be accepted by everyone. "

Jinxiang nodded and said, "This slave will listen to the prince."

After Zixia breathed a long sigh of relief, she walked up to Jin Xiang, held her hand, and said with a smile, "Good sister, if you suffer any grievances in the future, just tell me and I will make the decision for you."

 “Sister Xie Zixia.”

Jinxiang obviously shrank her neck, showing fear.

 Zixia's eyebrows furrowed even deeper.

Lin Yi saw everything, and his understanding of Jin Xiang deepened in his heart.

 This girl is not a good person!

 It’s just that the method is too immature.

 Given time, he might become a master of house fighting.

 In the following days, Ankang City experienced light rain one after another.

Lin Yi personally went out of the city to inspect the potato and sweet potato cultivation. He looked at the bare hills that had been dug up and said nothing in the end.

Talk about soil erosion and environmental protection, but it’s all in vain.

Out of boredom, I entered the palace and asked him to play one game after another of backgammon.

 “You lost again.”

 Emperor Delong threw away the Go pieces, obviously not very interested.

“The father is still more powerful than the son.”

Whether it's Go or chess, he loses no matter who he plays against.

I have always wanted to make a comeback through backgammon, but unexpectedly I lost so badly that I lost my temper.

 He is also very desperate!

Emperor Delong raised his head and said, "You are quite courageous. Zhen Sanbei is a good general."

“If you are reluctant to give up your children, you will not be able to trap a wolf; if you are reluctant to part with your wife, you will not be able to trap a gangster.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, "There is really no one available for my son, so I had to take this step."

The corner of Emperor Delong's mouth twitched, and he said bitterly, "What kind of vulgar language is this?"

Lin Yi said proudly, "Father, don't worry about what is vulgar and what is not. A good language is a language that can be understood by others. Otherwise, if you speak in a colorful and brilliant way, what's the use of it if no one understands it?"


Emperor Delong leaned on the railing of his chair, stood up and said, "How should you deal with the envoy from Mosi?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "My son would like to ask my father for advice. Why can my father teach me?"

Emperor Delong said, "You are all my sons. I hope you are all alive and well."

Lin Yi’s head was filled with questions.

  Where did this statement come from?

 Why did you suddenly bring up this topic?

“My son is not too smart, father, please just tell me.”

 “Let King Yong go to Moxi.”

 Emperor Delong spoke every word, his eyes always fixed on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Father, it's easy for you to say. I agree, but third brother may not agree either. You also know his temperament, how can you give up so easily?"

Emperor Delong said, "Go to Jinzhou in person and bring my letter to persuade him to surrender. He is a smart man and will not go to the road of death."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "My father said it so suddenly, my son doesn't know what to say."

 Shen Chu's army pressed on the territory, and King Yong was basically in a desperate situation.

But Lin Yi was not in a hurry and kept letting Shen Chu surround him without attacking.

 The two sides are always in a stalemate.

 However, Emperor Delong suddenly mentioned this topic today, which made him a little confused.

This old man really cares so much about his sons?


Emperor Delong sighed, "With him outside the Great Wall, we can keep our Daliang Kingdom safe for decades!"

 Besides, you know, your biggest pet peeve is not him. "

 “Western Wasteland?

Jingangtai or Jizhao'an? "

Lin Yi stretched his neck and asked.

Emperor Delong said calmly, "You brothers should not follow my old path. I am tired, so you can retreat."

                      by narrating your words and speaking half-finished words.

Lin Yi hates this kind of person the most!

But the person in front of him made him helpless!

 (End of this chapter)

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