I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 536: psychological construction

Chapter 536 Psychological Construction

 He used to write urban Internet articles, and the domineering presidents who appeared in the article were usually equipped with villas.

However, what is difficult for a poor loser like him is that he has no idea what the villa looks like, and he cannot imagine the emperor's golden **** out of thin air, so he can only keep looking at Du Niang.

These villa areas are basically surrounded by mountains and water, such as the most famous Victoria Peak.

There are many advantages. First of all, as long as you have money and power, no matter how remote you live, it will not affect your living standard.

 The second is an independent large house, far away from residential areas, with high personal security and privacy.

 Finally, living in this kind of place is equivalent to living in seclusion, a bit like "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains".

Of course, not all cities have the conditions to be surrounded by mountains and rivers.

For example, in the Magic City, it is OK to be "bordered by water", but it does not have the condition of being "mounted".

 Because the highest altitude in the entire city is Sheshan Mountain.

In short, I know more about the villa areas in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen than the real estate agency!

The only pity is that, like those who know about cars, they know everything but can’t afford it.

However, I occasionally feel that these rich people are not smarter than him. If he had hundreds of millions, he would definitely have to pay interest in the bank if he bought any villa!

 Eat it until you die!

 “My lord, as long as you like it.”

Jiao Zhong was equally satisfied with this place.

Since I moved in, I no longer have to worry about the neighbors, and there are no more people waiting to be an eyesore.

 Hence the duty of guarding is much easier.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Didn't we arrange for you to go to Shuozhou to practice? Why are you still staying at home?

  Could it be that you can’t bear to leave the beautiful girl at home? "

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "The prince is joking. I will wait until the relocation work in this mansion is completed before going to Shuozhou."

Lin Yi said, "Isn't it already confirmed that Han Deqing will take your place?

 He is already an old man in the house, why are you worried?

If you want to leave, leave quickly, otherwise once the war in Shuozhou is over, you won't be able to catch anything, and I, the king, want to support you, but I can't find a reason. "

This is what I have talked about with the prince.

If Jiao Zhong doesn't understand anymore, he deserves to be stupid!

He hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. I will leave tomorrow."

This time to go to the military for training, it was actually decided long ago.

 The only surprise is the choice of the guard commander.

No one could have imagined that Manager Hong would actually promote Han Deqing, who was quite mediocre in all aspects!

Especially in martial arts, although Han Deqing is also at level nine, he is still no match for Lei Kaishan, Tan Fei and others.

 Hence, Han Deqing could not convince the public.

There is an undercurrent in the house, everyone is waiting for Han Deqing to make a mistake so that he can peel off the layer of skin he is wearing.

To avoid any accidents, he planned to talk to the guards one by one and wait until things calmed down before leaving.

 However, now that Wang Ye is urging him, he can no longer wait.

After Jiao Zhong retreated, Lin Yi said to Hong, "Our old house is empty and we can't waste it. Let's leave it to Mrs. Sang and keep it as an orphanage. The place there is big enough for hundreds of children."

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty is so kind. These children will definitely be grateful for Your Majesty's kindness in the future."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Being a human being and doing things are all based on nature. If I want to repay, I don't have to do anything, because in this world, only doing good deeds has the lowest rate of return, and the things with the highest rate of return are all written on the Liang Law Here you go, a gold belt for murder and arson, it’s a quick way to make money.”

Hong Ying said with a smile, "Now, under the wise leadership of the prince, I do not pick up lost things on the road in Daliang and do not close my house at night. How can anyone dare to risk the disapproval of the world?"

 “As for words, don’t talk so full of words,”

Lin Yi sighed, "Last time I went to Jizhou, you saw the situation along the way. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people are not living in poverty. We have a long way to go.

Oh, by the way, is your sister getting better? "

Hong Ying said, "Thanks to the prince, my sister has recovered now and is very strong. The younger one bought land outside the city and has been busy all day long without stopping for a moment."

Lin Yi said, "It's good to be busy, but people are afraid of being idle. Only when they are idle will they get sick."

In the next few days, the house was busy with relocation, people were coming in and out, and there was so much noise that Lin Yi could hear it clearly in the yard.

He didn't want to stay, so he left the house.

 Be prepared to come back after the house is completely tidied up.

 When he goes out, he always wears slippers, large pants, and an undershirt, which saves more fabric than the short clothes worn by coolies.

It is the same as the guards, miscellaneous service, and learning, and do not have the same way when you are not worth it.

As time went by, Lin Yi discovered that many of the great men in Ankang City no longer wore long robes!

But just like him, big pants, short sleeves, and slippers!

 He leads the fashion in Ankang City!

Even those who don’t want to wear it will be scolded by their wives.

 It’s summer, so naturally you can save money.

 Wearing a long gown takes up too much fabric!


Now, he walks among the crowd without any awkwardness.

He was actually a little happy to be so invisible!

 He likes the feeling of walking on the street so freely without being noticed by others.

“You came to see me dressed like this?”

As soon as they met, Guan Xiaoqi said this sentence.

Lin Yidao, "What's wrong with me dressing like this?"

 Guan Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and said, "Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Lin Yi said, "You let me rent a house."

Guan Xiaoqi said bitterly, "What about the house?

 Where do you rent it? How far is it from here? Is it convenient to go to the street? How much does it cost per month?

Don't take advantage of me. The rent is too expensive and you won't be able to pay the rent later, which will embarrass me too. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I didn't rent it!"


Can you say that again! "

If Guan Xiaoqi's eyes could eat people, Lin Yi would probably not even have any scum left.

"I bought it!"

Lin Yi said proudly.


Guan Xiaoqi hurriedly asked, "How and where did you buy it?"

Lin Yi said angrily, "Don't forget, I lent you the money to buy this house!

 Why, I can’t buy it myself?

 That doesn’t make sense, right? "

 Guan Xiaoqi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Who are you, do I still know?"

“I don’t even know who I am, how come you know it? Tell me.”

Lin Yi asked angrily.

This is a serious insult to his character!

Guan Xiaoqi vowed, "You, a dog's belly can't hold three ounces of oil, and Yin eats a lot of food. The last time you lent me the money, you probably just took it and didn't have time to spend it!"

Lin Yi covered his chest and said, "What you said is so hurtful!

Since you look down on me so much, why bother living with me? "


Guan Xiaoqi said categorically, "You can't get married today if you don't want to. You must get married, otherwise what will I do?"

 “Cold salad,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You are so beautiful, but you are afraid that you won't be able to get married!"

 High-end hunters appear as prey.

 This made him very proud.

 “Hey, where are you looking?”

 Guan Xiao said angrily, "Be careful, I'll dig out your eyes!"

 “I just took a look, I have no other intention.”

Lin Yi had to admit that what attracted him most about Guan Xiaoqi was the long legs, which often made him restless and looked around the yard again, "Your father isn't here again?"

 “Why, are you afraid?”

 Guan Xiaoqi asked.

 “You’re not afraid of jokes, so I have nothing to be afraid of.”

Lin Yi said disdainfully.

“Don’t interrupt. You haven’t replied yet. Hurry up and tell me where you bought your house, how much you paid for it, and how big it was. Don’t let anyone trick you.”

Guan Xiao said angrily, "How come you don't know to discuss such a big matter with me and just make the decision on your own?

  You wasteful piece of shit, sooner or later I will make you angry to death!

 Why don’t you live up to expectations?

 No, if you really want to start a family in the future, don’t even think about putting a penny in your pocket! "

Lin Yi was helpless.

If his wife hears this, he wonders whether he should treat her like a sister or beat her to death?

“There are probably dozens of acres of land on the hills outside the city,”

Lin Yi said sincerely, "There are not many rooms. There must be hundreds of them. It cost me more than 200,000 taels of silver."

 The newly built Hewang Mansion is not only big but also huge!

 The distance from the wing to the gate was so long that he wished he could ride a donkey!

 A proper mansion.

 “Can you speak properly!”

 Guan Xiaoqi is even more angry!

 A house with dozens of acres of land?

Spent more than two hundred thousand taels of silver?

  It’s also a good idea to brag!

Even a big developer like Tian Sixi lives in a big house with only three courtyards!

 “I have spoken well,”

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Lin Yi had no choice but to sigh, "Anyway, you'll find out when you go and see it. It will definitely satisfy you!"

Who can be dissatisfied with his house?

Even Hu Miaoyi, who was quite critical of it, thought it was a first-rate place!

 The lakes and mountains are so beautiful.

If there was the Internet of Things in this era, Hu Miaoyi would definitely take pictures of Versailles every day.

 The house is too big and cleaning is difficult.

There are so many servants that I can’t even identify them all.

 My husband is busy with his career every day, so there is a large table of food that can only be eaten by me.

 Or like the lotus blooming in the yard.

 Feed the fish when you are idle and bored.

 Sit at home and watch the sunrise and sunset.

 In short, living in a house like this, you will never run out of topics to talk about.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "What about your eight-carriage sedan?"

Lin Yidao, "Do you really want it?"

 “Are you just farting when you talk?”

 Guan Xiaoqi’s eyes were on fire.

 “No, no, I’ll prepare it for you now!”

Lin Yi quickly denied it, and then said, "Just wait."

 “Hey, what are you doing!”

Guan Xiaoqi hurriedly called to Lin Yi who turned to leave.

Lin Yi said, "I'll go and fetch the big sedan chair for you."

 “You’re a prodigal, you can’t live a good life, you still have eight big sedans, how come you can’t live a good life like that?”

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi was confused again.

 No matter what you do, it’s wrong.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "I don't know anything about your family situation. Please tell me what I should prepare."

Lin Yi said, "I have more than twenty brothers and sisters. Each of them has their own family. Those who don't live with their parents live in their own homes."

 “So many brothers and sisters?”

 Guan Xiaoqi was shocked at first, but when he heard that the family had separated a long time ago and no longer lived together, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not old, he has seen a lot of things in the village. His mother-in-law and sister-in-law are the most difficult ones. It would be extremely uncomfortable if they lived together.

Lin Yi explained, "My father has married many young wives, so only one sister is a compatriot, and the others are half-brothers."

"I understood when you said that. It turns out that your father has married so many wives." Guan Xiaoqi looked Lin Yi up and down. "From your tone, your father is very rich?"

Lin Yi said, "I used to be very rich, but now the family has been divided. There are many sons and many daughters. Once the money is divided, he himself is basically gone."

"I see,"

Guan Xiaoqi asked curiously, "Then if I marry you, will your father agree?"

Lin Yi said, "Why, are you afraid at the critical moment?"

 “I’m not afraid,”

 Guan Xiaoqi raised his head and said, "I just asked casually."

 “You didn’t ask a few days ago, but you’re asking now?”

Lin Yi poured himself a cup of tea, minding his own business, "Is it too late?"

 “Huh, I want to marry you, what does it have to do with anyone else?”

Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "However, I'll try my best not to make it difficult for you.

You go back now, pull your donkey, and pick me up in the evening. I will go with you. Anyway, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog. I accept it. "

 “It’s so tragic, as if I’m bullying you,”

Lin Yi put his hands behind his back and said with a confident look, "Don't do this, it's not good for others to see you."

“You got an advantage and still acted like a good boy, believe it or not, I will beat you up?”

 The more Guan Xiaoqi looked at it, the angrier he became.

 “Okay, then I’ll leave.”

Lin Yi waved as he walked, "I'll pick you up in the evening."

As soon as he left the yard, Han Deqing floated down from the roof next to him, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty."

Lin Yi said, "I'm going to get a wife."

Han Deqing said, "Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince."

Lin Yi said, "Then why are you still standing there?"

ˆ “.”

Han Deqing looked confused.

If he is not in a daze, what should he do?

 What can you do for yourself?

 You should explain it clearly!

“Prepare ten boxes of betrothal gifts and find Guan Sheng,”

Lin Yi said seriously, "I want to ask him to propose marriage. Remember, when you find someone else, prepare him mentally in advance!"

While Han Deqing was still wondering what "psychological construction" was, he heard Lei Kaishan say loudly, "I'll do it now."

Han Deqing had no choice but to catch up with Lei Kaishan who had already gone away.

Lei Kaishan stopped on a lush tree and blew the whistle hanging on his chest.

He said to Han Deqing who was chasing him, "Your Majesty, the Imperial Guards are coming. Give them orders."

Han Deqing nodded towards him and looked at the figure getting closer and closer in the distance.

 It turned out to be Zhou Jing, the loser under Fang Pi's hand.

 “Zhou Xiaoqi, I have an order with the prince to find Guan Sheng.”

 As he spoke, Han Deqing threw the token to Zhou Jing under the tree.


Zhou Jing glanced at the token, threw it back to Han Deqing, and floated away.

Han Deqing looked at Lei Kaishan again, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Lei, you know that I am stupid. I really don't understand what it means to prepare mentally in advance?"

Lei Kaishan chuckled and said, "He Wangye means that after we find Guan Sheng, we will tell him his true identity directly, so that the prince can go and waste more time."

"I see."

  Han Deqing suddenly realized.

 (End of this chapter)

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